
Chapter 521: [Success! ] (8000 characters)

Chapter 521 [Born! ] (Eight thousand words)

Xia felt that her head was about to explode.

The encounter this time was far beyond his expectations. If a legendary sacred dragon is an unexpected surprise, then the "god" created by the more horrible ancient goblin is really a nightmare!

After reading the goblin diary, Charya naturally knows how terrible the creativity of those magical and intelligent goblin races in ancient times has brought together the entire race, hundreds of years of hard work, and how huge the creation plan is. What a dreadful existence this "God" created in the end!

Goblin ... God! ? !!

It is not only a yoke that the goblin race puts on itself, but also a manufactured one. It is extremely powerful and perfect in the legend! Even the scary things that made all races tremble and fear.

In the description of this sacred dragon, various races united against this goblin god, but ended in a tragic end.

Such a powerful existence is ...

Just sealed here, right at your feet? !!


"So, what about you?" Xia suddenly looked up, looking firm and serious, looking at Darwin, and exclaiming: "Is this what you want to happen? You resurrect, destroy this magic circle, and then ... release that Guy? "

"Why not !!!" Darwin growled, his voice with endless anger: "Those guys lied to me! I sacrificed myself and were buried here for tens of thousands of years! But they have never returned! They live freely In this world! But at the cost of cheating me at the expense of myself! In this case, why should I stay here! Why should I continue to be a victim! I will be resurrected, and then let that horrible guy come! As for this world Other races, let them worry about their own destiny !! "

No doubt, this guy ... is depressed for too long and has gone crazy.

Charlie made such a judgment.

Indeed, he can understand the mood of this sacred dragon. No matter who is deceived or even betrayed by his allies, sacrifices himself in exchange for the survival of others, and ends up with this terrible enemy. He was buried here for tens of thousands of years without waiting for his allies to save himself. Endless revenge.

Now this sacred dragon just wants to escape from here, no longer care about the lives of others.

As for the consequences of releasing that horrible "god", it doesn't care.

(If it were me, I'm afraid I would do the same.) Charlie put aside her lips.

This trip was simply unexpected. Xia suddenly felt really unlucky.

I just want to dig out a few goblin babies from this ancient battlefield, such as magic cannons and the like. But who would have thought that the goblin **** was buried in this ghost place? !!

What should I do now?

Let ’s go!

I want to leave here, unless I destroy this magic circle! Kill this sacred dragon!

Destroy this magic circle, and you will wake up the goblin god!

God knows what happens when that thing wakes up? Xia Ke wouldn't think that the goblin **** had awakened and would hold the banner of peace and hug him kindly!

The Goblin God was created to fight all other races! Before being sealed, this goblin **** was facing siege by all other races. And once it wakes up, then ... this living human being is standing in front of it.

Do you still have a way to live?

On the forehead, the cold sweat dripped drop by drop, Xia Ya's mind turned to countless thoughts, but there was no way to solve the current dilemma.

Darwin's roaring and giggling sounds are getting more and more proud. His body is still expanding slowly, more and more black undead dark breath condenses around its body, the body is expanding little by little, little by little Complete.

"You ..." Charlie looked at Darwin in surprise.

He did not attack it anymore, where did it come from the energy of recovery?

Darwin laughed wildly: "Do you think you can attack without attack? Don't forget, you are now in this magic circle! Even if you don't attack me, the magic circle will automatically absorb your anger and strength slowly. Although the speed is very slow, much less absorbed than when you attack directly, but it will still eat away your power little by little! Add me little by little! If you think you are sitting and waiting, Can you solve the problem? Little ignorant humans, let's see, who will laugh to the end! "

damn it!

Charlie yelled.

He closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and immediately found out that the other party was not intimidating himself. Although I stood still here, the strength of my body really passed away bit by bit. The speed of this lapse is very slow, if you don't feel it deliberately, you won't notice it.

But after such a little bit of passing, if time is long ...


Xia Ya fiercely fired her fork.

Since sitting dead is a dead end, then, with the nature of Tutu, you can only fight it!

A flash of fierce light flashed in Charya's eyes. At this moment, it really inspired the intense fighting spirit of survival in his heart!

In any case, even if you want to die, you can't sit and wait for death! Laozi was alive and well, even if he was going to die, he had to do his mother's work vigorously!

