
Chapter 490: [Southbound Road]

As a former Imperial Central Army officer, he was able to rise to the rank of deputy banner regiment. Mr. Stephen was still a little capable. He was not a waste, of course, and he was not a talented man. (Reading novels)

In his thirties, he has been in the army for ten years, and once had a short-term study at Emperor Academy.

Of course, the reason why he was able to mix the rank of the deputy banner in the empire ’s central army was not a place where he stepped into the ranks of senior generals. The more important reason is due to his origin.

Stephen came from an aristocratic family in the imperial capital. It is not a top noble, but it also has a lot of heritage. It is a middle family lent to second-tier and third-tier nobles and stands tightly in the ranks of the royal family. Because of this background, Stephen is considered to have enough loyalty and firm stand before finally being promoted all the way. In less than a few years, the God of the Seal of the Throne got the deputy banner group in the empire's Central Army. Official rank.

Originally, Stephen thought that he still had great potential in his career: he was still young and had a good background, and his resume accumulated over the years was almost enough. Once you have a chance, you may be able to take advantage of the relationships in the family, walk around the door, and transfer yourself back to the capital. Then you can transfer yourself to the capital of the capital of the imperial capital or some other under the name of a mastery of military strategy. As an official in the department, there is no need to wind and sun in the army, and no longer have to go to the battlefield to live and die.

If the mix is ​​good, when he retires in 20 or 30 years, he may be mixed to the rank of Deputy Director.

Did n’t most of the children of noble origin come this way in their lives?

Unfortunately, Stephen's luck was too bad.

If everything is normal, then his vision should be 80% possible.

But it's a pity to go ... he encountered war!

The Odin descended southward and drove straight in, sweeping the Siltan County Empire. The seventh Central Corps of the Central Army repeatedly fought the Odin. As a result, the Seventh Central Corps of the Central Army was defeated in a row, and the main force was almost completely annihilated. Fortunately, Stephen was not included in the main sequence at the time. He led his men and horses to follow the remnants to Denzel, County Moore, and finally sheltered under Hera.

Since then, his career dream has been shattered.

The remnants of the Seventh Corps were then collected by Xia, and the Northern Army was established. It is clear that he did not receive Xia from the traditional noble family of the Imperial City and the old oilers in the Central Army. Trust.

Both sides know that everyone is not the same person at all. 〖Middle〗 Many officers with a noble family background from the Central Army look down on that Xia Leiming. If this guy with a mud leg is put in the past and met on the road, he will take the initiative to salute himself!

But now, instead of holding his breath, he was annexed by the other party, and it depends on his face to live on. The original duties and powers were all suspended, and oil and water were naturally lost ...

Although Stephen was very knowledgeable and did not resist, at least he was not completely elevated, but he was also very clear in his heart that there would be no future in staying in the Northern Army in his own capacity.

This accident was chosen by Xia as the commander of the escort, responsible for escorting the return of the queen. For Stephen, it was simply a pie in the sky! !!

After all, he came from an aristocratic family, of course, is familiar with the origin of Her Royal Highness!

The Minas family, that was the first giant in the army! House of the Duke of Empires! If you can safely **** the queen back to the capital, then the Duke of Minas will definitely reward him first! In the same way, the reward of His Majesty will not be light!

As long as you can return to Emperor Capital and make a few moves with your family's connections, think of some ways to stay in Emperor Capital. There is no problem in thinking about it.

Then ... from now on, you can get rid of the Northern Army, a group that you can't melt into!

This is a rare opportunity! !!

Based on this mentality, Stephen seemed extra careful and responsible for escorting his party.

After leaving Denzel, Stephen showed a highly responsible officer's attitude. He carefully dispatched a large number of scouts along the way, urging the team to advance, and at the same time, they were very concerned about security issues.

No matter whether he was traveling, staying, or stopping for a short rest, he showed great care. Even if he walked on the water, he had to send someone to check carefully ~ You know, it is not out of the sphere of Char's influence yet.

Every morning and evening, he went to say hello to the queen, showing a full aristocratic style, both in etiquette and gesture, impeccable.

Will ask about the Queen's living, diet and so on.

It can be said that Mr. Stephen took all the details into consideration.

But what made him a little discouraged was that His Royal Highness herself was not very enthusiastic, or even indifferent, to his diligent greeting.

Only in the first two times, Her Royal Highness opened the window to meet him, and spoke a few words with him politely, and he tried to persuade Mr. Stephen a bit. But then, every time Stephen asked Ann, he couldn't see the queen. The queen simply responded with a few words in the car window. The repressive impatience in the queen's tone came out.

What a **** ... This woman is so beautiful. She is from the empire's first tyrant and the queen's honor. Every day she seemed to have a layer of frost on her face ... a person like her. What else is there to live with? !!

