
Chapter 549: [As divine help]

Chapter 549 [Like God's Help]

The Central Military Calendar of the Byzantine Empire is regarded as a royal unit of the royal family. The commanders of various corps of the Central Army have always selected generals from the Hawk system to ensure that these troops are loyal to the royal family. The Central Army is also a royal family. Rely on the biggest chip of the warlord party.

But today's situation is no longer what it was then.

With the drastic changes in the situation of the empire in the past two years, the Central Army, which was originally labeled as "Royal Party," has long gone.

The strongest and most elite Rhodesian cavalry has been annihilated. The first time the Odins invaded the throne of the Seal of God, the sixth and seventh corps in the north were leveled. The war of the warlords' rebels made the last bit of vitality gradually lose.

It can be said that after the end of the defense war in Osgilia, the last Central Army of the Empire was in the Imperial City, and it was full. It was only more than 20,000 people (this still supplements the number afterwards). The real soldiers before the war were the Central Army veterans. Most of them died in the battle for the defense of Osgilia.

After the rebellion in the south, the imperial capital had to separate its forces to allow the Duke of Minas to take the south to rebel. At that time, the imperial capital, in addition to some garrison troops deployed in the south, was the private army of the aristocracy, and then there was the Qingtian branch Central Army of Gui.

The Duke of Minas went south to rebel, and most of the troops he took were private aristocratic troops, but he also took part of the Central Army. Although not many were taken away, the old Duke Rong Ma took a lifetime and many of the students took away. It's the essence.

There was no doubt that those who took away the Canadian troops were all swallowed by the old Duke of Minas as soon as they reached the south. The formation of the Southern Peace Rebel Army has no trace of the "Central Army."

Poorly, several large corps were neat at first, with more than 100,000 soldiers, well-known generals, and the invincible iron army such as Rodria, but now they are in desperation!

So where did this Central Army cavalry suddenly appear here from?

Charya was not surprised at all, because he had seen the front of this cavalry queue far away, and the look of the general who was tightly surrounded by many cavalry.

Although it was only a glimpse of Xia, he had already recognized this guy.


Son of the Duke of Minas, known as the Little Lord.


How did Roddy appear in the east? This will start from a few months ago.

The old Duke of Minas went south to counterinsurgency, first coaxed his son away, and made Roddy the leader of the vanguard of the southward counterinsurgency, and first went south to sweep the rebels.

This introduction, on the one hand, the old duke knew that his son had been in the capital for too long, and the son was very dissatisfied with some of his actions, and he sent Roddy south first under the pretext of playing a striker. Give him a vent.

On the other hand, it is also to prevent the gap between the father and son from further expanding.

The old duke then took the army south, and had to perform internal cleaning along the way, lest his son would watch around and add dissatisfaction.

However, the old duke is his son who loves his own family. Although Roddy is good at it, the south rebellion is the first time this guy has independently led the war. After all, the old duke still licks the calves and gives Rodi's two thousand vanguard cavalry. It was said to have been collected from the family!

The remaining cavalry in Osgilia was originally low, and many horses were replenished after the war.

The old man pulled a part from the Central Army, picked a part of the elite from the local defense forces, and selected the backbone from his own private army, and finally collected 2,000 cavalry. The men and horses are all carefully selected, and it is not even a selection of the equipment of the Central Army from the warehouse of the imperial capital. The armored weapons are all standard equipment of the Central Army.

In this way, the 2,000 cavalry led by Roddy turned into the appearance of the Central Army.

And after Roddy brought the two thousand elite cavalry south, it was just like a tiger out of a cage!

This little grandpa had already had a stomachache in Didu!

He was strongly dissatisfied with his father's sacrifice of Dafinney again, but also refused to accept it because his father's indifference to the empire was incongruous.

Furthermore, Luo Di was suppressed by his old man for so many years. He had no stomach to learn, but he had been able to only be an idle sister-in-law in Emperor Capital, and he was aggrieved:

Now that I have finally got the chance to lead a war alone, it is simply to send out many years of grievances!

