
Chapter 479: 【oath! 】

Chapter 479, Oath! The shady smell in Dora's tone made even Shaya's hair a little tingy. Read the novel on your mobile phone and update it synchronously! \\! {\ '} (Seeing the novel) With instinct, Xia Ya realized immediately that the trading conditions that this mother dragon would open next, I'm afraid it would be really unusual!

"Tell me about it ..." Xia's tone was dignified: "Although I don't know what the deal you are talking about, I don't think it will be simple. None of the things that you guys have proposed is easy. . "

"Don't forget, you have promised to send me back to the Dragon cemetery. It has not been completed yet." Dora sneered.

"But don't forget, I allow you to be with me, so that your soul can be temporarily stored. It's not a treat to you, do you like the spirit flying away?"

Dora was silent for a while: "Well, you make sense."

Xia Ya sneered twice: "Also, don't really treat Laozi as a fool. Although I am not a dragon, I can also think of my toes. The sacred tomb of the dragon you said must be unusual. Where can you let me feel free? Take you in and out? The body of your dragons are invaluable to other races, so the ghost cemetery must be extremely secretive and cannot be found at all! Moreover, the tomb may not have any more serious danger! Maybe there is What a complete set of ambush, or what a powerful guard. Otherwise, the graveyard of the Dragon tribe is a treasure for other races. If it is not protected, it will be dug out by the grave robbers of other races hundreds of years ago! I really listened to your words and stupidly ran away. I ’m afraid I ’m going to die, I ’m dead! Then, when your Dora ’s soul returns to the holy tomb, you will get what you want. ”But I ’m only afraid of my Charm ’s soul Have to stay in that ghost graveyard too! "Here, Xia, Heng said," I'm right? "Dora was silent, and she was speechless by Charlie's words of accusation.

Originally, to tell the truth, she repeatedly took Xia with her to return to the cemetery, and there was no good intention in hitting her heart.

Seeing that the mother dragon said nothing, "Xia Ya felt that she had suppressed this guy in momentum, and her tone was slightly relaxed:" However, you finally taught me that trick "Dragon Thorn" Hehe Although this trick, when you taught me, I was afraid that I was not at ease. This dragon thorn is dangerous with every use. "It is extremely burdensome on the body, but it is huge in power. If I am not strong enough, I am greedy for the power in it. If I use this trick with great side effects, I ’m afraid of the body. It was ruined, maybe one day it would hang up. But anyway, you finally taught me. "As for how I use it myself, that is my business. This one can also be regarded as my careless acceptance of you * ...... "

Speaking of which, Char ’s tone seems to be very general: "So, what else do you have?" Just say it, but you better think about it, if it is too unscrupulous, "I am not interested to bother.", Dora was silent for a long time, and at this moment she finally heard her voice again. Instead of the slightest defeat in her tone, she coldly took pride: "Boy, there is so much nonsense, do you want a head?" Powerful mount of dragon power attribute * ... "

"This ... Lou naturally thought."

"That wouldn't be a problem * ..." Dora replied coldly: "My method can ensure that your mounts can use the attributes of the dragon's power, and can even bless the magic of the dragon, so that you can attack or defend in battle. Will be greatly improved, and even let you have some magical magic of dragon-specific magic ... "

Charlie's heart was tickling, and she couldn't help but said, "What can I do?"

"My way" also inevitably requires you to ask Merlin. Only a great magician like Merlin can create powerful undead creatures ... ", when Xia heard this, she couldn't help wondering:" Undead creatures? Don't you say your bones can't make bone dragons? Are you still thinking about making undead? "

Dora said lightly, "If you really want to understand, don't interrupt and listen carefully to what I've said." After a pause, Dora's voice was dismissive: "What the dwarf said just now is dark to the undead. The understanding of magic is simply superficial and extremely ignorant. Hmm, Xia, do you know what is the true dark magic of the undead? "Doralian asked twice, but she did not see Xia ’s response, could not help but Annoyed: "Ask you, why not answer?"

Xia Ya said loudly, "Aren't you telling me not to intervene?"

Dora: "........."

Charlie said impatiently: "Okay, well, of course, I do n’t know what ghosts and undead magic, if you ask, then you must know it in great detail, you just say it, why bother me Asking this kind of question makes me seem ignorant, and makes you so cool? "If not for Charya, Dora would like to ignore this bastard!

