
Chapter 459: [Conspiracy of the Governor's wife]

"The plot of the Governor's wife, in the Xia Ya barracks, has already spread his phrase" No win "that day. (See novel)

The soldiers all respected Lord Xia.

In the military, a coach like Xia was originally a hero in the soldiers' minds, not to mention, who is a soldier who does not like this "guard"?

After that, every day in the army, the cavalry soldiers raised their chests and raised their spirits. They were sturdy, and they almost hurt when they looked at the eyes that were almost stabbing. Xia Yan's inadvertent treatment on that day greatly met the appetite of the lieutenant general. Don't be afraid of a fight, if you lose, you are the only one!

The garrisons on both sides are not far apart. The cavalry here in Charia performs daily operations, and even deliberately brings them near the Besta army's station. Occasionally, they encounter the Besta army's team, but the other party is far away, as if they dare not. Integrate with Xia ’s army again.

After being in the military for two days, the official general order issued by the military department arrived.

At this time, Besta sent a messenger in the army to come to see Xia, saying that it was under the order of the Governor's wife to ask General Xia, whether the two sides were the same as they were when they came. Return.

Xia was a little unhappy when she heard it.

Because this time the troops sent south to King Oscilia, before the departure, the two sides reached an agreement. This time the entire cost of the troops was sent by Besta. On the way, the cost of food and grass along the way was provided by the Beasts. After arriving at the Imperial Capital, at the beginning, before the division, the governor's wife of the Besta also followed the rules and left a part of the forage for Xia here.

But staying here for many days, the grain and grass left by the Bestas also cost seven or seventy-eight.

Seeing that if it was to go northbound, according to the original agreement, the cost of food and grass along the way back should also be provided by the Bastistas. But now the governor's wife pretends to send someone to ask ... The temptation is plain, and it seems that she does not want to give any more food.

Where is there such a cheap thing?

There are thousands of people here in Xiaya, people want to eat, horses have to chew. This is going north to return to its own jurisdiction, thousands of miles away, even if you march all the way, you are afraid that you will not be able to do it for ten and a half months. Is this the food cost of this route?

After seeing the messenger, Fu Ya said lightly: "The two sergeants had some small frictions. I was afraid that it would be inconvenient for them to go on the road. Let's go their separate ways."

That messenger said immediately: "Our governor's wife has the same meaning." Since that is the case, the governor's wife also asked me to pass a word to the general, wishing the general good luck. I'm afraid I will meet again in the future and I don't know what it is At that time, I hope that the generals will be prosperous ... "

After the messenger had finished speaking, he did not mention anything about the straw boat, and he said goodbye.

Fu Ya was annoyed, but did not mention the matter of food and grass, only to watch the messenger leave coldly, and then sneered.

There was no one in the account, and Charya's face gradually condensed. She took a deep breath and thought about the attitude of the Governor's wife ...

At this time, Dora's voice came to her mind: "What are you worrying about? Has the woman's attitude changed?"

Xia Ya listened and nodded: "This woman's attitude changed a little bit strangely. At the beginning, she said that she would play an inconsistent show to the leaders of the Imperial City. Just a few days ago, the sergeants on both sides rubbed, and I also I didn't take it to heart. But now the woman suddenly cooled down, and I was worried that she was going to cross the river to tear down the bridge. "

Dora smiled: "That's too simple for you. Where is this political thing, where can there be friends forever? For Ligue, the position can change at any time. Moreover, when you used each other, she asked for you. I am naturally welcomed to you "What now ..."

Xia shook her head: "That's what I don't understand. It stands to reason that turning my face with me now is of no benefit to them."

After a pause, he laughed: "I didn't worry about the grain and grass on the way back. The rebels seized a lot of loot and supplies, but it was enough. But this woman changed her face so quickly that she used it. Make me unhappy. "

Dora was silent for a while and said, "At the beginning, she offered to let you spread the words of Besta in the capital, and I was a little vigilant. The woman had too much thought, and she made such a request, although it seemed reasonable. But I always feel that she hasn't told you the truth. I'm afraid you've been used by her too, and you've only used what you did, but I can't guess for a moment. "

Xia Ya thought for a while, and since she couldn't think of it, she smiled freely: "No matter how much she is, let her change if she wants to change! Am I still afraid she won't succeed? Well, no matter how much she thinks, she won't be true Zhou and I openly turned their faces, otherwise, if I went north this way, I would call her thousands of cavalry, and the armor would not return! "

Charya said so confidently.