His two thousand cavalrymen went south. Originally, he was only a vanguard for the army behind. When Fengshan opened the road and met the water bridge, he encountered a small group of rebels and straightened it out. He cleared the way for the army of the insurgents behind.

But who would have thought this little grandpa was too fierce!

His two thousand cavalry soared southward, and a fierce son plunged into the hinterland of the southern rebellion zone. Where did he care about the main force behind the rebellion? He can't wait to fight the world alone!

To say that Roddy did have the ability. Under his leadership, two thousand cavalrymen, like a tiger descending into the rebellion area, smashed upside down. The rebels were everywhere. . He was standard in playing fast and slow, relying on the cavalry's fast movement, continuous long-distance attacks in one breath, defeating several rebel forces, even a dozen cities and towns.

The rebels were frightened by the madness of the young grandpa. For a time, the Lord of the Seals became the invincible momentum in the south.

The old duke, Minas, got the news and almost regretted his intestines!

Indeed, before his son set out, he had told Roddy that he was going south faster.

But it didn't make you die too soon! !!

The little grandpa abandoned all the heavy logistical supplies and took the cavalry to drive away the rebels. Wherever the rebels were, go to Jiazha. By the time the old duke got the front line news, Roddy had gone deep into the rebel zone. Hundreds of miles, annihilating countless enemies!

If the old duke didn't come slowly, I'm afraid that his main army has not arrived yet, and the rebellion in the south will be flattened by his son!

How can this be done!

The southern rebellion originally had the shadow of the secret manipulation of the Duke of Minas. It is even more the opportunity that he gets this leader! !!

Seeing that the army going south has not yet reached the place, the rebellion in the south was almost flattened by his own son. What strength does this main army have?

Originally, the Duke of Minas survived the south and slowly fought. While fighting, he digested all the opposition voices inside, and then grasped the flat rebel army in his hand. At the same time, the rebellion can't be wiped out all the time, always stay So little by little, the self-respect of raising a thief is an old trick that has been played for thousands of years.

If you let yourself and your son wipe out the rebellion, what other excuse do you have for this rebel army to continue southward? I haven't had time to finish the internal cleaning!

Therefore, just as Roddy advanced fiercely, the old duke made dozens of military orders in one breath. The special envoy of the Israeli army ordered Rodi to stop the pace and wait for the main force.

Although Roddy was dissatisfied, after all, the coach ordered it, and more than a dozen military orders were sent to his army. If he blatantly resisted the army, he would inevitably have problems. In desperation, Roddy could only stop his footsteps:

After the father and son round, the two quarreled again.

Roddy is not a fool. He came to the south to fight a series of battles and merged with the main force. Many secrets were also difficult to hide from his father: Roddy finally knew that his father was playing a role in this southern rebellion. Glorious role. Even his father's internal cleansing of the Southern Peace Rebels blatantly opposed the imperial command.

Everything, the wolf's ambitions are clear.

The rift between Roddy and the Old Duke widened again, this time to the point of intolerance.

The father and the son looked at each other, and since Roddy did not prevent his father's behavior, he could only run away.

He left his main force with his 2,000 cavalry in the name of a divisional attack.

But where to go from here, Roddy was in distress.

Roddy's mind is actually very simple. He just wants to serve the country with loyalty. Now that the Empire is fragmented and the rebels are divided, the Landis are arrogantly named as allies, but in fact they are eating away: he naively believes that his father, as the empire's chief minister, should take up the revitalization of the empire at this crisis. What's the difference between a warlord and a rebel party in a chaotic country?

Bringing soldiers and horses to break up with his father, there is little way out.

Back to the capital? This seems to be a "right way." Because the father is a chaotic and insists on loyalty, of course, he should return to the emperor to show his heart.

But Roddy is not stupid!

Not only is he not stupid, he is also a smart guy.

He knew very well that the trial had already hated his own family as his father supported himself in the south. Even if he did not have a rebellious mind, he rushed back to the emperor to find death.

Once he returned to the imperial capital, he would be immediately dismissed from the army and sent to trial in prison.

