
Chapter 460: [Joshishita]

Now that he had probably grasped the intention of the governor's wife, Charlie calmed down immediately. (Looking at the novel) A glance at the Besta officers in front of them.

These people have turned wild. The ground had been nervous and could not help but press his hand on the handle of the waist. Tightly staring at Charya.

The head of the man, with a hoarse voice, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth, saying, "General Xia, are you ready to hand us over?"

Charlie glanced at the man, and suddenly smiled: "Yes? What?"

Talking. Char's eyes crossed the man in front of him. He fell directly on the door and guarded his own face, and said lightly, "Bestas say that there are deserters? Since we are allies. This is small, busy, or help the ground. Send two teams out to help them around. Look along the river. "He paused. And said: "As for what they sent. Hey. Take it. They are kind. We are also embarrassed to refuse and let people directly take the diplomatic service at the camp. No order from me. No one is allowed to enter my military camp, understand. What? "

After his men led him out, Xia sneered and said, "It's only twenty cars and it's too underestimated. Are the old mules and the army squads a beggar? This thing just wants to kill the old mules. "

After speaking, it seemed as if I glanced at the trembling Bestas in front of me again: "Just live with me first. Before our army starts one day, I think I will send you to the emperor to see your generals."

The Beasts listened. The first look was loose. But then the taste came back, and the man immediately anxiously said, "General Xia, you. Are you planning to ignore this? Now only you can save us General Lear"

Charya smiled. A genial and amiable look. But the words spoken were cold: "Rescue? How do you want me to rescue? Do I send troops to attack the capital? Take your general out? Keep him hostage in the capital, but the emperor's order, once the emperor orders, it is difficult to change, Even if you want to change your mind, it wo n’t be done in a sentence. It takes time for the Seal of the Throne to slowly clear up the relationship before you can move the emperor.

The uncle said, several Bestars were as dead as a face, and the man wanted to say what Charlie was looking cold. The man could only take a deep breath and take him down temporarily.

Xia Ya frowned and said to herself: "Funny, such a heavy thing. Who is the old sister-in-law? To save Lear, but to save the cost, he begged two words with two words. I need to help, old Although the sister-in-law looked at that Lear, it was quite pleasing to the eye. But there wasn't much friendship with him. I would help if I didn't show any benefit. Are these Bastards an old sister-in-law?

That being said, this time, the governor's wife was really fierce and used such a trick to trap Lear in the capital. After she returned to the Beastar military area, she would naturally clean up the interior by means of thunder and easily uproot Lear's forces. Then Lear is really dead.

Although he had a covenant with the governor's wife. But that woman was too shrewd to do things, and if she didn't guard her, Xia was also uneasy. But I couldn't watch Li Er sit back and wait, leaving this Li Er. It is also good to trouble the woman at all times for trouble.

Think of it here. Charlie sat down for a while and took out her pen and paper. I wrote a letter.

This letter was written to General Adrik. The letter made clear the internal conditions of the Bestars, the punishment of the forces, and so on. As long as Adrik looks at it. Naturally, it is clear that this time the imperialists were fooled by the governor's wife. Instead of balancing the forces of Besta, they helped the governor's wife to smooth out the hidden dangers inside.

But halfway through the letter, Charlie suddenly moved her heart, grabbed the stationery and tore it into pieces, and threw it into the brazier burning to the ground.

He took another piece of paper out and wrote another one. But this time, it was not written to Adrik, the letter was raised to the Emperor Prime Minister Salenbonelli!

The content of the letter was not too different from the previous one, but at the end, there was a few more words, saying that General Lear was a good friend with himself and stayed in the capital. I also ask the prime minister to take care of Yun Jiyun

After Charlie finished writing. There was a smile in his eyes. Called for a guard. Fold the letter and hand it over to the men: "Take this letter with you into the city and wait for our army to leave. You wait two days and send this letter to the prime minister's office.

Remember, be sure to wait for our military team to send out after two days! "

His men led him out. Charlie then smiled, leaning on a chair and stretched.

After Charlie has made arrangements here. Assembly in the army continued in an orderly manner.

After one day, everything in the army was ready, and he finally went north.

This time northbound, Xia still contacted the Besta people. The two armies went hand in hand. It was just that the two armies marched together when they came here, but when they returned to the ground, it was the Bestas first. Xia ’s squadrons were separated by miles behind the Beasts. Followed hurriedly.

and. When they came down south, the army was all on a light ride. When you can go back. There are quite a few supplies in the army. A large amount of seized loot, supplies, and forages were loaded with more than 100 large vehicles.

In addition, there were hundreds of women in the army, and those young girls were sent to Xia ’s maids and servants by the powerful kings of the imperial capitals. Naturally, these girls could not march on horseback. Can only be found in a carriage.

That's it. The marching speed is naturally greatly reduced.

