
Chapter 559: 【And I! 】

[Say two things: First, I saw a book friend asking me a few more chapters a day, and I'm not sure what to say, but my words are very long and long, I dare not It is said to be worth three or four chapters, but at least two chapters of many books are also reached. So ... don't bother with the number of chapters, just enough words, right? Ha ha.

The second thing, I opened Weibo, the address: http: t.qqtiaowu8182

Simply put, the suffix of Weibo number is: tiaowu8182

Welcome everyone's attention]

Chapter 559



It was meaningless to talk about the party of the rebels.

As the defender, Saint Roland Garros seemed speechless.

Although she is the strongest in the world! Although she seems to be able to crush these "rebels" like ants just by stretching her fingers!

"Guardian of the Holy City, Legendary Guardian!" Elder Simon panted, but his eyes revealed an incredible pity and disdain: "Now, I have already said!"

Saint Roland Garros kept his head down, his beautiful face frowned, but he couldn't say a word.

"Why, aren't you trying to judge our sinners?" Elder Simon stared at Saint Roland Garros: "We are here. If you want to uphold the so-called Holy City justice, come on!"

Saint Roland Garros still bowed his head, but those around him looked different. Those who were originally indignant were all moved by the impassioned words of Elder Simon, many people's expressions have shaken, and some even took out weapons before. At this moment the sword in front of his hand inevitably fell down.

Xia Ya was still hiding in the crowd, but quietly backed away, instinctively felt that this matter was not so simple-the Presbyterian Association of eight people rebelled, where would be such a little bit behind? Even if Saint Roland Garros came to suppress them in person, I am afraid that these people would not be so easy to tie up.

"Simon!" Saint Laurent Garros raised his head, his original sharp eyes could not be eased slightly, but his voice was still dignified: "You picture. I don't make a comment. The holy city has experienced thousands of years of storms and hearts Thinking, can I not know ... But, your plot. After all, rebellious walking! Hum, freedom, if you want to be free, if you just go away quietly, I will naturally not bother. But ... you You should n’t be so heartbroken! The owner of the city has always been generous. Why did you kill him! Mr. Du is innocent, and you should not hurt him! The wrong is wrong, even if there are noble reasons. Cover up your crimes. "

That being said. Charlie sighed ... Saint Roland Garros was shaken too! Otherwise, how could she not mention rebellion. But only talking about murder?

Confusion is confusion.

Simon smiled. Standing on the steps, although he is not tall, at this moment, he looks down and looks down at Saint Roland Garros, saying word by word: "King defeated! Saint Roland Garros, we are doing things I have never regretted it. If you want to kill or catch, you just have to come! "

Saint Roland Garros then smiled gently: "Yes, the king is defeated, but in the end it is just this sentence! Simon, I know you must have a backhand, what means, let's release it! "

The elders above have gathered together, Simon headed, and exclaimed: "I knew that you Saint Laurent Garros is terrific, how can we pin our hopes on those aliens! Huh ..."

Speaking of this, Simon suddenly shook his hand, took out a short metal tube from his sleeve, and shook it gently, and heard a bang, a red light rising into the sky, like a fireworks straight into the sky!

An instant mass of red light spread out between the clouds above the holy city peaks, and the red light was bright, even if it was clearly visible for dozens of miles around.

Saint Roland Garros didn't stop, but just looked at Simon coldly, and said, "Okay, let the black hands you hide in the dark be exposed. Lest I clean up trouble afterwards."

"You're so confident!" Simon squinted.

Saint Roland Garros took a deep breath, stepped slowly, stepped up the steps, and walked towards the West Gate in the palace and others.

She walked slowly, one step at a time, but although the pace was heavy and slow, she did not rest for half a minute after all. After a few steps, she was less than ten meters away from Simon and others.

At this time, there were hurried footsteps around, and from the gate outside the palace square, I saw rushing crowds of people, there were hundreds of people, all of them were fully armored, holding weapons, knots Into a thick array.

On the other side of the palace, one hundred and ten soldiers rushed out. Half of them were holding thick golden shields, all of which were more than one person tall. They quickly surrounded eight elders and shielded them with shields.

And there are many light armored warriors on both sides, but the sword in his hand is not a sword, but a small weapon that looks like a crossbow.

Xia has never seen such a delicate short crossbow. It looks more precise than the hand crossbow in the Byzantine Army. Each short crossbow can be seen from the shape of the hair, and the crossbow is also metallic. The luster is obviously a more powerful weapon, and the crossbow arrow is even unmasked with a faint blue luster.

Even if Xia hadn't tried it in person, she could immediately guess what poison it was.