Who would believe that the son of the Duke of Minas was innocent? If they didn't leave, they thought they were running back and wanted to conspire to get the imperial capital.

At that time, in the event of beheading, there will be no place to cry for death!

Even if Adrikken believes in himself, who would believe the officials of the imperial capital? Adrik will not mess up the army of the capital for his own sake. At that time, you can only sacrifice yourself.

Back to the imperial capital, that is the path to death, and it is not half beneficial to myself or the country.

That is, he does not want to follow his father's rebellion, and he is not willing to return to the emperor to die.

Then, after thinking about it, there is only one way left.

Damn, I'm a sheep!

To serve the country, we must betray the party!

Your own son is independent in the south, and Adrik the Emperor's capital will not move, you will not fight, so I will fight by myself!

Just do it, this little grandpa really has the momentum of a tiger.

He was not a fool, he was only two thousand cavalry, and he broke out with his father. He also had limited spokesmanship and could only support himself in two battles.

Two thousand cavalry said more or less. If they deal with top warlords like Hughes, it is death. But if you choose some soft persimmons to pinch ... "

After thinking carefully for a long time, Roddy set himself a route: go east!

At present, the situation of the empire is in the north of Xia, and the central part is the core area of ​​the rebel party's feathers. Emperor Oscaria is like a nail stuck on the rebel's throat, and to the south, his father Nibbling:

Only East!

The eastern land of the empire is not rich, because it leads to chaos, and makes money by the commercial roads in the past: there are no powerful warlords, there are only a few second- and third-class Little Tema military districts, and the strength of each house It is thousands of different sites, large and small, and you are not afraid of playing alone. As long as you are cunning enough to move back and forth between them, don't let them be siege, and you will seize the opportunity and cruel. Take a few bites and stand firm, and then you have the capital for development!

So Roddy led his troops ... "

Where are the small military regions in the east to deal with him? Two thousand cavalry, if placed in the field, can win even if they face several times more infantry, even if they cannot win, they can run away. The few small warlords in the east are not so thick. Each one can only gather up to seven or eight thousand soldiers. As for the expensive soldiers and cavalry, it is impossible to equip them with large numbers?

As soon as he arrived in the east, Roddy relied on the power of the cavalry and fought a few beautiful onslaughts. He broke through a few towns and got the most needed supplies. Then he gave full play to his power. Running back and forth between the military regions, hitting the Dongjia today and the Xijia tomorrow, for a while, they were skeptical, and after a long distance attack, they messed up the east. In less than a month, the throne of the Seal of God was broken by him in three cities, and the governor of one of the military regions did not run away. He was directly blocked in the city and became a captive. Then his head was cut off, and his head was sent to Emperor Capital to invite him.

This is a lot of fun!

Lord Rhodes, the son of Duke Minas, actually broke away from his father, and brought an army to help the empire rebel in the east, fighting the warlord party rebels! He also cut off the head of a governor and sent it to the emperor to show loyalty! Such a thing immediately caused the emperor to shake up and down.

It was shocked that the old rebel, Duke Minas, had brought up such a loyal empire son. In the second place, the imperial capital was also quite pleasantly surprised. The Duke of Minas and his sons turned their eyes and the power of the South seemed to be weakened.

And the third one is that the emperor and the emperor thought about how to reward the Lord Lord, and argued endlessly. Although this little grandpa is not like a chaotic thief like his old man, after all, they are a father and son, and God knows when their father and son will be reconciled, maybe they will unite against the central empire. If he was given a too thick reward now, holding him too high, and if they had fallen back and turned back, the emperor's upper and lower faces would have been lost.

In the end, Adrik eliminated the differences and directly took the board: reward!

Since it is an army, the reward should be rewarded!

This killed the Governor of a military region! Throughout the world, only the fierce man who was so strong in the north of Xia Ya killed four military regions in one breath. This little grandfather had only two thousand soldiers, and he actually killed a military area (although this military area is very weak), but no matter how it is nominally a military area. You must not erase the labor of the enemy chief.

