Chapter 268 not only dismantles people’s engines, but also dismantles people’s ships?!!

Lin Ziqin did not hide that he was; The identity of the people of the other world.

Because there’s no point in hiding it.

On the contrary, being honest is easier to win the trust of the other party.

“Don’t you think it’s incredible?”

Yulixia nodded, “Yes, but that also clears my doubts.” ”

Although it was indeed very incredible, Yulixia chose to believe it.

Because as far as she knows, the human technology of this world has not yet been so developed.

As Fang Cai said, the human beings of this world are still trapped in their own planetary systems and cannot get out.

If they were also interstellar civilizations, they would not have been beaten so badly by the Gamilas Empire.

Yulixia took the tea, drank it all, and said calmly, “Then the human beings from another world, are you willing to extend your jade hand for the human beings in this world?” ”

“They are now living in the depths of the sea, and the whole civilization is on the verge of destruction!”

As a human being, I believe that this person should not see death and not save, right? Julixia thought so.


“I’m sorry, but my answer is no!”


Lin Ziqin’s unhesitating refusal surprised Yulixia.

“For, why? Aren’t you all human? They should help each other to make her a little unable to understand what the man in front of her was thinking. ”

Obviously everyone is human, why not help each other? Yu Lixia’s naïve thoughts made Lin Ziqin can’t help but laugh.

“Why? Because it was their own death. ”

Why did the Empire of Gamilas attack humanity?

The reason is simple, it is the humans who attacked the fleet of the Garmilas Empire!

When the Imperial Fleet of Gamilas first discovered humans, there was no hostility.

(PS: The reference here is the 2199 version)

After all, no matter how they say it, they are also a powerful interstellar civilization, what does it mean to bully the weak?

They also met many other alien races, and even some of them joined the Gamilas Empire and became a member of the Empire.

Are they going to go to war against a civilization that’s too weak to get out of its own planetary system when they’re full?

Not to mention the war of extermination! This is obviously not possible.

It’s all because of human greed!

At that time, after humans discovered the Gamilas Empire ship that suddenly appeared in the solar system, they wanted to obtain the other party’s jump technology, so they launched an attack on the Gamilas Empire fleet.

The Imperial Fleet of Gamilas chose to fight back after being attacked, and in the end they were regarded as the most heinous bad guys.

All this is because the human beings in this world are just asking for their own suffering, why should he Lin Ziqin help them?

Is it also human?

Joke, if this alone needs to save them, then there are still many human beings in the world who need to be saved by him, and it will not be their turn.

But Julixia and these Iskandars ran to be living saints in Lin Ziqin’s eyes to the ridiculous.

See what else Juliea wants to say.

Lin Ziqin immediately took the lead in interrupting her.

“There’s a saying in our human race that says that.”

“The sins of heaven are forgivable; Do not live by your own sins! ”

“They deal with the trouble they cause, and I don’t have time to help them.”

This statement left Julixia speechless.

Even in that instant, she herself was almost persuaded in turn!

Although she felt that Lin Ziqin was very ruthless, she also had to admit that what Lin Ziqin said had some truth.

But as an Iskandar, she really couldn’t see death and not save her.

“Since Mr. Lin Ziqin is not willing to lend a helping hand to your compatriots, then I will not say more?”

“But please ask Mr. Lin Ziqin to let me go, and I will go to save mankind!”

Lin Ziqin was suddenly embarrassed.

“Cough, I’m afraid it’s not okay on this point, well, not for the time being.”

“Why? Do you still want to interfere with the charity of others? ”

Julixia tilted her head and asked with a dumb face.

“Of course not! What others want to do, I never interfere. ”

“Then why didn’t you let me go?”

“Cough, this is the reason for some kind of resistance from the clan.”

Can’t tell her that your ship was dismantled by me because she wanted to get the Wave Core, right?

“But this is only temporary, and after a while this irresistible cause will disappear!”

“I promise!”

Lin Ziqin patted his chest and said seriously.

With their side of the technology, it’s not hard to figure out the technology at the core of the wave.

It is estimated that in a few days, Xiao Ai will be able to create their own wave core, Yu Lixia, who is staring at Lin Ziqin’s face, as if he wants to see him through.

It always felt like he was hiding something.

After a while, she said, “Well, trust you.” ”

I don’t believe it or I can’t help it, now my life safety is in the hands of this person.

“I’ll have someone give you a room where you can enjoy your visit.”

“Thank you.”

After leaving the guest room, Lin Ziqin did not return to the bridge.

Instead, he came to the arsenal where Xiao Ai was.

As we all know, Tianyuan is a super battleship with a length of more than 15,000 meters

Inside, in addition to some areas that the battleship basically owns, there are even several arsenals!

As long as the resources are sufficient, the energy of these arsenals will continue to build a ship of war equipment Tianyuan, which is enough to destroy a high-level civilization!

That’s not nonsense!

Of course, under normal circumstances, Lin Ziqin could not let the Tianyuan single ship attack.

Unless it’s a last resort.

Cough, back to the point.

At this moment, Xiao Ai is studying the core of fluctuation in the research institute of the arsenal.

“So, is there any progress in the research?”

Xiao Ai replied: “The research is still relatively smooth, the technology of the fluctuation core is not too advanced, give me three more days, I may be able to fully understand how it works.” ”

“Three days? Great, then wait three days. ”

“Wait three days? After three days, is there anything to do? ”

The words of his master made Xiao Ai wonder.

Lin Ziqin had no choice but to tell her about Yulixia’s going to Earth.

However, after listening to these words, Xiao Ai fell silent.

Lin Zi Qin had a bad premonition in his heart.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Master, in fact, the gold-searching spaceship has been dismantled by me, and even the dismantled parts have been returned to the furnace by me.”


“You can do it.”

Lin Ziqin was already powerless to complain.

Xiao Ai explained, “I thought you weren’t going to let people go, that’s why I did it, Master.” ”

“Am I a robber in your eyes?”

“No, it’s not so much a robber as an old snakeskin.”

Hard! The fist is hard!

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