
Chapter 552: [Dodoro's Happiness]

Totoro has never been so happy in his life so far! !!

Standing outside the hall of the largest Hagia Sophia in the capital, watching this magnificent building is not only the religious center of the entire continent, but also the famous Continental Magic Guild and the Academy of Magic. The heart of Dodoro, the highest hall of magicians, only felt that his fingers were shaking slightly, but he tried his best to make a calm and deep expression on his face, so as not to violent his own emotions, he He deliberately lowered his eyelids to prevent flickering eyes from flowing out of his mind. The only thing he could see a little at the moment was his slightly trembling eyelids and eyelashes.

Pretending to take a relaxed breath, Dodoro smiled lightly and said slowly to the two black robe clergymen standing beside him: "Okay, let's go in now."

By the way, at the moment, Dodoro is wearing a pure white robe, which is the style with a cape. The style of this robe seems simple, but this simple white robe is few in this world. Individuals are eligible to wear! !!

Because, this white robe symbolizes the noble status of the magic world. Only a magic master with a high level of mastery and a high level of magician level is qualified to wear such a white sè magic robe!

This white robe is a symbol of a loud title in the magic world: the white division!

This title is relative to other magicians.

According to the classification of Byzantine magicians, only magicians with a level of seven or more can take off their original blue-gray or black-spelled magic robes and replace them with such white-spelled robes.

And once the strength reaches the level of the white robe mage, it is equivalent to standing at the cutting edge of the ranks of magicians. Basically, the magician level that can be defined within the authority of the magic guild, the white wizard is already the highest level. In other words, in the world, the white division is already the highest level that can be certified by the magic guild.

As for the higher levels, such as the magic power of the great devil who has entered the ranks of the strong, basically it can not be counted as a secular force. Of course, the magic guild is not qualified to classify such people. .

The magician was originally a precious and rare profession, and the advanced magician was rare.

Similar to top magic talents such as Mage White, there are only so few in the entire magic guild. Those are the top figures in the magic guild who have the power and have the highest resource allocation right in the guild.

Any white-dressed division can obtain a transcendental position directly in the magic guild. In order to maintain its influence on the magical continent of the entire continent, it is natural to give each white-level division the thickest envelope and treatment. I hope to get the mages in white ... Well, it ca n’t be said to be "allegiance" because according to the traditional concept, magicians are transcendent beings, all noble and proud guys, and they will never be "allegiance" to anyone or forces. This kind of ridiculous behavior is to provide limited support at most, and most of the time depends on the mood.

Therefore, the magic guild is very wise in this regard. In order to envelop every white wizard, so that every white wizard can not be used by the magic guild, as long as they can not stand on the opposite side of the magic guild, so as to ensure that the guild in the magic world Authority.

Therefore, as long as the mage in white comes to the magic guild, the treatment is not good!

First of all, the magic guild is based on an organization above the church. Sitting on the huge foundation of the church that engulfed the entire Byzantine Empire, the magic guild naturally has huge enviable resources! The church is located in strongholds and religious places around the world. It is the natural reception area for magicians at various places. While responsible for developing believers and consolidating faith, a very important duty is to promote magic culture and collect all kinds of magic materials!

Therefore, there may not be many other things in the magic guild, but all kinds of magic materials are piled up!

These precious magic materials, as long as any white master comes to the magic guild, he can directly obtain the power to use most of them! And it's all free!

Of course, some extremely precious magical materials will naturally require the guild ’s [Master] seat ’s signature permission if they need to be called, but for the opponent ’s mage in white, most of the resources ’open use are already very yòu people.

At the same time, the ancient magical documents in the Magic Guild, many of which are rare and rare, can only be borrowed by the mage in white.

The mage in white can even directly meet with the guild [main] seat of the magic guild and the pope at any time, and put forward any opinions or requests of his own. In addition, even if the emperor emperor wants to see the guild main seat and the pope, they must make an appointment!

At the same time, there is also the only magic academy on the mainland in the magic guild. It has collected many young talents with magical talents as a talent reserve. Any mage in white can go to the magic academy to teach and choose among those students. Your favorite disciple.

At the same time, you can get all kinds of magic apprentices as their assistants. All of them are paid by the magic guild.

All in all, as long as you become a white division, congratulations, as long as you eat, wear, and live, all the needs, all the costs, all the magic guilds are all inclusive before you die!