Saint Roland Garros looked the same, shook his head and said, "Is this your second hand? Simon, the elves of the six elven tribes can't stop me, do you think these people can do it? These people are all You eight confidantes who have been breeding for many years? Huh ... "

She looked disdainful and looked at the short crossbows facing her: "Is the crossbow arrow smeared with the poison given by the elves? It's a very sharp thing, but you think you can deal with me? As for these armored men , Do you think in front of the Guardian Samurai. How long can I resist ?! "

"I have to give it a try." Simon sneered and snarled: "Go!"

With a scream from Ximen, a hundred crossbowmen started to work together, and they heard the cricket's breaking sound unconscious. More than a hundred short crossbows were fired at Saint Roland Garros, and the cold light bloomed under the bursting spirit!

The sky's crossbow slammed, and Saint Laurent Garros naturally disdain to escape. With a long sleeve, a red light appeared in front of her. Numerous short crossbow flew into the air in front of her, and instantly solidified. Midair. Can't move forward anymore!

But at this moment, a sudden scream sounded, and suddenly Saint Laurent Garros changed color!

This accident happened in the crowd!

Among the hundreds of white warrior warriors in white clothes who stood under the palace. Sudden changes start!

Under the command of "hands-on" in Ximen, many white warriors in the original crowd suddenly picked up the sharp tools in their hands and stabbed in the direction of their white counterparts!

The samurai in white is the guardian samurai group in the holy city, originally a group of the most loyal children to the holy city. It is the best person selected among the black races and has received the best training since he was a child. He is also the same family of Saint Roland Garros and has loyalty to the Holy City!

Variable. But it happened to these people!

Almost one-third of the people attacked at the same time, and severely pierced the weapon in their hands with the key of their companions. The shot was fierce, as if facing a companion who was not together. But the enemy who does not share the sky!

The attacked white warrior was unprepared at all-even if he was prepared, he focused his attention on those armored soldiers who rushed around. Where would he be able to guard his companions?

At the moment, dozens of people were attacked, and many of them were killed on the spot without even responding.

Even Han Bi was screaming in anger. A long sword had been pierced through his chest. He turned back in anger, and saw a companion in white whom he knew, staring at himself pale. Jianfeng Wu drips his blood ...

"Why, why ?!" Han Bi shuddered. After all, he was deep in strength. Although he was stabbed, he reacted instantly and instinctively. After moving his body a few points, he let go. After hesitated for a moment, Han Bi's legs softened, he sat on the ground kneeling, panting, looking at his assassination companion, screaming: "Why ?! Are you all the opposite ?!"

This change, let alone Charya did not expect, where would Saint Roland Garros think of it?

This woman looked at these most loyal white warriors and was killed by dozens of people in a split second. She felt a big pain in her heart and screamed. She ignored the short crossbow in front of her and flew off the steps and fell into the crowd of white warriors. Here, I saw her right-handed long-sleeve rolled up and made a few bangs, and a few white warriors who attacked her companions were blown out by her!

Saint Roland Garros took a shot with hate. Naturally, she would never tolerate the shot. The few people who were hit by her were already furious before they landed. However, there were some rebels in white warriors around, who had originally seen Saint Laurent Garros flew up. Under the many years of accumulation, they were a little cyanotic. At this moment, they did not dare to hesitate anymore. Someone shouted, sharp sword. Stabbed towards Saint Roland Garros.

The people around me also reacted, and someone shouted, "The success or failure is today, if you don't desperately wait for death!"

The long sword that stabbed Saint Roland Garros in an instant had more than ten handles, and more rebels gritted their teeth and continued to storm the past towards their companions!

Doing it intentionally or not, in the first wave of attacks, dozens of white warriors were killed. It happened too suddenly. Many people didn't understand what was going on. Some people thought that the companions around them were going crazy, but they looked at each other and killed them with red eyes, and they barely resisted. Many people resisted at the same time. He shouted in his mouth, but how could he be distracted during the slaughter, but a few moments later he was killed.

Saint Roland Garros was very angry—these are the most elite nucleus guarding the holy city, and it became so instantaneously. How could she not shed blood in her heart?

With her right hand outstretched, she grabbed a rebel's neck and lifted him hard. The red figure rose into the sky, and the white warrior in her hand suddenly exposed countless wounds all over her body, blood sprayed, and the white clothes became blood clothes!

Surrounded by more than a dozen sharp swords, the rebels of the white warriors are also powerful men-in the samurai guardian sacred city, are there weak ones? Almost everyone's long sword exudes a black light! Charlie just glanced out. All these people are using "brilliant" murderous!

