
Chapter 461: [Sharp weapon]

Chapter 461, weapon, the two talked for a while under the city, but the people around them were far apart, and no one could hear what the two big men were talking about. (Reading novels)

Although there are many high-powered people in the guards around them, if they listen intently, they may not be able to hear them. They are just secret talks between two famous men in the world. Who dares to eavesdrop?

After seeing Hughes saying something to Charya, Charya's face showed a thoughtful expression, Hughes continued to say a few more words, and Fuya started to shake her head slightly, refute two sentences, but at the end However, it seemed that he was moved by Hughes, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. In his expression, it seemed that Hughes was quite heart-warming.

At the end, they looked at each other for a few moments, then both smiled slightly.

Hughes then raised her hand and ran out of the gate to count more than ten soldiers. Large boxes, those boxes were covered with cowhide, and I didn't know what was inside, just to see that the soldier carrying the box was struggling to walk, obviously the contents of the box were extremely heavy.

Charlie just sat on the horse and did not move. She just crooked her head. Naturally, her guards dismounted and accepted the boxes. The guard cavalry under his hands are all “strong riders”. They are powerful warriors who have been strengthened with muscle fruits. They are powerful. The heavy boxes in the hands of Armenian soldiers require three or five people to lift one mouth. Here, a cavalry dismounted, grabbed two with one hand, and then moved directly.

Hughes was also stunned, and after stunning God, he couldn't help but sigh: "General Xia Ya has such a tiger and wolf, it is no wonder that he can cross the northern territory. I am afraid that the Odin soul warrior, but So be it * ... "

Xia Ya smiled lightly: "What is the Beast Soul Warrior, those guard cavalry around me, which one has not killed a few Beast Soul Warriors * ......"

Then, he waved to Hughes: "Master Hughes, this is all about this, what will happen in the future, let's look at it again ..."

Hughes didn't seem to care about Charya's ambiguous words, but just smiled slightly and raised his hand to make a guest-off gesture.

Xia no longer spoke, and returned to the team with a horse, and turned around with the cavalry.

The cavalry team just turned around, but one of them suddenly stepped out of the team, pointing under the city gate, and shouted, "Gerry!"

In the voice, full of resentment and poison!

This person is naturally Nigur.

Nigur was originally tall and burly. Even among Charya ’s Guards, “there are all strong riders who have been strengthened with muscles. All of them are tall, and Nigur's physique is still the same. Does not fall.

At this moment he stepped out of the team. "The jumping horse was ahead, and he shouted loudly. The captain of the boat guard immediately discolored and yelled," Niguer! what are you doing! , "

Xia Ya raised his hand, stopped the guard captain, and looked at Nigur with a smile.

With a look of sorrow and indignation, Niguel immediately shouted two times, and saw the Armenian army under the gate, and Gree slowly came out.

Gree's handsome face was a bit pale, and he looked thinner. He looked at Nigur and said coldly, "Nigur! What do you want!" Nigur's anger was irresistible, and he pointed at Gree loudly He yelled, "You and I are bloody, and don't wear it together!" Gree smiled coldly: "You want to kill me and see if you have this ability." Niguer shouted loudly in the sky, but yelled: " Where is Martha * ... "

"Gree stunned" and then laughed aloud: "You idiot, still thinking of Martha! Let me tell you, Martha is in the city and is already my woman * ... "

Niguel turned his horse around in the same place, and suddenly took out a mace arrow from the quiver, and shouted, "I swear to kill you two! This revenge is not reported, I Niguer is such an arrow ! "

After saying "Fold the arrow in your hand in two and throw it on the ground fiercely", turn around and call the horse back to the team.

Charlie just glanced at him, and without speaking, she took the man straight away.

Under the city gate, Gerry's face was different. Listening to Ni Guer's blood swearing just now, after all, there was some guilty conscience in the heart, and he could not help but feel a little uneasy. He just watched Hughes beside him, straightened his body and took a deep breath Breathed and calmed down.

