
Chapter 550: [Destiny]

Chapter 550 [Destiny]

Xia didn't know that Roddy had promoted himself into a "god" in his heart. There was chaos and chaos outside the city. Fortunately, Roddy's army did not disturb the people. After occupying the Kufu, the city was restrained, and the residents in the city were naturally afraid to go out. Only the cavalry came to the streets, and occasionally some escaping guards.

While Xia was out of the city, with his ability, if he didn't want people to discover, it would be easy. I just returned to the caravan, but saw Hastings sitting on the roof of the cart, looking at himself with two eyes wide open, with a mocking sneer on his face.

Xia Ya glanced at this guy: "Just don't ask for help and stare at me for what I do." You are so big-handed that you just knocked down the city gate. "Hasting sneered:" The others are not stupid Gua, the gates of the city collapsed. Is the leading general a idiot? "

Xia Ya smiled: "Anyway, he can't find anything. I break the city defense. He will not eat the fat that he delivered. He will occupy the city. Maybe the caravan will be on the road. . "

Hasting shook his head: "You can help him once, but you can't help him all the time."

After a pause, he whispered: "You went out at night, and I was not idle. I talked to the caravan and made it clear. The leading guy was originally Duke of Minas. Son, huh ... "I don't know what happened, and brought this army to the east to make trouble. It has been more than a month, but his situation is getting more and more difficult. After all, he is a guest army, and his subordinates are not many. The local military regions here have begun to take advantage of him, and now he has tasted it. With only one move to shrink the defense, he was forced to have no foothold. This time he occupied the city with your help, but he could n’t occupy it for a long time. He searched the Kufu and left, but the next time, the guards became more stringent. He only relied on the cavalry to attack. Sooner or later it will be a dead end. "

Charlie nodded and sighed.

There are two brothers of this division, one is the Odin Valkyrie who has been famous for many years, and the other is the youngest Byzantine star who is the most popular now. The military strategy is naturally superior. The two people see the same, and they are not optimistic about Roddy in the east. "Naughty ex-tidy" "I watched it today. His cavalry is about two thousand. This kind of force is not small in the east. Unfortunately, he is useless to the place." Xia Ya smiled: "I want to come ... "Let's help people to the end and wake him up? "

Hastings suddenly laughed: "Little Charlie, why are you so nervous about this Lord Lodi? Do you have a good relationship with him? He is the son of the Duke of Minas. As far as I know, the old man and you Not all the way. "

Where did Charya say that she had touched someone else's sister, and he made a few vague comments, Hasting saw that he didn't want to say, and he didn't ask.


Rody stayed up all night in the city and didn't sleep. After dawn, his men had already counted the harvest in the warehouse. Naturally, the property that could be taken away was taken away. If he could not take it away, Roddy waved his hand very simply: "As usual! "

What he calls "business as usual" is to move the money, food and belongings that he can't take away from the storeroom to the residents in the city. Anyway, he is generous, and he is generous, let alone buy people's hearts.

This is also an important reason why Roddy has a good impression on him after he came to the east. He did not smash a place. Any property he could not take away was distributed to the local people at the same time, and his subordinates did not disturb the people. It has been almost a hundred years since this area became the Tema military area. For a hundred years, the throne of the Seal of God has been ruled by the warlord party for generations. It doesn't matter who is governed by the government. As long as the taxes collected are not too harsh, it is not too much. From this perspective, Roddy is really popular with people here.

The people are responsible for the handling. These guys are already familiar with this kind of work. They collect carriages and carry items, and at the same time, they open the gate of the Kufu and tell them to send things without the need for Rodi.

However, when he was on the bull, the caravan outside the city came in and sent someone to meet Roddy. The caravan leader also gave a gift, and thanked Roddy for letting them go. Or maybe I would swallow this caravan as fat.

For the gift to be delivered to the door, Roddy did not refuse. The leader of the caravan made a request at the same time. His team must hurry and cannot stay in the city. Please let Roddy release. Roddy had no intention of occupying the city for a long time, and he did not intend to become the governor of the city. He would not stop at all if he wanted to leave. Two more polite words, the leader of the caravan left with gratitude.

The blacksmiths in the city were gathered to repair the damaged armor and weapons for the cavalry.

While Roddy sent a scout to investigate the news outside the city, he seized the time to repair the throne of the Seal of God in this small town to restore the team's vitality.

When the ox was off, his guards suddenly sent a letter saying that someone had sent it out of the door to present himself.

The guards around him were all personal guards from the Minas family. When he sent the letter, Roddy took it in his hand and held it: the envelope said crookedly, "The Lord Lord. ".

Roddy was very curious. It stands to reason that no one in this small town knows who he is, but where does this letter come from?

Roddy took the guard out to check, but it turned out that this letter was sent by a little beggar with a snotty body, which was dirty.

The men questioned for a long time, and could not find any clues. They only knew that someone had given the little beggar a gold coin, so that he could send this letter to the guarding government when he was a cow.

As for what the person who sent him the money looked like, it was unclear: the other party covered his head with a turban.

He asked about his dress, but said he was wearing a leather robe.

Roddy nodded, but the guards around him said, "Sir, there are not many people wearing leather robes in this city, but many of them are wearing leather robes."

Roddy squinted his eyes and thought: "The caravan left the city in the morning, but this letter was delivered to me in the afternoon, obviously it was time for the throne of the Seal of God." Otherwise, I will take someone Chasing. "The guard whispered:" They are a big team and can't run fast. I take my rider to chase, and I can catch up in an hour. "" What about catching up? "Luo Di frowned:" People What to do if you do n’t recognize it? Hundreds of people in the other team ’s team are out of town and walking away. You ’re not afraid of us, and you do n’t have to look at us again. You caught up, and they ignored you, can you still use force? To deal with hundreds of people, how many soldiers do you bring? If you do n’t have enough, you do n’t have enough. What do we do in the city? ”

The guard closed his mouth immediately.