The only price is: As long as you are in a good mood, you can occasionally help the magic guild to do something, and it is not a mandatory requirement.

Noble status, best treatment, and no responsibility at all, is there any better job in the world than this?

At least for now, that's what Dodoro thinks.

Compared to Doodor's mood at this moment, the two clergymen in black robes standing beside him are actually more jittery and more agitated than Doodor! !!

Especially the one on the left couldn't help but occasionally glanced at the "Master Noseman" with his eyes.

Almighty gods are on!

This is a real white master!

You know, for the Magic Guild, it has been almost 20 years since the appraisal of the white mage has been carried out!

In other words, in the past 20 years, the Lord Dodoro around him was the first person in the past 20 years to come to the Magic Guild and ask for a white identification. It can even be said that he is the only magician who has been promoted to white in twenty years!

Although there are several white clothes in the guild, they are all a lot of age! The oldest guy was even a court magician consultant to Grandfather of Cantos!

How old is this Lord Dodoro around him?

Thirty years old? Forty years old? !!

Damn it! !!

Just today, when Lord Doodor came to the reception of the guild headquarters and asked for a white identification, the news immediately caused a huge sensation in the church!

First White Appraisal Request in Twenty Years! !!

The most shocking thing is more than that!

The Magic Guild has a backup copy of your Dodoro magician's profile! According to the information in the guild, this Lord Dodoro is only in his early thirties! How young! !!

What is even more startling is that Lord Dodoro is from the Magic Academy of the Magic Guild! He studied at the Academy of Magic for several years, and obtained a formal magician qualification after graduation, although he is only a low-level mage.

But the miracle is here! !!

According to records, since the Lord Todoro has obtained a low-level mage qualification after graduation, his strength has not improved a little for many years!

Such people are not in the magic world. After all, the cultivation of magic requires talent. After many magicians get started, but because they are not enough, no matter how they cultivate, it is difficult to make progress. It is also common.

And the most bizarre is that this Lord Totoro is quite a bit famous in the magic world of the capital!

About three years ago, he was still fooling around in the imperial capital, taking a part-time job in the Magic Guild, and at least a livelihood. Occasionally, he could be used as an assistant to some other higher-level magicians.

But then he borrowed a lot of usury loans, and finally was unable to repay, was chased by debtors to collect debts, and finally a dignified magician was forced to ruin his property! This is simply a big joke!

From ancient times to today, there have been various magicians, some are lonely, some are bold, some are evil, some are good, some are smart, some are black, some are famous, and some have been infamous, and some have slaughtered dragons. After World of Warcraft, some are keen to find various treasures, some are interested in participating in mundane affairs to work for politicians or giants, while others are keen to research and test magic knowledge and immerse themselves in the magical world without asking any common things. .

All in all, there are all kinds of magicians, but never any magician ... ……, will go bankrupt! !!

Yes! Bankrupt!

The magician known as the most noble profession, the proudest profession, and the most mysterious profession, will actually go bankrupt! And was still forced to come home to collect debts! !!

You know, magicians will never be short of money! A magician with a slightly better strength can always get a variety of gems and magic crystals in his own way. These things are magic materials in the hands of magicians, but in the world, they are an incredible wealth! And even a poor magician, such as Dodoro, has many ways to go.

Either stay in the Emperor's Magic Guild, the Magic Guild is also happy to feed such people, although the strength status, anyway, is also a magician is not, the guild will also regularly give Dodo a fairly modest allowance, which is sufficient to ensure high prices The imperial capitals maintained a superior life.

As long as he is doing some magic work in the guild, such as assisting or hitting a certain magician who conducts experiments, or responsible for copying some magical dossiers, he can do the job.

If you do n’t stay in the Imperial Capital Magic Guild, low-level magicians like Dodoro will often choose to go to some remote rural areas, to some remote areas, and seek out the local noble nobles in those rural areas that have not seen any big markets. A good job, such as serving as a magic adviser to a noble grandfather in a certain country. Having a magic adviser is one of the greatest dreams of any noble master in the empire, and it is considered to be the most faceless in the aristocracy. One thing!

