
Chapter 551: 【accident】

Chapter 551 Accident

(Don't be ill, don't be ill anymore ... hey! Not much to say.)

Chapter 551 Accident

This military plan formulated by Adrik is, to be precise, a "Northern Expedition with a Restricted Scale", and strives to control the scale of the war to the extent allowed by its current strength, that is, to ensure that this battle is prestigious. To boost morale and control the scale of the war, he was very clear that this northern expedition could not really destroy the warlords. At most, it would be able to win the two cities of Hughes-and it may not be enough Stay, maybe in a blink of an eye, after his retreat, he will be thrown back to Hughes.

But even so, Adrik had to fight!

Otherwise, he instigated mutiny that day and seized power from the central government by himself, claiming to lead everyone to retake the National Games. If he did nothing for a long time, he was afraid that people would fall. It is ridiculous to say that he, an imperial pillar of the empire, known for his "brave gongzhong", has not even been as big as the "rebellious minister" recognized by the Duke of Minas. At least the old duke killed the rebellion in the south by name. And this marshal who protects the country, it seems that during this time, he really stayed in the emperor's capital for a meal.

He must send troops to fight this battle.

As a mature military strategist, Adrik knows the truth, a principle that any good commander must understand: Before starting a war, you must understand how this war ends!

Yes, knowing when to fight, you must also understand the conditions under which the war ends, and this is a sensible military strategist.

He didn't plan to fight with Hughes. With the strength of the current imperial capital, it is impossible to really kill Hughes, unless everyone fights out, but this is not what Adrik wants, he can't Take this risk. With the current strength of the Imperial City, even if he really fights with Hughes to the end, he is afraid that he may not destroy Hughes. Moreover, even if Hughes is really destroyed, the empire still has so many divisions. Governor Warlord, by that time, the exhausted selves, the army in their hands are all exhausted, what else do they use to defend the country, and what else do they use to deter those ambitions?

Use only one corps, four corps of troops, two corps of main attack, two corps to cope on both sides, and fight a limited scale war with Hughes, and then you must ensure that some results can inspire your own morale At the same time, we must also make sure not to force Hughes too hard against himself.

For this battle plan, Adrik originally wanted to go on his own.

But unfortunately, he is now the Field Marshal. If he takes his troops away from the Imperial City, I am afraid that the Royalists in the Imperial City will be moved by him.

Therefore, in this battle, his original ideal candidate for leadership was Ruhr.

Note that this ideal candidate is "original".

In other words, the idea finally fell through.

Because just after this battle plan was formulated, something went wrong with the emperor.


The person involved was Lear.

That's right, the one who was taken hostage by the wife of the governor of the Besta Military Region.

The true heir of the Bestar Military District was also the eye of the glamorous governor's wife.

When Lear was thrown hostage to the Imperial Capital, the leaders of the Imperial Capital were very happy at the beginning. They thought that this was a signal of loyalty to the Capital by the Besta Military Region, and that Lear was not only the Governor of the Besta Military Region Legal heir, but also the "only" heir!

Such a person stayed hostage in the capital, showing that the Besta people were dead-hearted and willing to be loyal.

But soon they found themselves being tricked by that sly governor's wife.

This is not to blame the heads of the Imperial City for being too stupid. No one really sees the ambition of the Governor's wife!

No one thought that in this era when the whole world is a man, the woman has such ambition! With a female stream and taking over the power of a military region, she still has the mind to replace it!

Later, when the governor's wife returned to her home, she took advantage of leaving Lear in the imperial capital, cleaning up inside, and cleaning up all those who were loyal to conservative forces. Then the big brothers of the imperial capital were finally awake and realized that they were used by that woman.

Even the old prime minister Salen bō Neili was included.

This is already the case, so everyone has to pinch their noses and recognize. However, the old prime minister still sent someone to keep the Lear firmly guarded—the old man is still very politically wise. However, this Lear is finally the legal heir of the Besta Military District. For the deterrence of the Besta Military District, it can also be used when necessary. If the governor's wife is indifferent, although this Lear cannot be used to subject her to surrender, it can become a chip that divides the other side. Even if necessary, as long as the emperor reuses this Lear, give him a little support, and then throw him back to the Besta Military District, maybe it will have some magical effects.