Roddy also sullenly returned to the door, and then unfolded the letter before glancing at him, his face changed.


Because this letter starts with the first sentence, the content inside is basically swearing by pointing at Rody's nose!

The person who wrote this letter directly cursed Roddy waste for being stupid and useless. The general content is like this, although your old sister, Duke Minas, is not good in character, anyway, he is also a famous imperial generation and a disciple. Both Adrik and Ruhr are famous celebrities. How come your biological son hasn't inherited at all? It's a shame to get mixed in the east for so long, it's a shame to go home.

The other side also said: the number of cavalry in your hand is enough to run in the east, as long as you don't let people join together to block up, but now you can't stand fast enough It is obviously the reason why the strategy is wrong. You know, in this place in the east, there are a few small warlords, and any one of them is pulled out. The wild battle is all but defeated. Now you have played a contraction defense, and you are stumped? But it's not surprising that although your qualifications are not too stupid and you have been educated by a famous teacher, you are the first time to lead a war alone, without experience. The main thing is that you do n’t have enough guts, and you do n’t have the courage to dare to gamble. It ’s going to be so miserable, so for the sake of you, just teach you a little bit, and you do as I say, to ensure that you can gain a foothold in the east.

It's simple: Isn't the local warlord playing a contraction defense strategy with you? Don't just stare at those small cities. How to teach you is very simple: play a ticket with a fierce wager, bet on it, and love to fight to win.

Listen, do the following, you find a capital city of the military region, and then put on a stance and hit the door. The bigger the noise, the better. It ’s best to let the entire east know that you are going out with all the people and beating Went to the capital.

Aren't those **** playing shrink defense with you? You go straight to their capital city, the opponent ’s forces ca n’t beat you anyway, you can only shrink to defend in the city, at this time, your chance comes. You hit the capital city of the other person, and the governor of the other party has no strength to drive you away. The only thing you can do is order to send reinforcements elsewhere. In this way, the following is simple: just call for help!

Your men are all cavalry, and the four legs run fast. There is no large-scale cavalry in these eastern military regions. The reinforcements sent can only be infantry. You pull out the cavalry and break them down. After severely knocking out a few reinforcements, the initiative is in your hands.

The key of this son is to use your cavalry's strength in field battle to force the opposing army to come out to fight with you in the field, and then destroy the living force of the opponent as much as possible.

If you kill a few reinforcements, this military area is basically empty. Even if the governor continues to stay in the capital city and not go out, you can turn the horse's head to fight other cities, and the troops in those cities will be surrounded by you It's gone, it's very empty, and you hit it one by one.

The following things do not need me to teach you. This son is enough for you to reverse the current power comparison in the east. As long as you are smart enough, follow this son and do it step by step. By then, you will have enough advantages in the east.

If this is the case, you can't stand it anymore, you just find a pillar and hit yourself to death.

That's about it.

After seeing constitution, Roddy didn't know how many times he changed his face, and his heart throbbed.

Who wrote the letter, although he didn't know, but the content, the idea he gave himself, really made Roddy tempted!

However, this one is still very dangerous. To put it plainly is one word: bet!

Let yourself directly take all the people to fight the capital of the people, force the opposing army to come to the rescue, play the trick of siege aid is useful, but it is also very dangerous, if it is not careful, the siege aid is not good , Was blocked under the city, when the city's garrison and the city's reinforcements came to an internal and external pinch, I am afraid that they have no life to run back to the capital.

But ... "If it is done, it will indeed open up another situation, as stated in the letter!

After all, Roddy is indeed a goalkeeper. After hesitating for a while, he slammed a big lame leg and yelled fiercely: "Old sister bet!"

The guards did not know where the little grandfather was so excited. He watched Roddy stride out of the door, called his deputy general officer, and ordered: "Let those guys Move faster! Do n’t move everything you ca n’t move! Prepare me for the road before dark! Let ’s play a big ticket! ”

A few officers immediately became excited, and those who had the courage couldn't help but ask: "Jazz, how old are you?" "Go!" Roddy kicked the man and said, "Ready to play!"


When the spring breeze from the sea blew, Osgie went to the continent's male city of Asia, and the scars that had been poisoned by the war suddenly regained some vitality.

After a calm winter, it seemed that the breath of war had drifted away. When the Duke of Minas headed south, the cloud of doubts of the civil war once again shrouded the war-torn capital. For now, though, the news doesn't seem to be so bad.

The old duke to the south didn't know what was going on, but he was dying, and originally meant to intimidate the emperor ~ ~ Now it seems that he has converged his minions, and he is thinking of being his native emperor in the south. It is said that the old man has begun to release the seeds of Hunchun Cultivation in the south, but it seems that he has put on a look to manage the southern site well.

Here in Emperor Capital, everyone is too lazy to send it to the south. Everyone knows that the old duke is the master of the south. Even if the order of Emperor Capital is passed, they will take it to wipe the farts. Since you are not a bird, just don't take it to your door to humiliate yourself.

In the spring, Adriatic was also eager to move. The Duke of Minas sighed. No matter what his intentions were, he could just take the opportunity to launch an attack on the rebels. And at least a few games on a limited scale.

Waiting so leisurely, the army's heart was waiting. In addition, if you have great power, if you do nothing, it will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction among the generals who had originally supported themselves in power.

Adrik has drawn two people out of the banner. Even the money and food are ready. Even the candidates for the leader are set. After three days, the army will go north to take the opportunity to win the two cities of Hughes. Boost your morale.

But it was at this point that something went wrong!

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