Before Charlie set off. A team of cavalry had been sent to the old tulip house outside the imperial capital to pick up people. Now that he's done, take Cavie Hill's brother-in-law to the north. Xia naturally did not break his word. Moreover, he was very curious about the ability of Cavie Hill's younger sister-in-law.

But he did not dare to pick it up himself. Avoid seeing Via. It was killing again.

fortunately. Go pick up the cavalry. Return smoothly. Only received the girl named Su Bing and Juncker. In addition, there are several servants in the field.

Via is not among them.

Hearing Sophie said that Via had left alone a day ago and did not know where she was going.

Thinking of Via's ruthless words with his Majesty at the time, Xia was a scalp.

That woman. Maybe stare at yourself in the dark, follow all the way, ready to assassinate at any time

The army squad went smoothly northward, and the morale of the army was high along the way.

The trip down to the south this time can be said to be full, and the coach promoted the duke to seal the duke. The army got a lot of spoils, and there were so many cute and handsome young girls. After hearing that when they returned to Denzel, Lord Xia would order all these girls to be given to young unmarried soldiers in the army.

That's it. How is morale not rising?

There were originally three thousand cavalry, but a hundred horse carriages were added to the team. There were hundreds of girls riding in buggies, and the team was much larger.

There are naturally scouts in the army to patrol the front, back, left, and right, and the whole army slowly walks five miles behind the Gusta army.

The military squadron walked out of the Osgilia administrative region and entered the Armenian military quarter.

Armenia is the site of the Hughes, the head of the rebels, and walking in their territory is, of course, to be vigilant.

But Charlie was relaxed.

The rebels had already lost a lot. There is the capital. Adrik is gathering troops and preparing for the war, and he will soon launch a counterattack. Hughes this guy is not stupid, naturally also has to build up strength to prepare for Adrik's counterattack. He would not rush out to fight himself, but he made it clear that he would go north to return to Moree. There was no conflict with these rebels for the time being.

He Hughes is not stupid. At this time, they will not come to war for nothing. Free self-damaging strength.

Sure enough, the army team marched all the way into the Armenian military area. Although the scouts came to report that there were small armies of Armenian light horses in the surroundings, they had to hold a long distance to watch their army, but they did not come up to harass. intention.

The meaning of the other party seems to be very obvious: Watching Xia Ya (hand-held machine to read novels at any time, circle ◎ sub ◎ net http: // m) Army team crossing just fine.

Even the military squadron was walking. Passing by some villages and towns, stopping for repairs. Replenish fresh water and more. The Armenian Army never came up to interfere.

This day. The military team followed the road. Walked to Merika, the capital city of the Armenian military zone.

It's not the first time Charlie has come to Merika. This town in Armenian military area. The city gates have been closed for a long time, and the army team on the city defense stand by, watching the border army team on the road below the city.

The Armenian Army is known for its elite armor. Charya overlooks the city of Merika. Look at those defenders. Well equipped.

This road is half a mile away from the city defense. Xia Yadi cavalry went all the way north. When bypassing the city defense, Xia took a few guards to the side of the road to watch the city defense, but suddenly saw the gate of the city of Merika opened and rushed out. Run down the road here.

Then the Armenian cavalry ran. A long scout here had ushered up immediately. The other party shouted from a distance: "My governor has something. Pass it to General Xia Leiming!"

After listening to the other party's shout, it was clearly an messenger sending an umbrella. But scout cavalry here in Charlie remained uneasy. The two rode up and caught the Armenian cavalry one by one. Strict prison supervision looked at each other's every move, and brought the ride to Xia Ya.

The cavalry also looked tense and came to Xia. Sitting on the horse and saluting Charlie, he said loudly, "Our governor asked General Charlie to go down to the city."

"Oh?" Charlie was curious, looking at each other. With a slight groan, he laughed: "Hughes wants to see me? Go and see what he has to say."

Talking. Raised his hand. The Fifty Riding Guards on his side followed, and followed Xia toward the city defense.

Fifty riders came under the city defense, and they had entered the range of the city defense army's bow and arrow. They stopped under the city wall for dozens of steps.

At this time, in the city gate, two teams of Armenian cavalry came out slowly, with a black tall horse in the middle, and a middle-aged man with a bright robe. It was Hughes.

Seeing so many Armenian cavalry running out of the gate. The fifty guards next to Xia Ya stood up immediately, the cavalry raised their lances and stared at each other aggressively.

Xia Ya smiled slightly and raised her hand to press down: "Okay. Put down the martial arts. Governor Jiu Hughes is a nobleman. Invite me to meet, and I won't take any chances.

With his skills, naturally, such small scenes will not be considered.

This Hughes example is also a bit bold. Xia's cavalry crossed the city outside, but dared to open the gate. There is no fear that Char's cavalry will storm the city.

In fact, both sides know clearly. The two sides won't fight at all.

