
Chapter 432: [Death of a Man] (4)

When the Landis's assault ship finally met the beach, the rebel garrison in the port area finally collapsed. Landis's assault boat finally broke through the blockade of the estuary. The densely packed boats, carrying soldiers of Landis, holding swords and shields, and archers, turned around without waiting for the boat to land when diving. Jumping out of the water, holding a crossbow, he fired at the rebel guards on the shore. Crossbow came and went, but most of the rebels on the shore had been damaged. Once the Landis were ashore, the battle for the port officially came to an end. Gislent's speculation was not wrong. The rebels lacked the courage and determination to defend the deadly battle. More importantly, these rebels did not intend to die here. They were not familiar with the coastal defense system of the port, but were only attacked. Later, instinctively resisted for a while, after the officers had been discouraged, and the team with Ruhr had a small number of members, but the elite team was in the back. Can't clean it up. Landis's landing army quickly split the array tightly along the coast. Archers and soldiers holding swords and shields stood in line to stand on the heels of the ranks in order to meet more and more Lans who landed in small boats. Ties Army. Standing on the bridge of the flagship Freelander, Gisbet looked at the coast with a telescope. The first wave of landing troops had already stood on the heels and was still in an orderly lineup to meet more people ... Tees's naval commander sighed suddenly: "Well, it's still too conservative." He glanced at the lieutenant next to him: "First; who is the leader of A's landing?" The lieutenant next to him also withdrew. With a telescope, he smiled easily: "It's Legan, he seems to be doing a good job, the beach is already occupied, and the battle below is easy." Gislent shook his head and frowned. "Legen's courage is still too It ’s a bit smaller and too secure. You see, the garrison on the shore has clearly collapsed on its own. At this time, since it has landed, it is still waiting on the beach to wait for the follow-up troops to do it? Go up! Those defenders have already lost their courage. As long as we put on a charge, I am afraid they will all fall back immediately. Legan seems to be old after all, and because of doing things securely, it is not enough to be aggressive. You have to know, our navy, is to maintain a willingness to take risks and dare to gamble. "Gislent thought for a moment, and said to the lieutenant: & t; write it down, remind me after the war and dispatch Legan to Let's take a position in the Navy. The lieutenant next to him was a little dark, but under the serious eyes of Gislent, he just bowed his head and wrote down. Gislent's words determined the fate of an admiral, but he was a general He took off the finger knife of his waistband and threw it to the guards around him. Most of them walked to the deck of the ship and yelled, "Let down a small cricket! I will take someone to land ashore!" He said, a few people around him Each of the vice generals was discolored, and someone blocked: "My lord! The battle on the beach is not over yet, wait for our second;-A landing troops have gone up, it is not too late for you to go and feed ..." Ha! Legan's courage is too small! When the second wave of people go up, I'm afraid that the sky will be bright! At this time, the throne of the Seal of God, every moment is as precious as gold! Release the boat! Gislent finally stared and drank. The number of troops landing on the first wave of the Landis was only two or three thousand, and they were still on shore in accordance with the practice of landing operations. The landing troops have not come up yet. Just after entering the estuary, the boat didn't have time to drop all. Gislent had already taken the guard of the two cows and several vice generals, took a small boat, left the flagship directly, and landed! This Landis The commander in chief of the navy had a really bad vision and was very keen on the timing of the war. As soon as he landed, he immediately took over the command without mercy and ordered the first wave of troops that had landed to wait in line. The whole army immediately divided into several battalions, divided into several directions, and charged towards the harbour area! At this time, the Landis were actually not enough to land ashore, but two to three thousand people, and the harbour area The number of rebels is afraid to be doubled to the first wave of landing troops of Landis, and there is still a large number of coastal defenses working together. If there is a strong command and resistance to the determination, these two or three thousand people would like to seize the harbor area, It ’s just a joke. If you encounter