It's finally a waste use.

This is the idea of ​​Salen bō Neili.

This idea is correct and pragmatic.

But unfortunately, it is not just the old prime minister Saran bō Neili who holds this idea!

In the north, the young earthworm who emerged with a strong posture also hit his mind on this Lear.

And Xia also sent his top talent to do this kind of secret information: Dax.

But the problem is here.

Under normal circumstances, either the Dax mission was successful and the General Lear was removed from the Imperial City and taken back to the north.

Either Dax's mission failed, but it didn't matter, Charlie also sent him an assistant: Mr. Dodoro, the white division.

The two were martial and magical, one cunning and one insignificant. Even if the mission failed, they definitely had the ability to run back to the north safely.

The problem is, from the beginning of this matter, there was a little deviation.

The deviation lies in this time: the target person, General Lear, is not a good obedient child, he is not a small chess piece at the mercy of anyone, at least not an obedient chess piece.


What kind of person is Lear?

Among Xia's group, there is no doubt that Lear is most familiar with Dax. Dax spent so long as a liaison officer in the Besta Military District, naturally he was very familiar with Lear.

Even the clever and sly Mr. Dax used to have a high opinion of Lear. At the time, Lear was inside the Besta Military District. The powerful governor's wife had taken all the power, and he was almost out of breath. But even so, Lear still stubbornly united within the Besta Military District to a group of allegiances to him, some of whom were old courtiers in the Besta Military District, and some were unaccustomed to the governor's wife taking power as a woman And there are people with their own ambitions. Regardless, the fact that General Lear was able to survive tenaciously under the eyes of the woman, and at the same time allowed such a group of people to unite around him and be loyal to him, is enough to show that this guy is definitely not a Idiot, but a little trick!

Dax once had a very fair evaluation of this Lear: if he is not the evil woman who meets as the opponent, he should be a man who can make it happen!

Well, the tragedy of Lear is that he was born in the Besta family and became the opponent of the Governor's wife. Otherwise, with his ability and means, he has already succeeded in standing elsewhere.

This is the tragedy of Lear.

For Lear, it was a tragedy to live in the same place as the woman.

On the other hand ...

For our noble current emperor, Her Majesty Garcia, knowing Lear is also his tragedy!

Yes, Lear, this poor worm who was thrown to the capital by the cunning governor's wife in the name of hostage, did not bow to his destiny, despite being in the capital, despite being far away from his old nest, despite knowing his power Has been gradually emptied by that woman, but he is still working stubbornly and has not given up.

And he got a very good opportunity-at least in his opinion, it was a good opportunity.

This opportunity is the imperial emperor Garcia.


As a hostage lost to the imperial capital in the Besta Military Region, Lear still has a certain political status. The manifestation of this status is that although he is under house arrest, his life is still very good.

And there is a small accident: According to the tradition of the empire, guys similar to his hostages have a fixed residence in the capital, but the capital has just experienced a war and was once caught in the flames of war. The rebels had invaded the city again, and even the house of the prime minister's house was burned, not to mention other places?

The place that was originally used to settle hostages like Lear was burnt into white ground. Even the officials of the Imperial City Administration Department had nowhere to stay. Who has the time to care where Lear lives?

However, Prime Minister Saran Bō Neili still values ​​this Lear. The old Prime Minister believes that although he was counted by the governor's wife, it was regarded as being killed by the other side and helped her to hold back this nail. Can no longer use this Lear to disgusting that woman.

So the old prime minister was very concerned about Li Er's situation, and even personally sent someone to inquire about Li Er's residence.

The other ministers and emperors of the imperial capital have the same meaning, this Lear need not care about him, and let him survive by himself.

But Saron bō Neili insisted on sending someone to watch this person well.

It is a pity that the entire emperor and all the troops are under the control of Adrik. Although Saron bō Nili is the prime minister, he cannot mobilize a soldier.

Adrik didn't bother to care about this Lear either. The old prime minister can only figure it out by himself.

He thought of this approach to His Majesty's body.

