
Chapter 489: [Unexpected candidate]

Dodo's strength has been strengthened, but it is always a good thing for Xia Ya. (Reading novels)

(Even if he used it as a cannon fodder, it would be more valuable.) Tu Yan thought very maliciously, and then made a very shocking expression: "So, Dodoro, there is just one thing in my hand that needs someone. Do it, and given your situation, I think you happen to be the best person to do it ... "

Doodor's face quickly collapsed.

Judging from all the past experiences, whenever the host utters such words in such a sound tone, he is most likely to send himself a life-threatening job!

"Can I refuse?" Dodoro carefully squeezed a grin that was uglier than crying.

"Can't ..." Charlie sternly said.

The magician was discouraged, and he spread his hands: "Then what else do I have to choose ... Master, let's just say" What dangerous job do you want me to do? You never let me challenge King Odin ... "

Charlie stomped on this guy's ass: "Get out of it! It's up to you ..."

Pausing for a moment, Charlie converged and looked at Dodoro: "This thing is very important to me! And, I must say that what I need is an absolute loyalty to me, absolutely Reliable people to execute! Therefore, although there are many people in my Majesty, but I think about it, I can only make you the most suitable person ... "

Totoro's eyes suddenly lighted, and then the magician could not care about a footprint left by the master kicked by his ass, and immediately rushed to hug Charya's thigh: "Oh oh oh! My lord" you Finally realized my loyalty! I have no doubt about your loyalty! Loyalty is my motto! !! Courage is mine ... "

"These words will be carved on your gravestone after you die." Charlie looked at the magician with a flat expression.

"Uh, well, what reward can I get to perform this mission that is important to you?", A little star started to appear in the magician's eyes.

Charya lifted her foot again!

After a few moments, the magician with a few more footprints finally got up from the ground and protested: "Master, you can't treat a senior magician like this! To know","

Seeing Xia ’s expression as if she was about to draw a knife, Dodoro quickly closed her mouth.

"... I need you to help me run a trip to Emperor Capital." Xia Shen said: "This is a very confidential matter, you must not leak it to anyone! Understand? Including my guard house Anyone here, even our colleagues in the northern military region! "

Totoro was a bit insignificant, but it really wasn't stupid, and immediately the leaders of the heart said, "You mean ... Master Green ..."

"Just understand it in your own heart ..." Xia Ya froze, then couldn't help but look at Mei Lin, who was still standing in the room.

"Rest assured, I have no interest in these things for you ..." Mei Lin left such a sentence coldly, "turned and left, before going out" and a long way to go: "Dodoro, you better not be too arrogant "Be careful that the magic is exhausted, if you can't run back in time to exchange blood" you will die ... "

These words surprised Charlie a little.

When did this Merlin actually start to care about Dodo's life? In Merlin's eyes, shouldn't Dodoro be just one of her experiments?

"After Merlin's departure," Xia cleared her throat and lowered her voice. "I need you to go to the Imperial City to meet General Adrik. Well, no, you still have to see the fat man in Ruhr first. To be on the safe side, "this matter can't be turned into black and white, so you can only take my message.", Saying, Xia told Dodoro the whole thing about his crazy plan for Hasting's surprise attack on the capital. Totoro listened, and his eyes were rounded immediately. "Deeply inhaled. Cool air: "God! He's crazy! This is a crazy plan ..."

"Retaliation and hatred always make people crazy." "Sia murmured, then stared at Doodor's eyes:" Do you understand? You have to tell Ruhr about it, and let that guy take you to see Adrik! Before you meet Ruhr or Adrik "You can't tell anyone about this ..."

"Here," Charlie stared at Doodor, and said fiercely, "if half a word leaks out, you're dead!" understand……"

"Of course I dare not say it ..." The magician immediately swore, and then couldn't help but look carefully at Charya: "Uh, if ... if it was General Ruhr or General Adrik accidentally leaked out Anymore? "

"Then you're dead as well!" Xia stared at the wizard arrogantly.