a counterattack from the defenders, I ’m afraid that you can directly drive these two or three thousand people to the sea. Even if you do n’t have the courage to backcharge, as long as you stick to the tower construction, you will never have two or three thousand. This thing captured that tight and deep and deep coastal defense system. Consumption also allowed these two or three thousand people to bleed on the beach! But it was just right, Gislent was hired! However, two or three thousand landing troops rashly launched Charge, once it rushes up, it will be like a shattered bamboo! The garrison in the harbour area has no thought of resistance at all. Seeing that the army of Landis rushed up with a sword and shield, the garrison just hurriedly put a few arrows, randomly It began to retreat. At the beginning, it only retreated in twos and threes, and finally evolved into a team-based evacuation. Once someone picked, where else would they fight? The arrow towers on the coast were originally the most If the sturdy fortifications are carried by the garrison, even if the Lantis can slay down, they do not know how many lives to fill in. However, once the charge is launched, they find the garrison in the arrow tower and hurriedly from inside Pulled out, and then swarmed towards the city in a swarm of bees, and even more anxious to run, even the armor and crossbow on his body were thrown away. Several passers-by rushed forward and captured six or seven arrow towers in one breath, but none of them died. The Lantis did not send an arrow, and almost took down the arrow tower that landed around the beach. Gislent made it even more thorough. He even got out of the warehouse. He did n’t need to leave anyone guarding the captured arrow towers. The whole army just rushed forward and stormed! The harbor district suddenly formed a kind of Ridiculous and ridiculous situation: However, two or three thousand landing troops drove the scattered guards who were multiple of their own to chase and kill all the way, gradually converging into one, and rushing towards the city and defeated. On the dock, the direction of the warehouse was still a blaze of fire. The Landis fleet on the coast has been driving in. Gislen held the Throne of the Seal of India in less than half an hour, and completely occupied the entire harbor area. The defenders were completely expelled by him. In the end, Gislent finally met a fat man Ruhr who was already covered in blood under an arrow tower. More than thirty people remained beside Ruhr. These elites were all seriously injured, and some were already tired and sitting on the ground. Seeing the Landis coming, they could only lean on the wall and pant. Ruhr has a knife in his hand, and the blade has been mottled. I don't know how many collapses. The set of armor on his body is also damaged in many places. A fat face is covered with blood, and it is not even obvious. . The fat man was also stabbed on the shoulder. He cut off his shoulder armor, and the blood flowed endlessly. But watching Gislent rush up, the fat man immediately threw the knife in his hand and shouted, "I "Myself!" Gislent rushed to the front, saw the fat man's appearance, and finally took a breath, and laughed: "I'll be cunning on the shore and someone should answer, it really is you! Ruhr, if you are not Here, I'm afraid I have to fight hard until dawn to go ashore. "Looking at Ruhr just throwing the knife to the ground, Gislent frowned:" What do you mean? "He Er smiled, squinted. Looking at the General Bearded Landis in front of him, he said lightly: "You guy is very cunning. Others don't know you. At the Imperial Military Academy, I didn't know how to fight with you for hundreds of fights. I still don't know. Are you? If I lost my knife early and made a loud statement, maybe you insidious guy would take the opportunity to lose Lao Tzu! Hum ... if in the chaotic army died in your hands, Lao Tzu Where do you call injustice, afterwards you are nothing but Hand pool, an accident, on account of the past. "Regis Brent eyes changed, and looked at the Ruhr, the two are hehe hollow laugh a few times. Ruhr immediately said: "The dock is already yours, Gislent, now there are at least one hundred thousand rebels outside the city, now ..." Gislent did not hesitate: "Natural now No need to ask! I'll take someone to enter the city immediately, and go straight to the palace! As long as your palace is not broken and your Majesty is still there, this battle will still be fought! Ruhr sighed, he nodded, just watching Gislent's eyes were a little more gloomy. He went straight to the palace ... Huh ...) Although Gislent had a gambling heart, he was not a fool, this time he did not dare to take two thousand directly Many people entered the city. There were rebels everywhere in the city. This