Chapter 265: A New World, a New Enemy!!

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The piercing sound of the whistle echoed through the bridge.

Several bodies lay vertically on the cold metal floor.

These people have a similar appearance to humans, but surprisingly, the skin of his door is dark blue!

“Cough cough cough!”

With a violent coughing sound, a seemingly middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes.

He helped the machine next to him and climbed up from the pile of corpses.



Suddenly, two beams of light flashed past the bridge a dozen times.

The man turned his head to look, and through the bridge window, he saw dense beams of light crisscrossing in the dark universe.

There are green, blue and purple.

“Here it is…”

The man shook his sleepy head.


At this moment, an even more dazzling flame suddenly lit up.

He looked down at the light and saw a battleship suddenly explode!

At the same time, a string of memories flooded into the mind.

“By the way, here’s the demarcation line! I’m rowing the door in Jamgo! ”

The man finally remembered everything.

His name is Kagamirev and he is the captain of this ship!

At this moment, he and his teammates are fighting a group of mysterious enemies!

With this in mind, he hurried back to his captain’s seat and pressed a button on the armrest.

“Report the ship!”


Accompanied by a piercing electronic sound, a cold and emotionless voice sounded.

“It was reported that the main body of the ship was damaged, the main engines of the first and second were offline, and the power was reduced by 91%.”

“The energy supply is damaged and the fire control system is offline.”

“Warning, fire in District 7, fire in District 7…”

Kagami pressed the button again and the sound stopped instantly.

There is no need to listen any longer.

The ship is completely finished!

Such a serious injury, even if the ship is towed back to the home port, it is estimated that there is no maintenance value, and it can only be dismantled.


It was another dazzling fire.

He staggered to the string window of the bridge to check on the situation.

The first thing that catches your eye is the wreckage of countless battleships!

Through these wreckage, I could faintly see that the battle in the distance was almost over.

There is no doubt that it is their side that has lost.

He was not surprised by such a result.

The other side is strong, and within two minutes of the battle, its own warships have lost dozens of ships!

With such a strong strength, their side is definitely invincible.


“Who are they?”

Kagami clutched his aching chest, his heart full of doubt and surprise.

Their Gamilas Empire is almost all over the corners of the galaxy, and they have been traversing the galaxy for so many years, but they have never seen these enemies!

Where did they come from?

Just when Kagami was puzzled, the distant battle finally ended and the universe returned to tranquility again.

At the same time, a nearly thousand-meter-long, purple-painted spaceship appeared outside the bridge.

“The other side’s battleship is too big, isn’t it?”

The enemy’s battleships are not only strong in combat, but also outrageously large in specifications!

Most of their battleships of the Gamilas Empire were only a few hundred meters tall.

And the smallest of these enemy warships are all thousand-meter-class, and the largest is as long as 10,000 meters!

Such a huge battleship, he had never heard of it, and he had seen it in every bed!

Suddenly, a scanning beam of light shot out of the ship’s belly and landed on the battleship on which Kagami was riding.

A few seconds later, he witnessed two strange-looking aircraft flying out of the battleship’s hangar and heading for this side.

Is the other party searching for survivors?

Definitely not to be caught by these people!

No one knows what will happen to them when they are caught by these mysterious enemies!

Thinking of this, Kagami pulled out the gun in his hand and aimed it at the door of his head.

“Long live the Empire of Gamilas!”


Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.


A bullet instantly pierced his head.

Dark green blood gushed out, and Kakagamita fell to the ground in response.

After Kagami’s death, the two aircraft did not turn back.

Because according to the scanned results, there is not only one survivor of the broken ship, Kagami!

Inside the bridge of the Tianyuan ship.

Lin Ziqin Mo held his chin and stared at the holographic projection in front of him.

This is a holographic projection of an enemy warship.

He always felt that these battleships were very familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere, but he couldn’t remember where they had been seen.

But having this feeling can at least show that this new world should be some anime, movie work…

“Master, the battlefield has been cleaned up and seventy-seven enemies have been captured.”

Xiao Ai’s words broke Lin Ziqin’s thoughts.

“Shut them all up, and send someone to interrogate him.”

The most important thing now is to get the intelligence of these enemies.

Otherwise he wouldn’t have gone out of his way to search for survivors.

“Master, I do not advise us to stay in this place, just detected the enemy sent a signal for help, the enemy’s reinforcements may arrive soon.”

Lin Ziqin nodded after hearing this.

“Yes, let’s get out of here for a while.”

Although these enemies are weaker, no one knows whether there is a stronger presence behind these enemies.

“When I first came into this world, I erected an unknown enemy, and it was really a groove.”

Lin Ziqin said weakly.

They came into this world in less than an hour when they were full.

The reason why they would fight with these enemies was that Lin Ziqin’s own face forced them to do nothing when they first came to this world.

Then the group of guys suddenly appeared.

Originally, Lin Ziqin still wanted to say hello to a friendly person.

As a result, the other side launched an attack on them without saying a word.

Although these attacks were only equivalent to itching for them, it was not his Muziqin’s style to not fight back when attacked.

Then the fighting broke out.

Throughout the battle, from the beginning to the end, they slaughtered the enemy in a crushing manner.

It was just an hour after Lin Ziqin had left this star realm.

An even larger Camillas Imperial fleet arrived.

“What the hell is going on here?”

When the fleet commander saw these scenes in front of him, the whole elder’s face darkened.

There is no doubt that these wrecks are the wreckage of their Gamilas Empire warship!

But who in the entire galaxy could annihilate an entire Imperial Fleet of Gamilas?

After a brief shock, the fleet commander reacted.

“Send out a salvage team immediately!” Fast! ”

Some of the wreckage of these battleships has been completely reduced to pieces, while others have been relatively intact.

There may be survivors among these relatively intact battleship wreckage!

Even if not, there must be important information stored in the terminal of the battleship!

Perhaps, you can find the enemy’s information begging from it!

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