
Chapter 560: 【vicious】

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Things about Weibo are explained again:

I registered two Weibo, one Tencent and one Sina

Tencent's Weibo address: http: t.qqtiaowu8182

Sina's Weibo address: http: weibotiaowu8182

Both suffixes are: tiaowu8182

Oh, dancing pinyin plus the number 8182, my birthday.

In addition, there are other Weibos called dancing, which are not me. It seems that before Tencent, someone registered the dancing name and claimed to be me. That is false. Don't believe it. The two Weibos that I have just opened haven't been around for a long time, and they are ready for certification.

Please pay more attention. I will refresh Weibo from time to time to post some saliva. 】


Chapter 560 [Vicious]


Looking at the rebels in front of them, looking at them old or young faces, Saint Roland Garros suddenly felt that his strength was emptied. The original anger and murderous intentions also left him a trace.

Saint Roland Garros sighed softly.

Even if he could kill all the rebels present?

People's hearts have long since fallen apart!

Even the most loyal holy city guardians who have been cultivated since childhood have betrayed the holy city one by one.

Maybe not the holy city. It's really just a big cage!

Saint Roland Garros stopped talking, but the Simon on it had an excited expression on his face, and said loudly, "What are you waiting for! The big picture is set, kill them. We are free from now! What are you waiting for !!!"

None of those white-belly rebels stepped forward, but the armored dead men controlled by the elders, but the array slowly pushed forward.

Saint Roland Garros looked back at Simon in the stands and smiled coldly: "Simon, even if you really ruin the holy city, even if I can no longer turn these people back, but you think you can really kill me As a guardian of the holy city, even if I can no longer guard it. At least I can perish with it !! "

After a moment's pause, Saint Laurent Gallos' eyes reappeared with a murderous look: "At least, I can still kill you!"

The voice fell, and Saint Roland Garros suddenly leapt out. More than a hundred short crossbows on the steps were fired together. Among the crossbows in the sky, the red figure passed by, and when they saw a boom, a red light burst. More than a dozen warriors armed with giant golden shields who had been guarding in front of several veterans have been blown away. Saint Laurent Garros has wrapped his elder Simon's neck in one hand and lifted his thin body.

"Stop it for me! One step forward, I pinched his neck!"

Simon was caught by her with a single blow. Although struggling, where can I struggle? Those deceased patriarchs did not dare to move forward. And several other veterans, some were beaten. Some of the rolling belts rolled down from the steps. For a time, only Saint Laurent Garros was left alone holding the elder Simon on the steps.

"Han Bi! Hurry up with everyone!"

Saint Roland Garros stopped drinking, and there were more than twenty white warriors in white clothes running next to each other, still holding weapons, surrounding Saint Roland Garros.

"You, you ..." Simon shouted hard: "Han Bi, as long as you are willing to surrender, you can be as free as we are! If you follow her and resist, you will only be buried!"

Han Bi's face was iron-blue, but he didn't say a word, and the twenty or so white warriors around him were no longer shaken-these people still hold the faith of loyalty to the holy city.

The blood from the corner of Saint Roland Garros flowed out again. She just moved her hand and caused internal injuries. At the moment, she coughed and blood sprayed on Elder Simon's face. The old man was more unwilling to be honest: "You see! She It's almost gone! "

"Saint Roland Garros, to this day, why are you obsessed with letting so many people die with you! As long as you are willing to let go, you do n’t have to keep guarding any emperor here anymore. The world is as big as you Peerless powerhouse, where can't go ... "

"Shut up, shut up!" Saint Laurent Garros choked Simon's throat so tightly that he couldn't say a word.

The armored samurai around them have already come around, swords like forests, and short crossbows pointing at the people in front of the palace.

Saint Roland Garros quickly thought: even though she could go away by herself, Han would have to wait for more than 20 people, for fear that she would not be able to save it alone.

Suddenly she sneered and yelled at the following: "Git boy! Charlie! When are you going to watch the show next time! Don't you want to see your Nene?" & ...