person went in, only to be swallowed in a blink of an eye. He was patient, and constantly urged his men to give orders. It was more than half an hour. , Second; —— A landing troops finally landed. Gathered with tens of thousands of troops, Gislent immediately took people out of the harbor area and swooped all the way towards the palace! City The li has been in chaos again. The ping-pong ping-pong of the harbour area hit the throne of the Seal of God in the middle of the night, and then the troops in the harbour area collapsed. The Landis Army landed ashore, and the news that it had occupied the dock kept spreading. The original Osgeria was originally bigger, and after the city was broken, it was divided into pieces by the rebels. The sphere of influence, all rebels entangled in different streets in the city, picking up and filling. Once Gislent took people, killed non-stop from the harbour area, "the rebels in the city, even There is no time to make a strategy of resistance. Each rebel is fighting on his own, and Gislent has no intention to take over the entire city of Osgeria. He just took 10,000 people with him. The team rushed in the direction of the palace. If the rebels along the way were blocking, he naturally stormed without hesitation, but if the rebels along the way did not stop, he also whistled with people. I have n’t even been interested in seeing it again. This situation ... It ’s clear that they went to the palace desperately, and whoever fought desperately with him would be stupid. When they rushed all the way, there were only two groups of rebels on the road. A bit, but It was under the footsteps of the Lantiss who were as powerful as a rainbow, and they were quickly crushed away. The other rebels simply stopped and did not go up to contain them. At this time, the rebels There is no such thing as a prestigious commander who can suppress all roads and a set of strategies that are universally recognized. Everyone is so chaotic. The Landis rushed to the palace all the way, and they even successfully connected Gislent. They almost lost their eyes. These Byzantine mother-in-laws ... weren't there any brains ?! Outside the Imperial City, it has been killed into a **** sea of ​​mountains! In the middle of the night, Hughes went mad like a rush The troops stormed overnight, the ping-pong-ping in the harbour area, the Governor's face became even more ugly. "Finally, if it was not blocked by his men, the Governor would have rushed forward with his armor on! Booming, the people had to fight hard. One by one, the flags were turned up and down. Outside the palace gates of the imperial city, although the square is also considered to be wide and sloppy-but after all, an imperial palace cannot be compared with the real city. Compared with the pool, such a big place, no amount of troops can not be rolled out, only one flag group and one technical group can be transferred to fight. The fortifications in the palace have always been tight, and the guards know that they are dead. If the palace is broken again, there is really only death! It is better to die in the left and right, and kill one more. The rebels also backed up! Besides, the emperor himself personally encouraged the morale, coupled with the **** battle of the defenders, presided over General Spoon and resolutely stood with the soldiers against the **** battle of the enemy. Only finally came over. Tonight, the rebels suddenly made a crazy like death, but the defenders also knew the movements of the harbor area, and after fighting for many days, they finally saw some hope! Everyone rose up to the last Yu Yong! Rebellion The army fills it with human lives, and the defender fills it with human lives. "After fighting these days, the defenders have been badly damaged. Even the guards of the emperor Garcia have been armored on the city walls. Some of the strong palace servants in the palace, They also sent weapons and blunt armor to the city wall to resist. The rebels launched four or five consecutive charges overnight. Under the madness of Hughes's life-threatening loss, he even once captured a section of the Imperial City. The city wall almost attacked the gate of the court. Finally, General Span himself took several officers and rushed to plug the gap. Finally, several vice generals around Span were killed, so he reluctantly drove the rebels. Go on. This is the most dangerous time ... but it is also the last time! After several consecutive days of **** battles, after entering the city, everyone is rushing to make a fortune, and only their own troops are still crying and fighting. accumulation Too many unhappy days of casualties, day and night flame. Soldiers really is best. This S · 1, if Hughes and then to forced displacement, I am afraid the next step, really trying to incite a mutiny!