If it had been in the past, Stephen would naturally be very interesting and would not dare to disturb the queen.

But now, apparently, Stephen has lost some calm.

He knew very well that for him, being able to deal with the queen so close, was a rare opportunity for him! If you can get the appreciation of the queen, or even the slightest favor of the queen, then returning to the imperial capital will be of great benefit to his attempts!

He came from a medium noble family, and rarely seen in front of the emperor. If he could climb the line of the queen, "... then" ... and later ...

A fire was burning in Stephen's heart!


The team walked all the way to Siltan County, and it was natural to be safe along the way. The one-man cavalry team accompanying him has always kept marching slowly less than a mile away from the queen's carriage and horse troop. Leader General Sherpa naturally knew that it was summer Ya Leiming's confidant family, originating from the Rhodes Cavalry, but for Stephen, nobles like him would not really look down on civilian-born officers like Shalpa.

The two did not intersect along the way. "It was only occasionally sent out to send commanders to inform each other.

As long as you return to the imperial capital yourself, you will not have any relationship with the Northern Army in the future! Even if he is Shalpa's confidant, I don't have to please him!

That's what Stephen thought.

When the team arrived in Newtown, the capital of Siltan County, the two teams broke up immediately.

The Sherpa's cavalry was not repaired in the new city, but after supplementing the supplies, they immediately advanced into the region and went to the Corsican region to rebel. The queen and his party walked into the new city and took a day off.

The new city has almost become a large construction site. Since Xia decided to move the office to the new city in the future, the new city has begun maintenance work. The fortified cities and other fortifications that were destroyed during the war are under intense repair. "Some of the war-torn buildings in the city have begun to be rebuilt. The county guards, military camps outside the city, granaries, etc ...

The masses of mobilized people are like ants working hard inside and outside the city, because there are construction sites everywhere, and the air is covered with a layer of stone dust.

At night, Denny, who was resting in the county guard house, stayed up all night. "She stood on her balcony and looked at the whole new city." ... even at night, you can see the new city is full of lights. The work on the site was in full swing, and the sound of groaning ceaselessly.

This will be an emerging male city in the northern part of the Empire ... and it will be "the guy's lair. He will surely make it a solid place to run."

It is foreseeable that this place will become more prosperous than in the past ...

That Xia, he will also be like a rising star. "Light up the northern sky of the empire ..."

It's a pity that I can no longer see these.

Early tomorrow morning, I will leave the new city and head south.

Everything in the North, what happened in these days, everything, will only be "only ..."

Will only become a cloud of smoke in the dream, slowly dissipate away.

Duffini was holding the fence tightly, and his fingers were blamed for being too hard.


For the second time, the team was out of the new city, and all the way south, Stephen ordered to speed up the march. The brigade chased horses and horses for more than ten days before finally opening the border of Siltan County and officially entering the sphere of influence of the Beasts.

The governor's wife of the Bestas kept her promise, and she sent a team of cavalry and brought two hundred carts.

Two hundred carts made the infantry in the garrison finally break away from the strong belief of walking on foot. After the infantry got on the carriage, the marching speed increased a lot.

Obviously, the Governor's wife was also thinking of sending this trouble out of her territory early.

The Bestars spared no effort to provide for the supplies, and even provided some horses. There were also cavalry escorts along the way.

It took less than fifteen days to traverse the Besta region.

To Stephen's dissatisfaction, the Governor's wife never showed up to meet Her Royal Highness.

For a nobleman like Stephen, he thought it was a very rude thing!

After leaving the Bethsian influence, Stephen ordered the team to continue to speed up!

He knew very well that his party had entered the enemy-occupied area!

Going south in the future, you will first have to traverse the sites of the four rebel small warlord military regions. According to Stephen ’s prediction, this journey should not be too dangerous. His team has a strength of 1,500 people. The small warlord May not be willing to invest in troops to fight hard, and…… even if things go wrong, you can use the cavalry to flee the queen.

The greatest danger should be the Armenian military area! To return to the imperial capital, the Armenian military region is a mountain that must be climbed in front of it! As the top force in the rebel camp, Armenia has a strong force and a vast territory! At that time, it was time to really test yourself!

But Stephen wasn't too worried, he already had an idea he thought was a great idea! !!

He thought about it long before he set off! As soon as his party approaches the sphere of influence of the Armenian military area, he will immediately order a division!

He will abandon the thousand infantry in the team, and all other entourage, all the maids and servants! He will only carry the queen and a few hundred cavalrymen, and ride lightly to rush through the Armenian territory as fast as possible! The abandoned team can also be used as a suspect to attract Armenian chasers!

As for the people who were abandoned by his planned small, Stephen would not have any guilt.