Although the emperor's army is under the control of Adrik, at least as an emperor of the empire, some royal forest troops are retained in the palace. Although the number is small-on the day of the imperial capital military coup, most of the Imperial Forest Army easily fell to Adrik because of the coup, which made the Emperor very angry, and then they dismissed the Imperial Forest Army and transferred them to the Central Army. Went to Adrik. However, during the coup, there were still some remaining officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army who were loyal to the emperor. Even at the last moment, they were guarding the entrance of the main hall and made a desperate fight with the coup army. There are not many such people, only a few hundred people, but for Emperor Garcia, these hundreds of people can truly trust him.

As a result, in the current palace, there are at least a few hundred Yulin troops that the emperor can mobilize and continue to stay in the palace, guarding the last trace of dignity of the royal family.

It can be said that the only one in the entire emperor's capital that is guarded by the army and is not within the sphere of influence of Adrik is the Royal Palace.

If you want to keep this Lear in your hands, then it seems that the palace is the only option.

The old prime minister has no choice. He didn't want to let Lear go back! This **** is still a little valuable in his hand. But if there is no army guard, I'm afraid this Lear will run away.

So Lear was sent to the palace.

This was originally inappropriate. How could a foreign minister stay in the palace anyway?

The problem is, everyone knows that Her Majesty the Emperor Garcia is ... a * rabbit, and there are no women in the palace at all. Her only queen lived far away.

What's more, the old prime minister also asked the emperor to seal the title of a court warrior of Lear, which was regarded as a nominal account and gave him a legal identity to enter and leave the palace.

As a result, the hostage Lear was thrown into this place in the palace, nominally a court warrior, responsible for teaching the martial arts of the Royal Forest Army, but in reality, he was placed under house arrest in the palace.

The old prime minister, Saran Bō Neili, is the last person that the emperor of Garcia can trust now.-After being put together by his elder, the Duke of Minas, the emperor Garcia has regretted his intestines, and even more remorse, Made up his mind to trust the old prime minister.

Since it was this Lear that the old prime minister valued, he threw it into the palace to take care of him, and the Garcia emperor naturally had to see Lear well and take a good look at what this guy looks like.


The trajectory of the incident has gradually deviated from the original owner's expectations!


Lear is a very charismatic guy-otherwise, he would not have attracted so many supporters to work for him.

Lear is a good-looking man. Although he is not that handsome and handsome boy, he is not that horrible muscular man. Born from a family of warlords, Lier has the inheritance of sè, he is handsome and quite masculine, and at the same time has a tǐng body.

From any point of view, he is a beautiful man of that type of sunshine, and he is quite heroic.

At the same time, he is a smart person who is very good at socializing with people, and the means of communication with people is quite powerful.

So, after living in the palace, after getting several interviews with Emperor Garcia, the two quickly ...

At first sight!

As a hostage, General Lear quickly became a good friend with the imperial Garcia emperor! !!

Moreover, based on the strange hobby of His Majesty, some outsiders have speculated that this so-called "good friend" relationship is not so simple.


In fact, many years later, when future generations studied the secret palace history of the Byzantine Empire during this period, they would not understand the strange and intimate relationship between the Garcia emperor and General Lear.

Although it is said that the emperor Garcia did have a hobby for males, the question is ... At that time, did he still have this mood of hunting?

As the most imperial emperor in the history of the empire, he lost all his power and became a puppet, and lost most of the empire's territory. He will certainly have a low evaluation in the history books.

At this time, is he still in the mood to develop a wonderful relationship with his own prisoner?

What's more, it's awkward to say that although Garcia is a rabbit, yes, he is not picky!

Although Lear has good talents and talents, it seems to be a bit worse for the emperor to see.

You know, the man's pet before Emperor Garcia, that is, the name "Bonfred", who was killed by yīn, is truly a beautiful man. He was extremely famous in the capital , The kind of earth that dumps a piece of earth!

Compared to his predecessor, what is Lier ... it seems to be a lot worse.

What's more, Lear itself is not a rabbit. If you want to talk about how to suddenly engage with the emperor ... it seems that it doesn't make sense.

If Emperor Garcia was a powerful and powerful emperor, maybe Lear wanted to climb up the power and to allow the emperor to support himself, and he was afraid to pinch his nose to make a rabbit.

What is Garcia? He is just a lost emperor! No power, no soldiers! Said to be the emperor, but the actual situation may not be much stronger than the hostage of Lear! In this case, if you want to let Lear follow suit, a dignified man will be a rabbit for others, I'm afraid it doesn't make sense.