(Sure enough ...) Totoro's heart was sorrowful, but his face showed a bold and loyal expression: "I see! Adults, you are fair and rigorous, and villains convinced."

Xia finally changed her tone a bit, and patted Dodoro's shoulder: "Okay, you are a smart man" should understand the importance of this matter to me! I can't let others know my private connection with Hastings. "Especially I can't let the other masters in the capital. I let you do this thing." It's out of trust in you. Besides, this matter is actually not too dangerous. You go to the capital from here, it's a little far away. Although there is a lot of troubles everywhere, but you are a magician, as long as you are on the road, you must show your status as a magical humble man. "I don't think there is any force in any place who dares to provoked easily. A passing magician ... "

Totoro thought about it for a while.

The magician's mood soon improved, and he suddenly remembered another thing!

Imperial City! The return rate is ah! Hahaha! !!

I thought that when my Lord Totoro was killed in the imperial capital, he was "received as a magician" and became the laughingstock of the magician world. Everyone said that I was a waste! Hum hum! But now! Now my Lord Toto has a super magic power! "This time back to the Imperial City," let those guys who once looked down on me have a good look!

Such a thought soon made Dodoro's excited whole body tremble, and his eyes radiated light.

"It shouldn't be too late." Xia ordered another sentence: "Although in my judgment, Hastings will have three months to go south, but God knows if he will suddenly change his mind. So you better immediately Let ’s go. Um ... Unfortunately, Merlin ’s magic carpet is ruined, otherwise it would be much more convenient. You go to the backyard. ”I allow you to choose the two best horses at will. Then you immediately set off south! "

Todoro didn't hesitate or quit, and immediately strode out. The magician took the command and ran to the horseman in the garrison. He unceremoniously selected the two best warhorses. ”He took Char ’s warrant and ran to the quartermaster to take a toll. In the end, the magician almost escaped Speed, the day immediately rushed out of Denzel city, and went down the road south.

(Hurry to leave! It would be bad if Merlin came up with something terrible torture me!)

Once out of Denzel City, the magician immediately felt a kind of "the sea is wide, the sky is high and the birds fly".

He even took the matter out of his bag and took a white magician robe that he had quietly brought on and put it on (the white robe is a robe of the wizard that only senior magicians are qualified to wear), and then it was magnificent. Pinned the magical badge of the Mithril texture that belonged to the Great Magister to his chest, but it was not eye-catching enough, and he vomited. "Fo Mo" wiped the badge brightly, and then laughed with satisfaction.

White clothes fluttered all the way, the horseshoes were anxious. "Our Master Shidoro, embarked on a journey south" ...


After Doodor's departure, Charlie set about dealing with another matter.


The assassination of the queen has been publicly spread. Of course, only the part of the assassin sent by the rebel forces in El Salvador was disclosed. Naturally, assassins sent by the emperor are strictly confidential.

Charya is waiting "to see news from Osgiriya.

Sure enough, a few days later, a messenger came from Newtown, the capital of Siltan County, and it was Charya who had been waiting for many days from the news from Oscilia.

The Byzantine Empire is equipped with magical teleportation arrays in some important cities around the country, which are used to convey some important decrees and military orders or some important news.

Under Xia ’s rule, "Siltan County's New Town, because it is an important town in the northern part of the Empire, is also the resident of the original * Central Corps of the Seventh Army". This magical teleportation array was set up to ensure that the Empire * Central government orders can be reached at any time.

Xia catches the rebel assassins, and quickly asks his subordinates to convey the matter to the capital with a magic circle. Because the magic circle of the imperial capital is official, "once the news reaches the imperial capital, it is very difficult to conceal it, and it will soon be spread.

Sure enough, when the news that "the queen was assassinated in Denzel" was almost disclosed in the emperor, many people were surprised that it was not the queen's assassination itself, and the queen ... Zell City? !!!