As for guilt ......... a joke! As long as you can protect the queen to arrive safely, then it is the greatest credit! Who will follow up on these things? !!

Of course, this plan is small, he will not reveal it to anyone now!

As long as you can reach the imperial capital, then promotion and wealth, prosperity and wealth, is just around the corner! !!

Finally, on the twenty-ninth day after the departure from Denzel, the team stepped out of the Besta force and officially entered the enemy-occupied area.


"Hurry up! We must cross the Agate River in front of it before dark, and then stop on the south bank! Damn it! All of me cheer up!"

Stephen rode on, and ran back and forth in front of and behind the team, shouting and encouraging the soldiers ... but this effect was not very good.

Because of his anxiety, he repeatedly asked to speed up, and the team was very tired.

Although there were a large number of carriages provided by the Beasts for the infantry, they came along and bumped on the carriage for several days, and the bones of the soldiers were about to fall apart.

The Beast carriage does not have any shock-proof device like the aristocratic carriage, and it does not have soft carpets or the like. Those are just trucks designed to transport goods. Sitting on the top of the road, one day, almost all the bones of the body were broken. Everyone had back pain.

As for the cavalry, after so many days of continuous trekking, the inside of the thighs was blooded by the saddle.

It should be noted that these five hundred cavalry were not under the Rhoderian cavalry under Xia ’s armies. Including the one thousand infantry behind, they were all drawn from the Second Army Corps, the Guard Corps.

These infantry were the original team of Stephen, the team he led. Most of them were originally members of the Seventh Corps and some local garrisons. When the army was reorganized, they were not selected into the first corps, but were eliminated from the police corps.

The composition of these five hundred cavalry is also quite article: none of the four hundred are not real cavalry but a horseman infantry unit in the original police force, also known as mobile infantry. Only one hundred talents are genuine cavalry. The one hundred cavalry is the true elite that Xia specially adjusted in order to strengthen the strength of the guard!

These 100 cavalry were all horse thieves who had followed Nene.

These horse thief cavalry served in the army and trained and lived with the Rhoderian cavalry. The elite level was no less than that of the Rhoderian cavalry, but the sturdy nature of the horse thieves gave Stephen a headache.

He clearly felt that this hundred cavalry was a bit out of step with his own team, and his orders were lazily executed.

He had heard and heard that the cavalry in the Northern Army-those really elite cavalry, in the entire Northern Army, only four people could command them.

First and foremost, it is naturally Xia Leiming. The second is the Sherpa, the cavalry commander of the Northern Army.

The other two were Rheinhardt Rheinhardt, who once led the remnants of the Rhoderian cavalry to Siaia from the south to the north, engaged in **** battles along the way, and forged deep friendship with the cavalry.

The last one, I heard it is the special existence of the Northern Army, the only female officer, the one called Nene guy.

With the exception of these four men, it was difficult for other generals in the Northern Army to command these cavalry.

The hundred cavalry came all the way, although they didn't trouble themselves. Even in their own minds, no matter whether they are hurrying or staying, or guarding scouts, these true elite cavalry will do ten times better than these second- and third-class guys under their control.

But their disdainful eyes and sullen expressions were never covered up.

They looked down on Stephen and never had the slightest respect.

"Wait and wait! When you arrive at the Imperial Capital, see how I can pack these bastards."

Stephen muttered secretly and raised his whip again to urge: "Hurry up! You must cross the river before dark !!! Hurry up!"

The soldiers under his hands were exhausted ~ ~ just barely advancing under his whip and scolding, the one hundred elite cavalry were still maintaining the queue, but they were scattered outside the brigade, far away Watching Stephen's joke, watching him drive the soldiers back and forth like driving a flock.

"Hmm ... why didn't your aunt send us to command this guy, and this guy has something like mud, why would we order it?"

A horse thief murmured dissatisfied: "Look at these guys, each one is a mess! The warriors of our dignified cavalry regiment, why should we be with these guys."

Another horse thief's boss frowned, and stopped his companion's complaining: "Okay, shut up! Your aunt ’s orders naturally make sense! Let ’s execute the order! Damn ... Do n’t forget your aunt ’s secret order before leaving, Hey ... this guy is unreliable, something really happened, and our brothers have to clean up the scenes. Give me a wake up !!! "

After a moment's pause, the cavalry officer from the horse thief's boss groaned a little and said, "That Stephen is a fool, and it's just a matter of crossing the dark, so he just hurried away without sending people to inquire. Damn ... Twenty brothers went to the river in front of them to be vigilant by the river and take part in the brigade. Also, the nearby woods were sent to send out whistle. Now it is not our place. Let the guarding area be bigger, be careful Sailing for ten thousand years. "

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