How sly is Xia, long before Simon ordered the action, he had retreated to the end of the crowd. When the turmoil began, the civil strife among the white people killed, and Xia ’s first reaction was to pretend while he was in chaos. In the end, the sword was attacked-he has the protection of the dragon blood and the strength of the strong. Where can the rebels among the white men hurt him?

This earth owl has been lying on the ground pretending to be dead for half a day, but it was eavesdropping all the way now. At this moment, Saint Roland Garros suddenly asked and Xia Ya finally smiled bitterly.

Damn, I thought I was hiding well. It turned out that this woman had recognized herself long ago.

He jumped out of the dead bodies on the ground, and finally exclaimed, Charya had volleyed and landed next to Saint Roland Garros. Some of the white warriors around Saint Roland Garros were shocked. Instinctively raising his sword to stab, Saint Roland Garros has immediately stopped to stop: "Don't move, it's your own person."

Charlie's face was full of smiles, and the white warriors around him stepped away. Charlie stood in front of Saint Roland Garros and smiled bitterly: "Have you seen me long ago?"

"Huh," Saint Laurent Garros said coldly. "I saw you sneakily hiding in the crowd as soon as I came in. You're so calm."

Xia Ya spread his hand: "Your turmoil in the Holy City has nothing to do with me. I'm here to find Nene. Moreover, what's your status as Saint Roland Garros, little civil strife, you can even raise your hand and level it up. . Don't need me to intervene. Let ’s talk ... ”Tu said with a smile:“ I and you are not friends, why should I help you? If it was n’t for you, how would Nene get caught back. ”

"If it weren't for me, Nene would have died long ago." Saint Laurent Garros gave Charya a glance: "Boy, if you want to see Nene again, go out and help, I know your strength, don't want to be lazy."

Charlie whistleed, "You deserve me too much? So many people. I can't kill them all by myself."

"Huh." Saint Roland Garros glanced at Charya: "Help me protect the injured person, let's kill the siege first."

At this moment, the elders below were no longer waiting impatiently. Although Elder Simon was in the hands of Saint Laurent Garros, the other elders simply ignored them. At their urging, a group of armored warriors had been killed. Dozens of warriors carrying giant shields rushed up, and Xia couldn't hide it, and grabbed the fire fork directly from her arms. Scarlet murderous red masterpiece. The giant shield rushing at the front of more than a dozen warriors suddenly fell apart, and the waves threw everyone directly. There was a gap in the crowd. Charlie was about to take the lead in rushing, but Saint Roland Garros stopped him with a single breath: "Who let you go out! Let's run in!"

Xia said "Ah?" There was no time to ask. Seeing that Saint Laurent Garros had Ximen in his hand, he rushed straight towards the side corridor of the palace. Where can a group of armored warriors in the corridor stop her? The crowd was rushed in by her like a tiger into a flock. Suddenly people turned their backs. The remaining twenty warriors in white supported each other, and those who could fight also stood with their swords and fought back.

Xia Ya fell in the end and took the heavy responsibility after the break. Once he was such a fierce man that let go of those armored men who dare to catch up, no one could be his enemy. The opponent rushed several times and was cheated by Xia The fire fork directly chopped to death more than a dozen, and immediately eased under his feet.

Saint Roland Garros took the lead and flew towards this palace, because there were more than twenty white warriors, and many of them were seriously injured. Naturally, they were unhappy, and the chase behind them also He refused to give up. Although he didn't dare to persecute too tightly, after all, he still caught up and shouted.

Saint Roland Garros did not hesitate to take the lead. She naturally knew the succession in this palace. She knew everything about where to turn and walk. Although she encountered many enemies in front of the detour, so did Saint Roland Garros. Kill the past directly.

In the palace of the lord of this holy city, I don't know how many bodies were left along the way.

This time, about a meal of kung fu, this palace is also built by the mountains. Everyone goes all the way in. Naturally, it goes higher and higher. It goes up the steps. The highest point is already a small one. Palace, circular building. After this small hall, there is the peak of the mountain, and there is no more road.

"Sir, this is the altar, there is no way out!"

The samurai in white next to Saint Laurent Garros cried loudly, and even Han must be ashamed.