Do it immediately when you think about it. This is Xia ’s usual style, saying that he will do it decisively, and that he is reckless. In short, Uncle Xia Ya is not a person who likes to look ahead.

The red fork soon shone red again, and Charya took a big step out, her body had floated more than ten meters, and the distance from Darwin was instantly narrowed. A red light and shadow appeared on the fork. He slashed at Darwin in the head!

Without evading himself, Darwin Howe waited in situ, welcoming Charya's torch, but straightened his neck.

With a slap, the fire fork hacked directly from its dragon head. In this blow, Xia Yahao did not take any effort, and the fire fork split Darwin's head in half, almost all the way to Darwin's chest. In the parts, turquoise blood sprayed out, Xia Ya immediately hurried back, and fled away, but turned directly behind Darwin, the fire fork turned up and down, a set of "killing thousands of troops" Just let it go!

The red light kept darting into Darwin's body. The original complete dragon body was chopped off suddenly, and Darwin was in the middle. The dragon head, which had been divided into two halves, opened its mouth. With a roar of joy, the roar was louder than loud, and the whole cave of the earthquake was trembling faintly.

At last, Xia Ya's set of destroyed the whole army, and Darwin was almost unloaded by him by dozens of pieces. Seeing that the dragon body had become a pile of broken bones, Xia gasped for a few breaths, and then quickly When he stepped back, he only felt the strength of the whole body, as if the tide was opened by the gate. It was passing fast, and while breathing, the red light on Charya's body faded quickly, the original thick arms and muscles She became dry, and a strong feeling of weakness hit her, making Charya's head a little dull.

He bit his tongue hard, trying to clear himself up, but quickly backed up and ran to Doodor's side.

The magician's breathing was much smoother, and it seemed that the healing had worked. The wound on his body had mostly healed, and the bleeding had stopped.

Charlie pushed Dodoro hard, and said quickly: "Dodoro! Wake up soon! Hurry up! Your strength is needed now!"

Doodor snorted and opened his eyes reluctantly, looking at the Charya in front of him-Charya looked pale, and even the original angular face, the flesh dried up, looking like a dying dying man general.

Totoro opened his eyes and looked at it carefully. Then he was shocked and said, "Master, you ..."

"Come on, show me magic, cure me, if you can fight this game, it's up to now!"

Totoro was only physically injured, but the magic was still there. At this moment, Charlie looked anxious, and she dared to delay. She resisted the pain in her body, and a magic of life was cast out. At the same time shrouded in it.

Xia just felt that her whole body was soft. If she was immersed in warm water, her body's energy would be replenished quickly, her complexion would be red again, and her dried muscles would be full again.

Looking down at Doodor, he noticed that the magician's face grew paler.

Charya knew that the life magic of Doodor was the most magical magician's magical power, and for Doodor, the magical power was equal to the consumption of vitality.

Charlie took a deep breath, and seeing that Doodor could not support him, he quickly grabbed him: "Okay, that's all right, stop!"

Totoro gasped for a few moments. At this moment the magician was too weak to even speak the full words.

"Stay here and don't mess around. I killed that guy and I'll take you away."

Charlie patted Dodoro's head.

After so long, Darwin has changed tremendously!

Almost under the general attack of Chara just now, the chopped and broken body has been completely healed again.

The body has swelled several times! It looks like it is seven or eight meters high and more than ten meters long!

On Darwin's body, new skin and dragon scales have grown rapidly. The huge dragon head, the new fangs in the mouth have become sharper and scarier, and in the eyes, the two green fires, finally Slowly solidified and turned into two huge eyes!

Behind the pair of bone wings, the flesh film grew out and became the wings of a real pair of flying dragons!

In front of Xia Ya, it is exactly a complete ... Dragon! !!

Moreover, the whole body's skin and dragon scales exude brilliant golden light, and the giant dragon's forehead, on the forehead, gave birth to a pair of golden bright twin horns! !!

Golden Dragon!

Darwin, who has restored the complete dragon body, has become a royal family among the dragons-the golden dragon! !!


Darwin's proud roar was withdrawn from the crystal cavern. It laughed fiercely, with endless joy and vent in the laughter. The sound lasted for half a minute!