Of course, those giants would not like the inferior low-level magicians such as Dodoro, but for the rural noblemen of the country, low-level magicians such as Dodoro are just their most welcome candidates! They cannot afford to hire high-level employees, nor can they hire them. The low-level ones are exactly within the scope of their financial resources. As for the strength, it does not matter. Anyway, the masters are not really going to hunt any Warcraft dragons. As long as these magic consultants wear them, decorate the facade and fight for their face, it is enough.

Therefore, even a low-level magician will not worry about the way out.

But this Lord Totoro ... he went bankrupt! He lost the generous allowance given to him by the Guild of Magic and sold his real estate in the Imperial City (that small property was also a free gift from the Guild of Magic), and finally heard that he even sold his clothes Dingy left the capital, becoming the first bankruptcy magician ever.

The name Dodoro has become the biggest laughingstock and shame of the entire magic capital of the Emperor.

And this is the biggest laughing stock, but after three years, it changed suddenly, and became a top white teacher, and returned to the magic guild with a grand swing! !!

Is there anything more magical than this?

Yes, there is! !! !!

Even more amazing is yet to come!

After submitting the grade identification request of Lord Dodoro, the guild was so shocked that he quickly pulled out his information to check.

After this check, one more fact was discovered: the Lord Todoro returned once two years ago. When he returned to apply for identification, he lost his magic badge. Then he accepted the test of trial: to find a precious magical material called "mag wěn taro".

That was the last time Doodor returned to the Magic Guild, and his strength did not seem to have changed at that time.

Then ... Today, two years later, people suddenly have a gorgeous transformation! !!

The part of the magic assessment has ended in the morning.

The test results of the magic power are very surprising. The Lord Doro's magical level is enough to reach the eighth level and he looks at his ease in the assessment process. The magic guild even suspects that the Lord Totoro is not Go all out!

The immediate assessment of magic knowledge made people even more shocked by Lord Dodoro's profound magic knowledge! Especially for the mastery of various deep magic spells, this Lord Dodoro shocked the guild vice chairman who was the examiner!

This guy just wrote six advanced magic spells! Even when discussing magic spells with the deputy 〖Master〗 (also a mage in white) of the examiner, he pointed out two small mistakes made by the deputy 〖Master〗 in a certain magic spell, and even An improvement to a seventh-level magic spell has been reduced by at least six notes without affecting the use of mantras! (Dodoro inherited all the magic knowledge stored in a magic badge by a true Magister.


This is simply a genius among geniuses! !!

Then, the chief lord of the magic guild, Lord Guild Master, and also the current pope of the current mainland church, Dodoro immediately received!

Yes, Her Majesty Theodore Dodoro.

The pope of the church has always served as the main seat of the Magic Guild. It is the first person in the mainland to be a magician, and he is also a religious leader. Even if the emperor wants to see him, it depends on his mood.

For example, the current imperial emperor Garcia, when crowning the throne, His Majesty directly released the Garcia pigeons, did not attend the coronation ceremony, but sent a archbishop to deal with it (this is also Garcia's later coronation only has always been prestigious (One of the reasons for the lack of vigor, because the church showed their position with such a move: the church is not optimistic about the young emperor.)

Now, Her Majesty the Pope is actively requesting to meet Doodor.

And still use a kind and unusual attitude!

Even Her Majesty Pope kindly called Dododo as "my dear friend"! !! !!

What a darling pet! !!

For the Pope, the mood is actually more dynamic than others! !!

Thirties! I'm only in my thirties!

A white teacher in his thirties! !! !!

How many years haven't such a genius been born? !!

The white division goes up, that is ...

The Great Magister, also known as the "Powerful"

Level up!

Magical cultivation has always been the most time-consuming! Cultivation of magic not only tests people's magical talents, but also tests their wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Any successful magician must first be a scholar.

This is ten times more difficult than those who practice martial arts!

For a magician, being able to practice white clothes at the age of fifty is considered the best!

Thirty years old in white! In other words, he still has decades of life to go against the "strong" realm! !!

On the mainland, for many years, there have been no more magicians!

Such a genius must naturally embrace it!

The magic guild really needs a strong man to sit down!

Although there are some great wizards in the magic world, the old guys retired and did not ask questions a few decades ago, and now it is even hard to find them.

At that time, when Merlin was annoyed by the magic guild, the defeat of the magister of the magic guild made the guild's magister retreat in shame. Later, the siege of Odin ’s siege to the war of the lord Odin, and a magister Struggling for life, but living alive is even more reclusive.