Xia Ya holds the bravery, where will the archers on the ground defend the city?

And Hughes dared to open the gate. It is also clear that Xia ’s team is only three thousand cavalry. If it hits the city defense, with the tens of thousands of defenders in the city, the three thousand cavalry will enter the city. Nor can we take Merika.

Everyone knows they can't fight. Just relax naturally.

Charlie raised her hand. Let the guards around you stay on the spot, and slowly take the horse, and Hughes on the opposite side sees that Xia is coming alone. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Slightly hesitant. Will be riding up. Suddenly there was a young, everlasting. Whispering: "Master, don't"

Hughes snorted: "Xia Leiming dares to be alone. Isn't Hughes me as good as him? Get out!"

With that said, he gently clamped the horse belly and came up slowly.

In the faraway Charlie's guard, a tall figure suddenly trembled on the horse's back, holding his lance with his hands. Eyes widened. His eyes were full of resentment. Staring down at the city. Staring at the young follower who was whispering to Hughes just now!

"Ge. Gerry"

The guard gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

This guard is not someone else. It was Nigur.

After Nigur followed Charlie. Xia Ya looked at his strong body and martial arts. It would be a pity to throw them into any kind of casual service. He simply threw himself in the guard, and ordered himself to guard the kid severely.

At this moment Niguer was in the team, and he saw the young Philly around Hughes, it was Gerry! It's Gerry, who is so fond of himself!

I was deceived by this person. The defense of the Imperial City was broken

Later met together, talking. It's all from Gerry!

Enemies meet now. Extraordinarily jealous!

If it weren't for the Charlie Guard ’s army, Ji Senran would rush out on the spot!

How sensitive Xia ’s reaction was, hearing the sound of Gege from her team behind her, turning her head and seeing Niguer biting his teeth and cutting his teeth. Bite your teeth rattling. As soon as I moved in my heart, and followed Niguer's eyes, I saw Guli!

Xian Ya thought for a moment and immediately recognized Gree.

After all, he had seen the "Four Kings of the City" at the beginning.

He moved in his heart and waved to Nigur. He made a gesture of impassionable gestures and took a deep breath. Forcibly suppressed the impulse in my heart, but the mouth bit too tightly. There was blood in the corner of his mouth.

The masters on both sides met just below the city. The two sides have come together on horseback, and Hughes is still aristocratic. Raising his hand immediately, it seemed to be chic and generous. With a slight smile: "General Xia,"

Xia just lifted his whip: "Governor Hughes, please come to the city. Don't know what to say? If you want to invite me to the city to drink, you don't have to."

Hughes smiled slightly. The look seemed very calm: "Will you go to the city to drink? I'm afraid even if I open an invitation. General Xia is too busy at the moment. There is nothing else, just General Xia is famous. The Red Snow Army Achievements in the land. It can be said to be a famous emperor of the emperor. When you went south, you never had a chance to meet. Now you have to go north. If you do n’t see the previous one, I ’m afraid that there is no opportunity for you. It will definitely make me regret for a long time. "

Xia Ya smiled and looked carefully at the traitorous head in front of him.

Speaking of which, he had already learned the entire process of the ground breaking of the city of Osgilia. This Hughes could lead the troops to break the defense. Regardless of whether he used any conspiracies or tricks to fight such things, the ground is the result, and the king is defeated! He can break the defense of the city of Osgilia. This record. It's enough to have Xia Gao look at him.

To Charlie. This Hughes is like a tall and moderate middle-aged man. It looks quite a bit of the nobility of the Qiang people, but it doesn't look like a lieutenant general. Raise your hands. They are full of majesty of the throne.

Looks like a noble grandfather or a high eunuch, but it doesn't look like a general who led soldiers to break the city defense of Osgilia.

Xia listened to Hughes. ~ ~ smiled coldly: "Oh? Just want to see me. Don't have to fight in such a big battle? Master Hughes. You and I are all understand people. Transit, time is limited to the throne of the Seal of God, and you can't stay. If you have any words, just say it quickly. I'm a rough man in the army.

Hughes looked at the young man before him.

It was his first meeting with Charlie. Seeing Charya's stature is tall and tall. Ying Wu's superiority is even more aggressive, and he couldn't help but secretly say: After all, he is a young man, young and powerful. The spirit is too heavy to speak so politely, hehe, it's an agitated and proud temper.

Hughes couldn't help but be certain. Slowly said, "It's not a false statement, it is nothing more than admiration for the achievements of General Xia. It can destroy the army of the Odins. In a century of imperialism, General Xia is young and promising. So young and handsome, If you are in transit and cannot meet each other. It is too regrettable that you will not die "

Pausing for a while, watching Sia ’s face turned out to be a little proud, Hughes was even more convinced of his own guess: this is a proud and young guy, not difficult to deal with.

"But. I heard the general going north this time, but I have a few words to say."

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