
Chapter 432: [Death of a Man] (5)

[====== Handslave =====] Chapter Two: Two Twenty-two Chapters: Male Lan died, (five) This one also changed his look, and when he looked up, he saw his own coach, who was using an aggressive His eyes stared at him tightly. The officer's heart was horizontal, and he immediately noticed that there was a light flash in his eyes, and he was about to return to peace. "

"My lord! An army with the Byzantine banner is coming towards us! The number is always 2,000 miles away!"

There was a sudden report in the front, which immediately dispelled the last thought in Gislent's mind. (Internet Novel Network e

He frowned, looking towards the distance, and saw the end of the street and square in the distance. Sure enough, a Byzantine army came slowly, and the whole army was murderous. Be alert! The bowstring is not closed, the sword is in hand, and it is actually a stance to confront, and the whole army slowly pushes along the street!

The two sides were almost in contact, and the other side had just flagged.

A black horse slowly moved up, and immediately a burly figure, far away, heard a hoarse and familiar voice.

"This is the Byzantine Empire, Adrik, the friend of Landis in front, who is the leader?"

When Gislent heard this, he sighed in his heart: "It's a pity," how this guy came so urgently. Hey, missed the opportunity. "

He immediately cheered up and strode up, and he laughed aloud, "Adrick? You guy, it really didn't die!"

When he was finished, he whispered a sigh to the subordinate who had been so angry. Laughing: "No more, missed the opportunity is missed, I did not expect this scar face came so quickly ..." Hehe! It ’s alive, he ’s Byzantium. "

Shaking his head, Gislent had already stood out and strode to the forefront of the team.

At this moment in the square outside the palace, the Landis troops were closely lined up at the intersection of a street. Crossing the square across was the Byzantine army.

Adrik sat on the war horse. He had already been seriously injured by the hand and suffered for days and days, only to have squeezed out the last energy in his body. At this moment, despite the arrival of Lantis reinforcements for many days, Adrik's expression and look at this moment are more tense and calm than the day before!

Although his body was dark and tortured, his eyes were black, but at this moment, he was still sitting on the horse's back, even his waist plate was still straight.

Behind him, of course, are the **** battles that have been carried over from the Arc de Triomphe for the rest of the battle. When El Salvador finally led back. Almost all of the defenders above and below the Arc de Triomphe. The troops of seven or eight thousand people have lost more than half of their casualties. In the war of the cold weapon era, such a proportion of casualties should have collapsed and could support Until now. It all depends on his empire's last star.

As soon as El Salvador retreated, Adrik was not relieved, and he immediately realized that the situation at present was afraid to become more sensitive and more subtle. Even more dangerous! !! He ordered the army to jump out of the camp almost immediately without hesitation. Instead, he entangled in El Salvador's troops all the way. Naturally, he wanted to fight for time at the last moment and not let El Salvador run with Hughes. Bing, do the last fight. On the other hand, the thoughts in his heart cannot be made clear to outsiders!

Royal Palace! Must rush to the palace as soon as possible! !!

Although the Landis are reinforcements, such allies may not be reliable! At this point, the Byzantine Empire is at an end, and it is difficult to guarantee that these allies "may not give birth to the thought of shooting a wolf!

These remnants led by him have been fighting hard for days, hunger, fatigue, and casualties, and have almost crushed this team to the verge of collapse. (Internet Novel Network e

But Adrik still forcibly pulled the team out, fighting with El Salvador's back team along the way. Then he went to the palace in a life-threatening manner. "Sure enough, that is, the Landis and the Lantians arrived.

And the scruples in his heart are indeed not unreasonable. "Adriatic himself didn't know. If he came a little late, I'm afraid that the opposite Gislent would really have thoughts!

These people brought by Adrik have been struggling for many days. At this moment, two thousand soldiers are still behind him, but they are still standing on the long street, their bows are stretched, their swords are in their hands. It was Adrik who deliberately appeared to be fighting desperately.

Many soldiers under his command, naturally, no one really doubted Adrik's intentions. Even if the rebels had already withdrawn, they still ordered the entire army to take such a vigilant attitude. Most people just think that the coach is to prevent the rebels. Even if some counter-attacks have some nimble nimbleness and sharpness, the gap will be a little unusual, and naturally they won't really say this in public.

Gislent stood in the distance, looking at Adrik himself and the soldiers behind him.

Based on Gislent's martial career experience, it is not difficult to see that the Byzantine army on the opposite side. Almost reached the end of the dead end, from soldiers to generals, all are scarred. The soldiers were exhausted, with heavy casualties, inconsistent armor, and incomplete flags. Everyone was tired and blood.

However, he was still able to make a stance of alertness, and he was in a good position. Even Adrik and Gislent in front of him could see the weakness of the other party at a glance, even if Adrik tried his best. His spirits were up, but the injuries on his body were not quite as smart as Gislent.

For a moment, even Gislent himself shook!