If the two really turned their backs, don't look at the Beasts having 7,000 cavalry, Charya has only 3,000. But if he really fights, Fu Ya is absolutely confident that his 3,000 cavalry can kill the 7,000 cavalry of the Besta people without an hour!

Rhoderian cavalry is not bragging about it! Not to mention that there are five hundred "strong rides" beside Charya!

Before we set off, something happened.

Xia ’s entire army was preparing to advance. Suddenly, someone came to inform Xia. Several people dressed in officers of the Besta Army came to see him.

Xia Ya's confusion caused people to come in. Bringing in to see Xia was indeed a few officers of the Beast Army. As soon as he saw Xia, several officers knelt on the ground and cried loudly for the first one: "General Xia's life-saving! Let's ask General Xia! Only you can save him now! If you don't reach out, our general will be afraid ... "

Charlie listened to the fog in her head.

However, the people in front of them were recognized.

These people were indeed members of the Besta Army, but they were not the governor's wife, but the governor's nephew, the sole legal heir of the governor's family, General Lear's confidant.

As soon as he saw the person kneeling in front of the ground crying and begging, Xia Ya immediately moved in his heart!

Is it that the governor's wife has cleaned up the portal fiercely?

But this idea was immediately rejected by Xia himself. After all, Lear was nominally the Governor's nephew and the legitimate heir of the family, and some of the old courtiers in the Besta Army secretly supported it. Even if that woman really wanted to get rid of Lear, she would definitely not dare to openly do anything else, "or else she would be angry.

"what happened?"

Charya looked dignified: "Don't cry! Get up and talk!"

The following officers stood up and yelled anxiously for the first one: "General Xia! The imperial command came, and we General Lear was detained in the imperial capital!"

Charlie: "..." ...

After these officers had finished speaking, Xia Ya understood the story.

Lear was indeed "detained" in the imperial capital, but was not arrested. Instead, the royal family found a name for Qiang to stay in the imperial capital.

The official statement is that Her Majesty appreciated Li Er's youthfulness and outstanding talents. He left Li Er to listen to, sealed the title of a palace warrior, and added the dereliction of a vice general of the Royal Forest Army. He was actually placed under house arrest. Emperor Capital!

And this happened "is also funny.

It is actually the big men and powerful men in the capital. Together they expressed a meaning to the emperor: The Besta people were newly born, they could not fully trust, and they needed to reuse and have a check and balance method to detain Lear, which was the capital. The means of "balancing" the Besta Military District that those big brothers came up with!

Lear is the first heir to the Governor of the Besta Military Region and the only male in the family. And these days when the governor's wife entered the imperial capital, whether it was meeting with the big brothers or seeing the emperor, he brought Lear with him.

On the surface, the relationship between the two seemed close and harmonious, and they even played a few scenes of a nephew's family. Outsiders did not know that the pair of nephews inside the Besta military region had already reached the point of incompatibility between water and fire.

In the end, His Majesty Garcia accepted the opinions of the imperial capitalists and wanted to check and balance the Beasts. Then, according to management, leave "hostages."

In their opinion, Lear is the heir of the Besta Military Region. Such a person "remains in the capital of the emperor. The weight is enough. For the safety of their heirs, the Besta will never dare to make trouble, and will definitely be safe." Allegiance to the royal family, for the royal family.

As a result, the emperor expressed his meaning concealed at a meeting, but the governor's wife readily agreed, and took the initiative to say that Lear was honored by the emperor, and Besta was willing to let Lear The general stayed with the Emperor and the Emperor ...

As a result, poor Lear was left by the woman in the imperial capital. When the governor's wife returned to camp, she was under house arrest in a house near the imperial palace.

