
Chapter 478: [Last transaction]

Charya looked impatiently at this dwarf, and was a little impatient and waved her hand: "You don't have to hide your armpits, you can just say it directly. No ads ~ Reading Net)

The rock seemed to be thick-hearted, and after a few hesitations, he straightened his waist plate and said, "Respectable general, this full set of dragon attribute materials, even in our dwarven clan, which is famous for its craftsmanship, Extremely rare things. You know, dragons are not so easy to meet. Dragons generally like to stay in their own territories and don't like to walk around. Occasionally some dragons appear in this world, but the dragons are powerful. Strength also makes very few people dare to fight their ideas ... You know, annoying a dragon, the dragon's revenge is very strong. "

"Don't talk nonsense, just talk about the subject." Charlie frowned.

"I mean, since you can have such luck and get such a rare set of equipment, in order to achieve the best results, the mount is a very important link." The dwarf said positively: "I listen According to the ancient legend among the tribe, only in the ancient times, when there were dragon knights in the world, those dragon knights had a lot of equipment of the dragon clan attributes. It is said that the top strong warriors among those people in the ancient times can let The dragons bowed their proud heads for them, and they were driven willingly. Some dragons even signed a soul contract with human knights and became the mounts of human dragon knights. And often when fighting, the dragon mounts died, then the human knights He will use the body of the war dead mount to make equipment to remember the sacrificed mount and to signal that the loyal mount is always with him ... "

"Hypocrisy." Xia directly sniffed: "I know that the dragon's body is a good material and naturally refuse to waste it. Take the dead dragon's mount body to build a weapon, use it, use it, and what memories? Nonsense ... Rock, when did your dwarves become so sloppy? What are you trying to say for a long time? "

"..." Rock swallowed: "It is said that the dragon knights in ancient times were very powerful and one of the reasons was that they had the equipment of dragon attributes, and at the same time they could use some dragon attributes after signing a soul contract with the dragon clan. That is to say, it is also a set of dragon attribute equipment. In the hands of those dragon knights, they will be truly "activated" by the dragon tribe's power attributes. This will make the power multiplied. "

"Either the keel or the scale, these materials are naturally attached to the power of the dragon clan." Rock added: "Although purely from a texture perspective, these exotic wests are also very strong. It's too wasteful to just focus on its hard texture. It is rumored that the ancient dragon knights, wearing dragon-type equipment, riding dragon mounts, and in battle, the knights and the dragon mounts can interact with each other and summon the dragons. The true fusion of power is truly achieved. "

Xia just shook her head when she heard: "Where can I go to find a dragon to be my mount ... Such a beautiful thing need not be thought of."

Although the proposal was tempting, Charlie felt that she was down to earth.

Not to mention whether you can find the Dragons, even if you can find the Dragons ... How do you tame a dragon to be your own mount? The difficulty of this problem is too high, and the operability is too low.

"So, come next, maybe you can think about ... Undead magic." At the last word, the rocky body suddenly stunned, hit a shiver, and murmured in prayer. : "Almighty Thor, please forgive me for saying such evil words."

"Undead magic?" Charya blinked.

"Just ... use the undead to create dead creatures as pets or mounts." The face of the rock was a little pale: "The most suitable choice to match the strength of the dragon is the bone dragon."


This was a very good proposal, and Charlie groaned for a moment while pinching her.

Bone Dragon ... Use undead magic to create undead. This kind of thing has heard the legend itself. I heard similar rumors when I heard the Dodoro guy ’s bragging before, but the content of the Dodoro guy ’s bragging is that a magician in the Imperial City can use the bones of the dead to make a skeleton soldier who can fight and walk ... That kind of low-level goods, Charya dismissed at all.

And the bone of heart ..., without a doubt, stood on the edge of all magical undead creatures!

Even in some legends, bone dragons are often evil and powerful beings. Okay, our soil turtle automatically ignores the "evil" part in our brains and only focuses on "strong"

Legend has it that some powerful dark magicians will create dark undead. There are some guys who have made bone dragons in the legend. It is said that there are some lucky magicians who will find a dead dragon's bone in the ancient battlefield or no doubt, and then collect the bone.

Because of Dora's encounter, Xia learned that the dragon tradition is "soul burial."

The Dragon race is a very strange race. Under normal circumstances, if a dragon is about to end its life, it will predict its own deadline, so it will go to the sacred graveyard of the Dragon race before the end of life, and then be quiet there Dead. The return of the soul to the holy tomb is also a tradition persisted by the Dragons.

If the unfortunate death of a dragon is elsewhere, such as sudden death, then if the soul fails to return to the holy tomb, it will often become a lonely soul wandering. In most cases, a ray of soul will be absorbed on its own bone. . Although with time the throne of the Seal of God, the strength of the soul is gradually weakened, and it will gradually lose its original consciousness, but after all, the power of the dragon soul's origin will still be more or less.

However, some powerful dark magicians have found the bones of such dragons, and then used dark magic to extract the remaining dragon souls adsorbed on the bones, and then use this remaining trace of dragon souls to make dragon bones Into undead.

This undead creature is a bone dragon.

Generally, bone dragons made into undead creatures are less effective than real dragons. But because the dragon's soul remains on it, bone dragons can often use the power of pure dragon attributes, even including some of the magic of dragon attributes.

For magicians who practice dark magic, the bone dragon is the most top-level preparation they dream of.

