Chapter 270 Arrives in the Solar System!!

For the next few days, Yulixia didn’t pay much attention to Lin Ziqin because she was angry.

Although Lin Ziqin was very speechless, he didn’t care too much.

He and Xiao Ai both focused on studying the Wave Cannon and the Wave Core and the time passed unknowingly.

After several days of unremitting efforts, the first experimental wave cannon was finally built!

In order to experiment with this wave cannon, Lin Ziqin had to let the fleet stop for the time being.

Then I randomly found an inanimate death star for test firing tests.

“Not only to dismantle my spaceship, but also to develop this destructive weapon!”

Well, now there’s one more reason to make Julieth angry. It is estimated that it will take some time for this lady’s qi to subside.

Lin Ziqin ignored the puffer fish girl.

It is strange to have such a powerful weapon not in your hand.

He didn’t want to be a great saint like the Iskandars.

He can do without interfering with the development of weak civilizations, and he can do without bullying weak civilizations, provided that the other party has no conflict of interest with himself.

But to be like the Iskandars, to give up powerful weapons and instead help other civilizations for free, he absolutely cannot do it!

Isn’t being a saint in this vast universe a pure search for death? No wonder there are so many of them left in Iskandar now.

“Little love, start experimenting.”

“Obey orders!”

As the words fell, an SDV-class battleship equipped with an experimental wave cannon broke away from the fleet and flew towards the death star in front of it.

Two minutes later, the SDV-class battleship came to a relatively safe distance.

“Experimental wave cannon starts!”

“The energy supply matrix starts and starts charging!”


The muzzle of the wave gun lit up with a blue-white shimmer.

“The energy value is normal, the reading is normal, the signal is normal… Recharge 28%! ”

“Continue to charge…… 55%……… 70%。 ”

Tick tock!

When the energy value was almost full, a police pitch sounded.

Lin Ziqin hurriedly asked, “Xiao Ai, what happened?” ”

Xiao Ai replied: “Charge 94%!” The power supply matrix is abnormal! ”

“But it’s a small thing, I’ve made parameter adjustments and now I’m back to normal.”

The degree is just abnormal, Xiao Ai immediately found the cause and made an emergency countermeasure.

Finally, the charge reached 100%!

“Master, now that the Wave Cannon can be fired, just wait for your orders.”


“Yes! Experimental wave cannon, fire! ”


An aqua blue light gushed out from the muzzle of the gun, like a straight column of water, flying towards the Death Star.

Two seconds later, the Wave Cannon landed on the surface of the Death Star’s planet.


In an instant, the earth was torn apart, and the surface of the planet was like a dry riverbed, and there were dense cracks.

A few seconds later.

Wave cannon end output.

At the same time, the Death Star broke through from the inside out, turning into countless fragments and flying towards the dark universe.

“This, how is this possible?!”

An exclamation spread throughout the bridge of the Tianyuan.

However, this exclamation was not issued by Lin Ziqin, nor was it Xiao Ai, but Yu Lixia!

Her eyes stared dead at the broken planet, and her pupils were filled with disbelief.

“Why are your Wave Cannons so powerful?”

The Death Star was sixty-eight thousand kilometers in diameter, almost three Earths side by side.

However, such a huge planet was destroyed by a wave cannon as the race that originally developed the wave cannon.

But even if they were, I am afraid they would not be able to make such a powerful wave cannon!

Lin Ziqin was also surprised by the power of the Wave Cannon, but he didn’t show it, but Xiao Ai still felt a little inadequate about this power.

“This experimental wave cannon uses a lot of forerunner technology, and its power has naturally increased a lot.”

“But from my observation, that’s not the limit.”

“Give me a few more days, and I should be able to increase its power by two to three times on top of that!”

With this first-hand data, the next upgrade of the wave cannon is more convenient.

After hearing Xiao Ai’s words, Yulixia’s whole body was blinded.

Can you increase your power by two to three times?

See, this is human language!

Lin Ziqin was very satisfied with this.

Without hesitation, he ordered Xiao Ai to let go of his hand and do it.

Yulixia very much wanted to dissuade Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai from them, this kind of annihilation weapon should not have appeared!

However, at the thought that the other party could not listen to her at all, she finally swallowed the words.

She only hoped now that the human beings of this world would not be as crazy as Lin Ziqin.

The experiment is over.

The results of this experiment are very good. The fleet set off again for Earth.

Time flies again.

After more than ten days of hurrying, the fleet finally reached the outer reaches of the solar system, that is, the orbit of Pluto.

Tick tock!

As soon as the fleet jumped out of fault space, the radar reacted.

“Master, discover the Gamilas fleet near Pluto!” And the other side seems to have found us too. ”

It is normal, after all, the distance between the two sides is not far, only two astronomical units are far away.

(PS: 1 astronomical unit is 1 AU = average distance from the earth and day = 149.6 million kilometers)

“Warn them how far they can roll, don’t get in our way, or they’ll all sink!”

Lin Ziqin didn’t want to pay attention to these guys.

Although he did not like the humans of this world, he also did not have much affection for the Gamilas Empire.

As long as they don’t come to get in his way, then he’s not going to pay any attention to these guys.

“Captain, the other side has issued a warning to us, let’s get farther away.”

“Damn, how dare they insult our great Gamilas people like this!”

“Captain, are we going to attack them?”

After a moment of silence, the captain shook his head.

“Retreat! Report the situation here to the Empire! ”

The Gamilas did not dare to make any dangerous moves after receiving the warning. For this mysterious fleet that suddenly appeared, they were still a little jealous.

After all, the number of opposing ships is huge, and even the individual ships are larger than theirs! In the face of the other party’s slightly insulting warning, they can only be incompetent and furious.

And choose to put the situation on it and let the people above handle it.

“Master, the other side has retreated.”

Little Love has been keeping an eye on this Gamilas fleet.

Seeing them retreat, Xiao Ai told Lin Ziqin the situation for the first time.

“Very good, it seems that they are not reckless either.”

In the face of unknown enemies, it is common sense to keep a distance and try not to provoke them.

But even if it is such a simple common sense, the human beings of this world do not understand.

When encountering a civilization stronger than itself, it not only does not keep a distance, but also takes the initiative to attack.

It is simply an old life star eating arsenic, living impatiently B…

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