But things are weird!

According to records in the court passed down at that time, the Garcia emperor has been getting closer ever since he and Lear first saw each other. The Emperor's Majesty had to be accompanied by Lear to eat when he ate. Whether reading or practicing martial arts, he must be accompanied by General Lear. He even said to others many times: Unfortunately, I know Lear is too late! If only I had known him ten years earlier! (The original words recorded are: I hate Li Jun for being late! It's a shame for ten years !!!)

They quickly became inseparable. It is even rumored that the emperor's closest personal friend, Shì, has heard the emperor speak more than once: If I regain power, I must give Lear the richest rewards and wealth in the world.

Later generations were very curious about this secret when studying this secret history of the palace-it can be seen that most of historians also have a gossip heart.

Many historians have different opinions about this secret story, but they must study this part of the history of the Byzantine Empire. They ca n’t get around these two people, because the next thing about these two people has caused a great deal of history. influences!

Therefore, for the relationship between Emperor Garcia and Lear, historians are holding various strange speculations and statements.

Many historians collectively studied the inside story of an emperor's foundation, which became an interesting phenomenon in history.


In fact, in the end, the mí fog was really turned away and the truth of the matter was found, but it was a scholar named Shrek in later generations. The scholar did not study history, but a poet who wrote many excellent poems and operas. It was this literati who found the answer that was later recognized by everyone as the closest to the truth: What exactly was the relationship between the Garcia emperor and General Lear? How did the two of them develop into such a strange couple?

This guy named Shrek has not studied history, but fortunately, he has a very surname: Minas! !! !!

His grandfather had a very prominent name: Roddy Minas.

That is the little Lord Rody.

The reason why this Shrek can solve this mystery is because one day after drinking gossip with other scholars to go through this historical secret, later I had the opportunity to meet his elderly grandfather and asked him boldly. Out of this doubt.

It happened that day that Roddy didn't know if he had a few more drinks, so he answered a few words:

"Fuck it? Fuck it! At that time, the little emperor Garcia couldn't even secure the throne under his own ass. Where can I still think about the **** of others! The two of them put it through, it is the kind of sympathy for sickness at first sight. Simple friendship was discredited by those of you who are full of messy ideas! At the time, Garcia was on the sidelines, and was nominally an emperor, but he became a puppet. So was Lear, who was a heir in name but an outsider. The woman seized the power of the family military area and was thrown out to be held hostage in the imperial capital. The two had similar encounters and fate, and naturally they had the same condition as before, and they sympathized with the disease. What happened to the rabbit? Can the rabbit not make friends properly? Men can only do basics, can't they be normal brothers? Rub! "

Then Roddy glared and became angry, scolding his uncontested grandson with blood.


It doesn't matter if it's a passion, the brothers are interested. At least in the spring days of this year, after the emperor Garcia met Lear, the two quickly fought fiercely and became inseparable in the palace.

And this is sad.

This person is Dax.

Dax came to the imperial capital by the order of Charya, and originally wanted to secretly take back Lear.

Unexpectedly, after coming to the imperial capital, Lear actually lived in the palace.

After all, the palace is the palace. Although the authority of the emperor is now side by side, the defense of the palace is by no means easy for Dax to break into.

What's more, in addition to the last Royal Army who swears allegiance to the Emperor, in the Royal Palace, the Central Army City Defense Force is also stationed!

Moreover, in the legend, there are always some mysterious masters guarding the royal family in the rumors.

Dax asks himself a bit, but he also knows that he is by no means a strong man. If he went to the palace himself, he would probably die by himself.

Even if Dodoro, who came with me ~ ~, is just one more dead ghost.

What's more, the news that Lear and the emperor were inseparable all day long. The emperor where he was, the emperor's defense was naturally the strictest.

So don't think about grabbing people.

"Then I have to think of other ways." Dax turned his eyes and said: "It's really impossible, so I have to play a big game." He looked at Doodor again: "I say a magician, Do you know any old acquaintances in the magic union? "

Dax himself had never expected how much he would play this thing!


Preview: The next chapter, "Tatara happiness", updated: Tomorrow!

No more problems.


`! .

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