The news naturally caused a huge shock. Regardless, the queen is the queen after all! The "Dignified Queen's Respect" was actually unknown for a long time, and the Throne of the Seal of Siam stayed in a small border town in Beibei. In any case, it was very shameful and unconventional.

This matter will undoubtedly affect the reputation of the royal family.

Sure enough, the Garcia emperor could no longer sit idly by. The royal family immediately spread the news and claimed that the queen traveled to the north before the war. Later, because the war broke out and the road was blocked, she had to stay in the north and not be able to return. At the same time, the declared information implicitly stated that "the queen traveled to the north It is also an important task for the royal family, soothing the local army forces in the north and so on ...

This excuse seems to be sounding "because everyone knows that the Queen's other identity is the daughter of the Duke of Minas. The Duke of Minas has extensive influence in the Empire's army. Such an identity travels to comfort the local army Power is indeed a good idea. However, there are still many clear-headed people who see the loopholes in such words.

Traveling north before the war?

Do not make jokes! Do you think everyone is a fool? Before the war, the queen was just the princess of the crown prince! At that time, Emperor Kantos was still in office! In the style of Emperor Cantos, how could he let his daughter-in-law run out to inspect the place?

Besides, when the Emperor Cantos was in office, the influence of suppressing the Minas family in the army was too late!

In order to calm down this disturbing argument, the emperor issued an explicit order to the Duke of the Northern Guards, Lord Duke Xia Leiming, through the official transmission channel: The Lord Duke Xia Leiming immediately escorted the queen back to the capital. , Be sure to ensure the safety of the Queen ...

At the same time, a commendation order was transmitted with this order.

For the outstanding performance of Lord Duke Xia Leiming during the assassination of the Queen, he successfully dismantled the assassin's acts of insurrection and protected the Queen's personal safety. She was given one or two court titles.

For this commendation without half the actual benefits, Charlie took it and wiped her **** when she went to the bathroom. However, "for the **** of the queen to return to the capital", after all, PS can no longer delay, and officially entered the schedule.

From Shay's sphere of influence to Emperor Osgilia, there are so many mountains and rivers, on the way there are several rebel forces. If it is walking on a light cart and a simple horse, it will definitely not work!

If the rebels knew the queen of the empire's border crossing, and did not hurry to send troops to intercept and hunt? If we can catch the queen, it will not only be a major blow to the reputation of the royal family, "it can also be used as an important bargaining chip for the Duke of Minas!

If the queen was to return to the imperial capital, he would have to **** troops along the way.

This task is not easy!

There are fewer sent, I'm afraid not enough, and the wolves will serve them along the way. If only one or two hundred guards are sent, I'm afraid they will not be enough to plug their teeth.

But if he sent more, he lost thousands of cavalry "... Xia Ke is not so big! He only has a few thousand cavalry in his next cohort.

"Thousands of cavalry expeditions." Military expenditures and supplies of grain and grass are all major headaches. The Northern Army has not yet had the leniency to such a level of squandering military expenses.

There is also the question of the leader of the guard. Those who lead the **** must have enough loyalty and courage, and at the same time be careful and smart enough "to have excellent courage.

Throughout His Majesty, there are many such outstanding generals. For example, the General Rheinhardt "has led thousands of Rhoderian remnants from the south to the north, marching thousands of miles" is an outstanding command.

But Xia didn't plan to let Rinhardt do this.

Soon, the candidates came out.

Those who were selected by General Xia Ya made everyone in the entire Northern Army surprise!

The people selected by Charia are not Cato or Shalpa, who have been loyal to the old courtiers since their debut, and are not outstanding generals such as Rheinhardt who later joined.

The name of this lucky man selected by Xia is "Stephen, a deputy banner officer of the 7th Corps of the Central Army in the former empire." .