Soon, the imperial capital got in touch with Roddy. The imperial capital recognized the combined status of the army led by Roddy and gave them a combined status: Dong Luping rebels, and Roddy was named Dong Luping rebels. The president leads the general.

In this case, it is considered that in the name, the young grandpa was completely separated from his old man, the Duke of Minas.

※※※ "What? Do you know the commander in chief?"

Seeing Xia Ya's face look different, Hasting sneered: "I've met an acquaintance? Why not go up and say hello. Since it's your acquaintance, maybe we just let our caravan pass:"

Xia Ya thought about it, hesitated a little, and finally shook her head: "Forget it."

He knew his own affairs, and he was really guilty in the face of Roddy's words.

At least, Roddy is the elder brother of Defeny. He sent Defeny back to Emperor himself. He had already met Roddy at that time, and this guy was very fine. He was always on the sidelines and looked at his queen sister. When I was separated from this northern soil shogun, the eyes seemed to be reluctant. My sister was as cold as usual and did not add color to any man. It was because of this soil shogun's eyes that showed attachment and tenderness. , Where is this mood, Roddy can't see it? There must be a story between the two!

However, Roddy always distressed her sister married into the royal family and became a living wretched, hard to say anything, but the stare of Charya was almost eating.

Xia Ya was very guilty. She touched her younger sister, and she was still "stealing". How dare you go to see Roddy?

After the caravan slowly under the supervision of the surrounding cavalry, Roddy has led the army to challenge.

The city has already made preparations for closing the gates. Where is it willing to come out to fight? Roddy sent a squadron of cavalry around the city and yelled and scolded for a long time. The city just shot away and noticed that the tortoise didn't advance:

Speaking of which is also Roddy's luck.

He wandered back and forth in the east. The previous month was of course that while the local military districts in the local area were not prepared for the attack, they were caught off guard, and they took advantage of the cavalry. However, as people gradually got used to Roddy's passing, and the opponent was an earth snake after all, and the throne of time and the Seal of Time was long, Roddy gradually lost the advantage.

Several military regions have made an idea, exchanged information, built beacon towers, used wolf smoke as a base, and towns as their bases. They contracted their forces and cleared their walls.

Your Roddy's cavalry is indeed very difficult to find opponents in the east, but I hid in the city without going out. Your cavalry can't hit the wall with his head, right?

If Roddy dared to attack the city, it would make the rebels smile.

Cavalry siege, what is it not to kill?

Running this kind of thing is a surprise.

But the turtle strategy has been launched, and Roddy has been getting worse these days.

This time, the attack came, but the opponent got the news the day before and passed the fire to pass the mou, stepping up the defense of the city early, letting Roddy take the air, when he came to the city, the defense was already ready:

Roddy led someone to scream and curse outside the city. In desperation, he had to split his hands and go to the surrounding villages to get some supplies. "Let ’s just look at Duffini's face and help this guy once."

Charlie watched as Roddy's cavalry was helpless outside the city, and could only scream at it with no effort, and sighed. "I'm not interested in going to you." Hastings closed his eyes.


At night, Roddy was finally discouraged. He knew he hadn't broken the city in front of him. After dawn, he had to leave here quickly with the troops, so as not to mobilize the army after the other party got the news. You have to fight and run around in order to survive in these all-encompassing places:

The men suggested that the caravan should be swallowed, but Roddy refused without hesitation!

He knew very well that if he could eat that caravan, he could bring himself a bit of support. But Rodi, who was born in the Wuxun family, knows better that the army feels that it cannot do this with the robbers. Once the army has fallen into a robber, it will fall completely! Completely lose the soul of the army!

Compared with this provision, Roddy thinks it is more important to keep the army soul of the army at present.

If it is for the benefit of the moment, and the robbery of these soldiers is cured, it will make this army that is still united in one heart and completely transform into a loose sandy pirate!

Therefore, he just asked someone to take the caravan behind to take care of it, but did not mean to move them.

He has already sent two other teams to the nearby villages to collect support: it is a change, not a grab!

