Chapter 266: Space Battleship Presses the Dock?!!

Wandering planets, also known as interstellar planets, orphan planets. In layman’s terms, they don’t orbit any stars.

There are many such planets in the universe.

They originally orbited their own stars, and were ejected from the planetary system after being affected by the gravitational pull of other planets and celestial bodies.

At the end of the Milky Way’s Perseus Arm, it is filled with a large number of wandering planets.

And near one of the dark wandering planets, a huge starfleet is docked.

Yes, this Starfleet is the Tianyuan Empire fleet led by Lin Ziqin!

After leaving the battlefield, Lin Ziqin led the fleet to a blind jump that lasted for several hours, and finally came to this position.

In the bridge of the Tianyuan ship.

Lin Ziqin stood in front of the holographic stage, quietly watching the picture in front of him.

“Dark blue skin, almost identical to that of a human being, calls itself a Gamilas.”

“Aren’t we coming to the world of Space Battleship Press?”

As early as the fleet was still gliding through the fault space, Xiao Ai had already learned the information they wanted from the mouths of those captives.

But until now, Lin Ziqin didn’t have time to check it out.

However, it didn’t matter if he didn’t look at it, Lin Ziqin was suddenly speechless at this look.

Let’s just say why the previous enemy’s warships are so familiar, and the feelings are those warships of the Gamilas Empire!

Empire of Gamilas, from the anime Space Battleship Yamato.

Be the standard villain, the enemy of humanity!

No matter which power in this world, their warships are very strangely designed

For example, it is obviously a space aircraft carrier, but it will design a flight deck on a battleship

Another example is that it is obviously a bridge, but it must be built in such a prominent, conspicuous place, and it is not afraid of being bombarded by people.

Of course, the strangest thing is indeed the human beings on Earth.

Take the wreckage of a battleship that has sunk in World War II to build a space battleship!

The reason why Lin Ziqin did not recognize these battleships at first was mainly because he watched the anime a long time ago.

Not to mention these battleships of the Gamilas Empire, the drama in the car is almost forgotten.

“I don’t know what time period it is at this moment.”

It has just been learned from the Gamilas captives that they have discovered humans in the solar system.

It can be seen that the war between mankind and the Garmilas Empire has broken out.

But exactly when it will be confirmed.

After all, the plot finally begins a few years after humanity and the Gamilas Empire go to war.

Tick tock!

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted Lin Ziqin’s thoughts.

“Little love, what’s wrong?”

Xiao Ai replied, “Master, the hyperspace radar has detected that a search spacecraft is approaching!” ”

“The other side is jumping, and it is expected to pass through our space in one minute and thirty-three seconds!”

“Can you track where the end of the search ship’s leap is?”

“Sorry master, can’t be traced, the other side uses a very different jump technology from ours.”

Usually, Tianyuan can track where the opponent entered the transition state and where it landed through the traces of a battleship in the fault space.

But the jump method used by that ship was not a fault space jump technology, so Tianyuan could not accurately grasp where the other party was going to go.

Lin Ziqin pondered with his chin and asked after a moment, “Are you sure there is only one?” ”

Xiao Ai nodded very affirmatively.

“Very sure! There is only one signal from the other side! ”

“If that’s the case, then stop it!”

Lin Ziqin didn’t want to pay attention to the search for the ship, but when he thought that the other party might be the pressure dock, Lin Ziqin decided to stop and take a look.

Xiao Ai said, “Obey the order, the hyperspace interception network has been deployed.” ”

As soon as the voice fell, a huge and invisible space interception network was generated with the Tianyuan as the center.

It’s just that this interceptor network is not in the regular space, but in the jump space!

The hyperspace interception network, as the name suggests, is specially arranged in hyperspace for intercepting aircraft that make transitions in hyperspace.

As long as the aircraft hits the hyperspace interceptor network, it will be forced to exit the transition space.

This technique is quite powerful! A minute is not a long time.

In the blink of an eye, it passed.

A circular space crack suddenly appeared in the space not far in front of the fleet, and then a golden spaceship jumped out of the space crack.

“Isn’t it the Dock Number?”

This golden body is not a human spaceship at first glance.

Lin Ziqin was slightly disappointed, but then he seemed to think of something again, and his heart was overjoyed…

“That’s right! Golden ship, isn’t that the Iskandar spaceship? The Iskandars, a race of people with very developed technology. ”

In the past, the technology of fluctuating energy was used to create the Star-destroying Weapon Wave Cannon, and in this way, the Great Magellanian Nebula established a magnificent interstellar giant nation.

Now she is the Virgin of the Universe, often saving weak civilizations.

In the original book, humans have not yet mastered the space jump technology and shield in this era.

When they were ravaged by the Gamilas Empire, it was the Iskandars who sent technology thousands of miles to make the human beings of this world truly enter the era of interstellar civilization

And it also has the strength to compete with the Gamilas Empire.

And the Iskandars like to paint their ships with this upstart color!

“Is this the ship in the original book that searches for technology to send technology to Earth?”

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin immediately said to Xiao Ai, “Xiao Ai! Send troops aboard the ship to control the search ship! ”

“Obey orders!”

Meanwhile, inside the golden spaceship.

The elf-like beautiful blonde maiden stared at the huge fleet outside the bridge.

“Who are these?”

The girl murmured softly, her voice soft, like a natural sound.

“When did such a civilization emerge in the galaxy?” Could it be a foreign civilization? ”

Although the Iskandarians only operate within the Great Magellanian Cloud, they have always been concerned about the surrounding galaxies.

She can assure her that this civilization has never existed in the galaxy!

“No, you have to get out of here.”

While it’s not clear exactly what these people want to do, she thinks it certainly won’t be a good thing.

However, when she started the jump engine again, she found that the engine could not start!

Isn’t it an accident that you just suddenly jumped out of the transition space? But more despair is yet to come.

When she tried to control the ship, she found that the ship could not be controlled!

“What the hell is going on here? Why can’t I control the ship? ”

The slender jade finger tapped quickly on the keyboard, but there was still no reaction on the screen.

Looking at the fleet approaching in front of her, the girl panicked…

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