"Hughes looked at Gerry" but patted him on the shoulder, Wen Wen said, "don't bother with that guy, now he's just something like a mourning dog. He was a soldier in the Xia runner-up. You've done great things for me. If it weren't for you, I would have no chance to break the city * ... "

Gree was a little calm, but couldn't help but said, "Master ..., that Xia Leiming, I already recognized him, this person is very cunning, can't be trusted ..." Hughes looked at Gree, and saw some With a guilty conscience, Hughes said lightly: "I naturally have a number. Is this Xia Lei Ming?" I have the intention to cooperate with him. "Speaking, pointing around, laughing:" Only today I and he are at the gate of this city, thousands of pairs of eyes have watched this, and the news will naturally spread out to the capital, Then Adrik and others must know! Hehe ... as long as they know that I have met here with Xia, as for the result, they will naturally guess ... as long as they suspect, my purpose will be achieved. Charlie returned to the brigade, letting people throw the things Hughes sent into the van, and didn't rush to check.

The team continued to walk, but someone came to see Xia, but it was General Juncker.

Junker was dressed in a plain robe, without armor, and dressed up as a warrior. He saw Xia, only to say that Sophie had asked Xia to discuss something in the past.

"Xia Ya was curious," she urged her into the team.

As a disciple of Cavill Hill, Sophie was naturally given preferential treatment in Xia's army. One person rode in a carriage, which was also brought by her own. It was of course the one that Shah had taken with her. Of course, it was impossible for the driver to make Roddy the little duke.

When Fu Ya came to the carriage, she saw that the carriage window was open, a beautiful face leaned out of the window, and looked at Xia Ya with a smile: "General."

"What are you looking for? ..." Charlie looked into each other's eyes.

"I heard that General met Hughes just now." Sophie's voice was calm and calm.

"Huh * ..." Charlie said, "I'd like to ask you to help me analyze this matter, what Hughes means ..."

Sophie glanced at Charya and said lightly, "The general has an idea in his mind. Why come to test my little Ru boy?"

Charlie smiled and was not embarrassed, she said directly: "Hughes wanted to buy me out and let me help Lebesta people one by one one by one one by one by one by one by one." Sophie nodded, Says: "General Adrik rectified the army and will counterattack in the near future. The Armenian military area is the closest to the capital, and is naturally the first target. The Bestar military area is just behind the Armenian military area. Hughes's worry was nothing more than when the Adrik army attacked, the Besta attacked from behind at the same time. Although the Armenian military area was strong, if it was fighting on two fronts, it would be dangerous. Hughes was worried that the Besta would It's not surprising to harass behind you and want to cooperate with the general. If you help to restrain the Bestasman, "It will be of great benefit to Hughes * ..."

Fu Ahaha smiled: "Bestads surrendered to the empire, am I just rebellious? I am also an imperial northern defender, the Duke of the Empire, how can I cooperate with rebels like Hughes. This Hughes is wrong. Got an idea * ... "

Sophie gave a slight smile. She glanced at Xia, "Oh? Does the general really share the empire? "Xia Ya froze, and said nothing.

Sophie sighed: "Alas. Unfortunately, Her Majesty Garcia is so foolish! If he let go of his heart and treat the General with sincerity, that would not be the case. Although the royal family has sealed you as a Northern Guardian General", but the title is rewarded, But it was an article. The news came out. Some people who are slightly interested, who still do n’t understand, the royal family is actually afraid of the general. You and the royal family are not in the same heart. Smart people like Hughes will naturally judge it, of course. I think there are articles to do. "Flies don't sting seamless eggs!

If the royal family and Xia are really united, then naturally there is nothing to say ... But the situation now seems "somewhat smarter people, can naturally analyze from the details, Xia's" on the egg "" there are plenty of gaps to take advantage of! "

To be honest, if there was no such person as Adrik, Charya might have cooperated with Hughes because of his relationship with Adrick.

Anyway, he is not a true Byzantine, and he has no loyalty to any country's emperor.

Moreover, today's emperor does not forget to count himself all the time.

Xia Ya smiled, and said, "Anyway, Hughes's draw is unsuccessful. I naturally smiled at the things he sent, and wanted me to help, but there was no door * ......"

Su Jianyi frowned: "It's not really a failure * ......"

She sighed: "The general and Hughes met here, and the news spread to the capital. If the people deliberately spread it out ... I think that the general and Hughes really have a collusion. In the future, when the Armenian military region is crusade, it will naturally be more Concerned. "Xia He smiled, looking at the girl in front of her, could not help but think secretly: This girl really has a doorway.

Sophie looked up and looked at Fuya: "At this point, I'm afraid that the General himself knows it? Otherwise," he would not have agreed to meet Hughes under the city so easily ... The General is not a reckless person !! Xia Ya carefully looked at the girl in front of her and nodded: "Yes, even if the news of my private party Hughes reaches the capital, the emperor will doubt me, but General Adrik will never doubt me!" My relationship with General Adrik, it is not these small things that will be questionable. The general is convinced that I am a human "will not think that I have a collusion with Hughes * ..."