There were still some money in the army, which was seized from the Treasury when the city was broken the last time, and Roddy was very clear that if his own lone army wanted to survive in the east, he must not quarrel with the local people.

Therefore, even if he collects supplies in the countryside, he absolutely does not allow his people to forcibly rob farmers of their rations and livestock, but is willing to pay for them or buy them.

He knows better that he is fighting against the local warlord government here. If even these grassroots people have offended, then there will be no place for himself to survive in the east.

But those sly warlords, who are firm and clear, use the city as a base to shrink and defend, so that they can no longer break the city, and they cannot get money and loot. This family will soon be emptied. At that time, even if they still If you want to keep the army's style, no matter how strict the order is to prevent robbers, I am afraid that there will be no restrictions on the people!

After all, no matter how true the truth is, it cannot be eaten as a meal. When it ’s really starving, who cares so much?

"Order, let's leave here at dawn." Roddy thought for a while, and the brother under his opponent whispered, "Send two teams to the back of the hillside and hide, our team leaves from the road, if this city The garrison relaxed his anger and let the ambush behind the hillside rush out, maybe there is still a chance to rush into the city. "

The lieutenant looked at Roddy and smiled bitterly: "Little Lord, although this is good, but we have used it several times, these rebels in the east have learned how to behave, and this time I will show it again, I am afraid I will not lie Arrived. "

Roddy blushed and smiled bitterly: "But there is no other child. Will the brothers get off the horse and go to chop the woods to build a siege device to attack?"

"Well, there are only six days left in our rations. The horses saw one of them fall out, and they don't want to do it anymore, I'm afraid they won't be able to support it for a long time."

Roddy frowned, sighed, and looked at the city defense in front of him by night:

When he was thinking deeply in his heart, suddenly, he saw a sudden red light soaring into the sky under the gate of the city, and the red light was so eye-catching in the night. A thunderous sound!

The ground was shaking a few times!

Roddy jumped up abruptly!

Just because, right in front of his eyes, the city defense gate was in the midst of this red light and roar, and it was a blast! In the roar of the burst, chaotic rocks flew, and a large piece of the blasted stone bounced off and rolled away. An originally neat city defense, Huo Ran appeared a large gap of more than ten meters wide. !! !!

This scene shocked everyone inside and outside the city!

The city was already disrupted, and the defense was full of wailing, panic, and panic.

However, after Roddy's face suddenly changed, although he was shocked, he had already captured the sub-opportunity. When he was not looking for the cause at the moment, he immediately turned over and jumped on the horse, raised his saber and shouted, "Cow! Line up! Go into the city !!! Keep the city guardian, a reward of one hundred !!! "

In the midst of chaos, the cavalrymen marched into the formation, a whirlwind, and rushed towards the large gap in the city defense ... "


The city defense was suddenly blown up. Where can the defenders live? Originally, this small town did not have many defenders, but it was relying on the strong walls. Once the cavalry rushed into the city, there was no suspense in this battle.

The garrison in the city obviously did not mean to be loyal to his governor. He surrendered for a while and resisted, but the garrison gate was closed. The garrison in it remained for a while. Right in the house. But even if the city is broken, it doesn't make sense to keep a mansion, and Roddy doesn't want to waste the life of his cavalry, and directly lets the surrendering guards shout: "Suppression is to death, resisting killing. One hundred bounty coins ~ ~ After the slice was fried, the defender who still wanted to resist was **** by his men into a mule and thrown out the door. The remaining guards inside came out and surrendered.

Roddy was relieved, and he went down to the treasury in Beifu to gain something, and there was still a lot of forage in the arsenal in the city.

Roddy's heart was settled, so he sent some of the captive captains of the garrison to himself.

"Why did the gate fall down by itself?"

But after a while, I didn't ask for an answer. The defenders themselves wondered.

Roddy was even more puzzled:

Can't help looking up at the sky

Difficult ... "It was God who saw me as loyal to my country and was moved by my loyalty. Seeing that I was in a difficult situation, I dropped a thunder to help me blast the city gate away?

Damn, is this the legendary "like God's help"? ?

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