Chapter 263 After a long absence, I finally returned to my hometown today!!

“Master, we received a communication request from Zhu Forbidden City!”

“Take it.”

As the words fell, Xiao Ai projected a virtual screen in front of Lin Ziqin.

On the opposite side of the screen, it is C.C.

“How did you come back so quickly?”

Before Lin Ziqin could speak, the C.C. on the other side couldn’t wait to inquire.


Lin Ziqin hugged his chest with both hands and pinched his chin with one hand.

“How long have we been away?”

C.C. glanced at the time and replied, “Five hours and seven minutes!” ”

“Only five hours?!”

Lin Ziqin’s face was surprised.

Although he knew that the time flow rate gap between the Overworld and the Fifth World was huge, this gap was still beyond his expectations!

He had thought that at least a few days would pass over here.

“Xiao Ai, it seems that we must deploy the dimensional gate as soon as possible and open up the connection between the two worlds!”

It’s only been a few hours here, and the Fifth World has been going through the Fa for months!

I can’t believe what it would be like to be over there if twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours had passed over here!

Fortunately, he had the foresight to leave the manager to replace him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Looks as dignified as ever? ”

C.C. looked at his man doubtfully.

Lin Ziqin said, “I’ll tell you the details later.” ”

C.C. nodded, “Well, we’ll wait for you at home.” ”

The communication ended.

“Is that your wife the Emperor?”

The big guy Qili walked over, and there was a hint of curiosity on the face of the ancient well.

“One of my many wives to be precise.”

For the matter of opening his own harem, Lin Ziqin did not feel any shame, but was very confident.

After all, a man can open a harem, which also shows that he is capable!

This is something to be proud of.

What’s more, isn’t it very normal for the emperor to have a harem of three thousand beauties?

“That’s the way it is.”

The big guy Qili only replied faintly, and then she turned and said, “Your Honor, can I go to the Imperial Library to have a look?” ”

“Library?” That’s fine, but instead of going to the library, you should go directly to the think tank. ”

Lin Ziqin naturally knew what the big guy Qili was going to the library for.

It is nothing more than wanting to gain knowledge within the empire.

But libraries still can’t get comprehensive knowledge.

Moreover, reading books is too slow.

And think tanks can not only gain the vast majority of knowledge within the empire, but also learn the things in an instant!

Speaking of which, some people must have thought about what a think tank is.

That’s right, the think tank is the Tianyuan Empire’s version of the wisdom domain!

Wisdom is one of the most advanced technologies of the Creator Pioneers!

It is a collection of all the knowledge and knowledge of the pioneers!

Pioneer, maker of all things.

It is rumored that the origin of the pioneers can even be traced back to the time when the universe was not yet born.

(PS: HALO’s latest setting suggests that the history of the pioneers can be traced back to at least 30 billion years ago!) Only 13.7 billion years have passed since the birth of the universe, and the pioneering technology has reached a terrifying stage long before the birth of the universe.)

In other words, the Wisdom Realm is a treasure trove of infinite knowledge!

However, this think tank of the Tianyuan Empire version obviously did not have the amount of knowledge that the Wisdom Domain was so favored and stored in it, and it was only the knowledge that the current Empire possessed.

The only people who can access the think tank are the prominent people in the empire.

At the moment when Lin Ziqin’s voice fell, he had already opened up the access to the think tank to the big guy Qili.

Subsequently, Lin Ziqin explained to the big guy Qili what a think tank is, as well as its use, use method and location.

After listening to these words, the eldest old Qili couldn’t wait to leave.

Lin Ziqin also returned to his home in the next few minutes.

When he returned home, he took the lead in telling the women what he had experienced in the past few months.

“That means you still haven’t been able to find my sister?”

Euphemia looked sad.

Nanali shook Euphemia’s hands and comforted, “Sister Euphie, don’t be too sad, didn’t you say dear?” Although they had not found Sister Euphemia, it was at least certain that they had found a way home. ”

Lin Ziqin also said, “Yes, all kinds of indications show that they have found a way to go home, maybe now they are on their way home, but the road is far away and it takes some time.” ”

“Maybe they’ll be back soon!”

Although he knew that Lin Ziqin’s words were just comforting himself, after listening to these words, Euphemia’s mood was indeed much better.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ai suddenly brought good news to everyone.

“The host! Receive their signal from General Cornelia! ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd stood up in an instant.

Everyone looked at Lin Ziqin in disbelief.

He had just finished speaking, and Cornelia returned, is it such a coincidence?

Even Lin Ziqin himself was a little incredulous.

Did his mouth light up?

Taking a deep breath to calm his inner excitement, Lin Ziqin asked, “Are you sure you are not joking with me?” ”

Everyone else was also staring at Xiao Ai, afraid that she was just joking with everyone.

But Xiao Ai replied very affirmatively, “I’m not kidding, just a few minutes ago, Tianyuan received a signal from the Exterminator fleet, just a certain star field three hundred light-years away from the solar system!” ”

“Go! Go and pick them up! ”

Lin Ziqin and the women boarded the Tianyuan in a mighty way.


In some unknown star field thirteen hundred light-years away from the solar system.

The Exterminator fleet is advancing slowly.

Fleet flagships.

Cornelia awoke from the dormant pod and went straight to the bridge.

At her side were her lieutenants.

Cornelia rubbed her temples and asked, “How long have we been dormant this time?” ”

Each time you travel through the world for a different time.

In the shortest few days, the longest he met was Ye years!

So every time they cross the world, they will choose to go into the dormant to sleep and wait until the end of the crossing to wake up.

“Report to Your Honor, General, this crossing will take four years and seven months.”

“Four years?”

Four years is not a long time, but it is not short.

Tick tock!

Just then, an electric bell rang.

At the same time, the ship’s senior servant appeared and said to everyone in the bridge, “Congratulations, everyone, we have returned to the territory of the Empire!” ”

“Just now, we have made contact with the Empire, and the Emperor has set out to meet us!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was impressed.


They are finally home!

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