
Chapter 488: [Turn the decay into the magical Dodolo]

Turned into a magical Dodoro, yes, Dodoro is standing in front of Chara at this moment, but if you only look at the appearance, Charya almost has no way of recognizing that the guy in front of him is his own wretched and sly magician Servant!

Todo's original appearance was extremely thin and insignificant. (See novel) In the words of Xia Ya, this guy is born with a perverted face.

Moreover, Dodoro's original body was very thin and short, especially when standing next to a man like Charya who was tall and tall, he would become more and more short and lean.

But now, the guy in front of him is already half taller than before, and looks like the skinny, deeply sunken cheeks have been rounded, at least it doesn't look like that night anymore Walking will scare passers-by's skeletons. The eyes that were flashing with insignificant light, white eyes and black eyes seemed to be normal, but the pupils were faintly green.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the charming, melancholic green ... but the cruel green like the skin of a frog.

This made the original insignificant look fade, but it was a bit more scary.

And his hair.

Totoro was originally not bald, but his hair was a bit scarce. He was only in his thirties and he was already a little thankful. In normal times, this guy was very careful when combing his hair. Comb in the middle to cover up the defect. But now it seems that the guy's hair suddenly became thicker, and the color looked shiny.

All in all, the Dodoro in front of him looks from the contours of the facial features, but also with the shadows left over from the past, but the whole person looks "already more energetic. Tall, and the eyes are full of energy. The flesh and blood on the cheeks is full.

The most important thing is that this guy's eyes actually expressed a kind of confidence!

Yes, the humble, sly, cowardly guy had a look of confidence in his eyes!

From ..., this is simply too bad!

Charlie muttered in disappointment.

Then he turned his head to look at Merin with a smile on his face: "How did you do that? The guy who transformed this guy finally looks like a human?"

"Magic life magic * ..." Merlin's tone was proud.

& nbǐ, crying and screaming: "Master, master, I am your loyal servant, Duodoro ......... I can see you alive again, don't you know that I have been these days ...

Thank goodness "At least his voice still sounded that way, wretched!

"Huh, Dodoro, you mean, I'm torturing you?" Merlin's eyes flashed cold.

Totoro immediately jumped up like a cat with a tail on his tail, and flew to hide behind Charya, then said in a respectful voice: "Where! Where is it, Lord Merlin? Never dare to forget ... "

& nb sister-in-law Dodoro, with curiosity all over his face: "Merlin, are you ..."

"I told you all, it's the magic of life * ..." Meilin smiled proudly: "In this world, the magic I don't understand about Meilin has not been invented yet ..."

Immediately "Merlin finally explained in detail to Xia.

Dodoro accidentally obtained the magic mini chapter belonging to the Great Magister, and the body was imbued with a large amount of magical original power belonging to the Magister, and his consciousness was also forcibly imprinted into Daquan's advanced magic knowledge and spell.

"This kind of thing" did turn this guy into a magic master for a short time.

Totoro is naturally proud of himself, and his head is full of masters' dreams. But soon, Merlin poured him a bucket of cold water.

"Your magic now is not yours. It is stored in that microchapter. And your own magical attainments are still very shallow, and once these magics that are not yours are used up by you, you You will be returned to the prototype. With your own meager magic, even if you know so many advanced magic spells, you will not be able to use them. By then ... you will still be a waste wood. "

In this case, "Dodoro's master's dream was immediately broken.

"But he thought of a possible solution based on your current situation."


To put it simply, "Dodoro had practiced life magic before. At the cost of half his life, he practiced the first-level life magic.

But it ’s a pity. ”The cultivation method left by the master of the magic of life, Master Sierra Finkya, was originally an incomplete version. The cultivation of this incomplete version of life magic is to consume the vitality of the practitioner. Every time I cast my life magic in the future, it will also consume my vitality.

In this way, it means that every magician who practices the magic of life, every time he casts a magic spell, he is committing suicide slowly!

How much vitality can a person have? ? !! !!

Therefore, even if it has become a primary life magic, it does not have much practical effect on Dodo's improvement in strength. After all, it takes a lot of life to cast a magic spell. How can a daunting guy like Dodoro use this magic easily?

