
Chapter 573: [Viewing the world as a chessboard]

"Eat. //W.Qb.C0///Welcome to read //"

Xia Ya ripped a roasted wild ji half and handed it to Solhanigan. After Sol took it, he took a bite without looking.

"You ... aren't you afraid of me poisoning?" Charlie squinted.

"I don't think I can bring down my poison." Sol continued to bite Jirou's vague sigh. "Unfortunately, it would be nice if there was wine."

Charlie took a look at Sol Hannigan, and said lightly: "The Jing Ling clan has a toxin, which specializes in dealing with the strong, and it works well. Heist court has tried ... Saint Laurent ... my mother has also passed there A poison. "

Solhanigan put down jirou, looked at Xia, and shook his head: "I think you should not be the kind of person who carries poison with you-you have been with me since you came out of the holy city. Poison. "

Charlie sighed deliberately, looked at Solhanigan, and quietly waited for him to eat up all of the half-burned ji, and then laughed, his tone seemed calm: "You are right, I It wasn't poisoned—because I didn't take that thing with me. But ... "

Speaking of which, Xia deliberately paused, and whispered, "Before I did not wash my hands after spreading niào **** by the stream."

Saul listened, and he acted stiffly, staring at Charlie with wide eyes.

Xia thought that this guy would punch him in the next move-but I didn't expect that Solhanigan just glared at himself, turned his face, and continued to eat the remaining half of the wild ji. Clean.

"... You still eat?" Xia Ya could not help asking.

"Eat all the food, even if I throw it away immediately. I can't spit out what I eat-since what has happened, let him go." Solhanigan sucked one of the imageless Shun Jitui bone, finally lost it, and sighed again: "If only there was wine."

Charlie looked at the guy and sighed. The look in his eyes suddenly calmed down.

Huh! !!

Without any warning, Xia suddenly pulled out her fork and slashed at Solhanigan!

The crimson, murderous red flame flashed instantly, and the torch crossed a red arc in the air ...

But then, Solhanigan didn't turn back, as if he just probing his left hand casually, and clamped the **** with a pinch, he pinched the tip of the fire fork, and the crimson murderousness of the red sèn dissipated.

Charya sighed. Then simply chou directly back to the fire fork back and admit.

"It's too far," Solhanigan shook his head. "Your last stab at the top of the holy city was a little bit interesting, but now this attack is too far away."

Xia Ya thought for a moment, and said, "The one at that time. Now I can't find that feeling no matter what I think."

"Don't worry." Solhanigan said lightly: "Since you can already make such a blow, it means that you have realized the epiphany, but this epiphany is still a long way from being fully grasped. Not enough, since you have epiphany It means that you have already stepped over the mén threshold. I broke that thin layer of window paper. What you need to do next is to find a way to get that feeling again, and then slowly take that It feels like remembering it. Hold it. "

"How long will that take?"

"Who knows, maybe the next moment. Maybe a few years later." Solhanigan shook his head. "It depends on individual talent-of course, sometimes luck is also important."

Charya thought.

That night. Charya attacked Solhanigan a total of four times.

It's a pity that every time I don't get the feeling of being in the holy city.

At the beginning, Solhanigan was tolerant of Char's attacks. But after the fourth time, Solhanigan was finally impatient. He slaped Charya to the ground: "I don't mind your repeated defeats, but I always want to sleep. Today It's late! "

Then, with a flick of his fingers, a ray of anger stunned Xia.


The next day, the two continued on the road.

Traveling westward in this vast forest, Xia kept asking Solhannigan along the way, and then attacked him along the way.

When Sol was eating, when Sol was sleeping, when Sol was taking a bath—of course, Sol Hannigan was not completely tolerant. Even the top powers always did some comparisons, so when At this time, he would stun Xia first.

That's it for more than ten days.

The two walk and fight in the forest, one teaches and one learns. Sometimes they only walk so many miles a day, and sometimes they can run a few hundred miles with lame hands.

For more than ten days, I don't know how far in the woods.