Saint Roland Garros was also pale as paper. When she rushed all the way, her injury became more and more unstoppable. She took a breath and whispered, "Relax, I have my own idea."

A group of people rushed into the round hall, and Xia closed the door backhand, then took two decorative metal fire pillars with the thickness of the arm from the wall next to it and ran across the door.

The hall was very dim, only the surrounding walls were inlaid with dozens of night pearls, exuding a faint light.

In the center of the main hall, it is a small square pool, which is only about five meters square. There is a faint green light blooming in the shallow pool water.

"What is this place?" Xia looked around and called. "There is no way out, clearly a dead place!"

Saint Roland Garros put down the elder Simon, kicked him and fainted, before glancing at Charya: "This is the altar of our holy city, where the ancestors of the city host the ceremony."

At this point, Saint Roland Garros had a sad expression on his face, grinning bitterly: "I thought I would never have the opportunity to use that secret here, hey!" She looked at Charlie. I looked at the people around me and whispered, "This is one of the biggest secrets of the Holy City ... Every Secret of St. Roland Garros was passed down by word of mouth. My teacher, the last St. Roland Garros, told me This secret. I never thought I really needed to use this secret day. "

With that said, she walked to the pool of water, walked along the pool of water, and then walked around in circles. As she walked, she stepped on and down on certain floors.

Immediately, a sound of rattling wheels came from the ground, behind the pool of water. Several floors on the ground slowly reversed, revealing a quiet downstairs passage!

Under this passage, the black pimple is narrow, and the steps are narrow, and the steps are very steep.

"This is the last asylum." Saint Roland Garros whispered, "The top secret that has been passed down from generation to generation in the holy city. When the queen of the people built the altar in the land of the last man. Later, in the event of chaos in the future, it threatens the safety of the holy city. When it is desperate, it escapes to this place. It can also protect the descendants of the emperor from this holy city. This secret passage can be reached to Beyond the magical array of six-star stars under the holy city ... I don't know the exact location. "

Talking. Saint Roland Garros gave way and said to those white warriors: "Go out of town right away from here."

That Han would lose his voice: "Master? Shall we ... just leave? Holy city ..."

Saint Roland Garros seemed to be driving at the moment. Faintly said: "What more holy city to say, idiot! The holy city is dead!"

"No!" Han Bi gritted his teeth and shouted, "You are here. You lead us to kill back and kill the betrayal! We ..."

"This is not possible." Saint Laurent Garros whispered, "All the Presbyterians are betrayed, and the Guardian Samurai is over ... Han Bi, do you still not understand? The heart is no longer with us ..."

Speaking of which, Saint Roland Garros's tone seems a bit ridiculous: "In this rebellion ... It turns out that we are the villains! It is our existence that hinders their pursuit of freedom, and they are destiny's contenders. , And we ... are ridiculous old men. "

What more must Han say, Saint Roland Garros had already waved his sleeves and fainted him, then looked at the others: "Take him away."

"Then you ..."

"I naturally have my intention." Saint Laurent Garros looked at the white warrior to be distinguished next to him, and smiled. "Rest assured, I didn't plan to be buried here. I stayed and wanted to do what I should do. Even though I can't stop this fight, I always want to kill a few of the culprits! They have to pursue freedom, but no matter what, the crime of killing my colleagues and murdering Mr. Du will never be let go. Past them. "

Having said that, Saint Laurent Garros screamed, "What are you waiting for! Stop wasting my time! Hurry up!"

All these samurai in white were in tears. Finally, a few people knelt down and gave a ceremony. They took the lead and carried Han Bi into the tunnel. The others also burst into tears and walked by the side of Saint Roland Garros. After saluting, he finally left.

Charya originally stood aside and didn't speak, but Saint Roland Garros cast a complex look. Then Charya moved in her heart, and blessed her heart. She suddenly understood the meaning of the woman, coughed, and touched her from her arms. At the moment, I found a badge and shoved it into the hand of one of the white warriors, and whispered, "If you have a chance to go to the Byzantine Empire after you go out, take this badge to the Imperial Northern Army, naturally Someone will take care of you. "

"Go." Saint Roland Garros's eyes were grateful, and he nodded to Charlie before he said to the others: "You can go ... maybe, there will be opportunities to meet in the future."