"Hahahaha! Golden Dragon! Hahahaha! Thank you, ignorant little human! Although you are ignorant, your power is very good! Haha, let me evolve into a golden dragon! Although this body is not comparable to my former body, but A golden dragon, but I am very satisfied, hahahaha! It's just a pity that this little guy is too young to grow into a double-headed golden dragon, hahahaha ... But it doesn't matter, there is this great sacred of me The soul of the dragon, this body will soon be trained into an ancient dragon, and one day, I will be restored to a true noble sacred dragon! "

Darwin's roaring voice was still a human language at the beginning, and in the end, it became a roar of dragons, and the proud roar was completely turned into a dragon, and Charya could not understand what it said Already.

Darwin laughed enough, and finally turned his huge body again. He looked down at the small Charlie in front of him, and in his eyes, a playful look came out, saying: "I feel the power, this body gives My strength! For tens of thousands of years, I finally have a complete body! I, the great sacred dragon, have finally been resurrected! Then you, the ignorant little human! You are the first appetizer after my resurrection! "

Then, it suddenly fell down, opened its mouth, and vomited a breath at Xia!

The breath of the golden dragon is no longer the smell of the black undead. This group of golden flames swept through. Wherever they went, the crystal suddenly became countless purple powders floating in the air!

This breath is full of powerful crushing power!

Xia Ya took a deep breath, and the red crimson murderous gas formed a round shield in front of her. The torch in her hand stubbornly resisted, and the golden breath hit her, and she immediately backed up Xia Yazhen's incessant breath and sprayed her breath. Xia heard the bones of her whole body rattle under this tremendous pressure!

"Very good! You still have the power to fight. Let me see how long you can sustain."

Darwin looked up, looked at Xia, smiled, and then slowly spit out a series of dragon words! !!

Soon, a series of golden symbols shone in the air. None of these symbols could be understood by Charya. These golden symbols sprayed out of Darwin's mouth and soon drowned in the air.

Suddenly, this originally purple crystal cave became like a golden light! Xia suddenly felt her body sink!

The weight of the body suddenly became dozens of times instantly! !! This strong gravitational pressure caused Charya to breathe immediately, and the weight was still accumulating!

Xia Ya shouted, knowing that she could not wait any longer, and once again struck forward with a fierce fork!

But this time, even under the action of crimson murder, his movement was several times slower than before. Under this super strong pressure and gravity, he could hardly control his body smoothly!

He knew very well that this must be some kind of powerful dragon-spell magic belonging to the Divine Dragon.

The fire fork pierced too slowly, Darwin sneered, and the huge body turned slightly, avoiding the red light from the fire fork, turned around, and the huge dragon tail swept across ...

This time, Xia Ya finally failed to escape. His body was swept heavily by the dragon tail from the side, and when he heard a bang, his body flew out like a stone cannon thrown by the trebuchet. Directly hit the wall of the crystal cave, and smashed the crystal layer into a large pit that was several meters deep. The surrounding crystal wall immediately appeared a large crack!

Xia ’s body was severely chopped into the crystal, and the whole body was in severe pain. He coughed a few times and spit out **** spit. Fortunately, the strong gravity and pressure had already disappeared, and he forced the fire hard The fork split open, chopped up the crystal on his body, and strove out of the crystal hole. With a roar, the body shot towards Darwin!

This time, it was extremely fast, but Darwin sneered, seeing that Xia was almost in front of it, and the Golden Dragon's mouth suddenly spit out a few short notes!

Suddenly, Charya's body suddenly settled in midair! His body was in mid-air, and he could not advance or retreat, so he stayed there, his whole body was bound by countless invisible shackles, and he could not move even a minute.

Darwin chuckled, slowly raising his right paw ...

With a bang, Charlie was blown into the air again, and Darwin took a series of shouts, but her huge body quickly moved up. She immediately passed Charlie's height, a huge and bloated body , But with a kind of amazing agility, made a tumbling in the mid-air, the stout dragon tail was once again severely thrown on the body of Xia, and the rising Xia was slammed into the ground again. Go on!


The voice of Xia Ya landing, countless crystals shattered from the crystal caves on all sides of the earthquake. In a huge pit of more than ten meters in the ground, Xia lay there with her arms folded, and the fire fork finally fell aside.

Blood bleeds from his mouth, nose, and ears, and he coughs and spit with blood.

Strong ... Really **** strong!

A golden dragon with an ancient sacred dragon soul is so powerful?

Hell, I'm a strong one!

Darwin was still roaring proudly.