Now the magnificent magic guilds and the imperial church rely on several white mages to support the facade, which is simply a shame! !!

If you think about it, who do not have a few strong-level experts in other organizations at the same level?

Odin wouldn't say anything, the Odin Emperor is simply an anti-sky existence! I heard that even the emperor's son is about to become a strong one!

The Holy City of Babylon has that Saint Roland Garros.

The Byzantine imperial family had a mysterious court master, the Great Sword Master, in the court (although not many people know it, but it is not a secret to the Pope.)

Even the Landis Kingdom has that powerful wrinkling king Merlin!

What about the churches and magic guilds of the Byzantine Empire? There is not even a strong one, only a few white wizards? !!

It's too shameful!

The pope apparently took Dodo as his greatest hope, and when he met, he apparently showed a sacrifice in attitude, and the two talked cordially. The Pope asked in good faith some of Dodo's experience.

Dodoro naturally had some fabricated lies.

He only said that in the past few years after he left the imperial capital, he had been training on the wildfire field.

At the same time, he also said frankly that he has a close relationship with Lord Duke Xia Leiming, who is now the most powerful man in the north. He stated that he was a magic adviser to General Xia Leiming and not a servant of Xia.

This is easy to understand, after all, no one would believe that a white division would bend over and serve as a slave to whom! Even the emperor did not have the qualification to make the white master a slave! !!

In the end, he deliberately gave a hand to the former little lù under the Pope, as if he casually mentioned that he had once ventured to practice in the mountains of the wildfire field, and once slaughtered a real dragon!

The news suddenly shocked several of the great magicians present, including the Pope himself!

Tu Wu! !!

Even for the mainland's first-class powerhouses, that's an incredible achievement!

Immediately someone faintly expressed a doubt.

But soon, Doodor asked them to dispel the doubt, because he took out a dragon scale.

A genuine dragon scale! (Given by Xia).

Immediately afterwards, Dodoro deliberately exhibited a small magic, and among his magic, several of the divisions present felt a faint dragon-like atmosphere in the magic!

This is even more surprising!

"When I killed that dragon, I used a spirit hún magic, and by the way refined some of the spirit hún power of that dragon, and my magic has taken some of the dragon's breath since then. Dodoro's expression was unpredictable, but his mouth continued to talk nonsense. To the wretched dog tuzi Dodoro, telling lies is simply the easiest thing in the world.

However, he does have the capital to tell lies, because most of his magic comes from the snake Damandalas. And that big snake does have Dragon blood!

The great magician present can clearly feel that the dragon spirit on Dodoro's body is very innocent and must not be faked.

So this lie was believed by everyone.

Then everyone in the Guild of Magic was excited!

Fortunately, in the magic guild, the so-called jealousy, jealousy, etc. in the mundane seem to be rare, after all, the magicians are still very detached, do not care about the mundane one.

The presence of Dodoro also made everyone think that it was a good thing to consolidate the authority of the magic guild, so all the big brothers showed a welcome gesture to Dodoro.

Her Majesty the Pope is particularly active.

think about it!

Profound magical knowledge comparable to the Great Magister! Especially proficient in advanced magic spells! (What the Pope didn't know was that Doodor had even mastered several forbidden spells! If it was necessary to desperately, he could use his own life to cast the forbidden spells. That would be the power of a real wizard-level teacher. (Dodo was afraid he wouldn't do this easily.)

There have been legendary experiences of dragon feat.

The important thing is that such a genius is actually from the Magic Academy of the Miao Hong Magic Association! In other words, he is "own" then he must be emotionally close to the Magic Guild! It ’s worth reusing and trusting your own talent.

More importantly, he was only in his early thirties! !!

This is really an age full of expectations for a better future! It can be said that in terms of age, he can be said to be the most hopeful of all the white wizards in the Magic Guild to impact the realm of the strong!

And being young means more life, so you can defend the Magic Guild for longer! You know, all the other mages in white are old men, and they can sit in the magic guild for a few years, which is hard to say ...

A pope's Tishangen soon won the approval of all divisions.

Dodoro was officially promoted to be a white wizard, and the pope personally signed a grade certification document, and several other white wizards worked together to create a new magic wizard badge.