At this moment, a loud noise rang out from the gate, apparently the chaser outside had begun to hit the door.

Immediately, people outside discovered that the gate was blocked, and after screaming and clamoring for a while, it was obvious that they did not know where to look for a tool to hit the door.

Saint Roland Garros shouted, "What are you waiting for!"

She caught the last few white warriors and threw them directly into the tunnel. Then she didn't know where she started the organization. The tunnel's slate closed automatically.

Looking at the tears in Saint Laurent Garros' eyes, Charlie gave a grin, and then whispered, "What ... what shall we do now? Kill again?"

"Huh." Saint Laurent Garros took a deep breath: "Killing is to kill naturally. But I am now injured and poisoned. If I can't get rid of the poison from the elves, I'm afraid I have no strength to deal with they."

Charya's eyes lit up. He did not forget that his unlucky brother Hesting was also suffering from the poisonous suffering of the elves.

"What to do?" Xia asked.

Saint Roland Garros sighed, but stared at the square pool next to him, watching the green pool, and whispered, "It's up to it."

As she said, she shook her head and whispered a bitter smile: "This is a secret that has been passed down from generation to generation. Everyone only knows that this is the altar and the place where the ancestors were worshipped. This pool of water is holy water. It is only the thing used to bless the people during the memorial service. No one here is interested in this pool of water on weekdays. "

Speaking of which, she had already stepped up to the edge of the pool, and then stepped in the pool water.

"This pool of water is the secret of the ancient emperor. Later, it was only made known to Saint Roland Garros. Legend has it that this is the dew given by the **** to the emperor. Bathing in it can prolong life ... Naturally, such a thing as longevity False, but this is indeed the secret of the imperial family, which is used by the ancient imperial family for emergency. "


"Good." Saint Laurent Garros has reached the middle of the pond. Then she sat down slowly, the pool water drowned her neck, and her long black hair floated above the turquoise pool water, and she took a deep breath. A little red ray of strange light came out from the eyes.

"The holy water of this emperor's family can heal all injuries in the world. Whether it is internal or external injuries, as long as they are soaked here, they can be healed."

"Fuck, it's so magical?" Charlie opened her eyes wide and looked at Saint Roland Garros in the pool with a eager expression, as if she wanted to jump in and make a bubble: "If it's so good Things, then use them all right, isn't it ... "

"It's not that simple. Naturally, this kind of thing can't be used casually, you see ..." Saint Roland Garros smiled bitterly, the red light on her body became more and more dazzling, clearly visible, her original pale face, just It was gradually rosy, already quite weak, and suddenly exuberant. Even Xia could feel the sudden fluctuation of the strength of the other party and re-emerged.

At the same time, this turquoise pool of water is drying up!

The original half-full pond water seemed to be under a magical magic, and the pond water disappeared quickly, and the bottom of the pond was gradually visible!

Charlie finally understood what Saint Roland Garros meant.

This magic pool of water ... will disappear after using it, and such a pool of water will run out of it.

At this moment, the pool of water has almost dried up!

Saint Roland Garros glowed, his original decadence and exhaustion seemed to be swept away, but he looked at the dried-up pool water and sighed sigh: "Where can there be many precious things that can save lives, this I ran out of time, and never again. "

Charya couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but looking at Saint Laurent Garros, who was standing up again, her red robe had been blown dry by the red light, her hair fluttered, and her look restored a little The majesty of the guardian!

Saint Roland Garros had stepped out of the pool, took a deep breath, and a confident smile came on his face: "Very well ... it did not disappoint my expectations! Now that I have recovered, then these little children, always It ’s just one by one! ”

Saying, under the banging noise outside the door, Saint Roland Garros stepped forward confidently.

But she only took two steps forward, and suddenly she was shocked!

The erect body suddenly shuddered in situ for a few moments, and the red light that had enveloped her suddenly disappeared without a trace!

