Chapter 273: Is this what the book calls pride? Love love!!

The parent star of the Empire of Gamilas is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 160,000 light-years from Earth.

But their rule is extremely broad.

Even within the galaxy, there are a large number of colonies.

And the military affairs in charge of the galaxy are the galactic commander-in-chief Elk Demel!

Elk De Mer, a legend of the Garmilas Empire.

At the age of 38, he became an Imperial General and led an entire fleet to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Galaxy!

In the Imperial Army, it is even more known as the ‘Cosmic Wolf’!

Countless young soldiers have taken him as their life goal, and countless young girls have regarded him as the lover of their dreams.

Even Karl, who had long despised others, seemed humble in the face of the imperial general.

“You’re doing a great job, and your discovery can bring shame to the Empire.”

Elk put down the report in his hand and looked directly at the young man in front of him.

“Your name is Carl, right?”

“Yes, Lord Elke!”

Karl answered respectfully on one knee and bowed his head.

The aura that emanated invisibly made people dare not look at it.

“I have already written down your deeds, and when I return from this expedition, I will reward you, and you will go down.”


Carl was overjoyed.

He came here early in the morning to convey his affection, wasn’t that just for this? Although he would not be rewarded until the adult returned, he did not care.

In his opinion, it will not take long for the adults to go out on this expedition and will definitely return soon.

He just waited a month.

After Karl left, Elk summoned his lieutenant.

“Lord Elke, what do you command?”

“Gather the fleet and get ready to set off for the solar system!”

“Obey orders!”

Time flickered, and the transfer passed another few days.

In the past few days, Lin Ziqin has been paying attention to the modification of the Rabbit Family’s Bamin.

It turns out that it was right for Ulyxia to choose to give the wave engine technology to the rabbit.

In the original book, it took Neon Man a year or so to convert a World War II battleship into a starship.

Today, the rabbit family has only taken about half a month to complete half of the project.

Not only that, the advanced degree of the Bamin is also much higher than the original medium pressure dock!

However, the speed was too fast, and it made Julixia a bit of a headache.

“What to do, they are about to complete the modification, but the Wave Core will not be delivered until at least a year.”

The three sisters had already discussed it before they left for here.

She sent the technology first, so that humans could build the wave engine in advance.

When the human race was almost finished, her second sister sent the wave core over.

They had thought it would take humans a year to build the wave engine.

But it was almost completed in less than a month, which completely exceeded the sisters’ expectations.

Lin Ziqin proposed, “You can call home and ask your second sister to send something over quickly.” ”

Yulixia shook her head.

“No, it’s too far from the home planet, and the communication signal can’t cover the home planet at all.”

“Uh, is that so?”

Such an answer is surprising.

I thought that the communication coverage of the Iskandar people had already accommodated the entire galaxy.

“What to do, do you want them to wait a year?”

“But did they wait that long?”

The girl’s shell teeth lightly bit her thumb nails, and her face was sad.

Lin Ziqin sighed helplessly and had to take out the wave core for collection to her.

“Take it.”

Anyway, this wave core was also dismantled by them from Yulixia’s spaceship.

Let it be returned to its original owner.

Yulixia looked at the wave core in her hand, and a smile like a white lily immediately appeared on her face.

“You’re still willing to help humans, aren’t you?”

Lin Ziqin shook his head and said seriously, “No, you misunderstood, I just returned what I owe you.” ”

“You don’t have to say it, I know, I understand!”

Is this the arrogance described in the book of humanity? It’s so cute!

Yu Lixia’s smiling and squinting eyes made Lin Ziqin’s head grow.

“No, I don’t think you understand it at all.”

Julixia left.

She went to the hangar with joy, ready to take a transport plane to the ground again.

Just as she arrived at the hangar to board the Phantom and prepare to leave, she found that a group of Templar defenders were carrying a suitcase with a traction beam approaching this side.

No, more precisely, it’s to look at the other Phantom docked nearby.

It was only in Julixia’s eyes that they were walking towards her.

So the maiden left the Phantom again and went to the Church defenders.

“What’s in your box?”

The Templars have only very low-level intelligence.

In simple terms, it’s not very clever.

But they don’t think they’re smart, but they recognize people.

The person in front of them they know, they are friends of the master.

In the database of the little love manager, it is noted that it is ‘Lady Prospective’. So in the face of Yulixia’s question, the Templar Defenders drew the answer.

They opened the box directly for Ulyxia to see for herself.

“Wow! Isn’t this the latest shipboard shield? ”

Julixia recognized the thing at a glance.

This is exactly the shield of the latest frigate model.

“Is this going to be given to humans together?”

Yulixia hugged her chest with both hands and smiled, “Hmm, even such an advanced shield system has been given to humans!” He also said that he was unwilling to help mankind, and Mr. Lin Ziqin was indeed an arrogant woman! ”

“Okay, put this thing in the transporter.”

As she spoke, Julixia also pointed to the Phantom she was on.

The Templar defenders looked confused.

Didn’t Lord Xiao Ai say that this shield generator was to be exchanged for an SDV-class frigate?

Why did the lady-to-be take it away?

They couldn’t understand it, but after weighing it up for a moment, they made a decision—to obey the Lady-to-be and place their shield on another transport plane of the Phantom.

As for that SDV-class frigate?

Wait until you go get another shield generator, anyway, there are many such things.

Ulyxia happily boarded the transport plane Phantom.

A moment later, the Phantom left the hangar and carried her toward the other side of the globe.

In the research room of the arsenal.

Xiao Ai received a report from the Templar Defenders.

Only she didn’t say anything.

In fact, the moment the Templars chose to hand over the shield generator to Yulixia, she was already aware of it.

But she didn’t stop it, but let Yulixia take it away.

As mentioned before, this type of shield has a lot on their side, and one less is one less.

And she also thinks that the rabbits’ ship might need this shield…

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