Of course, there is only one benefit, that is, whoever cultivates the magic of life, his appearance will immediately maintain the state of the year when he cultivates. He will not age in his life, but only in the year when his life is exhausted. Only then will the rapid aging continue.

Totoro was fortunate that Merlin was also said to be a master of magic in life magic.

It is said that in Merin's life, the most admired character in the field of magic was the founder of the magic of life, Sheila Finkya.

The madman who claims to be "If you drive me a flock of enough sheep, I can challenge the Holy Magi. If you give me more sheep, I can even challenge the stronger, exist," Madman!

The legendary madman who has caused panic throughout the world!

When Merlin was young, she even broke into the Byzantine Empire ’s Headquarters Magic School of the Byzantine Empire, challenged several Magisters, and finally made the church helpless with a domineering practice. Then she seized many of the Greeks who remained in the church. Time left notes and information.

In the case of Dodoro, Merlin was greatly interested.

After all, how to turn a waste wood into a magic master is also a very challenging thing for a madman such as Merlin.

So "Dodoro became Merlin's test.

In the idea of ​​how to reform Doodor, Merlin began to think about how to maximize Doodor's adventure and how to make the most of the sheer magic stored in the magic badge obtained by Doodor to let him. Become a master.

But the idea soon entered Dead Lane. After all, Dodoro's own magical accomplishments are too weak. While the magical powers of the outside are exerting magical consumption, he cannot himself add new magical powers through meditation.

In Merlin's words: With so many high-level magic spells stored in Dodoro's mind now, even if he picks the worst one, if he wants to rely on his own magic power, I'm afraid to do it every time. " He has to meditate and accumulate magic for two hundred years!

Merlin was also helpless with Dodo's own magical accomplishments. After all, she is also a man, not a god. The magician ’s talent for magic cultivation, the induction of magic elements, the manipulation of magic power, and the cultivation of magic power during meditation all require a certain talent. People without talent, no matter how hard they are, they ca n’t do it. it is good.

Totoro ’s problem is that once the foreign magic power he got is used up, he will be beaten back to the prototype. Even though his mind is full of magic spells of the wizard level, it is also a piece of magic that you do n’t want to show ... "In the end, Merlin thought for a long time" before finally putting her mind on "life magic".

Totoro has practiced life magic and has paid the price of half of his vitality. Unfortunately, because he is too weak, even if it pays such a large price, it is just the ability to acquire primary life magic.

However, Merlin opened his mind on this point.

Totoro's problem is that he has no magic knowledge, masters a lot of deep magic spells, but does not have the corresponding deep magic to cast.

It seems like a man with a full stomach and martial arts skills, but he is a handicapped disabled person.

"All he needs is magic!"

One of the characteristics of life magic is that, as a generation of magic genius, Sierra Finkya's greatest contribution was to break the threshold of magic cultivation!

It ’s always been the case that “want to cultivate magic, you must have magic talents! People who do n’t have talents” no matter how hard they try, it ’s the cultivation of magic that keeps 99% of them in the magic world Outside the door.

However, the magic of life of Hirafinkya is that even if you don't need to meditate to cultivate magic, you can also use the vitality in exchange for magic!

Since Totoro can't cultivate a strong magic power by himself, "..., it is better to use the magic of life to exchange magic power for vitality.

This is Merlin's idea.

But this faces a second problem.

Totoro's body was weak, and his vitality was not strong.

Moreover, even if it is not Dodoro, if you change to a person with a strong body, if you only rely on consuming your own vitality, you will not become a master of magic.

After all, if you want to perform a deep magic, you need a lot of magic! It is impossible for anyone to have so much vitality to splurge.

In the past, Master Sierra Finkya solved this problem. The complete version of the life magic he created was to absorb the vitality of any living things around him for his own use. Such magic is really a horrible existence!

Theoretically, as long as there is a living creature around him, his magical power is unlimited!

But unfortunately, the practice of the magic of life magic left by Sierra Finkya is incomplete. He did not leave the method of absorbing the vitality of other living things to future generations. It is the master of the magic himself who is aware of this horrible method. Once it spreads, it will cause great movement and confusion.