Sophie frowned: "Then the general is still so ..., isn't it ..." Then, looking at Xia Ya, the meaning on that face is like, "Are you asking for trouble yourself?"

Fu Yahaha smiled: "Even if I do nothing, the emperor and the prime minister are not pleasing to me! I met with Hughes and the news went back to add a little bit to the rabbit emperor's heart. Lao Tzu is also very happy, ha ha Haha ... Moreover, Hughes also sent some things. It is a fool to take away the benefits of taking it for nothing.

Sophie couldn't help but grin.

This General Xia'a "is a small child ... deliberately meeting Hughes in private, just to make the emperor's heart a trough ..."

In the evening of the same day, the team stopped in a village.

Along the way, Char ’s army was surrounded by small armies of the Armenian Army. Before the Char ’s army arrived in the village, the Armenian army had driven all the people out of the village and “* ... "came out and stationed Char's army.

The two had a bit of a sense of harmony and humor. The army rested in the village and stayed overnight, replenishing fresh water and building horsepower.

In the evening, Charlie moved the boxes sent by Hughes and opened them one by one.

Hughes' gift of more than ten mouthfuls of boxes "is really not small!

The four well-made armors are all made from Armenia's fine goods, and the texture is also good steel, but the style has been made into the "hill hill armor" dedicated to the senior generals of the empire.

Armenia is rich in iron ore and is famous for its excellent armors. These four sets of armors are indeed first-class good things. They are well-made, and they are made by the master craftsmen!

These four sets of high-quality Qiu Shan armor alone are worth more than 20,000 or 30,000 gold coins if they are sold.

In the other boxes, there were neat pieces of iron.

Charya was still a little confused at first, but the ordnance officer in the army immediately recognized it.

"General, this is the best iron spirit from Armenia!" Iron spirit?

Xia Ya froze, but this thing was not heard.

The ordnance officer explained: "Armenia is rich in high-quality iron ore, and the armor is the best in the mainland. Their smelting technology is also the highest. This iron spirit is a rare good thing! Usually the sword weapon used by ordinary soldiers in our army "Although they are also made of good quality iron, Armenians have a unique smelting technology that turns good iron into an iron soul!" But the cost is huge. According to legend, ten pounds of good iron can only hit two or three pounds of iron soul! This iron soul has gone for impurities, and it is pure and sophisticated. If it is made into a weapon, it is a sharp weapon of first class! , "

The ordnance officer said, "I took a look at Charya:" My lord, I like to collect these weapons the most. "I stored a weapon made by the Armor of Armenia, you know it." Then, the ordnance officer A dagger was pulled out of the boots, and his hands were presented to Charya.

Fu Ya took it, and the dagger looked dark on the edge. "If it was not a little bit cold, it looks a little worse than the ordinary dagger weapon sales.

With a slight movement in his heart, he "pulled a sword freely from the waist around the guard, left-handed dagger" and his right-handed long sword. He cut off each other in a balanced and vigorous manner, and heard a crisp sound of "铿", looked up, The dagger was intact, but Jianjin had a missing nail size. !!

As soon as Charya looked, her face moved slightly!

You know, the guards around him are the most elite "strong riders" in his Northern Army! Such first-class elite troops are also equipped with the best weapons in their army! This long sword in hand is also made of excellent iron stones. It can be said that it is superior to the weapons used by the Imperial Central Army.

But being daggered by this dagger, a short cut was made. !! If on the battlefield, when encountering the enemy with such weapons, wouldn't his own army be greatly disadvantaged?

This contrast, fighting on the battlefield, if the enemy uses sharp weapons such as daggers, I am afraid that the soldiers under his hands will not break the sword in a few times! That's a big loss!

The ordnance officer saw the face of Xia Ya, understood the general's anxiety, and slowly said, "Sir! The weapon created by this iron spirit, although Jinli, but because the cost is too high, ten pounds of good iron can be played. Two or three pounds of iron monsters, and forging weapons, have more fire during the forging process, so it is difficult to build weapons. Although the Armenian military region is known for its sophisticated equipment, it is impossible to equip the entire army with such iron weapons. I heard that in the Armenian army, only officers above the rank of officer are eligible to wear such weapons, but ordinary sergeants do not have it. "Are officers above the rank of officer just equipped?