Finally, Doodor was granted "senior veteran" treatment in the magic guilds and churches. Doodor could recruit local church power in any place of religion in the Empire. You can enjoy the use of magic materials owned by the church.

Feel free to enter and exit the treasury inside the church and the library where precious documents are kept. You can have an exclusive magic laboratory in the Academy of Magic.

If it wasn't for Totoro's young age, and he didn't make a significant contribution to religion, the Pope even wanted to give him the title of "archbishop" directly. But unfortunately, the treatment of magicians can be opened up, but the title of bishop in the field of the church involves too many worldly relations and interests, and cannot be freely rewarded.

However, the Pope has made it clear that he is willing to recommend Dodo to the veteran regiment of the church's headquarters as Dodo's recommender, to serve as a part-time veteran, wait a few years, and then give the status of a local bishop. Finally, within ten years, you can be promoted to become an archbishop!

After becoming the archbishop, it is equivalent to the closest position to the pope's throne!

There is no doubt that the pope in the mood even had the idea of ​​cultivating Dodoro as his heir.

After all, the Byzantine Empire Church and the Magic Guild are one, and the Pope has always been a part-time magic guild. Therefore, he must have a high level of magical strength. The worst Pope in the past must be a senior magician, that is, white. Master level.

Todoro, who is strong, young, and has the potential to cultivate, really makes the Pope fascinated.

After all, the succession of the heir is also a heart disease in the Pope's heart. Although the church now has several archbishops, but its magic power is far from reaching the senior magician, and those guys are limited to talent, I am afraid that there is not much magic potential to dig Already. If it is not possible to become a mage in white, then there is no way to succeed himself as pope in the future.

You need to have enough magical strength and the potential to cultivate. It is better to be younger. Totoro is all there!

After the assessment and interview, Dodoro had to wait for the signing of the relevant documents and the production of his own badge in the Magic Guild.

So the Pope sent two clerics around him to accompany Dodolo to wait in the church and take a look around.

In fact, Doodor is very familiar with the church headquarters. After all, he has studied at the Magic Academy for several years and has lived here for many years. He is familiar with everything.

Moreover, despite the war, Osgilia, even if the rebels broke through the city, they did not offend the church or even sent troops to marshal around to ensure the peace around the church.

Even though the whole of Osguilia fell into the blood, the church was still quiet here, and even a safe area for refugees was opened up, and even the rebels did not dare to disturb them.

After all, if it's just a religious organization, the church is one with the magic guild. Although the rebels are powerful, they are not willing to offend the magician organization of the entire continent.

Totoro was happily hanging around in the church, looking at his hometown in the past when he was studying and doing part-time work in the church. At the same time, there were several "forbidden places" that he could not enter at that time. Senior magicians are either places where high clergymen enter or prayer rooms or rest areas.

With the servants around the two popes, Dodoro swayed back and forth swaying, and from time to time he cast a surprised look everywhere. Every magician or church clergyman who met encountered Dodoro's white mage. The robes all showed a respectful attitude, and many people stood still saluting. The various eyes that were cast in or in awe or worship really made Dodoro's heart drift for a while.

Fortunately, Doodor has not forgotten his true mission and purpose.

In the evening, Doodor received the Pope again, and at the same time he received the magic badge handed to him by the Pope.

After politely declining the invitation of Her Majesty to have dinner together, Dodoro pretended to be inadvertent and made a small request to the Pope in a "by the way" tone.

"Oh? My dear friend, how many warriors do you need to recruit?"

The Pope only raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing Dodo's request, and did not show much surprise.

Indeed, it is not unusual for a magician to recruit samurai puppets.

In fact, many senior magicians like to recruit some samurai to serve for themselves. After all, it is known that the magician's fighting style is better at long range. And melee combat has always been the greatest weakness and fate of the magician! Once a magician brings an enemy with excellent melee ability close to him, even a division-level magician will immediately fall into a life-and-death crisis!

Therefore, when encountering a battle, a magician usually needs to have some samurai who absolutely trust himself to stay with him to protect himself and prevent enemies from attacking himself.

In history, it is not the case that no senior great magician has exerted too much magic power at the end of the battle and is weak. As a result, the samurai sent by the enemy ran to his side at this moment, and then his head was cut off by the enemy's warrior.

Therefore, most senior magicians have always attached great importance to their own defense issues.