It's all his housemate, Hesting!

Saint Roland Garros told himself that it was true that day. This brilliant murderous spirit really came from the holy city, and it was a stunt practiced by the samurai to guard the samurai.

More than a dozen sharp swords stabbed over with dazzling murderous spirits. In addition, everyone is a powerful samurai guardian samurai, even if it is Saint Roland Garros, she can't ignore it, her body quickly spins up, the red robe is like a red cloud. Ding-Dang-Dang's voice was unknowing, and the long sword stabbed on the red skirt was immediately broken and broken, and the broken pieces fluttered randomly. It's just the dazzling black murderous surge. Saint Laurent Garros has been red all over, apparently the crimson murder has been triggered!

The masterpiece of red light, the dazzling murderous power of black suddenly melted away as if it met the nemesis. More than a dozen figures flew backwards. Many people sprayed blood in the air in the middle of the air, and some people were already so angry that they fell on the ground. Only half of them fell on the ground, but still stared fiercely at Saint Roland Garros.

Seeing the white warrior still standing in the field. Around the severely injured Han Bi, there were only about twenty people left, and most of the rest were killed, even if they were still alive. Have been seriously injured.

There are more than a hundred rebels among the white warriors. But he had stood far away, and stood with those armored dead men of the Presbyterian Church.

As for the others in black robes. It was far away from the beginning of the battle. These people are not guarding the samurai regiment, but they are all kinds of staff in the holy city. At this moment, it seems that most of them are stunned, but under the threat of the armored samurai around them, many people simply put their hands down and more He made a stance of daring to resist.

It was just a short moment, and the scene became so.

Only a few hundred guardians in white besieged and betrayed the rebellion, but now it became his own side to talk to more than twenty people, surrounded by hundreds of armored men.

Saint Roland Garros' eyes were bloodshot. She seemed to have calmed down, took a deep breath, stood in the middle, and looked at Han Bi, who was kneeling on the ground behind her, even though these were the last loyal people, Everyone is hurt. Apart from anger and distress, many people's faces are more confused and hopeless.

The ground was covered with corpses, and blood flowed on the spot.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, many dead warriors in white, some showed resentment, more when they were dying, or they were shocked, and more people were full of anger.

Regardless of whether the dead were loyal people or killed rebels, looking at these people all had the same white robes. Saint Roland Garros suddenly felt a great pain in his heart, his eyes were black, his chest was suddenly undulating, and the corner of his mouth was Spit a little blood!

The red figure, which seemed to be upright and unyielding, finally shook slightly.

Watching Saint Roland Garros spit blood, Simon standing on the palace suddenly showed an excited expression and shouted, "She is injured! She is injured !!"

Saint Roland Garros sank in his heart, trying to forcibly suppress the severe pain in his chest, but with such a forcible force, he was shaking his body more and more, suppressing the injuries for many days, and he could no longer hide it. Suddenly opened his mouth and spit another blood.

"Hahahaha! I know! I know! I know it is so!" Elder Simon stood on the steps and laughed excitedly: "You have been injured already! Right! Saint Roland Garros! Although you broke through those The siege of the elven giant, but under that siege, even if you are, you can't retreat! You have been injured already! Hahahaha! "

After Simon laughed a few times, he shouted loudly: "Victory is in sight! Kill this woman together! We will be free from now! This holy holy city will never stop us!"

Saint Roland Garros's face was as pale as paper, even though she was still biting her teeth and not talking, but at this moment, her weakness could no longer be concealed.

Simon was right. She found the truth in Byzantium. She was shocked at the time. She didn't dare to delay for a while, and flew all the way to try to get back to the holy city early. Even if she is a peerless powerhouse, she will be exhausted after spending so much time consuming her sleepless sleep. After all, although she is a peerless powerhouse, she is still human and flesh and blood.

Encountered an ambush in the forest, and all the good hands among the elves were out. Coupled with the leadership of the elven king of the six elven clans, the elven clans are also good at natural magic, and have driven several flamingo beasts under siege-you know, at that time, Mr. Peach just managed a flamingo It was almost Heaven who had nowhere to go to kill Xia and Hastings.

Even more, when the elves came up, they used poison. It was the kind of thing that Mr. Tao used to harm Hessing at the beginning-this toxin was specially used to deal with the strong. The stronger the strength, the more violent the attack. Although it was dead, it was enough to weaken her strength. Most of the time, you have to give up your power to suppress the toxins in your body.