Therefore, Doodor's vitality is too weak to exchange enough magic power.

Although Merlin is also a generation of magical genius, her years of research have not been able to find out how sheila Funka did it in the past. "She could not restore the full version of hera ’s life magic.

So ... Since Doodor's own vitality is too weak, Merlin has set his mind on "how to make this guy more vital."

After careful research, Merlin soon worked out a "Dodoro transformation plan"


"We usually say, vitality" vitality, ... but how many people really understand what vitality is? "Melin looked at Xia Ya and smiled proudly.

"Vitality ..." is probably the life of a person, right? "Xia Ya mōzi mō chin.

"Yes" is not right, you are too biased, you can only say a little bit right. "Melin had her pride and self-confidence on her face." I started studying various documents left by Hierafinkya many years ago. I didn't directly study the magic of his life like everyone else, trying to start from the incomplete version. Finding clues to figure out what the full version is like ... Such a way is too stupid, how a generation of genius Hirafinkya, since he intentionally concealed, how can he give people so obvious clues. So "for many years, my research direction is not to study magic itself, but to focus on the research of vitality and vitality!"

"In the end, what is vitality is actually very complicated! In the eyes of ordinary people, vitality is just a word, but in fact, the word contains too much content! For most living things, vitality includes all the body structure. Field! "Merlin's speaking rate became very slow when he said this:" Is your heart strong enough and your lungs healthy? If the lungs are not healthy enough, you have breathing problems, and your body is natural "Weakness" means that the body is weak, so the vitality is naturally weak, and your stomach and intestines are not healthy enough. Otherwise, indigestion, nothing more than drawing energy from food, will also result in weakness of vitality ......... and, Your skin, your hair, your hearing "visual, olfactory, etc." "... and I have studied countless times over the years" and finally I discovered that, in fact, blood occupies the largest proportion of vitality One aspect! blood! "

"The blood of any living thing is more important than most other parts of the body! I don't believe you can imagine joining a person, without eyes, without nose ears tongue mouth" ..., even without limbs, or some People who are injured on the battlefield and whose internal organs are damaged can barely survive. I have traveled north and south in my life, and even I have heard that someone has cut off half of his lungs and can still live for a while.

But blood alone is not enough! Anyone, any living creature, without blood, will die immediately! no doubt! Even a decrease in blood can be debilitating. You are a soldier. You should know that even if a person is injured on the battlefield, it is not fatal, but if you cannot stop bleeding and lose too much blood, you will die. Therefore, the importance of blood is unquestionable. In my opinion, blood lies in the composition of vitality and occupies a very important part. So I started to study blood! "

Merlin's tone carries an authoritative taste: "I found that although the blood of people and people looks red, if they are carefully analyzed, they are very different! For example, I researched that it is healthy There is a difference in blood between a person and a sick person. Although I can't really fully understand what those different components in the blood are ... but it doesn't matter, as long as I have this discovery, I can start testing.


How to make Dodoro more transformable and how to get him more vitality, Merlin began to work from the blood.

Since Doodor's own vitality is too weak, then it may be worth replacing some blood for him!

So Merlin began to think about a question: In this world, which biological race is the most powerful?

There is no doubt that the dragons first jumped into Merlin's mind.

The vitality of the Dragons has always been the crown of many races! Dragons with strong vitality generally live for hundreds of years, and a few powerful dragons can even live for thousands or even thousands of years!

So ..., what if you replace the blood in Doodor's body with dragon blood?

Can he live longer because of this?

Merlin is a man who thinks and does it. But the question is "... she doesn't have as much dragon blood in her hand.

As a top magician who has traveled north and south for many years, of course, Merlin also has a small amount of dragon blood in his hands. After all, dragon blood is also a precious magic material. But after all, she had little stock. It would be far from enough to change Dodo's blood.

Is it to hunt a dragon for this purpose?

Merlin had this ability, but she didn't have that much time to impress the throne and patience. I ran to the far north to find the dragons, and then hunted down a dragon to return "..., even for Meilin", it was a bit difficult.

