
Chapter 522: [What is Tenri]

No matter how self-confident Xia is, she won't really think that she can use her own power to challenge a beast like a sacred dragon standing at the top of all living things.

Charya's dilemma caused Darwin to laugh at him: "What's wrong, human, dare you not do it?"

"Huh." Charlie rolled her eyes, looked at the huge amethyst ngxùe around, and suddenly said, "Yeah, I can't kill you, but ... I can't fight, can't I leave?" The magic circle can absorb my strength, but if you leave here, how can you still help me? "

With that said, he immediately stepped back, holding up Dodoro on the ground. The poor magician's breath was weak, but after all, under the light healing magic, the injuries had been controlled.

Xia Ya held Duodor's eyes, and looked into the huge hole above his head, wondering how to bring Duodor to rush up as fast as possible.

Just don't know, how will this "Darwin" stop it?

Darwin was still floating there, all the way Charya did. He didn't move, didn't step forward at all. Seeing that Charya had helped Dodo, Darwin sneered, "Want to run? Ignorant human, do you think so Is it easy to escape? Funny, you don't even know where it is! "

Since Charlie had the idea of ​​shirking, where would she talk to this guy again? In the face of such a tough opponent, you can't fight, all attacks will increase the strength of the opponent, how can this fight? Now that he had decided to leave, he would no longer listen to the guy's words. He picked up Dodo and held it in one hand, and flew towards the cave at the top of ngxùe.

But when he almost rushed into the cave, suddenly, a black flame suddenly appeared in front of him, and a deep cold came on his face, and it seemed to be mixed with countless crying sounds. When Xia felt a shock in her whole body, her mind was mixed for 1uan, and she felt that there was a cold force in the dark mist. Xia Ya's right-hand fire fork stabbed directly into the past, but felt the stab, as if stabbed into the water, the power was stagnant, it seemed to be pulled by countless forces, unable to open. Then it seemed that if there was a power, if there was no power, to dissolve his forward force, before he knew it, he would be blocked!

Staring again, the cave was still the cave, as if everything had never been born before.

"Hell." Xia Ya murmured and took a deep breath. This time, the crimson murderous light of red sè appeared on his fork, and his heart rushed forward again.

But this time, before he rushed into the cave, he seemed to be surrounded by endless black mist in all directions, Charya chopped up and down, but there was no use for it. Under the force of traction around, he What he brought was crooked, and he was bounced back.

"Evil mén! Really * evil mén!" Charlie gasped, looking back behind him, Darwin still floating there, as if a monster, looked at himself coldly, sneer: "How? Still want Go out so easily? "

"Is this what you do?" Xia gritted her teeth.

"Here is the hub of the formation. I waited for countless years before I finally waited until the three of you came here and thought of a way to lead you to the underground formation. If you let you run away easily, I These tens of thousands of years haven't just waited in vain! "Darwin sighed:" Since you are here and want to go, where is it so easy? I told you, the hub of this magic circle is me! If you want to When you go out, you must destroy this magic formation. If you want to destroy the magic formation, you must kill me first. "

"If I want to kill you, I need to revive you first!" Xia yelled, "It's really a cunning thing!"

Since he couldn't get away, Charlie simply settled down, put Dodoro's heart in the corner, turned around, and strode forward toward Darwin. He took a few splits with a fire fork in his hand, coldly Says: "Okay, so, then, this uncle will consume you to the end!"

He looked around, and after looking around, he suddenly laughed, "Is this magic formation here just to imprison your old dragon? Hehe!"

"Captive me?" Darwin opened his mouth and laughed a few times: "Ha ha ha ha! Funny guy! Really ignorant human! Captive me? Captive of a noble, supreme sacred dragon ?! In this world, except for Who is the highest deity who has the power to imprison me here! Ridiculous idea! If I had not sacrificed myself voluntarily ... "

At this point, Darwin's voice stopped suddenly, and then a long sigh, filled with endless resentment and helplessness.