But it is extremely difficult to make bone dragons. Especially for the magician who cultivates dark magic, the remnants of "remaining undead creatures" carry great danger. The stronger the original power of the target soul being refined, the more dangerous the magician encounters The more difficult it is, and the dragon is the most powerful creature, and its soul is also the most powerful race. How difficult is it to make a dead dragon's undead.

"Behind the scenes ... it's an interesting choice."

Charya couldn't help but fantasize about this scene: she was wearing a black dragon-scale warframe all over her body, and she set foot on a huge undead undead creature composed of a huge white dragon skeleton. The bone dragon opened his mouth wide and screamed sternly ...

Charya could not help drooling!

If you ride such a big guy on the battlefield, the visual effects alone can shock a lot!

If the enemy sees such a scene, they will not be fainted yet. The deterrence of the enemy's psychology is inestimable!

"I still have a lot of keel. If the materials in my hand are not enough, I can think of other ways." Xia has started to decide whether she should leave for the valley where Dora died, and take the rest The wreckage of the dragon body was also carried out * ..., and he frowned: "But to make a bone dragon, you need to find a powerful magician who is good at the dark magic of the undead ..."

When Xia Ya said here, looking at the expression of the rock, she immediately realized!

"Mei Zhu? Is Mei Lin's dark undead magic very powerful?"

Rock sighed. "Browling," said, "When Lord Merlin first visited our tribe for the first time, we had offended the adults. As a result, when Lord Merlin was angry, he gave our tribe a great educator. "

"Oh? Did you turn that graybeard of yours into a barnyard?" Xia Ya was fortunate.

"Not only that." Rock couldn't help shrinking his neck, as if remembering the scenes of the past. Tomo: "Dear general, you know, my dwarves are also good at digging and mining in addition to ironmaking. The dwarves live in underground caves and mountains that we have dug into huge caves, but what about Wildfire? It used to be an ancient battlefield in ancient times. We dwarves lived there. For many years, we do n’t know how many ancient wreckages left from the ancient battlefield .. And that time, our disrespectful behavior to Lord Merlin angered us. My lord, she ... "

Speaking of this, Rock trembled, "Master Merlin was so horrified that she was angry! She used a kind of dark magic we couldn't understand, and she buried the numerous wrecks buried underground, and instantly summoned one. An army composed entirely of undead skull creatures comes. It is conceivable that in our underground caves, there are suddenly hundreds of undead skull creatures coming towards us like a tide ... To be honest, most soldiers are not Those who knocked down were actually frightened.

Rock took a deep breath: "I think that since Merlin can summon undead skeleton creatures to drive her, then she must be very proficient in the dark magic of undead. If you can ask her for help, you can make a bone dragon for you. Come, then it can be said to be a very suitable mount for you. In addition, with the strength of the dragon family attached to the bone dragon, it can also make the dragon armor you wear get the most effective play.

Mei Xiao ..., still an undead black magician?

This Charya has never heard of it.

However, the woman claimed to be the greatest magic genius in the world, as if she really seemed to be a master of all magic, and was proficient in all magic. It seemed that there was nothing difficult to get her about the magic.

That being said, it is quite possible!

"Very good, rock, I will take your advice down carefully! If I really have a day of riding the bone dragon, I will definitely remember your mention."

Charya couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

But just then, a cold voice came out of my brain.

"Put away your greedy thoughts! Asshole!"

Dora's voice was filled with anger. In Charya's memory, this female dragon rarely seemed to be so excited to fire such a big fire.


"You bastard! You actually talk about how to create a bone heart in front of a proud dragon clan ... Dammit! That kind of cheap undead creature is simply a defilement of the dragon clan's pride!"

After listening to Dora ’s rebuke, Charlie did n’t take it for granted: “Anyway, you are dead. Borrowing your bones is also a waste. If I do n’t use it, I bury it in the ground and rot ...”

"Don't think about it!" Dora sneered: "I can tell you that you can't make any bone dragons from my bones! Even if Merlin is really a master of dark undead magic, don't think about it What undead creatures have been made out of my bones! "

"Hey, this can't be done by you. Merlin must have a way to say it." Charlie was shameless, and he decided to "make the most of" Dora's bones.

"The greedy stupid." Dora's tone was dismissive: "You really don't know anything about the dark magic of the undead! Yes, the dark magic of the undead can make a creature's bone into an undead creature, but don't forget, there is a premise that there must be a surviving attached soul on the bone! Have you forgotten your stupid mind? Where will my soul be on my bones? "I, death", the soul has been separated from the flesh and directly attached to your body! Hmm ... To make a bone dragon, unless there are dragon bones, there must be some remaining on the bone The soul power of the dragon can only work! But my soul mark is already on your body, how can you use my bones to make a bone dragon? Then there is no soul mark at all! Unless ... you yourself Refined into undead! Hahaha spider ... "

Charya's face broke down at once ~ ~ No, no soul! !!

Damn, I forgot about it!

Dora's soul is attached to her, where can there be dead souls on those bones? !!

After Tu Yan opened his mouth, he suddenly had an idea: "You must have a way! Since you say so, then you must know that there are other ways, right?"

Dora's voice suddenly became extremely cold!

"Boy, let's make a deal! Maybe ... this is the last deal between us!"

I don't know why, Dora's tone suddenly made Shia shiver!

(Hehe, there is no refreshment this time, it has been updated.)

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