So she quickly thought of an alternative.

Damandras! !!

That big snake!

Damandras is the Warcraft of all races considered to be the closest to the bloodline of the Dragons. And this Damandras in Merlin's hand is a test for the goblins' creation zone! It has been transformed by ancient goblins in a magical way, and its life is extremely powerful!

Such a living thing is naturally used.

"You ... you replaced Dodoro ... Damandaras blood ?!" Charia was completely shocked!

"Of course it's not that simple!" Merlin rolled her eyes politely. "Do you think it's easy to exchange blood? I tell you, I rushed to give him a little blood of Dammandras at the beginning, and the result He almost died! "

"... 26 times ..., ... I almost died 26 times." Doodor whispered beside him.

Xia Ya was not interested in listening to this guy complaining, he was already curious: "You ..., how did you do that?"

"The specific details, I ca n’t tell you. You guys have too little knowledge of blood and biology, and I have no mood to give you this class. In short, I want to break my head and try a lot of things I know "I don't even know the power method" finally gave me a test. "

Having said that, Merlin looked at Xia Ya, "I'd like to thank you for this."

"Thanks ... me?" Xia Ya was at a loss.

"Yes, thank you, remember, did you interrupt my work when I ran into my lab last time?" Meilin grinned: "At that time, my test had failed countless times, and I was even about to give up. Now, but after seeing you, "I suddenly remembered something. "

"Me? Damanda ..."

Charya wasn't stupid after all, and he quickly thought of one thing: "Life sharing ?!"

"Guess right!" Merlin smiled happily.


& nbé, during a hard battle with Damandras, at the juncture of the crisis, pierced Damandras's body with a fork "" unintentionally triggering a life sharing contract.

That was purely an accident, because Charya ’s firefork was an artifact, hiding amazing magical powers. While Charya had cultivated Crimson Murder before, she had already established a magical connection between herself and Firefork. What's more, Charlie's trick in attacking Damandras was "Dragon Spike"!

"Dragon Spike" is a unique skill of human dragon knights in ancient times. The creation of the Dragon Knight is to let human beings establish a contract with a powerful dragon clan ... * ... "Dragon Spike's unique trick naturally leads to human and Elements of contractual power between dragons, "...

During the battle, the dragon thorn was exhibited with a fire fork, and after piercing into Damandras' body, "an accident occurred, and the fire fork absorbed the vitality of Damandras" and transmitted it to Xia.

As a result, in that battle, Charya, who was far inferior to Damandras at that time, "was able to compete with that big snake!"

What needs to be explained here is that life sharing between Xia and Dammandras has been lifted. At that time, Xia was smashed by Mei Lin, practicing "Blood Wrath" and bursting out of the potential to defeat the son of Emperor Odin. As a result, his body's life rules were chaotic and was about to collapse. After that, great changes took place after his body recovered. Before, the effect of dragon's nose was gone, and all the life contract sharing also disappeared.

"Since thinking of this method, the later things are much simpler. The little snake is in Mori's hands, and I let Dutolu establish a life sharing contract with him.

Merlin said with ease.

Indeed ... easy.

Dammandras fell into the terrible woman Merlin. Can't live without death. Isn't Meilin trying to fix it as he wants?

That Damandralas has been moulted nine times, almost matching the perfect shape of the golden dragon. How powerful is vitality?

Legend has it that the Golden Dragon is the most powerful of the dragons, and the life of the Golden Dragon can reach thousands of years!

As a result, after Damandras was forced by Merlin to establish a life sharing with Dodoro ...

"But ... life sharing is limited in distance. If the distance between the two parties is too far away, sharing cannot be triggered! And" ... even if it is something like Damandras, its vitality is as strong as it is. Limited, not endless! Dammandras can live for thousands of years, even if its physical shape and physical strength are counted, even if its vitality is thousands of times that of ordinary humans, it is not infinite after all. ”Dodoro shared life with it, Use Damandras' vitality to replenish magic power. There are always times when it is exhausted, but the time that can be slightly supported is a little longer.

Charlie frowned.