Adrik is now the weakest time. The army behind him has drained all his energy and looks crooked. I'm afraid he will fall with a slight poke. "If at this time, suddenly Raid in the past, maybe ... "As long as one charge, you can completely wipe out the opponent's team. Maybe only one charge ... maybe! )

Such a big temptation. It was enough for a commander like Gislent to have a faster heartbeat and a dry mouth.

Defeat Adrik's army in one fell swoop. Slay this pillar of the Byzantine Empire, and Slay Adrik. This will leave a place in the history books ... country! The capital city, as long as it only sent a blow, the warrior guessed that the gate of the Imperial Palace of Lianzai could not stop these Landis behind him! The emperor in that palace can be firmly in his hands. "

Kill the strongest general in a country, set the capital of a country, and capture the emperor of a country. ”I ’m afraid that it ’s a history book. Even if it is a century and a thousand years later, the world will not forget“ the son of the storm of Gislent "It's such a name!

The centuries-old history of the Landis Kingdom, apart from the founding fathers, is that there is no one who can match Wu Xun himself!

Maybe "I just need to take my heart, the next decision.

Maybe only one charge is needed! !!

With such a big temptation, Gislent's eyes really shaken after a while of effort!

Until the opposite. Counting Adrik on the horse, as if he noticed the strange silence of the "son of the storm" opposite him, and immediately shot his sword-like eyes. "

"Hehe" is really exciting. . "

Gislent licked his lips and took a deep breath, his eyes finally cleared.

The temptation is indeed great, but "I can't move myself!"

Really can't move.

Kill Adrik, wipe out the remnant army in front of him, and wave his army into the palace ... "The strength comparison in his hands at this moment may really be able to do it.

But then?

There are still more than 100,000 rebels in and out of the city. If you really do this, I'm afraid those guys like El Salvador and Hughes will laugh together and stop talking. At this moment, if you turn your face with the Byzantine Empire, then the next overall strategy will be empty!

The "law" of Landis's troop will no longer exist! Can the Garcia emperor be captured, not to mention, even if it is captured, it is impossible to rely on such a method to control the residual power of the Byzantine Empire. At that time, if the banner of the emperor is lost, the local forces in Byzantium will collapse completely. It will become a piece of loose sand, and it will not be of any benefit to you!

In the end, "Landiss himself" is, after all, an "outsider"!

Unless Landis has made up his mind in a full-scale war, mobilizing the whole country, all the troops will be drawn out, determined to fight for the power of the country. Fight a war aimed at the complete extinction of the Byzantine Empire ...

But is it really affordable now?

Byzantium now has rebels inside and Odin outside! Really destroyed the royal family, and it is impossible for one side to swallow such an empire!

Gislent knows that from the top down in the country, the conclusion of this war has already been reached: it is impossible to eat this empire at once! In this war, the sole purpose of your country's participation in the war is to get enough benefits! However, this premise must ensure that the Byzantine royal family continues to exist.

Gently, gently, Gistrent let go of the clenched fists that he had unconsciously just now, and then exhaled, as if he had expelled all the hotness that had just risen in his heart. Go out.

Finally, a smile reappeared on his face, hurriedly ran to the front, opened his arms, signaled that he did not have a sword in his hand. Facing Adrik's sharp eyes, Gislent laughed loudly: "Hey, Scarface, I'm leading the army, you're so aggressive, is that how you greeted your allies? Hahaha,"

However, he had no hesitation, and the team behind him walked out onto the square.

Opposite, Adrik sat on horseback and watched Gislent finally come out, and the general was finally relieved.

Gislent, after all, Gislent, if you change to a short-sighted guy, I'm afraid it will be really dangerous. )

Adrik snorted. He didn't move forward, it was because of his steed. At this moment, I'm afraid I can't even move a few steps.

"Imperial City Guard once again, I led my troops to the Emperor's country. His Excellency. His Excellency, since your army is a guest army, please retreat later, don't offend the Imperial City."

Adrik threw these two words coldly.

This was very rude, but Gislenthe's smile on his face was not reduced by half, and he immediately turned his head and deliberately yelled in a voice that could be heard across: "Order, the whole army backs back two hundred steps! Exit this street! Without my order, no one is allowed to step on the square.


The Landis quietly lined up, and the laughter of Gislent did not come forward to tell the story, just turned around and left. Before leaving, he also cast a bunch of meaningful eyes. Far away, as if tossed a sentence.

"Adriatic, Your Excellency can fight for your country this time, Your Excellency can be proud of your achievements, and you will be rewarded for your achievements after the war. I'm afraid the General will be the leader of the Byzantine army in the future.

In the face of such words, Adrik did not make any expression, just looked at the other side coldly, watching the black Lantis team completely withdrew from the street, far away on the street. Only dozens of sentry cards were left.

Adrik then turned over and got off the horse. The two guards around him supported him in a concealed manner. The general, who was always tough, never refused him, and he could hardly move.

More than two thousand remnants came forward and occupied the square in front of the palace.

Hughes took people away very simply. Even the tents and camps left before were not packed. Two thousand people hurriedly settled around the square and remained fully alert.

Until this time, the imperial palace door was full of blood and fire. It finally opened slowly.

