Chapter 264 Sisters Reunion!!



After many days (many years), the two sisters met again.

The two embraced each other.

“Great, sister, you’re finally back!”

“Yeah, I’m back, hugging, and you’re worried.”

“No, it’s not your fault, as long as you come back.”

Lin Ziqin and C.C. and the others stood aside without disturbing the warmth of the two sisters, but Cornelia also knew not to waste time.

After hugging her for a while, she let go of her sister and turned her head towards Lin Ziqin.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, the subordinates are back!”

“Well, welcome back.”

Lin Ziqin nodded happily.

Cornelia was able to return to the Empire Overworld on her own, which really impressed him.

“Accompany your sister first, and give me a detailed report when you go back.”

“Obey orders!”

It’s night.

Lin Ziqin sat on the dragon chair, holding his chin in one hand, and the detailed report sent by Cornelia with the other hand.

Suddenly, Xiao Ai appeared in front of him and said, “Master, after research, the two alien tablets brought back by General Cornelia have nothing to do with the Koya. ”

“They exist much longer than the history of the Khoya.”

For such a result, Lin Ziqin was not surprised.

If the Koya people could have created such a bullish thing, they would have rushed out of the home planet to become an interstellar civilization.

“Do you know who their creator is?”

“It is not clear for the time being, the information on the obelisk is too little, we only know at present, the other side is a civilization that existed tens of thousands of years ago, and finally seems to be extinct for what reason.”

This sentence made Lin Ziqin’s heart fluctuate.

Was it a civilization tens of thousands of years ago?

Fortunately, it is extinct.

If they hadn’t become extinct, tens of thousands of years later, they would definitely be stronger than the Tianyuan Empire!

However, the fact that they were able to create such a magical thing was enough to show that they had mastered extremely high technology at that time.

What is the reason for the destruction of such a powerful civilization?

Shaking his head, Lin Ziqin withdrew his thoughts.

There is so little information at hand that it is useless to continue to worry about it.

“Xiao Ai, since that obelisk can make people travel through the world, can my door use it as a second tool to cross the world?”

However, Lin Ziqin’s idea was quickly rejected by Xiao Ai.

“You’d better not do that.”


“According to my research, the space rifts torn apart by the obelisk are very unstable and prone to danger.”

“What’s more, it can’t accurately locate the world, and it can’t guarantee whether your foothold when you travel to another world is safe!”

“Simply put, it’s like a ship that has lost its navigational ability.”

“Every voyage comes with a very high level of risk.”

“It was a miracle that General Cornelia was able to return safely from a dozen journeys, as if he had been favored by the god of luck.”

Lin Ziqin shook the report in his hand and said, “It’s not completely safe either. ”

“The report says that during these dozen or so crossings, they also encountered some dangers, in addition to the CCS-class cruiser we found, they lost several other ships in the process of crossing.”

The reasons for the losses on those occasions are clearly stated in the report.

And each one has a lot to do with where it appears after the crossing.

This also confirms Xiao Ai’s statement.

This is indeed a ‘vessel’ that has lost the ability to navigate.

It seems that these two obelisks cannot be counted on.

“But it can be used as an emergency measure.”

The Shield World’s traversal ability requires a cooldown period after each use.

The obelisk is not needed.

Once they encounter danger in the New World and the Shield World cooldown time has not yet ended, they can use the Obelisk’s ability to get out of trouble.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin immediately said, “Xiao Ai, install this obelisk on the Tianyuan.” ”

“Do as you are told.”

Cornelia’s return is something to celebrate.

Therefore, the next day, Lin Ziqin specially held a Rongzhong celebration in order to celebrate their return.

And in order to celebrate this day, Lin Ziqin also set this day as a holiday!

After the celebration, Cornelia returned to her job.

And the passion for their return has gradually faded under the grinding of time.

The days passed like this.

For a long time, Lin Ziqin did not carry out a new crossing.

Because of the discovery of the Fifth World, Lin Ziqin and the entire empire have put the entire center of gravity pig in the development of the Fifth World.

The magic there is very magical.

When the people of the Empire, who are accustomed to the convenience of technology and life, when they heard that magic existed in the Fifth World, they all hoped to go to the Fifth World to become a great magician!

It’s just that the Empire doesn’t open the way to the Fifth World to everyone.

Only military personnel, as well as some of them, are eligible for hornworm magic.

Of course, this is only temporary.

After all, magic will not only bring new power systems to the Empire, but it will also bring new problems.

Until the Empire has fully figured out how to deal with these problems, the people will not be allowed to obtain magic.

Even if access is later opened to citizens, those who want to learn magic must undergo psychological tests.

If you let those who have bad intentions learn magic, it will definitely cause chaos at that time.

Time passed without anyone noticing.

Suddenly, more than a decade passed.

“Whew! Unconsciously, have I been working continuously for so long? ”

On the dragon chair, Lin Ziqin put down the document in his hand and looked up and couldn’t help but sigh.

Although he sometimes likes to be a handshaker.

But in fact, he sat on the dragon chair for a long time than at other times!

“Master, you’ve been working for so long, do you want to go out for a walk?”

Xiao Ai proposed.

Lin Ziqin nodded, “Well, with this intention, in a few days I plan to carry out a new crossing.” ”

Now that all the secondary worlds have entered a stage of steady development, it is time to open up new worlds.

“Oh? Just came to hear that you are planning to go on a trip. ”

A familiar white figure walked from outside the main hall with lotus steps.

“What, you he wants to go to the horse?”

Lin Ziqin asked with a smile.

Boss White shook his head slightly.

“No, there is new research recently, there is no time.”

Boss White’s current identity is not just a princess, she is also the chief biologist of the Empire!

Sometimes, she was even busier than Lin Ziqin.

“That’s a shame.”

Lin Ziqin sighed, and then asked, “So what kind of horse did you come to me for?” ”

Bai Yuekui usually stayed in her own laboratory, and she must have come here to have something to do.

Bai Yuekui said, “I want to borrow some equipment from the shield world to do research.” ”

“That’s it!”

Lin Ziqin also did not ask what kind of research he was doing.

Anyway, the wife has a need, he is unlikely to refuse…

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