The name is strange. Because the guy selected by Fenya is not the old team member of Xia, nor is he an outstanding talent who joined later.

This guy is just a middle-level officer among the remnants of the 7th Corps. "The talent is also very mediocre." After the 7th Corps was annexed by Xia, his senior middle-ranking Central Army officer was either ignorant of current affairs. " She was lifted from the air by Xia Ya and taken to the position of idle duty, either she bowed her head and obeyed, and accepted Xia ’s collection.

This Mr. Stephen belongs to the latter. However, under Xia ’s Majesty, after the reorganization of the army, most of the veteran officers of the former Sixth and Seventh Corps of the Empire were devolved to the Second Army Guard Corps of the Northern Army. It is almost rare to stay in the First Corps, which is the main corps of Xia ’s Northern Army.

On the one hand, Xia Ya doesn't trust these veteran oilers. He is very clear that many of these guys still have grievances about the Central Army in their collection. On the other hand, Xia is also trying to eliminate the traces of the Central and Central Army in his Northern Army.

This Stephen is an obedient and knowledgeable guy. At the beginning, he did not resist Xia ’s collection, "After being obediently cooperated, he was not idle." However, it changed from being the central army in the empire to leading the local police, so in fact, it was considered a demotion.

This guy has never been a member of the core circle of Char's group, staying in the police corps, his performance is also modest, not high or low, "not bad, not bad. Leadership training can be hard work, but it will never The performance exceeded his salary by even a little bit.

How much money you can do is a faithful portrayal of this Mr. Stephen.

And giving such a task to such a person naturally caused many people's astonishment.

More, envy!

You know, if escorting the queen to return to the emperor is successful, "but a great credit !!! If you can **** the queen to return to the emperor safely, then you will definitely get the emperor's awards and rewards when you arrive at the emperor! And you will even get Mina Thanks to Duke Swans !!!

Even ... Maybe the emperor will stay directly in the emperor capital, re-appointment, and no longer return to the north!

It must be known that many of the old members of the Northern Army who were originally members of the Central Army are mostly dissatisfied with the status of the Central Army being collected by the local warlord Xia, if they can return to the capital and re-enter the city * The sequence of the Central Army, even if it is an official recovery post, is a very cool thing!

It's better than staying in the north and being overhead by this guy, Charya, doing nothing all day, not even a thousand times stronger than a little oil and water! !!

This candidate has caused a lot of controversy. "Even many people suspect that this Stephen must have paid a bribe to a senior official of the Northern Military Department." Perhaps it was Mr. Green's approach, and some people doubted that there might be a background for Stephen. What kind of aristocracy's descent was therefore the fancy of the queen, was selected as the guard leader by the queen himself.

Most people are more interested in the latter's ear powers.

Because "this Mr. Stephen is indeed a middle class or senior officer from a large part of the aristocratic family who lived in the imperial capital. They all came out of the aristocratic family of the imperial capital. And this Mr. Stephen is said to have been in the The resume of the Imperial Military Academy is only two months after being selected by the army. However, everyone knows that the Imperial Military Academy is the base for the training of generals in the royal royal faction. All the generals from the Imperial Military Academy, Both are considered to be firmly loyal to the royal family.

The size of the garrison has finally been determined.

Five hundred cavalry, PS plus one thousand infantry.

No one has questioned such a strength and combination.

In most people's view, this amount is the smartest choice.

A 1,500-person **** army is large enough to deal with the threat of small local warlords. The existence of the 500 cavalry "can also allow the guards to use the power of the cavalry in times of crisis" to take the queen away from danger quickly. The number is also within the financial capacity of the northern military.

At the same time, there was news from the Besta Military District, saying that it was willing to meet the queen's guard and his party on the way and provide supplies.


The escorting of the queen to leave Danzel City and return to the imperial capital was strongly endorsed by most of the generals inside the Northern Army.

Many people think that the presence of the distinguished queen in Denzel is not good for the Northern Army, and it will lead to criticism.