"The church has its own knights. Some of them are trained by martial arts, and they are all carefully cultivated by the church. There is no problem in loyalty. If you want, I can assign a few to listen to your dispatch." The Pope is very Quickly opened up generous conditions.

Totoro refused.

Then this guy deliberately put on that "I'm actually a cow fork" expression, in an understated tone of voice: "Your Majesty, in fact, I must explain that I am not afraid of melee! You know, I Since a dragon can be slaughtered ~ You know, the dragons are not only magical, but most of them have strong melee capabilities. Therefore, I am not as worried about melee issues as ordinary mages. The reason why I ask for the warrior from the warrior is pure It's because of a few people. "

"What?" The Pope looked at Doodor.

"Yes. I have a friend." Doodor sighed deliberately: "He is a samurai, is he good enough? In my years of adventure, he has been by my side, giving me no Little help, and once bleed for me. In the adventurous career, we forged a deep friendship. And I hope to give my friend something to repay, ......... It just so happens that there is something special about his identity. ... "" Oh? "The Pope smiled.

"Yes, I don't want to conceal this. This friend of mine is the one I met in Yehuoyuan, Yehuozhen. I think Your Majesty, you should have heard the saying that there is no good person in Yehuozhen. My friend, he is actually Is a criminal, yes, he is the body of sin. "Totoro said slowly in a merciful tone:" I know the laws of the empire, the magician itself has immunity from law, and as The wizard's obedience can also get a pardon application made by the magician himself. "" This is not difficult. "The pope immediately laughed:" I have some friendship with the officials of the empire. I will not sell my face if I want to. of."

The old man didn't even ask Dodoro what crime he had committed. In his opinion, no matter what the sin is, it doesn't matter that an old guy is the mainland's number one **** stick. It has always been proclaimed that God saves the world. Any sin can be atonement.

"I'm afraid that the pardon is not enough to ask the officer to come forward." Duto Luo sighed: "The crime he wears on his nose is not the official's right to forgive him." "?" The Pope glanced at Dodo with a complicated look.

The crimes that even the officials of the emperor have no right to pardon. The Pope ’s understanding of the laws of the empire is that ...

A major crime like "treason"!

However, the Pope didn't care too much.

In fact, the Pope himself does not have much favor with the current imperial royal family, and he does not pay much attention to it. This was enough to see that he was too lazy to attend the emperor's coronation. At present the Byzantine royal family is weak, and I don't know how many days there will be.

Anyway, the church doesn't care who will become the emperor. It is supported by the magic guild. No matter who is the emperor, it will not come to offend the church, and no one will risk the offense of the magicians of the entire continent.

What if it was really treason? The rebels broke into Osgilia, and have long been blatantly treasonous, but they have a good relationship with the church. After the rebels withdraw, where can the royal family dare to trouble the church?

"That's right. Actually, my friend didn't commit any crimes. It was just his ancestors who got caught up in a big case of the imperial capital." Totoro sighed and whispered: "I am Young, did not experience the trouble, but Your Majesty the Pope, you must know. When Emperor Cantos was in office, the emperor once had a trouble caused by the Senate ......... "This case, The pope certainly knows. At that time, this big case also shocked the whole empire, and there were not many people who died because of this case!

But what the Pope didn't know was that, because of this case, it caused two deadly enemies to the Byzantine Empire! One was the death of his parents in this case, and later went away to meet Xia ’s adoptive father. After his studies, he left Odin and became the warrior of Odin. Countless times led the army to invade Byzantium and became the biggest nightmare of the Byzantine army. Hastings.

The other, later went to Landis, and became Lord Bōbō Fudax, the top and most elite intelligence elite in Landis.

"My friend, his parents were implicated in the case and he was beaten as a sinner. In fact, he was still a young child. Where was the real sin? Later he had another Fan Qiyu, escaped from prison, wandered outside, mingled on the wild fire, and practiced a martial arts skill, but because of his sinner status, he has never been able to see people in a true identity. A dignified man, but he ca n’t even be in the world under his own name Walking on.

and so……"

Having said this, the Pope understood.

"What do you mean? Need to pardon your friend?" The Pope thought for a moment: "It's just such a major crime, but also a felony committed by the Emperor Cantos. It is really not a judge who can reverse the case. Such an amnesty Order, only His Majesty the Emperor himself has the right to sign. "

"Is that so?" Doodor sighed deliberately and frowned. "Does this seem difficult?"