Several generals covered in blood took the lead and stepped forward with an Imperial Eagle Head flag in their hands. From a distance, when he saw the figure of Adrik, the general suddenly fell to his knees.

When he looked up, the face was already bloodstained, and his forehead was wrapped in gauze, and one eye was wrapped in it.

Adrik was helped to a cold face, and the general kneeling on the ground suddenly burst into tears. . The blood stains on the second shirt were mixed up, and the six "generals" rolled down, holding us. "

Adrik recognized the man, a banner officer in the city guard, and a brave general on weekdays. At this moment, he was obviously blind with one eye, kneeling there, but he couldn't keep his body. Tremble.

Adrik took a deep breath and glanced at the man. Shen said: "What about Span ?.

"No answer, the people in front of them were deadly silent.

When Adrik met General Span, the general was sitting on the watchtower of the palace, and he held a knife tightly in his hand. The knuckle joints were all white.

Span's lips were slightly long, and he sat on the floor, leaning his back against the wall. The wounds on the body were not dry, the nails on the chest had been opened, and a piece of flesh was blurred.

There was no blood on his face. He wanted to be wiped clean, his eyes were open, and he refused to close.

", Span is dead.

It ’s absolutely dead, it ’s sad.

Seeing through the most difficult time, he seemed to be about to see the dawn sun, but Span ", but he died.

He died at the last minute before the dawn.


Adrik stood in front of Span's corpse, watching the colleague quietly, watching the Empire General who had fought side by side for more than half a year, watching the man reached middle age, but nothing had happened before. During the Second Patriotic War. But he stepped forward to turn the tide.

Around, the officer generals of the several city guards were crying in a low voice, and some were silent.

Only the officer who lost one eye whispered.

"If you come early, you may still see Master Span for his last look."

"The rebels slammed the city gate and finally went crazy. We fought for many days. The brothers couldn't resist it. They were killed. Seeing that the city gate was about to be lost, Lord Span rushed up with a few officers. The desperate block the gap. "

"The adult's body has weakened these days. He shot an arrow yesterday, only leaned on his shoulder, and lost a lot of blood.

"At that moment, I couldn't stop it. Those rebels were selected and dared to die. The grown-ups took us desperately to stop them. In a scuffle, most of us who died came up. But after all, I dare them, but the enemy retreats, but I see the adult sitting down and leaning against the wall mule. "

"Adults never refuse to show a little bit of fatigue in front of people, even if they have received a serious injury. As long as they are in front of the soldier, they are straight backs, and they do not even frown, at that moment I saw the adult Suddenly sitting down, I had a thought in my heart: No!

"Adult is hitting his chest with a sharp hammer among the rebels. His armor was already broken. He was weak, and he couldn't bear this attack. When we ran to him, the adult still had consciousness, I just ca n’t lift my hand

"His chest armor was broken, and the ribs were still deep inside, and he was afraid that the ribs were broken. Poke into the lungs. How can we cry, lord himself, but his face is as usual, but not in his mouth Living out bleeds blood, "

The officer was talking and was sobbing, holding his fists, kneeling in front of Span's body, his voice trembling. Obviously a sturdy man, but crying like a child.

Adrik's eyes were also red, but he just took a deep breath, and the tears didn't flow after all.

After a few moments of silence, Adrik whispered, "He, what words have you left?"

"The words" The officer looked up, looked at Adrik, and then whispered, "There is only one sentence. Before the death of Master Span, he just looked at us and kept saying something."


"Adult said: blow the trumpet, let them hear our trumpet, let them know that we are still, the Imperial City is still

Trumpet, "Draco admired his face and murmured the word lightly. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, tears rolled down his face, and a hint of light came out of his eyes!

Huo Ran turned around, he turned his head and looked at the people behind him, and yelled, "Come! Order!"

"Yes, sir." A subordinate stepped forward immediately.

"Order, blow the trumpet !! Blow the Triumph". (At the age of thirty, when I updated, my mood was as cold as this winter. I know that I have been in a bad state of work recently, and it is extremely bad. But I can hardly support it. Before I was sick myself, I He is ill. Something happened at home.

Today is thirty years old. When I updated this chapter, people had just returned from the hospital. My father had a heart problem and was in hospital today. The discharge procedure was completed before noon. Be able to go home for a year. Various things the doctor told. I listened carefully, but it wasn't in my heart. For the Chinese New Year, I don't have the slightest joy in Chinese New Year.

When I was in bed in the hospital last night, looking at my sleeping father in the hospital bed, I had a feeling that I was willing to use everything I had to exchange my father's health, but I knew I couldn't do it.

My father is ill. I am the only child, and I have to lean on my back at home. In the hospital, in front of my mother, I have to support my smiley face. I can't look at the dark clouds. Because at this time, if I act too pessimistic and low, it will make them more worried.

I have to make a "Reassurance, it's not a big deal. The expression comes, to make my mother and father wide.

New Year ~ ~ It is customary to say a few lucky words to everyone.

Here, I do n’t say anything else, just say one thing: I wish all brothers and sisters good health. Well, yes, physical health. Recently, I feel more and more that physical health is the first.

Take care of yourself!


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