Chapter 274 Let the human beings of this world remember the great Mr. Lin Ziqin!!

“Miss Euryssa is here again, but I’m sorry I can’t wait to welcome her.”

When Julia came to the rabbit’s house again, she was received by the rabbits to the highest standard.

If it weren’t for the fact that conditions didn’t allow it, they would even want to put up a red carpet hundreds of meters long!

Yulixia waved her hand and said, “It’s okay, don’t bother so much.” ”

“By the way, this is the core of the fluctuation, without it, even if there is a fluctuation engine, it is useless.”

When Yulixia took out the small wave core, the rabbits present all held their breath and stared at the wave core.

In fact, after a few days of research, they did find that the wave engine was missing key components.

But they don’t know exactly what that is.

They were still wondering, since the other party had sent the technology, why didn’t they send the key item as well.

Now that everything is finally complete, they have completely relaxed their minds.

A scientific rabbit carefully takes the wave core in his hand with both hands and places it in a suitcase made of alloy.

“We are exempt from home on behalf of all mankind, and thank Julisha and Iskandar One.”

“Thank you!”

The crowd bowed deeply to express their sincerest gratitude.

It’s not the first time that Julixia has faced this kind of scene, but she has also shown great calmness.

“By the way, there’s something else to give to you besides the Wave Core.”

As Yulixia’s voice fell, several Templar Defenders came out carrying the box containing the shield generator.

“Inside is a shield generator, and you may need it.”

“Shield generator?” That’s great! ”

The rabbits were ecstatic.

Before they were still worried about the defense problems of the Bamin, they did not expect that someone would send pillows when they just came to sleep!

“Thank you again Miss Euryssa for your kindness!”

“Send technology and shields, you Iskandar people are simply the great saviors of our humanity!”

Julixia shook her head slightly.

“No, no, no, this shield generator was not given to you by me, but by another person, and you should thank him very much.”

“Oh? I wonder who this person is? ”

“His name is Lin Ziqin!”

Yulixia believed that people in this world should remember Lin Ziqin, a compatriot from another world.

The other side.

Lin Ziqin was completely unaware of Yu Lixia’s unauthorized erection of a heroic image for himself.

He didn’t even know that this guy had taken one of his shield generators and didn’t say anything.

Because in her opinion, this is just a small thing, there is no need to deliberately disturb more than one Gamilas Empire frontline base in the main solar system.

In addition to the well-known Pluto front base, there is actually a base in Jupiter that serves as a former resource supply.

That is the Jupiter Floating Continent supply base.

As the name suggests, it is a large supply base built on Jupiter’s planktonic continent.

Jupiter, as the largest planet in the solar system ( planets, not the Sun, ) does not have a land planet in itself.

After all, it is a gas giant.

The continent used to establish a front-line supply base was made up by the Gamilas using some means to pull meteorites from outside space.

Because these meteorites float in the air, they are called floating continents.

After years of environmental transformation, this floating continent has long been covered with lush vegetation, and the scenery is quite beautiful.

As the commander of the supply base, one of the favorite things Sareluia Lareta does every day is to sit in front of the window, drink tea, eat snacks, and enjoy the beautiful scenery outside.

Today is no exception.

It’s just that this leisurely time is broken by the appearance of a person.

“Lord Sarelua, here is a mission from headquarters that you need to perform.”

The adjutant stroked his chest with his right hand and bowed slightly as he stood in front of Sarelujah.

“Oh, show me.”

Sarelujah’s face was displeased, she hated it most when people disturbed her during her lunch break, but even if she was upset, she couldn’t do it.

After all, it was a task from above, and she did not dare to refuse.

After all, she was only a second-class citizen, and if she dared to refuse to carry out the mission, even if she was the commander of a base, she would still lose her head!

The adjutant heard this and handed a portable terminal to Salay Lua with both hands

Sarelua read the above command aimlessly.

However, when she finished reading the task, her wrinkled face suddenly became solemn.

“Why did we go close to that mysterious ship to investigate the situation?”

The crusading fleet is about to arrive in the solar system.

But the so-called self-knowledge knows that the other will not be defeated in a hundred battles.

The order given to her by the boss was simple, that is, to send her own fleet to investigate the secret fleet and prepare for the battle that followed!

But she only has four ships!

And they were all destroyers, how could she accomplish such a difficult task?


He sighed heavily.

Despite the difficulties, orders are orders, and she can only obey them.

“Pass on my orders and send our fleet to the mother planet of mankind to get the favor of that fleet.”

“Remember, don’t get too close to that fleet, just stare at them from a distance!”

“Obey orders!”

The adjutant nodded, turned and left with the order.

An hour later………

“Master, a small Gamilas fleet was found on radar on the far side of the moon.”

Although the four Gamilas Empire destroyers were very careful, they even thought that as long as they hid on the far side of the moon, they would not be discovered.

But in the end, they still underestimated the space detection capabilities of the Imperial Fleet.

In fact, the four destroyers were spotted by Tianyuan’s radar the moment they left Jupiter and entered space.

“What are these guys doing on the far side of the moon?” Is it difficult to prepare to come to Earth to do things? ”

Lin Ziqin’s brow furrowed.

Other than that, he couldn’t think of anything else.

Xiao Ai said, “Master, I think their target should be us.” ”

“Just now, I discovered that these four spacecraft released hundreds of small probes.”

“These probes are coming towards us.”

These detectors are small, about the size of a fist. If it were someone else, they might not really be able to find these little things.

But they met this Tianyuan!

Tianyuan’s radar can even track objects in the millimeter range!

“Send the search ships to destroy the search ships.”

Lin Ziqin didn’t know what was going on in the hearts of these Gamilas.

But he doesn’t like it when people spy on him…

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