
Chapter 572: [I have a book in my heart]

"Always, there is always a fixed perception in people's hearts: everything has rules. //Ww.qΒ.c//Fastest update ///"

Solhanigan and Charlie walked slowly side by side in the jungle. These are the potentially dangerous hunluàn collars, but the two seem to be just leisurely strolling.

His words were calm, as if just to explain some of the simplest facts: "For example, water must flow down from high, winter must be colder than summer, snow must be cold ... horses gave birth. It must be a horse, and a lion must give birth to a lion ... "

"People must have been born by somebody else." Xia Ya suddenly said strangely.

Solhanigan silently took a look at Charya before continuing: "These rules, from the moment we were born to this world, have omnipresently surrounded us, surrounded us, and bound us. People can only Living on land, fish can only live in water. When your heart is bound by these understandings, when all your ideas have been fixed ... you have actually fallen into it and can't jump anymore Out."

Charlie didn't say anything this time, but she carefully tasted the words of Solhanigan.

"... But if all the rules in this world are fixed ... then, why is there a change?" Solhanigan's tone changed, and the original calm and non-bo words seemed to have become more abundant. A few points: "If all rules are fixed, then the world we live in should also be constant. But ... look at this world."

"For example, all living things." Sol slowly said: "Actually, I have seen some interesting things in Odin. These are some ancient documents preserved by the Odin royal family, and the records of these documents are not We humans, but ... a race that has almost disappeared. A civilization that has become extinct. "

As soon as Charya was in his heart, he immediately guessed that Sol's words must refer to ...

"It's a jing." Saul glanced at Xia, and sighed: "Ancient jing once had a brilliant civilization, they have ruled this world, this world once had their time. And the one who saw it Those ancient documents are some of the cultural relics of the land preserved by later people. "

"what is that?"

Saul took a look at Charya and laughed: "The ancient jing civilizations are said to have passed the research. It is believed that all the creatures in this world are from the ocean ... All of our creatures, including human beings, Inside, all come from the ocean. "

"Another interesting statement. Our human ancestors were actually ... monkeys." When Saul said here, he couldn't help but smile: "At first I didn't believe this ridiculous statement, but ... The description of that document is very interesting. It is so interesting that even if I think it is nonsense. I can't help but keep watching. In the end, I changed from unbelief at the beginning to doubtful. "

"Humans have changed from monkeys." Xia smiled bitterly.

"I used to do something boring." Solhanigan slowly said: "I once observed a group of monkeys and found that their mode of survival really resembles humans ... there is a leader. A powerful leader There is the right to jiāo, the right to allocate resources. There are high and low classes, and they also live in gregariousness. All this is really like human beings. "

"and then?"

"Then I made a hypothesis." Solhanigan smiled. "If the guess of ancient jing is true. Then ... it illustrates one thing."


"Rules can be changed." Solhanigan said slowly.

He looked at Charya with a blank expression and continued: "If monkeys can become chéng people ... then we must first overturn a religious assumption that God created the world."

"I don't believe it anymore," Charlie said indifferently.

"Yes, I don't believe it," Solhanigan said lightly, "The so-called **** is just a more powerful existence. When you break through a certain realm, you have the power that mortals cannot understand-this is considered to be God. "

After a pause, he said again: "Return to what I just said—Since monkeys can become chéng people, then, it illustrates one thing. The claim that God created the world is not credible, and since there is no so-called 'creation theory' , Then the rules of this world are not made by anyone, but can be changed. "

"for example?"

"For example, there is only one moon in the sky." Solhanigan said lightly: "I used to fly to a very high sky ... high to an unimaginable height, the place started very, very cold, and then wore After a very, very thick airflow, I could n’t breathe in that place, and then ... I found that I was standing in a place without any air, everything seemed to be forbidden. I seemed to be standing in a **** chaos World, that darkness and nothingness ... and the moon I saw was not a beautiful one like a disk, but a dark, ugly giant sphere.

Charya's eyes widened.

"I can't go any further." Sor sighed. "In the **** chaos, everything is forbidden, and I can't use any power."

"So ... what about the sun?"

"Another big ball, with an almost endless source of power." Sol recalled: "I can't detect all of it."

After a pause, he continued: "Maybe, in that **** chaos, there are many, many such huge spheres, but they are too far away from us and the volume is too small, and we can't see it at all. And we The world of life is actually a sphere. At that time, it was stepped on my feet. "

Charya couldn't believe it.

Hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help asking: "So ... what do you think all the rules of our world mountain come from?"

"Maybe, just a coincidence." Solhanigan gave an answer that surprised Charlie.

……coincidence? Just a coincidence?

"It's a coincidence," Sol said indifferently. "Like the moon, if the **** chaos outside our world. If there is one more sphere like this, wouldn't it become two moons? Or ... if there is a day, I Suddenly I was upset, and flew into the **** chaos. I blasted it with one punch, wouldn't there be no moon? "

Charya was puzzled.

"Have you ever seen a bear?"

"... Of course." Charlie nodded.