After being rushed back for the last charge, Hughes turned her ears and heard the ping-pong ping-pong sounds in the harbour area, as well as the roaring movement of the crossbow.

The rebel governor's original flushed face suddenly turned pale, and he shook his body, looking up and down at the imperial city square in front of him. There were crumbling bodies everywhere, broken armor swords and swords everywhere. Yes, blood has accumulated a thick layer on that square! In such cold weather, even a layer of blood ice has accumulated! No matter how cold the air is, it cannot suppress the strong **** smell one by one.

I tried my best ... I really tried my best ... Suddenly, Hughes laughed bitterly and opened her mouth, just a mouthful of blood came out of her mouth. His body shook again, and people around him had come to support him. "One by one, one by one, one by one"

Hughes snorted, and wanted to speak, but opened her mouth again, and a blood spurted out, her face paled and pale.

"My lord!" Tears in the eyes of a confidant general around him: "I'll take someone myself

Go up and not take down the palace door, I'd rather die on that door! "

With that said, the general was about to turn around, but behind him Hughes suddenly opened his mouth, his voice was low, but he was very determined: "Stop!"

The general turned back, Hughes had a terrible smile, shook his head and whispered: "No need ... opportunity, it has passed!"

Struggling to his feet, he said slowly in an extremely weird tone:

"Order ... withdraw! We withdraw ... leave here!"

"Sir ... we retreat ... where do we retreat?"

Someone was doubting. The site of this city is almost divided up by other rebels. Where does their own army retire?

"Where ?!" Hughes was suddenly another husband, but with a smile on her face, her eyes were more difficult. Finally, he gritted his teeth hard and almost squeezed out from his mouth. "We ... out of town!"

As soon as this word came out, people immediately shocked everyone, and someone shouted, "Sir! We tried hard to break into the city! How can we go out now? Even if the site is divided by other families, our Armenian Strength, no one else can let us score! Even if the Landis enter the city, we are not afraid of dozens of rebels ... How can this Osgerian city easily give up: i) !: r & t;

"Closed!" Hughes' eyes were red, and he finally shook his head: "You don't understand ... you can't beat it.

The palace, Yuncheng, is not ours anymore! "

He suddenly clenched his fists: "Hateful! The conspirators are a group of short-sighted clowns! If these guys are not stupid and short-sighted, how could a good situation be so funeral! Ridiculous! On top of this history book, my Hughes will be a laughing stock ! "

Desperate in his heart, he yelled, "Gather the whole army! Get out of town! Get out of town! Let those idiots fight with the Landis in the city! Now it's not late, I'm afraid I can't even walk if I want to go!"

Armenian rebels were ordered to retreat. The entire army was already war exhausted. Once they were ordered, they immediately left the Imperial City Square in waves, and Hughes did not talk nonsense, and took the people northeast. On the way, El Salvador's army was also encountered. He originally planned to join Hughes to attack the palace. Seeing that Hughes had withdrawn, how could El Salvador not know the situation? He also did not hesitate to order his army immediately. Together with Hughes's troops, they headed slowly towards the northeast, leaving the city overnight!

"Chasing Ding ?!"

Gislent's team has already reached the distance of only two blocks from the palace, and the leading troops who opened the road have heard the news. It is only said that the rebels under the palace had already been before the army on their side. The assembly was withdrawn and the procession slowly moved away, but it was the effort of the front and back feet.

Even when the vanguard of Landis's army arrived at the palace, the rebels' retreat was within sight. However, the rebels did not seem to have the intention to fight, but the rear team took a stern precautionary attitude and slowly withdrew.

There were corpses everywhere on the square outside the palace, and almost all the houses and buildings outside the surrounding squares were demolished. The stones were used for siege and stone throwing during the siege, and there was a mess in ruins everywhere. .

When the vanguard of Landis arrived on the square, he only saw the palace's realm, "The royal and eagle flags of the Byzantine Empire were already standing on the palace gate.

"Let's go."

After savouring the news carefully, Gislent, after a brief surprise, "immediately calmed down, he even touched his beard, and said," Hughes is really not a fool, but he can see the situation clearly. This person is also considered a bachelor, knowing that he has lost, and does not engage in entanglement. When he left, it was so simple! Hey! "

It ’s just the humanity that was reported before: "My lord ~ ​​ ~ there is only one thing ..." "What"

The officer who sent the message had a gloomy face: "Our former army has arrived outside the palace, the enemy has been cleared, but the gate of the palace is still closed, and the person we shouted went up, and the other party refused to open the gate of the palace. .

Moreover, our people are not allowed to approach the palace walls! The guards on the walls are very vigilant, and the swords and bows in their hands have never been lowered. Some of us tried to approach, and the other side shot an arrow to warn ... adults, these Byzantines ... ... "

Gislent heard it, but suddenly weirdly smiled. He looked at the officer and said lightly: "It's nothing strange. At this time, where do the Byzantines dare to open the palace door and let us in ... Huh! They're the last one left A little capital is that the emperor is still there! If the door is opened, we will take the opportunity to kill it and hijack the emperor ... "

Suddenly his eyes were bright again) could not help but whisper to himself = "if yes) really one by one one by one"

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