"Power! Haha! Ignorant humans! You see no! This is power! Really powerful power! In the presence of the noble high-level dragons, your strong creatures of low-level creatures have no ability to compete at all! You are ridiculous Strength, in front of an ancient sacred dragon, is nothing but a boring joke! What is even more ridiculous is that you dare to use the dragon thorn to deal with me? Too ridiculous! Use the tricks that belong to the dragon knight to deal with a noble Divine dragon? Do n’t you know that the tricks of the dragon knights are not valid for the real dragon family! The power of the dragon knight lies in the power of the dragon! But you use the power of the dragon to deal with me? Ignorant and ridiculous Humans !!! "

Xia Ya lay there, gasping for a while. Although her painful body was shaking, she finally clenched her fist slowly and released it, and a complex smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Dragons, dragon thorns, isn't effective for you?" Xia Ya limped up from the ground, standing upright, breathing heavily, and still shaking, but barely laughed: "Since then, I ... … Just change it, and you're done. ”

He didn't even look at the sharp and unforgettable fire fork under his feet, his **** hands reached into his arms, and he found two small crystals.

Fighting together, suddenly the two sides shone sharply!

The crystal lightsaber left by the ancient goblin!

The sharp edge of the lightsaber brought a chilling chill, and Xia did not know whether the weapon would also be immune to the opponent.

This sacred dragon was so powerful that it gave him an unmatched feeling.

This feeling was only experienced in the face of Odin God Emperor Hannigan. Even when facing Merlin, he never felt such a strong sense of oppression.

Darwin looked at the weapon in Charya's hand, and the laughter stopped abruptly, and his voice was alert and alert: "What is this? This ... this is the weapon of the goblin! How can you have this kind of thing in your hand? ? "

"Is the Goblin's weapon?" Xia Haha smiled. "So it seems that your tone seems a little fearful?"

"Oh! An ignorant human! How could the noble sacred dragon fear the goblin weapon! In this world, except for that monster, I am invincible!"

Darwin growled again.

At this time, the crystal cave suddenly shook violently, and the naked eyes could see the crystals around them, the original purple crystals, and suddenly released a faint purple light at the same time!

Makes a purple light permeate the entire crystal!

"Ha ha ha ha! It's about to wake up! Without my soul as a hub, this formation is starting to disintegrate! It's about to wake up!" Darwin sneered: "I still have time! Kill you first, then leave Here! Then, this resurrected demon will turn the entire continent into a killing world! Hahahaha! "

The words didn't fall, Darwin had opened his mouth again, and a spit of golden breath was sprayed towards Charya!

Xia immediately ran the crystal lightsaber in front of him, a transparent light forced out from the double-edged sword, and crossed in front of Xia, under the impact of golden breath, she smashed back and forth. , But finally failed to break through the defense of the crystal lightsaber, Charlie was relieved, but Darwin had already swooped up! Huge claws fluttered down! Charlie stepped back immediately, Darwin sneered, and the mysterious notes were spit out in the mouth again. Charlie was in mid-air, and once again felt the feeling of sudden stagnation in his body. move.

Seeing that the giant claw of the dragon had been pressed down, Xia Ya roared hard, her whole body muscles were almost violent, her face was haggard, and blood was flowing from her mouth!

Blood flowed on his arm, and on the crystal sword in the palm of his hand.

In an instant, a ray of light flashed, and Xia suddenly felt the restraint of her whole body and disappeared! He didn't have time to think, and instinctively rushed out quickly! The golden dragon's claw fluttered empty, but it smashed the crystal in place!

Xia Ya withdrew more than ten meters at a stretch, and looked down at the crystal lightsaber in her hand in surprise.

"Kill demon?"

Darwin exclaimed, but suddenly reminded Charya!

Kill demon!

Yes! This must be the case!

For a long time, after getting this crystal lightsaber, Xia has not been able to find out the true value of this weapon.

If it is sharp, he already has a sharp fire fork in his hand, and it is most suitable for use with crimson murderous. However, this lightsaber has never known how to use it. Although it is sharp enough to display, but ...

How could something left by the ancient goblin be so simple?

You know, this thing was found in the ruins of the Goblins' creation zone! How could the ancient goblin's weapon stay in the creation zone?

Kill demon!

Then it must be!

This weapon actually has the effect of destroying magic! !!

The ancient goblin race had no magic talent, and the goblin could not cast magic, so in order to deal with other races, this must be a weapon specially created by the goblin to destroy magic!