"You volunteered?" Charlie approached, staring at Darwin's eyes, preparing for a fire at any time, slowly said, "Do you think I would believe it? Who would be trapped here voluntarily ... How many years do you say? Hahahaha, that's even more ridiculous. "

"Huh! If it weren't for you wicked humans, but also those sly jīng spirits, stupid dwarfs, who have united to deceive me, how can a noble **** dragon in my dignity be buried in this place where the sun is not visible? A thousand years! You ... all the races in this world except the Dragons, **** it! "

"Haha! It seems that you have a lot of grievances." Xia deliberately mocked ng: "Unfortunately, you probably don't know what the outside world looks like! Now humans live well, and the jīng spirits are mixed in the east. The forests, oceans, and dwarves survived in the wildfire valley, but your dragons no longer appear in this world, but have been expelled to the extreme north of the ice and snow! , Dragon, is it amazing ?! "

"To shut up!!!!"

Darwin was irritated, it roared suddenly, and the dragon whistle came, and the xia scalp with a 1ang shock, even the crystal ngxùe around it seemed to be swept by the wind, and ripples were clearly visible in the air. Shake!

After Darwin's roar, he breathed for a moment, and suddenly looked at Xia, raised a paw, pointed at Xia, and sneered: "Ignorant man, are you trying to anger me? Huh ... ridiculous thing, you I do n’t know what you are facing! Yeah! You humans, jīng spirits, dwarves, all **** it! Waiting for you will be tens of thousands of years, the most terrible revenge, the most terrifying Curse, the scariest nightmare !!! "

Speaking, before Charlie spoke, Darwin deliberately slowed his voice, lowered his voice, and slowly murmured, "What do you think is this place? Captive me? A sacred dragon? Hahahaha! This is tens of thousands of years A while ago, the end of the most horrible and massive war that swept the entire world !!! You guessed it is not completely wrong! Yes, this is indeed a place of captivity! However, the captives are not I!"

Suddenly Xia's heart moved, and a faint thought came to her mind!

"Here, right at your feet, deep underground in this magic circle, is the thing that is imprisoned! It is the biggest nightmare of all your races, and your biggest confidant! Thousands of years ago, several races Together, we can't completely suppress this terrible nightmare! Hmm, right here, under the volcano of Daljiras, there are several races, over 200,000 coalition forces, and three major races have over 200 top masters and strong men. To deal with this terrible nightmare, all are assembled here! But what is the result? The 200,000 Allied Forces were almost annihilated, and more than half of the top 200 powerful men were killed and injured! Even your most powerful great magician at the time died six. Nine of the strong warriors who are eligible to become dragon knights have died! The jīng spirit tribe ’s dark night bows have been destroyed, and the jīng spirit tribe guarding the artifacts have all been turned into powder! The dwarven king's thunder hammer It was smashed into mud! Hahahahahaha !!! It is such a horrible existence! If you wake it up from here, it will be the end of you guys !! "

Charlie's breathing began to swell, and he swallowed hard and swallowed: "You ... then, what about your dragons?"

"Our Dragons?" Darwin sneered: "The remaining coalition forces at that time, you collectively deceived me, deceived me to sacrifice myself, and laid out such a huge magic array. This huge magic array requires a strong magic force. I came to control the hub. At that time, all your races deceived me, and I willingly sacrificed myself. Sitting here on the hub, I started this magic circle to suppress that terrible thing! Hahahaha! But they lied to me! I !!! In order to open this magic circle, I sacrificed my body and exhausted all my power! I sacrificed the power of the soul of more than 100,000 souls! Bringing all this together into the most ever The powerful undead magic circle sealed the guy under the volcano with this huge power! Permanently dormant the world's largest volcano Dalgiras! But they lied to me! Lied to me! "

Darwin growled angrily: "They told me that they would come back and save me! They would reconvene the magician to recover my undead! They would rescue me from the ground! I believed them and started at the expense of myself The magic circle! But they didn't come back! I became an undead and waited here for ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years !!! They never returned! They deceived me! Deceived I!!"

Xia Ya's heart banged 1uan ~ ~ He had already guessed the result!

The union of other races, human beings, jīng spirits, dwarves ... It is a "thing" that all races need to unite to deal with. The strength of this thing makes all races united and destroyed!

Moreover, the age also coincides.

Well, the answer has actually been called out! !!

"Ignorant humans! Just laugh now! Once I am resurrected and this magical array is destroyed, then ... the ancient nightmare sealed under this volcano will wake up! By that time ... hahahaha!"

"You, you mean, here, at your feet, the seal is ..." Charlie took a deep breath.

"It's a ... God!" Darwin sneered, his voice with endless resentment.

A silent sigh in Xia ’s heart: the **** of earth jīng

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