Chapter 272 Sure enough, the rabbit family’s talent is normal!!

Located in the command center of the Gamilas Front Base in Pluto.

A man with yellow skin in the Mediterranean stands in front of a huge screen.

In fact, not everyone in the Gamilas Empire has blue-blue skin

There are also human races similar to humans.

It’s just that they are usually called second-class Gamilas.

The middle-aged man looked nervous, as if waiting for something.

Finally, in the anxious wait, the huge screen lit up.

Only to see a blue-skinned first-class Gamilas appear on the screen

The moment this person appeared, the middle-aged man immediately lowered his head.

“Commander of the Pluto Fleet in the Solar System, Valkai Shuz, reports to you, Lord Karltito!”

“Say, what’s the matter?”

The admiral named Carl looked a little impatient.

He had just been having fun with the newly sought concubine, and as a result, the second class was going to see him, and whoever else would be upset.

If the other party hadn’t used an emergency contact code, he wouldn’t even want to come over!

Valkai didn’t know what his boss was thinking, and he just wanted to teach the situation to this side quickly.

“Lord Carr, just an hour ago, a huge mysterious fleet appeared in the solar system!”

“Oh? Is it. ”

Carl replied disapprovingly, and even repaired his nails.

Valkay was in a hurry when he saw this.

It is rumored that Lord Carl sat in that position by relationship.

At first he didn’t believe it, but now he does!

He said it so obviously that the other party couldn’t understand it at all!

If it weren’t for the fact that the other party’s official position was higher than his, and he was still a first-class person, he would even want to break his mouth and scold.

Taking a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, Valkay had to continue: “Lord Carr, I need instructions, please tell me, how should we deal with this fleet?” ”

The nails were finally repaired, and Tooth Er was very pleased with his masterpiece.

That’s when he set his sights on Valkai’s body again.

“Tell me exactly about that fleet.”


Over the next few minutes, Valkai described the fleet to Carl, and by the way, sent a few photographs of it.

And when Carl saw the picture on the screen, the whole person was not calm.

Only to see him stand up with a snort.

“Who are they?” Didn’t expect them to hide in the solar system? Hahahahaha, my chance to get promoted has come! ”

Valkay tilted his head, a look of doubt.

“Lord Carr, what’s wrong with you?”

He couldn’t understand why his boss was suddenly laughing.

Perhaps because the so-called promotion opportunity made Carl so excited, he was even willing to explain it for this mere second-class person.

“You may not know it when you stay in the solar system, but now the whole empire basically knows about this fleet!”

“More than half a month ago, they attacked one of our expeditionary ships and completely annihilated our expeditionary fleet!”

“This incident has disgraced the Empire, and now the Empire is looking for them all over the world!”

“The Empire has even assembled a huge fleet to deal with them in order to wash away the shame of the Empire!”

I see.

Now Valkay knew why the boss was so happy.

The whole empire was looking for this fleet, and as long as he gave the whereabouts of this fleet to the top level of the empire, there was no doubt that Karl could indeed be promoted.

Oh, alas.

Such a good promotion opportunity was actually picked up by this related household.

Although very unhappy, Valkai still pretended to congratulate his boss.

“Valkai, you’re doing a great job, keep an eye on them, don’t let them run!” The Imperial Forces will arrive soon! ”

Carl’s look in Valkai’s eyes now was also quite pleasant.

“Obey orders! The subordinates are definitely keeping an eye on the target for you! ”

At this moment, Lin Ziqin did not know that he had become an enemy and a fragrant feast for the entire Gamilas Empire.

But even if he knew, he probably wouldn’t care too much.

Admittedly, it was really difficult to defeat the Gamilas Empire with this little battleship he had brought.

But it was perfectly fine to deal with a mere ship of the Gamilas Empire.

What’s more, a few days earlier, Lin Ziqin had upgraded all the warships in his opponent.

Not only are all battleships equipped with no less than ten enhanced wave cannons, but even all battleships’ shields have been upgraded by a wave!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the White Comet Empire does not come out, this one hundred and twenty warships in Lin Ziqin’s hands can walk sideways in this world!

Even if the White Comet Empire came out, it would not be afraid.

After all, you can’t beat and run!

If Lin Ziqin wanted to run away with the fleet, no one in this world could catch up with him!

……… Tianyuan.

Ship time at 9:30 p.m.

A Phantom flew back from Earth and landed in the R017 hangar.

When the hatch opened, the blonde girl stepped out of the middle section with a lotus step.

“It’s a surprise that you’re coming back.”

The girl in front of her was none other than Yulixia, who had gone to Earth for a few hours to deliver technology.

Lin Ziqin had thought that this girl would end up living on the earth like in the original book

Yulixia crossed her hands and said, “Of course I’m coming back!” You still owe me a spaceship! ”

“If you don’t make up the ship you owe me, I won’t leave!”

Of course, even if the ship is returned to her, she will not leave! She’s already here!

Lin Ziqin shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, let’s talk about it, what kind of spaceship do you want?” I’ll make it for you. ”

Yulixia: “No hurry, wait for me to think slowly!” ”

“Okay, tell me when you want to.”

“Then I’ll go back to sleep, bye-bye.”

Watching the young girl leave, Lin Ziqin murmured, “This girl seems to be very happy today.” ”

Xiao Ai said, “Maybe it’s because the task was completed.” ”


“By the way, Xiao Ai, what is the situation on the side of the rabbit’s house?”

Lin Ziqin was very curious about what the Rabbit Family would do after obtaining the technology of the Wave Engine, Xiao Ai replied: “Just half an hour ago, the top level of the Rabbit Family decided to use the most advanced section of the battleship in its hands to modify it. ”

Sure enough, the rabbit’s family’s head was normal.

Ten thousand times stronger than the next door guy using a World War II battleship to make a makeover!

“By the way, the name of the modified spaceship is Bamin.”

Lin Ziqin: “??? ”

Is it a coincidence? It should be.

But no matter what, the story of this game should be renamed “Space Battleship Eight Min” in the future.

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