When Charlie heard it, her brows frowned.

Yang Zhanting military system, fifty for the team.

In other words, every Armenian army has one person equipped with such a weapon.

"You mean, the Armenian Army has not listed this weapon with any army?"

Xia Ya looked at the puppet ordnance officer, who groaned a little, and said, "Sir, before I served in the Central Army, I spent two years in the Ordnance Department of the Imperial Capital Ministry. At that time, the Ministry was still a rebel. There are many Armenian officers in the military. I have been to the Armenian Army. I heard that such a boat is indeed a rare good thing in the Armenian Army. "No one was given. Army queue. It ’s said that “a weapon made with iron monsters, the cost and the labor cost of building it will add up to dozens of gold coins! For the Armenian Army, dozens of gold coins can recruit a lot of soldiers, why bother to spend to build one Get the weapon. "Xia heard it, and sneered," Stupid! Waste! "The ordnance officer heard it." I don't know what the Lord will mean by "stupid waste".

Fu Ya then sighed and said lightly: "Funny Armenians, who claim to be well-equipped, have such a weapon but do n’t know how to use it well, only for officers ... Huh! His Armenian army has tens of thousands of troops. Fifty people are equipped with such a weapon, and there are hundreds of such weapons! But it is scattered to the officers of the army to use as a decoration, isn't it a waste? If I am the commander, I have such a weapon in my hand Of course, all of them are focused on equipping an elite army! Even if only a few hundred people are equipped on the battlefield, with hundreds of people holding such a sharp weapon, they will become a force that can control the battle situation! It is ridiculous that Hughes really did not understand the military strategy. Such a good thing was used as a decoration for the officer ... stupid! Does he not understand that good weapons are used! Not for the officers to show off! , "

He then looked at the boxes in front of him. There are seven or eight boxes of these iron souls, which add up to just a few hundred pounds of iron souls ... these few hundred pounds of iron souls can't fight much weapons. "I want to come to Hughes for myself, but only myself Will play a small amount of some excellent weapons "rewarded to the army generals.

But I do n’t know Charya ’s temperament, which is most practical and practical. If such a good thing is not used by soldiers, but given to the generals as a decoration, it is a shameful waste.

"Unfortunately, there are hundreds of catties here." I can't fight much martial arts ... Well, if only I could get some more. "The ordnance officer heard Xia ’s sigh." His face suddenly moved, "Dachan ..., maybe there is also Shushu ..., when it comes to building weapons, it is his subordinate. If you want to build an elite Weapons, a weapon, in fact, not all materials are made of this high-quality material. For example, the rifle used in the army, the gun rod can be made of ordinary materials, and the tip of the gun is made of high-quality fine iron. .If you are making sword weapons, you only need to refine the iron on the blade, which is a good knife! Although it is slightly worse than the real weapon made of all good materials, but in actual combat, It's not too bad * ... "

Xia Ya heard it, and her face was happy: "What do you mean ... the hundreds of catties of iron ... * ..." The ordnance officer quickly calculated in his mind: "If you build a sabre for cavalry, a sabre, only It is only necessary to extract a small amount of iron spirit on the material of the blade, and the sharpness will not be worse than the weapons made by all the iron spirits. In this way, a saber, only the blade You ca n’t even use a pound of iron monsters ... hundreds of pounds of iron monsters here are enough to create hundreds of first-class sabers! ”

Xia Ya heard it in her heart ~ ~ and immediately made a decision: "You have to move all these boxes! Back to Denzel City, it will be left to you to do it! If you can build a few hundred With a good sabre, I will promote you to the commissioner of the Ordnance Department! "With this unexpected gain, Xia Ya was relieved.

His five hundred strong riders are invincible in terms of combat effectiveness. If we can have such a weapon and equipment, it will be even more powerful, and the combat power will be stronger by three points!

He was in a good mood. After the ordnance officer stepped down, Xia Ya walked out of the room and went outside, spreading around at will. Just after taking a few steps, he suddenly heard a "pop," but the sound of a leather whip.

I saw that in the first ten steps or so, the captain of his own guard was holding a whip in his hands, his eyes were full of anger, and he was performing military law.

The whip person was lying on a few stacked boxes, with several whip marks on his upper body and back.

As soon as he saw it, he recognized it immediately, and it was Nigul who was hit by the whip.

As soon as he was in his heart, he went over.

"what happened?"

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