Are there weak leaders among the elves? Each of the six elven kings has a stunt, some are good at natural magic, and some are good at martial arts. There are also strong men of the Giant race to help out, and strong men of the Dwarven race to help. In a fierce battle, even when Saint Roland Garros showed his might, he killed many powerful enemies. It has also severely damaged the enemy who besieged himself, and was able to ascend to the conflict, but after all, he has also been seriously injured. The most important thing is the poison in his body. Eroding her power all the time.

Saint Roland Garros returned to the holy city and went to Mr. Du for the first time, but did not want to know that Mr. Du, who he relied on most, had been killed and rallyed in the city. The rebellion of the Presbyterian Church was imminent, and Saint Laurent Garros did not hesitate. Rushing immediately, trying to suppress a group of Xiaoxiao by herself-she was too confident. I just feel that as the legendary guardian of the holy city, Jaeger-LeCoultre has been for many years. As long as I ascend to the heights, I naturally respond to it. Even if my strength is damaged, there is the existence of the holy city guard samurai regiment. It would not be a problem to deal with these veterans.

But where can I think of it, even among the most loyal holy city guardian warriors, there have been so many rebellions!

(Is this holy city really going to die?)

At this moment, Saint Roland Garros seemed to be at a loss, and Simon's crazy laughter seemed to be inaudible, she just looked at the body on the ground ...

Regardless of the rebels or the killed loyalty, these ... were once the guardians of the holy city, the seeds of the power of the holy city that had been cultivated for many years!

"Kill her! Kill her !!"

Simon screamed wildly.

But despite his urgency, as long as Saint Roland Garros did not really fall for a moment, no one dared to rush forward to start under the power of the past years.

It was only those white rebels around them that finally finally forced it up step by step.

"Hehe ... hehe ..."

Suddenly, Saint Roland Garros, who looked down, made a few soft laughs.

The laughter was very slight at first, but then became louder and louder, but finally turned into a sneer full of mockery and indignation.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Saint Laurent Garros looked up, and she looked at Simon standing above, and finally said: "I really start to admire you, Simon! You actually have such ability! Not only has it attracted the Presbyterian collective rebellion, Even in the Guardian Samurai Group, so many people have fallen to you! "

Simon snorted and said nothing.

Saint Roland Garros stopped paying attention to him and turned to look at the rebels in white in front of her step by step. She suddenly took a step forward, but at this step, the rebels who were shocked immediately retreated.

"You!" Saint Roland Garros bleeds blood in his mouth, but his eyes are full of death: "You have all been the most loyal guardian warriors of the Holy City, and have changed their vows since childhood! The Holy City has spent countless hard work and It costs you to nurture you, to see you as the future of the Holy City, and to see you as the seed of strength to protect the Holy City! I really don't understand why you even colluded with Simon! "

Speaking of it, she casually pointed at one of the white-belly rebels: "Your name is Li Yifeng, right? I remember you were thirty-two years old this year. I personally enlightened you twenty years ago. The ritual of guarding the samurai regiment, even your first sword was awarded to you personally. I remember that you encountered a bottleneck while practicing the fourth layer of the brilliant and murderous, and there was no progress in two years, I remember it was One afternoon, you were crying secretly in the martial arts field behind the samurai group ... I just saw it, I pointed you, and then let you quietly see me after going to the performance martial art field in the evening, I pointed you for ten days, you I ’ve finally made great progress. I remember when you knelt in front of me, crying and crying, saying that you are always grateful for my kindness, I just tell you that I do n’t need your gratitude, as long as you can work for the holy city in the future ... "

The man named Li Yifeng in her fingertips was ashamed and suddenly threw the sword in her hand to the ground. Crying loudly, he yelled, "Sir, I'm sorry for you, I will revenge!"

"Why the **** did you do this?" Saint Laurent Garros said in a light tone. "It's hard to understand that Simon bought it? Or what did he use to beat you?"

The man named Li Yifeng shivered. But finally he looked up and looked at Saint Roland Garros, and said loudly: "None, sir! I ... I have not been bought by him, nor have I been threatened! I voluntarily do this kind of thing! Sister!"

"I don't believe it!" Saint Laurent Garros screamed suddenly, "You have sworn! And ..."

"There is nothing more, sir." Li Yifeng burst into tears: "Sir, I really swear sincerely, and I once regarded being a guardian samurai as my biggest goal, I even imagine that you will become a legendary keeper . Risking my life for the Holy City! But ... but ... "

"But what?"

"But I finally fell in love with a girl ten years ago. I married her and gave birth to a child."