Saint Roland Garros exclaimed, his body had fallen softly, and Charlie hurried up to help her: "What's wrong with you?"

Saint Roland Garros had just turned blushing, and his face had become even paler than when he was injured! Gritted his teeth, trembling, he couldn't even say a word!

What shocked Charlie was that, within a few breaths, Saint Roland Garros' face had changed several colors in one breath, suddenly turning from pale to red, although his face turned blue again, and finally between the eyebrows It is shrouded in a layer of dead gray!

"Poison ... poison ... so bad poison ..." Saint Roland Garros trembled in his teeth. So many words came out of his mouth.

Xia Ya was in a hurry, but heard a burst of laughter beside him.

"Hahahahahaha !!!"

The elder Simon, who was fainted by the kick, had already risen from the ground, watching Charlie holding Saint Roland Garros. Laughing back and forth, the sound is full of madness after success.

"Hahahahahaha! I did not guess wrong! I did right! I did right!"

The old man was almost standing unstable with a smile, and there was a crazy look in his eyes.

"You ?!" Charlie let go of Saint Roland Garros, rushed forward a few steps, grabbed this guy and held it in his hand, and drank, "Did you just poison?"

"Stupid!" Elder Simon looked disdainfully at Xia: "Where did we have a chance to do this? Huh ..."

"What the **** is going on?" Charlie gritted her teeth.

"It's very simple, I guessed right!" Elder Simon snorted and didn't care about Charya's murderous eyes. Laughing wildly: "I already knew that these **** emperors must have many secrets! The family who fears death must have left a lot of life for themselves! Haha! What blessing holy water is this altar, Although no one has ever noticed this thing. But I just noticed it! Although I still do n’t know what the holy water is for, but since the queen ’s descendants even use such important rituals to sacrifice their ancestors, then this holy water is It must be very important! So ... since I can't guess what secrets it has or what its real purpose is, then I don't have to guess at all! Just destroy it! "

"What did you do?" Charlie stared at Elder Simon.

"It's very simple." Elder Simon smiled slightly. "The most powerful kind of poison in the elves. I put some in this pool of water."

The old man was very proud: "When I was poisoned, I didn't even know what to do to use this trick, and I didn't even know if this move did useless work. But as if there were Providence exists, I just hold the thought of ruining this mysterious holy water. But I did not expect to end up with such a gossip and counted to the great Saint Roland Garros !!! Hahahaha !!! It seems that even heaven is On my side! "

At this moment, Saint Roland Garros had shrunk to the ground. Charya took a look, and her heart was astonished.

Previously, Saint Laurent Garros was poisoned by some elves. It's gone, but now I have completely absorbed a whole pool of poisonous water into my body! !!

The difference is that Xia couldn't even think of it.

"Since you've been poisoned, then you must have a way to lift it ... do you have an antidote?" Xia lifted Simon up.

"Don't threaten me, boy." Simon looked coldly at Xia: "Look at me, where can I hide the antidote? Huh, how can I take this with me?"

"Useless? Then I have to kill you." Charlie narrowed her eyes.

"Wait, wait!" A flash of confusion flashed over Simon's face, and then he said, "Now the city is gone. It is unwise to die with her like this! Since you are also a child of the city, why not follow us? ? Freedom from now ~ ~ Haikuo sky! I promise that I will never blame it, and I can even take a vow now! The wealth accumulated in the Holy City for thousands of years, we all take them together and leave this ghost forever Is n’t it a wonderful place? "

He desperately seduced Xia. After listening to his words, Xia licked the corner of her mouth, and then smiled.

"You are tempting and I am very tempted." Xia Ya smiled at Simon: "I was indeed moved by you ... Honestly, in fact, I really appreciate you."

Simon's face suddenly looked hopeful.

Xia Ya sighed and said slowly: "You are so daring and can do big things, always admired. But unfortunately, Elder Simon, you forgot to figure out one thing."

After a pause, he pointed to his nose: "Lao Tzu is not your holy city at all. You say freedom or something, Lao Tzu already has it and does not need your gift."

After speaking, he twisted the neck of his opponent with a firm click of the palm.

`(To be continued ...)

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