The later, Charya's understanding of Solhanigan's strength became more and more shocking.

Solhanigan's understanding of power is well-deserved, the first person in the world, although Xia Ya can be regarded as a master before him: Merlin is a master of Xiaoyuanjing, and Sword Master Aslan also pointed Xia.

But compared with Solhanigan, Xia couldn't help but feel that the style of the Odin professor was really very temperamental to himself.

Sometimes they talk for a long time when they talk about it, sometimes they rise a little, they talk about hitting and then stop.

Sometimes when Solhanigan is patient, he will deliberately save his strength and only use the strength of the strong realm to lead you to Xia's shot, and he will ping-pong with him.

Sometimes his patience is bad, and he blazes Xia directly.

But Xia Ya had to admit that in the past ten days or so, his understanding of power had indeed taken it to the next level.

As for when we will reach the level of the stabbing in the holy city, I don't know-maybe, look forward to a certain epiphany someday.

As Solhanigan said, in fact, he has already reached the mén threshold, so don't worry too much.

Two people, one old and one young, walked for thirty-six days, and finally came out of the forest.

When he was out of the forest, he was regarded as the leader of hunluàn. Came to the border of the Byzantine Empire.

In the forest, the two did not encounter any attacks along the way—the legendary Jing Ling dwarf giants and the like did not dare to provoke these two evil stars—it is often between them. The movement caused by the study will scare away some of the closer aliens in the forest.

Out of the forest, Xia could not help but breathe out.

Although the vast forest is very beautiful-but the tree is the only tree to watch all day long. It's really boring when it's long.

After walking out of the woods, there was a flat wilderness, with small hills in the distance, and some small villages looming in the distance-just far away.

The two first found a small town, found a hotel, took a shower, changed their clothes, and then, after studying for so many days, Solhanigan was able to drink it-Charya finally showed this time The ability that Emperor Odin admired very much: his alcohol.

I have to say that the amount of wine that was cultivated by old alcoholics from an early age is indeed extraordinary.

Although Ru Gou talked about strength and realm, ten Char's tied together were not enough for Solhanigan to hit with one hand.

But if you fight for wine. Charlie can completely resist the Odin God King Chamber!

The premise is that the other party does not cheat with a power close to God.

Fortunately, Emperor Odin still disdain to do so.

So ... both guys were drunk that night. The two of them were spit up while holding the table in the pub. Finally, the angry boss lady drove them out with a broom.

The proprietress of that pub must not know that she had already walked away from the ghost mén before she knew it.

Which of these two monsters, one big and one small, will start drunkenness. One finger can pinch the whole tavern.

When Xia and Sol woke up, it was already the next morning, and they were lying beside a broken fence by the road in Zhenzikou.

"It's a pity that I changed my clean clothes last night." Xia Ya sighed as she looked at the pickled pimple.

Just now, a passing pedestrian glanced at Xia. Throwing a copper plate at will, he threw it in front of Xia.

Charlie seemed to be stuck, holding up the copper plate on the ground, seemingly unbelievable.

"Do I look like a beggar?" Charlie could not help yelling at Solhanigan. He knew that the Emperor must have woke up long ago.

"Do you care about this kind of thing?" Solhanigan answered strangely.

"Why don't you care? I'm actually treated as a beggar ... you too." Charlie looked at Solhanigan: "You are Emperor Odin!"

"It used to be," Solhanigan said lightly, "is it in this world ... if not in this world?"

Charlie stayed.

"I told you all, I want to throw away the book in my heart." Sol yawned. "But you can't jump out of this book every moment. So when can you throw it away completely?"

Xia Ya tasted these words silently, and Solhanigan had snatched the copper plate in Xia's hand. Ran to a small food shop on the side of the road, and exchanged a piece of noodles with this copper plate.

Looking at the most powerful man in the world, the former Emperor Odin, stood in front of himself in a dirty shirt, sulking his noodles with gusto—Xia Ya really had an absurd feeling.

"How can it be done?" He took a deep breath, and asked in an almost religious tone.