The Pope smiled: "If Emperor Cantos was in office a few years ago, maybe this request is still a bit difficult, now ..."

The old man smiled a little disdain.

Indeed, for the current emperor Garcia, if the Pope had this little thing to ask him for help, Garcia absolutely has no reason to refuse! The throne of the emperor is now unstable, and it would be foolish to refute the pope's face for such a small request.

The pope groaned for a moment, and slowly said, "I write a letter in my own hand, and then, I send a bishop to accompany you to the palace to meet the emperor. Well, after all, you need to take a trip in person. How to ask and ask If the Her Majesty's pardon order does not show up, it will be too bad for the royal family to rely on a letter.

Dadoro immediately said: "I naturally understand this. I went to see His Majesty the Emperor personally, and I could show my sincerity and respect for the Royal Family in person."

The Pope smiled, and soon wrote a polite letter, and summoned a bishop. After explaining clearly, he asked the other person to accompany Dodo to the palace to see the emperor's next decision. The old man regretted his intestines! !! The old man doesn't know yet. He is one of the culprits that was clearly recorded in the history books of the later generations and caused the shock of the current court cholera. He pushed it to the emperor in the palace! !!

Totoro did things very quickly, and took the bishop directly to the palace to see him.

The bishop held the badge of the church and brought a letter from the pope himself. Neither the city defense forces outside the palace nor the imperial forest forces in the palace dared to block it. Someone notified and one person accompanied them to enter. The Royal Palace, went to a side hall of Garcia's frequent visitors recently.

His Majesty Garcia didn't show up.

After all, the other party was sent by the pope to see him. Recently, the royal family has been so weak. The church has long ignored the royal family. Garcia himself also knew that for the church, whoever emperor must live in harmony with them, so the church itself is really not interested in holding its own stink emperor.

In an era when the royal authority is strong, the church naturally wants to breathe the royal breath, but now ...............

However, now that the Pope actually sent someone to the door, it really surprised Garcia. The church changed its mind and wanted to rebuild a relationship with itself?

With suspicion, Garcia soon met the two.

In the face of His Majesty's reception, the bishop of that church still showed a self-respecting attitude. Now the church is in a solid position and the royal family is swayed by storms. It is difficult for the emperor to speak for a few days. Therefore, Mr. Bishop was very reserved and just performed one and a half etiquette, a greeting of xìng, and straightened his waist plate tǐng with a good posture.

But soon, the Bishop adult couldn't hold himself up!

Because of the companion who came with him ... the magic guild is currently the youngest and most promising genius white-clothes division, and is also a particularly valued person who has been repeatedly told by Her Majesty. This one came with him along the way just now. Lord Dodoro, too lazy to glance at himself ...

He ... he ... he ...

I saw Doodor looking at the Garcia emperor sitting in front of him, and suddenly, the expression of stubbornness and arrogance suddenly melted away, replaced with a passion full of words and ... Extreme expression! !!

That look, as if the next moment, this noble white-clad master, will lie on the boots of His Majesty Wěn!

Totoro threw himself heavily to the ground, flung himself on the floor, and took a few steps forward, using a cuckoo's **** stern and full of deep affectionate voice, crying sadly Shout!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty !!! I can finally see your respect!

I have a lot of hard work and finally achieved something! The only idea that has encouraged me to strengthen myself day and night over the years is to think that I will have the opportunity to come to you one day ~ ~ Use my meager strength to make your brains clear! !! His Majesty! !! "

Dodoro cried with a snot and a tear: "From today on, Dodoro is your sword in your hand! It is your armor! It is your most loyal servant!

!! !! !! "

......... This scene scared everyone!

Especially the adult bishop was stunned! He really didn't understand that the white-clad master was so proud and honored by His Majesty the Pope in the headquarters of the church. How can he now face this little emperor who has not had a lot of climate, but it has changed. Become such a humble dog tuǐ look? !! !! !!

Garcia was stunned.

He looked at the magician wearing a white mage robe in front of him, and almost rushed to wipe his nose with his kù feet. The emperor shrank his tutu subconsciously, and it was very difficult. Sorry to drive. .

"Ahem ... who ... who are you?"! .

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