The tears on Li Yifeng's face still flowed, but the tone gradually calmed down: "Master. I can dedicate my life to the holy city, but my child, he has loved painting since he was a child. The paintings brought by foreign merchants, I I bought it at a high price. But the child grew up day by day, he did n’t like me to teach him martial arts, and the paintings bought outside could no longer satisfy his interest. He often asked me about the world above those paintings Where is it? He often asks me. Why ca n’t we go to the places on the scroll to see ... Lord, that moment. I suddenly understood. Lord, I can stay here for a lifetime, but my son, even me Future children and grandchildren. I hope they have the freedom to leave here! "

Speaking, Li Yifeng actually stood up: "Master Ximen said just now, the sky after the heavy rain, and the spectacle of snow and miles, I can't see it, but I hope my child will have a chance to see it in the future, I hope my grandson will have the opportunity to live that life in the future! "

After finishing speaking, he suddenly picked up the long sword again and said loudly: "My hand is already full of the blood of my companion, I have committed the sin of amnesty, and I even stabbed my long sword of sin that once gave me Thank you, Da Gong! I'm sorry for you! "

Long Sword Crossed! After the light, his body fell slowly.

Saint Roland Garros was pale, watching his finger fall, but his fingers were shaking slightly.

"Master Saint Roland Garros."

Another white-belly rebel came out. This man was no longer young, and the two wives had seen Frost Hair. He looked at Saint Roland Garros and sighed softly: "Sir, I think you should know me."

"Of course I know you, Situ." Saint Roland Garros's tone suddenly expressed a bit of memory: "I remember that we used to practice martial arts together and received training together ..."

"Yeah, many years ago." A sad smile appeared on the face of this elderly white-belly rebel. "It's been so many years. I was once fortunate to join the samurai regime with the adults. Unfortunately, I You have insufficient talents, but you soon show that you have an extraordinary talent that was cultivated by disciples of the last generation, Lord Roland Garros, to be cultivated by your disciples. Although we have only been a classmate in the Samurai Corps for only a few years, I am still very Pride, I usually take pride in that experience on weekdays. "

"So what are you doing for?" Although Saint Roland Garros was asking, his eyes were looking at the Li Yifeng who had fallen to the ground and died.

Situ exhaled softly, thinking for a while, then suddenly raised his head, looked at Saint Roland Garros and smiled, "Master, I don't know, have you ever dreamed?"

"... dream?" Saint Laurent Garros frowned, seeming to taste the word carefully.

"Actually, I don't know what a dream is." Situ slowly said, "Maybe, I once had a dream, but now I can't remember it anymore. The only thing I remember is that when I remember, someone told me I, our dark-haired people, are destined to contribute to this holy city throughout my life. Naturally, when I am old, someone will give me a sword and teach me to practice martial arts. When I show a good talent Naturally, someone brought me into the samurai regiment for training. Every day, I was told to be loyal, to the holy city, to the city owner, and to the queen of the people. "

Speaking of which, Situ suddenly came out with a ridiculous wry smile: "Yes, since I remembered, I was told all of this ... was told what I want to do, what I should do, what I will do in the future, I What to do in this life ... But never have anyone asked me if I like these, whether I am willing to do these, and never have I been asked, what is my own dream! Never been asked Pass me because no one cares! This holy city doesn't care at all! The Emperor doesn't care at all! "

"Sometimes, I can't help but think about a funny question: How much money did our ancestors owe to the so-called Emperor and actually sold their offspring and grandchildren to them as slaves? One generation is not enough, So many generations are not enough. Even if it is a slave, there is still a deed for sale. When the deed for sale is full, you can restore your freedom. I heard that in Byzantium or other countries, even if you are a soldier and fight a lifetime, it is always There is a time when veterans can return to their homes. Even if the prisoner is in jail, there is always a day when he is redeemed and freed. "Situ said, looking at the corpses on the ground, eyes full of sadness:" They are dead ... ... but we didn't kill it, nor did you kill it ... but, this **** holy city! "

"And me, sir." Another rebel in white stood up ~ ~ He first bowed to Saint Roland Garros and slowly said, "I was eleven years old, I was brought back to the Holy City by a messenger, but I never wanted it! I like the outside world. I like the time when I was a kid, and the little girl who used to live next door to me. I like it every spring. I went to the village with a group of friends to play in the stream ... but I was brought back when I was eleven years old, and no one asked me if I wanted to. I have never been able to step out of this ghost place ever since, all I see is This city, you see the woods outside! "

"And I!"

"me too!"

"And I!"

"Sir ... me too!"




One after another the white-belly rebels came out, each with a decided expression on his face, looking at Saint Roland Garros without fear. (To be continued ...)

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