"It's simple ... you want to transcend the rules of this world, and first ignore everything in this world."

"Ignore ... everything?" Xia couldn't help but said, "Everything?"

"Everything." Solhannigan bit his face: "Everything, the world, the shackles of power ... everything is abandoned. I no longer treat myself as the emperor, and then I find I really no longer It's the Emperor. "

"Abandon everything, wouldn't it be no one at all?"

Sol raised his eyelids, as if looking at Charya in a weird way: "You want to reach the realm above Dayuan ... of course it can't be considered human."

When the two left the town, Xia was still silent.

Solhanigan seemed to be very interested. He looked at Xia, as if suddenly remembering something: "Yes, you heard that the Byzantine Empire is almost finished ... I saw it with my own eyes when I was in the capital. A coup. I remember that you are not weak in the north. Do n’t you plan to rise to create a new empire? "

Xia Ya froze and gave Odin the Emperor's glance: "You ... didn't you say to jump out of this world and disregard everything in this world? How do you think about this?"

"Because I have jumped out. So in my eyes, all this is just a chess game." Solhanigan looked at Charya as if looking at an idiot: "You have seen a chess player Or will people who watch chess put themselves and chessmen on the same level? "

Charya was speechless.

But he thought for a while and answered Sol's question: "What you said is easy ... not so easy. Central Oswego is still there, the emperor is still there. The Duke of Minas in the south is divided. The north There are still many local powers of the Governor's Warlord. Although my Northern Army is first-rate, the current situation is to affect the whole body and break this deadlock. It is not so easy. "

Solhannigan gave Charya a cold look: "Look, this is the shackles ... you mortals, you have all kinds of shackles on you all the time ... if you have been like this, what day Breakthrough. "

"The shackles ... you said lightly." Xia Ya said coldly: "You are the King of Odin, it is easy to break the game, I ..."

"But you are also strong." Emperor Odin sneered.

Xia Ya suddenly moved in his heart-yes, strong!

Saint Roland Garros is dead, and all the strong are defeated to Emperor Odin.

Well, that vow that "the strong do not fight with the world" has actually been broken!

Without the constraints of this oath, then it is entirely possible for him to use his power to participate in the empire hegemony ...

"But ... it's still not that easy." Xia Ya thought and thought: "No matter how important the individual martial arts stand out, an invincible commander can't really do everything ..."

"Too much anxiety has always been the performance of the weak." Solhanigan suddenly stopped.

He stretched out his feet and drew a small circle on the ground: "Here is your old nest in the north of Denzel." Then he drew a large circle next to it: "Here ~ ~ is Osgiri Asia. "

Finally he drew a straight line between the two circles, a straight straight line!

"If I were you, care about him so much, just follow this straight line and lead the soldiers all the way."

"No, don't worry about other issues? Grain and grass supply ... And if my army comes out of the nest, there are other warlords copying my back road, or sneaking into my old nest ... I have to break through the enemies around the north first, after that……"

"Stupid." Solhanigan glanced at Xia, and suddenly sighed: "Obviously, you are not a king."

"I wasn't originally." Charlie pouted.

"Don't worry about it so much, just take your most savvy army and fight all the way." Saul said lightly: "As long as you go all the way, you will defeat all the enemies that are in front of you, then other yin schemes will be complete Ignore it. When you pose a man to block the killer and block the spirit of killing God, and when you prove that you really have that strength ... Where can others dare to scratch your tiger's whiskers? Hmm ... sneaking into your old nest? Aren't they afraid of being destroyed by you afterwards? "

He said coldly, "If I were you, I took tens of thousands of Jing Rui troops all the way south, and whoever stopped me, I would extinguish them! Just let me rush to the imperial capital Oscar, and then take myself The flag of the city headed for a chā ... in this world, it is already half set! "

"You! How can you say so easily ?!" Xia couldn't help frowning: "This kind of thing is so frivolous, thousands of people will die at every turn, you ..."

"I'm relaxed, because in my eyes, this is just a chessboard, a game." Saul interrupted Charya coldly. (...)

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