"The Odin empire is in the north, a bitter cold place, and in the north of the Odin empire, it continues to the north. There is a full-body máosè full-white, thick-skinned bear, which is larger than the black bear in the south They are fierce. They will dig snow to survive. Most of the bears in the south are brown and black sè leather máo, living in the mountains and forests. "

Charlie seemed to understand the meaning of Solhanigan.

Sure enough, the Emperor Odin exhaled slowly. Continued: "Later I couldn't help thinking ... The reason why the white bears are white bears is probably because they live in the cold north. And the black bears are only because they live in the warm south."

Charya's eyes lit up: "The reason why the Odins are Odins is because you live in the north. Byzantines are byzantines only because they live in the south."

"These are not immutable." Saul said lightly: "Just like monkeys and humans. Perhaps our ancestors. In ancient and ancient times, for some special reasons, then gradually changed, little by little. Has become the current human being. "

"The reason we have always thought that these rules are naturally fixed. We have always thought that these rules are taken for granted ... just because we live in this world and live in this space." Solhanigan said to himself The answer: "Just want to understand this. Then at least in thinking, you have jumped out of that born trap."

Charlie seemed to be lost in thought.

The reason we think of rules is rules. Just because we happen to live in this world.

Maybe ... in other worlds, water doesn't flow from high to low.

Maybe ... in other worlds, fire is not hot.

Maybe ... in other worlds, a year does not have four seasons.

Maybe ... in other worlds, monkeys are intelligent creatures, humans are **** beasts, hahahaha!

"These ... is your understanding of the rules?" Charlie looked at Solhanigan.

Solhanigan gently folded off a branch around him, plucked off the leaves one by one as he walked, and finally selected the most intact green and tender, which was contained in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

He smiled and said, "Xia Ya, in your heart, what kind of concept is the strong, the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Change the rules of power." Xia thought for a while, brewed a few words, and then slowly answered: "The realm of the strong is to start to master the rules of this world, because once you master these rules, You can use these rules to use the power of this world for your own use. Just like a lever, if you master the rules of leverage, you can pry a force far beyond your own limits. To put it bluntly, this is actually a kind of cheating. Cheating after the rules, opportunistically borrowed some powers that are not their own. This is the huge gap between ordinary people and strong people. No matter how you cultivate and accumulate personal power, it is limited and small. "

"What about Yuanjing?"

"What is the metaverse ... After all the rules have been penetrated, you can see the essence of the world, the essence of power, and after mastering all the rules, you can thoroughly integrate the small world in your body and the large world outside. Together, at that time, power is power, and the power of the world can be used by yourself-this time it is no longer cheating. Because you not only master the rules, but also become a part of the rules and become Part of the world. "

Solhanigan's answer to Charya was just a slight sigh: "Are these thoughts your own thoughts?"

"... half and a half." Xia thought for a while, and suddenly laughed: "It's funny to say, I only remembered little by little in the past two years. A long time ago, my adoptive father, the old drunkard, was alive. From time to time, they often tell me these mysterious and mysterious things. "

"It's a vein of the holy city. It must have been such a realization of the rules of power." Solhanigan shook his head: "Your adoptive father is also a vein of the holy city ... so is your biological mother. You inherited their holy city It is not strange that Yimai's perception of the rules of power is just a pity ... if you only think so, then ... I am afraid that throughout your life, you can only break through to the realm of your mother and stop at the realm of Dayuan Now. "

Charlie's face moved slightly.

He took a deep breath and stooped towards Solhanigan, saying: "Please give pointers!"

Solhanigan looked at Charya: "Have you read a book?"

"..." Xia Ya froze, then smiled bitterly: "Although I am a rough man, I have at least read some books."

"The world we live in is a book." Saul said indifferently, "the rules of this world, everything in the world, is the story in the book."

"Well ~ ~ Of course, this book is very, very esoteric. Most people can't read this book throughout their lifetime, let alone understand it. The strong ones are few Few people can read this book roughly. "

This step is not difficult to understand.

Charlie nodded, indicating that she could understand.

"And Yuanjing Dacheng is the second step." Saul smiled and said, "Not only did he understand this book, but he thoroughly understood it. People in Yuanjing understand how this book was written, They will try to pick up their pens and write their own books. However, their understanding is also affected by the original book. Under this influence, even if they write a new book, It's just a copy of the original book ... maybe similar content, similar words ... "

"Similar rules!" Xia added immediately.

"... Yes." Saul gave Charya a deep look.

"Where's that above the realm?" Charlie blinked, asking closely.

"Above the metaverse." Saul took a deep breath, then spit it out, giving Charya a thoughtful look.

Then he said the answer.

"People above Yuanjing ... will suddenly understand one thing."

"What do you understand?"

"Why write a book? Then leave this book casually and do other things, maybe draw a picture, maybe make a sculpture, maybe cook a dish ... In short, the book or something , You can throw it aside. "

Charya stopped completely.

"You have a book in your heart, everyone has it." Saul looked at Charya's eyes and said word by word: "If one day you can throw it away completely and do other things without a heart ... that is It's time. "


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