"Blood! Charya, haven't you listened to what I just said? I told you so much about blood just now! Fool" ... "

Merlin rolled his eyes: "You're really a stupid kid! Did you forget what it was like after you and Dammandras established a life-sharing relationship? At that time, Dammandras could never hurt you again. Now! No power, no magic, can harm you! Because under the principle of the life contract, you and it are regarded as a community! Even if its breath is sprayed directly on you, you will not There will be no harm! This is the most important one! "

Merlin looked at the thoughtful Charya: "Do you think I let Dodoro and Damandras establish a life-sharing, but you just want Dodoro to share the little vitality of Damandras? Do n’t I not Knowing that even if it is as powerful as Damandras, life is limited in the end? Questions you can think of, don't I think about it ?! "

Charya slammed her head suddenly: "It's blood !!! Under the contract of life sharing, Dodoro and Damandras will become a community! So it seems ... the blood of Damandras, just It's time to be replaced in Dodo's body! "

"That's right." Merlin nodded at last: "After establishing the life sharing, I replaced Damandras' blood into Dodoro's body. Dodoro no longer lives in danger. He His body did not show any adverse or rejection reactions, and everything seemed to adapt. After being replaced with the blood of a strong race, the blood automatically transformed his body soon. "He became a little taller, looks It has also changed. The strong blood made his life flourish. Look at this guy, he is even stronger now than before. I can tell you, "After Damandras' blood was transfused into the body, his current body structure has become very strong! Even if he lives for hundreds of years, there is no problem!"

"The next thing is simple, because Doodor's vitality now comes not from himself, but from the blood of Damandras! So we did an experiment and once he used the magic of life," he converted the vitality. When it becomes magical, the blood of Dammandras in his body will become thinner after the conversion. "Slowly disappears." Merlin smiled slightly, "Fortunately, although the vitality is not infinite", but we Own Dammandras! Its blood is, to some extent, infinite! "

This Charlie understood easily.

He has experienced the battlefield. Many wounded soldiers have become weak because of too much blood loss, but as long as they cultivate the Throne of the Seal of God for a while, eat more good food. After a period of time, the blood will be replenished. .

Blood is remade by the ear itself.

So ... if you want to maintain the magic of Dodoro, actually do not let Dodoro directly share the vitality of Dammandras! Instead, let him share the blood of Dammandras!

As long as this premise exists, every time Doodor casts life magic and runs out of magic power, he immediately re-enters the blood of Damandras, gains strong vitality, and then can be transformed into magic power again.

As for Dammandras ... It is the ancient Warcraft, the perfect form comparable to the golden dragon after nine molting, and with its huge body form, it is worthless to give Dodoro such a small figure to lose blood. A mention.

Even if you lose more, at most it is to let it rest for a while, and to recover it after raising a taro.

In fact, these days, Merlin has indeed done the same.

She asked Damandras to transfuse Dodoro for several days, each time Dodoro immediately converted the vitality brought by Damendras' blood into magic, and stored all in that magic micro-chapter.

This process has been repeated so many times, and a considerable amount of magic has been stored in the magic micro chapter, enough to spend a lot of time as a "master".

As for the Damanderas, the original majestic body became weak due to the transfusion of blood for many days. Many imaginable how much blood Merlin put on it! Let that huge Damandras lose blood and become weak!

"The magic that has been stored is enough for this guy to use it for a long time ~ ~ When it is used up in the future, Damandras should have recovered almost, and then leave after transfusion."

Merlin's look was very proud: "Now, I don't give you back the original Dodoro, but a real magic master!"

Shocked by Mei Lin's power, he can really turn decay into magic. The original muddy waste Dodoro was really transformed into a magic master.

According to Merlin, before Dodo's magic power was exhausted, his current strength was almost comparable to that of advanced wizards. Of course, he was even more powerful than advanced wizards because he mastered what originally belonged to the great wizard. Of the most top magic spells, including a forbidden spell!

It's just that the same Merlin is not out.

To cast a forbidden spell, the mana consumed is massive! In Dodo's current state, even if all the magic powers stored in his mini chapter are taken out, it is not enough to cast a forbidden spell.

"Unless he wants to find death, it's better not to make such an idea."

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