Chapter 269 Yulixia!!

“What? You dismantled my ship? ”

When Lin Ziqin relayed the situation of the spaceship to Yulixia, the latter immediately became angry.

“Why are you destroying my ship?!”

Not to mention, her bulging appearance is actually honey cute.

“Cough, this was just an accident, we didn’t mean to dismantle your spaceship.”

Lin Ziqin shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly.

“Don’t be too angry, I’ll be responsible for that.”

Well? How does this sentence sound like a scumbag speaking?

“Responsible? So how are you going to be responsible? ”

Julixia clasped her hands to her chest, and the anger in her heart remained undiminished.

It was her only means of transportation, and she was counting on it to get to the solar system!

Lin Ziqin said, “Aren’t you going to Earth?” Wouldn’t it be better if I sent you over? ”

“Eh? But don’t you want to help your fellow citizens? ”

“I’m really not going to help those people, but I’m not helping them, I’m helping you, don’t get confused.”

Although this is indeed equivalent to a curve to save people.

But there was no way, after all, her spaceship was destroyed on his side. However, Yulixia on the side didn’t think so.

Lin Ziqin’s answer made her instantly make up a story.

It turned out that Mr. Lin Ziqin actually wanted to help his compatriots in his heart, but he was embarrassed to open his mouth, so he found such an excuse?

But this excuse is really clumsy.

Yulixia thought so.

After understanding this, Yu Lixia crossed her hands at her waist, turned her anger into joy, and looked at Lin Ziqin with a smile.

The feeling of Lin Ziqin in his heart was also several notches better.

“Well, I’ll accept your help!” You’re going to send me safely and completely to Earth!” ”

Lin Zi Qin frowned.

Looking at her smile, I always felt that this girl had misunderstood something.

But no matter what, it’s good that things work out perfectly.

Next, the fleet begins its departure for the solar system.

At the moment, the position of the fleet is at the end of the Perseus Arm.

It is separated from the solar system on the Orion Arm by tens of thousands of light-years.

Such a long voyage, if you rely on the Tianyuan ship alone, it will probably only take three or four days to fly.

But after all, Lin Ziqin was leading a whole ship.

This whole ship believes that it will take at least ten days to fly this distance! And that’s the fastest.

However, Lin Ziqin was not in a hurry, he just let the fleet advance at half speed.

There’s no reward for flying so fast anyway.

“Your jump technology is so magical!”

When the ship recognized the fault space, the girl was immediately attracted by the scenery outside the ship.

In fact, there is no gorgeous scenery in the fault space that can attract people.

But this is still very new to the girl.

Because when her ships, including those of all civilizations now known, make the transition, the time inside the ship is stationary!

Because during the transition, the battleship will enter a magical high-latitude hyperspace.

There is no concept of time there, and naturally there is no flow of time.

Looking at the girl lying on the porthole like a curious baby, Lin Ziqin smiled.

This girl is very similar to her own blue original Yanzhu.

Very interested in anything new.

As if noticing Lin Ziqin’s gaze, the young girl turned back.

“You, what are you laughing at?”

Julixia’s face was flushed and somewhat shy.

The look of myself just now seems to damage the image.

“No, I didn’t see anything.”

Lin Ziqin shook his head, then changed the subject and asked, “By the way, if I remember correctly, you Iskandar people want humans to go to your side to get something called the Cosmic Recovery System to restore the ecology of the earth, right?” ”


Yu Lixia didn’t expect Lin Ziqin to know so much.

Obviously not a person of this world, how did he know this?

However, before she could ask, Lin Ziqin opened his mouth again.

“Since you are all willing to travel thousands of miles to Earth to send technology, why don’t you send it directly along with that Treasure Recovery System?”

Lin Ziqin had always wondered about this.

And the delivery technology is also sent twice.

Send drawings once, core once.

It was so troublesome that it finally took the life of an imperial daughter into it.

Lin Ziqin didn’t understand why they were going to such trouble.

Euryssa said, “Because it’s also a test!” Test whether humanity can overcome the difficulties on the road and reach the planet Iskandar! ”

“Got it, the space version of the Western Heavens Sutra.”

Speaking of the Western Heavens Sutra, if I remember correctly, the ultimate jump distance of the space battleship Pressur Pier seems to be 1800 light-years away.

Isn’t that a tribute to Journey to the West? Well, quite possibly!

“Oh? Not long after I left, did the captain hook up with the little girl? ”

Xiao Ai suddenly returned to the bridge, and the big mechanical eyes looked at the girl standing next to her master.

It’s a beautiful woman.

Lin Ziqin rolled his eyes: “What is hook-up, feelings for your master and I are really old snakeskin in your heart.” ”

“What a cute little robot!”

Yulixia’s eyes lit up as she looked at Little Love.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Xiao Ai enjoyed this praise for herself.

Lin Ziqin said to Yulixia, “Tell you about it, this is Xiao Ai, my best partner!” ”

“Little love, hello!”

Yulixia waved her hand at Xiao Ai.

“How about you, Ms. Julixia.”

Lin Ziqin pulled Xiao Ai over and asked, “Haven’t you been in the research institute all along?” How did you suddenly come back? Is there a recent development in the experiment? ”

Xiao Ai did not answer immediately, but glanced at Yulixia on the side.

Lin Ziqin instantly understood what she meant.

“It’s all right, you say, you can’t hide this matter for long anyway.”

Julixia tilted her head in confusion.

What are these two people saying? What is not hidden?

Xiao Aiwen no longer worried, and said bluntly: “Yes, the research of the Wave Core has indeed made new progress, and I am ready to try to do a few, hoping that the master will approve it.” ”

“Eh? How can you have a volatile core? Wait a minute……… If you dismantle my spaceship, shouldn’t it be just for the sake of the Wave Core?! ”

Thinking that Lin Ziqin said that his spaceship had been dismantled, it was not difficult to guess the answer Lin Ziqin nodded awkwardly: “Cough, that’s right.” ”

“You guys… How can you be so bad? ”

Ulyxia puffed her cheeks, like a cute little pufferfish…

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