"Undead ..., the black magic of the undead has always been misunderstood by the world." Dora's voice seemed to grit her teeth, and hated: "And the black magic of the undead is not only studied by your human magician, other races also exist. Dark type of undead magic. For example, one of our dragons is a dark dragon, which lives in the dark abyss, and that dark dragon is good at dark magic. Another example is the elves, which also have dark fallen elves, which are also independent of Outside of the other elves, they are known for their dark magic. But whether they are humans, elves and our dragons, they are hostile to dark magic, and they even think that all dark undead Magic is a symbol of corruption and evil ... "," Fart. "Xia finally could not help but interject:" Only evil magicians, no evil magic. Any power depends on the use of it Master. A knife is sharp again. It can only kill pigs when it falls into the butcher's hands, and kills when it falls into the hands of the samurai. Such a simple truth ... ", Dora imitation A helpless laughter was issued: "Any race has a kind of inferiority, and that is: Anything that you can't understand or is unfamiliar, you will be vigilant or even hostile. This nature exists in many races. Only the goblins of ancient times can have that kind of true inclusiveness. "Charlie suddenly moved:" Since you say such a thing, then it seems, in your eyes "Dark magic also Not the same as evil? ","of course not. Dora's tone was a little proud: "I'm not comparable to those stupid and stubborn and conservative guys. "After a pause, Dora continued:" Well, don't interrupt me anymore! " I can tell you that the so-called magic of the dark undead system is not evil to the symbol, but the dark undead magic is specialized in the study of the ten spirits. For all races, the traditional tradition is to respect the dead. For those who have passed away, they think that it is the right way for the soul to rest. The research on the undead magic of the dark undead is considered to be a blasphemy and annoyance to the dead soul, and it is a disrespect to the dead. This may be a traditional view ", but in fact, every magician who is proficient in the dark undead magic can be said to be an expert in the field of soul research! We dragons, humans, or other races, thousands For thousands of years, we have desperately researched various powers, and even wanted to use the power of nature "to produce countless powerful magicians, warriors, warriors, and even some can use the power of heaven and earth ..., but sadly, we "I have n’t been able to truly understand ourselves all the time! We ... do n’t even understand our soul! We do n’t understand the power and magic in our soul ... This may be the sorrow of all races. . "

"Well, don't be embarrassed by these seemingly sublime words, you can just say what you want!" Xia Ya touched his chin: "Listen to this sly mother dragon who said such compassionate words, Lao Tzu The scalp is numb. "

Dora snorted angrily: "Every undead magician is an expert in the field of soul research! They truly understand the mysteries of the soul field that most ordinary people don't know! You know, to make an undead immortal Creature is to extract the attached soul power from the wreckage of the creature, and then refine it with special dark magic. "Many people think that the most powerful and terrible place of the undead magician is the refining, those undead. , But everyone is wrong! Even many undead wizards don't even realize where the really magical or really precious places in these areas they are studying! "

When talking about this, Dora seemed to be agitated and her voice trembled: "The most magical of the undead magician" or the most precious research result is not how to make those undead souls! Instead, they are Extract from the bones, come out! Silly boy, "Do you understand? The most amazing thing about undead magicians is that they can give birth to the soul of the flesh, extract it, and come out! !! !! Then ......... reinject the refined undead again into the flesh! Charya, can you understand the subtlety?

Xia Ya opened his mouth wide, and in his mind flashed countless thoughts, every thought made his mind like a lightning strike!

Extract the soul ... inject the soul! !!

After Dora's reminder, Charlie was acutely aware of the real magic of this nuance! !!

Since the undead magician can extract the soul from the bones of the creature "..., then, they may have a way to extract the soul from the living biological body!

No, it is not possible, but it can be done!

Because Xia has also heard that there are some particularly evil undead black magicians who like to make living creatures into undead creatures for their own driving! !!

That said, undead magicians can extract their souls from living creatures! It is also possible to inject the soul into a body! !!

In an instant, Charlie immediately understood what Dora meant! !!

"You ... you mother dragon, you want to ..."

Dora was silent for a while: "I am dead and damaged, but my soul has not yet dissipated ... I have a soul but no physical body ... ... then all I need is an outstanding super-dead The dark magician can use the magic of undead magic to re-inject my soul into a body suitable for me, I ... "

Speaking of this, Dora's voice trembled.

"I, think, come back, live!"



Charlie was silent for a long time.

Charya didn't seem to respond much to Dora's last sentence.

In fact, he is still immersed in the ability of the undead magician to extract the soul and inject the flesh!

This ability is the real treasure of the undead magician!


(If you can use this method, you can even make anyone achieve true "eternal life?")

After all, the lifespan of any race currently seems to be limited by the physical body. Once the physical body ages, its skills decline, and eventually it dies, it will cause the soul to dissipate and die ...

Well, if you can get rid of the restraint of Ran Shen.

Suppose, when a person, when he is aging, before the physical body reaches the limit of life, the soul is extracted with undead magic, and then injected into a new body full of vitality, isn't it equal to ...

Doesn't life never end in this way?

This conjecture ... is really human ..., ...

It's amazing! !!

After being silent for a long time, Xia took a deep breath: "I think you may think things are too simple. Although you are very smart, but since you can think of it, over the centuries, are there other undead magic Teachers are fools? Didn't they think of them? "

"They thought of it." Dora sneered: "Don't you heard that there are some particularly powerful undead magicians who even heal themselves into undead undead to achieve the purpose of longevity? This is my guess. ~ ~ is feasible! "

After a pause, Dora slowly said, "My soul is immortal now, all I need is a flesh! So as my requirement, you only need to ask Master Merlin and ask her to use her erudition and superb magic knowledge Is it possible with her research on the dark magic of the undead! "

"I can try, but ...", "I know that there may not be much hope, but this may also be the only silver lining for my resurrection. Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, I will try it! Dora's tone was excited.

"So ... you said, my mount ..." Xia immediately thought of the subject of Zi Zi's beginning.

"If you can ask Lord Merlin to resurrect me with the dark magic of the undead ... I can regain my life and return to the world as a dragon! Then ..." Xia Lei Ming! "Dora's voice suddenly became extremely serious!

"I, Dora, swear by my soul and me as the pride of the Dragons, with my ancestors and everything together! If I am resurrected, I am willing to sign a soul contract with you and personally serve as your mount! And Your Xia Lei Ming will also become the first proud and legendary, great "" Dragon Knight! " !! "

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