Chapter 267 – Alien Queen, Julixia Iskandar!!

In the reception room of the Tianyuan.

The blonde girl sat in her chair and looked around with a slightly panicked look.

Two service robots placed tea and snacks in front of her.

In the bridge of the Tianyuan, Lin Ziqin observed the blonde girl through the eyes of the service robot.

“Is it really her?”

Similar to what he had suspected, the golden ship that had been captured was the Iskandar spaceship that was preparing to go to Earth to deliver technology.

And the passengers on it are the Three Queens of Iskandar, Lixia Iskandar!

Sure enough, it looks almost exactly like humans!

Rather, in this work, all the higher civilizations of the universe are humanoid.

Whether it was the Iskandars in front of them, or the Gamilas, or the White Comet Empire people who terrified both humans and the Gamilas Empire, they were all humanoid.

It’s just that the skin color is different.

However, according to the human aesthetics, Lin Ziqin felt that it was indeed the most beautiful of the Iskandar people.

Maybe it’s just because he’s only seen Iskandar women.

“Master, we have found the thing you said.”

Xiao Ai suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Lin Ziqin’s thoughts.

“Oh? Open it up and show me! ”

As soon as the words fell, a design was projected on the holographic table.

This is exactly the design of the wave engine that the Iskandar people are going to give to the human beings on Earth!

In the original book, Iskanda you send things twice.

The first time was the design drawings sent by Her Royal Highness the Third Queen, and the second time was her sister the Second Imperial Daughter who sent the Wave Core.

The plot begins after the second time.

That said, it’s still a year or so before the show starts!

Xiao Ai continued, “Master, in addition to these blueprints, I also dismantled the engine of the golden spaceship and found the wave core you said. ”

“This is it.”

An oval-shaped orange object appeared in front of Lin Ziqin.

This is indeed the core of the fluctuation, yes, exactly the same as he saw in the anime.

“This is a good thing, with it you can build a wave cannon!”

If you want to say that Lin Ziqin’s most eye-catching thing in this work, it is a wave cannon! The Wave Cannon is a very powerful weapon in this game!

It’s powerful enough to easily destroy a continental plate!

A few Wave Cannons can destroy a planet the size of an Earth!

Even if their Heavenly Yuan Empire’s battleships encountered the Wave Cannon, they could only go around! Except, of course, the Precursor warships.

The shield of the forerunner battleship was very strong, and there was no pressure on the face to receive several wave guns.

(PS: Here is my guess based on the setting, the halo novel mentioned that the forerunner has a kind of mech that has been eliminated, this mech is very fierce, one is enough to annihilate the star, but the weapon of this mech can not break the shield of the forerunner battleship)

But how many forerunner warships are there in the Empire?

So far, the total supply has only added up to about 150 paragraphs!

This time, Lin Ziqin brought a hundred and twenty search warships, one hundred of which were Star Alliance warships, and the remaining twenty were the forerunner warships.

That is to say, this world is still a bit dangerous for Lin Ziqin at present.

“Little love, according to this thing and these technologies, I want you to build me the wave cannon.”

According to Lin Ziqin’s guess, the design of the wave engine and the wave cannon are similar, and with the wave engine design diagram, the wave cannon should be able to be built.

After all, the humans on Earth in the original book made the Wave Cannon based on the design of the Wave Engine.

The technology on their side is far beyond the earth of this world.

Humans in this world can use the design of the wave engine to create a wave cannon, and there is no reason why he can’t build it!

In the face of his master’s request, Xiao Ai immediately agreed.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Although she is only a guide, she is also a master of weapons.

Using existing technology, drawing to design a weapon is not a problem.

Most importantly, the core of that weapon is here, and it’s even simpler.

Lin Ziqin waved his hand to close the holographic platform in front of him: “Let’s go, let’s visit this Imperial Lady’s Highness together.” ”

The tea is delicious, and even the dim sum is very tasty.

Yulixia took a sip of the tea on the table and said in her heart.

At first she was reluctant to eat these things.

After all, children know that they can’t just eat what strangers give.

But she was so hungry!

The last time she ate, she ate before she set off on her home planet.

And that meal wasn’t too full.

Originally, she was thinking of tasting human food when she arrived on Earth.

But before it reached the earth, it was picked up by a group of mysterious people.

Now she is very worried about the safety of her life.

“Is it delicious?”

“Well, it’s delicious.”

Julixia nodded subconsciously.

But when she reacted, she blushed and put down the snacks and tea in her hand as if she had been caught stealing food, which was very cute.

Lin Ziqin was also amused by this woman.

“It’s all right, you keep eating, it’s meant for you.”

Yu Lixia did not move, but looked up at Lin Ziqin.

“Are you human?”

“Oh? This is all you can see” Lin Ziqin was somewhat surprised.

Obviously, there are many yellow-skinned races in the universe.

Even Julixia herself was yellow-skinned.

So how did she recognize herself as human at first sight?

After receiving Lin Ziqin’s affirmation, Yulixia had such an expression and immediately explained, “We Iskandar people are very sensitive to the perception of breath. ”

“We all know the breath of the known races in the universe at present, but only the latest discovery is that humans born on the Earth of the solar system are relatively unfamiliar.”

“That’s the way it is.”

Lin Ziqin pulled out a chair and sat down opposite Youlixia.

Perhaps because of knowing that it was a human being in front of her, the tension and uneasiness in Yulixia’s heart had eased a lot.

She held out her jade hand and continued to eat the snack.

“Aren’t you humans still unable to get out of your own planetary system?” Why are you here? ”

Lin Ziqin shrugged his shoulders and said without comment, “Indeed, the humans of this world are still trapped in their own planetary system.” ”

“But we’re not them.”

“This world?”

Yu Lixia’s hands moved and she looked at Lin Ziqin with wide eyes.

“You mean…”

“Yes, we are not human beings in this world.”

Lin Ziqin immediately introduced himself: “My name is Lin Ziqin, and I am a human from another world!” ”

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