It's best to leave early!

But what no one knows is that on the night of the decision, a fierce quarrel took place in the bedroom of General Xia Ya in the garrison house.

This was also the first quarrel between Charlie and Adeline since the relationship was established.

The quarrel was fierce, and Adeline expressed strong dissatisfaction with Xia's decision to send Dafini back to Emperor.

"You sent her to commit suicide like this! Xia! You know very well that she will die when she returns to the capital! My brother won't ... won't ..."

"The one who can protect her in this world" is only you now! Charya! "" Xia, please, please! I beg you! !! Please promise me this request and leave her! "" She can only continue to live if she stays in the north! "" "She is my only good friend!" Charya, I can't watch her go to death ... "

"Please, take this decision back?" For Charlene's begging or dissatisfaction or anger, Charya said nothing from beginning to end, showing unusual silence.

In the end, I heard the noisy Daifini rushed in and interrupted the dispute between the two.

"That's what I mean, Adeline. I have to go back ..."

Deffeney behaved very calmly. She gently embraced Adeline and whispered in her ear: "You understand, people like me" come from a family like this, my title, my identity It is destined that I have no freedom. I have my own destiny "This may be my destination" Adeline, don't be sad for me, let alone sad ... "

Adeline wept and snorted, holding her good friend tightly, not willing to let go.

At last, Charlie walked over and stunned Adeline gently, then put her fiancee on the bed.

Turning around, Charlie suddenly saw Definy's eyes staring so brightly! Bright amazing!

In Denny's eyes, there seemed to be relief, there seemed to be relief, and there seemed to be some faint grudges.

"You really agree to send me back ..." Deuffiny's voice sounded quietly at Genggen.

"... Yes ..." Charlie nodded.

"" Thank you, General Xia. Thank you for letting me fulfill my destiny ... "Definy seemed to be smiling, but in her eyes, for a moment, the flash of sadness was still stinging.

As if paused, Duffini whispered, "Actually I hope that person is you." "What?" Charlie was a little at a loss.

"The one who sent me back ..." Duffini smiled as if with a smile. "If you are destined to die, I hope to **** me on the road, it is you. After speaking, before she could speak again, Duffini had a panicked expression, and then left as if running away.

Looking at the background of Defeni's departure, Charlie was a little silent. "He stood in place and didn't know what he should say. After all, he didn't say anything, but frowned.

Turning back to the bed, "looking at the poor sleeping worm," Charlie bent down, her rough hands stroked on Adelin's delicate face, and then she opened her forehead.

"Relax ..." Charlie looked at her sleepy fiancee and said softly, "Your man is not as uncomfortable as you think." What you worry about "won't happen ..."


When the queen headed south from Denzel, a small ceremony was held in Denzel. After all, she is the queen of a country. The appearance of the trip cannot be too small ~ ~ Guard of honor, guard And a queue of officials accompanying him.

There are even a lot of people in Denzel who are watching on the road with curiosity. "I want to see the demeanor of the queen.

However, everyone is doomed to be disappointed "because after the carriage came out of the guard house, the queen did not show up, but stayed in the carriage, the windows of the carriage were closed, and the surrounding soldiers armed with sharp weapons guarded them. The people watching along the way were segregated far away.

In addition to the original 1,500 accompanying escorts, when they came out of Denzel, "there were one thousand of the northern army's most elite cavalry, but these cavalry will **** the queen and his party to the new town of Siltan County. At that time, they parted ways with the queen.

This thousand cavalry will be ordered to go east to the Corsica region "because the Corsica region has been a little unstable recently, and some old courtiers of the former military district governor's office have tried to incite the rebellion after the situation has stabilized and want to restore the military district governor The rule of the government. This thousand cavalry was ordered to go to Corsica to assist in the rebellion.

It wasn't anyone else who led this thousand cavalry, it was Charya's most trusted brother, Shalpa.

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