Bang! !!

There was a violent shaking at the feet again, and on the ground, huge cracks spread quickly, and the roaring voices kept coming from the ground!

"It's about to wake up!" Darwin exclaimed, but shouted fiercely at Charlie: "You're dead! Whether it's in my hands or in its hands! You're dead! ,Humanity!"

"What about you? Stay and bury me! Don't even try to run!"

Xia yelled angrily, and held up the crystal lightsaber again.

This time, Darwin spit out dragon magic and couldn't settle Charlie anymore. Charlie's figure flashed through the air without any stagnation, and Darwin immediately fell on him!

The crystal lightsaber pierced severely from Darwin's jaw!

Darwin yelled, his huge body receded, Xia Ya exerted his whole body strength, the lightsaber stirred fiercely, and a slam, he tore Darwin's jaw open, and several dragon scales were also cut directly Come down!

Darwin yelled, his claws gripped toward Charya, and Charya immediately backed away, but the lightsaber in his hand made a chopping action.

Two beeps, two sharp pointed claws were cut off directly from Darwin's claws!

"So sharp!" Charlie was startled!

He knew very well that this must also be the effect of breaking magic! You know, a high-level golden dragon has a defensive force with the magic magic power of the dragon family! Ordinary weapons are resisted by magic before harming the dragon!

However, this lightsaber can directly hurt the dragon's body, which obviously penetrates the opponent's magic defense force directly.

Darwin screamed, but the tail of the dragon had already swung over, Charya could not escape, and was swept away, but this time, he struggled to embrace the dragon tail with his arms, blood spewed from his mouth, but the light But the sword pierced the dragon's tail fiercely, and pierced it!

With a bang, he fell to the ground. Although he didn't know how many bones were broken, he strove to embrace the dragon's tail, then jumped up and climbed onto the dragon's back!

Darwin is terrified. Although it is the soul of the sacred dragon, after all, this body is not the dragon body of the sacred dragon. Although a golden dragon is also very powerful, it is far worse than its own body.

The physical power cannot be fully exerted, but Xia is suppressed by the powerful dragon language magic, but now Xia takes out a goblin weapon to break the magic, and the scene suddenly turns down.

Charlie had fallen on the dragon's back, Darwin trembled hard, but Charlie firmly grasped a dragon scale, and the crystal sword in her hand pierced the dragon's spine!

Under a stab, because of the shaking of the distance, it was sloppy, and Rao was so screaming, it also made Darwin scream with anger, a loud roar, and suddenly the whole body of the dragon suddenly appeared red. The flames come! !!

When Xia Ya put herself on the dragon's back, he was immediately swallowed by the fire. His hair was burnt and even his skin was burnt and smashed!

With a painful roar, Charlie fell down, but still clutched the crystal hilt in her hand.

As his body fell, the crystal sword was still tied to Darwin's body, and a long mouth opened into the dragon immediately.

Darwin jumped up and down, the flames intensified. Xia Ya finally landed on the ground, with a common sound, she shook her face to the ground, her body was as black as charcoal, she rolled over her body, and even black smoke spewed from her mouth.

The golden blood flowing from Darwin completely angered the golden dragon. It roared violently, turned around, his wings vibrated, and a dive leapt down from mid-air. It opened to Charya on the ground and opened. Big mouth ...

At this moment, the ground on which Xia was lying suddenly burst into a huge crack, and Xia's body was just in the crack, and immediately fell from it.

Darwin swooped in front of him, but flew empty, watching Charlie fall from the crack, disappearing before him, and Darwin uttered an unwilling roar.

Its two claws grasped the edge of the crack, struggling downward, and the golden breath was injected into the crack fiercely ~ ~ But at this time, suddenly ...

boom! !!

This loud noise was like a thunder. But it came from underground!

Darwin, lying on the crack, suddenly jumped fiercely, and a ray of light rose from under the crack, directly penetrating Darwin's body, even the dragon wings behind it. Directly penetrated!

There was a hole in Darwin's chest, golden blood sprayed, and his huge body fell heavily to the ground, roaring in pain a few times. When he turned over, he looked at the crack in the ground, but couldn't stop shaking. !!

A cloud of black flames slowly came up from under the crack.

Darwin exclaimed, ignoring the pain in his body, suddenly leaped into the sky, and flew out of the crystal cave ...



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