"When our general entered the city with that woman, the woman ordered the general to leave us all in the barracks outside the city. He was not allowed to bring followers. The general had no choice but to enter the city with that woman alone! Being alone by the woman had to be next to her, but in desperation, she could only be pinched by the other side to accompany the woman to perform, but the people of the imperial capital did not see that the general and the woman were not in the same heart! "

"General Xia! Our general has been under house arrest in the imperial capital, or has he finally figured out a way to find someone to send him a visit! He has been under house arrest near the palace! He is not allowed to follow the people at all. That woman, is Borrowing a knife to kill, we want to kill our general in the capital! "

"General Xia, our general admires you the most. He often says that your hero is the most admired in his heart. Before that, our general was also very respectful to you. At this time, only you can rescue our general. , ... "

Fu Ya listened to these people in front of Wu crying and begged, and her heart was immediately clear!

Oh shit! I really took the woman's pawn!

At that time, when the woman asked Lao Tzu to deliberately spread the words "Bestad cannot be trusted" in the capital, I was afraid that I would use this knife to kill someone!

Deliberately let the royal and imperial capitalists have the idea of ​​distrusting the Besta people, so take over and ... according to management, the host will be held hostage, which is also a historical practice!

That woman was already planning!

Although Fu Ya was a little bit furious, she had to admit that this woman was really a good tool!

Hmm ... don't you distrust me? So good, I have taken the family "" the only heir "" as hostage. Can I finally express our loyalty?

It is ridiculous that the royal family thought that they had held the Besta people, but they did not know that they had removed the greatest scourge to the woman!

Xia herself, however, was also used by the woman in this incident and became an accomplice!

After all, it was Charya who first spread the phrase "Bestas cannot be trusted"!

It can be expected that the Lear will be held as a hostage in the imperial capital in the future.

And the governor's wife was afraid that after returning to the Besta Military District, she could free up her hands and clean the inside!

Although there are some forces inside Besta who are attached to Lear, but the Lear people are in the capital, and the forces inside them will naturally have no heads. Where can be the opponent of that clever and wise governor?

I'm afraid it will be cleaned up three or two times!

After the internal cleaning is completed, Lear, the bachelor leader, even if he is still alive, but there are no soldiers, no generals, no people available, then there is no threat to the governor's wife!

Even more ... If the Governor's wife wants Lear to die, it is not difficult!

As long as she deliberately angers the imperial capital and deliberately makes some impetuous gestures to make the royal family dissatisfied with her, I am afraid that when the royal family is angry, it may be that Lear's life is coming to beat the Besta.

But ... will the governor's wife be afraid that the royal family will kill Lear?

Just right! Are you going to kill? Just go and kill!

If Li Er was really killed by the royal family, the governor's wife would clap his hands instead! In this way, Li Er's death fell on her!

The most important thing is that the initiative is in the woman's hands!

If she really wants to kill Lear, she just needs to be a good friend!

First, he deliberately did something that angered the royal family, forcing the royal family to take Lear's surgery, and then proactively wanted the royal family to soften her. She was very clever, knowing that the royal family would surely accept it with a nose! Because the royal family now has no power to stop the Besta Military District!

The initiative was held by this woman!

Think further ...

Even these men of Lear came to ask for help here, I'm afraid that the woman intentionally let them run out!

Otherwise, with that woman's shrewdness, how could those Lear's men have the ability to run out of the Besta Army from

That woman is testing herself! Test your attitude!

It is also a test of whether they will get involved in the internal affairs of their Besta military area!

If you intervene yourself, then everyone will be afraid that there will be no cooperation! If it was Gamma who didn't intervene ... Xia had thought of this, and there was a loud obituary from her men outside the door.

"General! Besta is here, saying that it was ordered by their governor's wife to send 20 carts of grain and grass to and from the road. In addition, the source also said that there were a few deserters in their army, and some people saw the way to us When they came, the other party said that they would ask the army to help capture deserters. "

Charlie immediately moved in her heart!

Come fast! This is forcing yourself to stand!

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