
Chapter 63: [Pre-War Preparation]

Chapter 63 [Pre-War Preparations]

"Block! Left! Block! Right! Down! Block again! Watch your pace! Don't blindly back! Use your footsteps! Right! Come again!"

With Kevin's thick voice prompting, he held a wooden hammer in his hand and attacked Xia. Xia was also a wooden axe, but the axe was lengthened, about It's over a meter long.

Charlie got up and resisted the attack launched by Kevin. Kevin's attack speed was not too fast. Both of them had converged strength. Such a trial has been going on for several hours. The black hair had been wet with sweat and stuck to the forehead. Kevin was also panting, and his bare head was sweating with oil.

The two went back and forth, one attack and one defense, and the wooden weapon in his hand was handed over ten times. Finally, Kevin suddenly took a step, his body was slightly pressed down, and he sprinted and sprinted. On the thigh, then picked up and smashed the wooden axe in Charya's hand!

"Stop!" Kevin exhaled, motioning to Charya to pick up the axe. The bald man looked at Charya, flushing his face with flushing due to strenuous exercise, gasping for a while, and grinning bitterly: "Good, this time you Blocked me 27 times, I only hit you three times. "

There was a sound of whistle and whistling beside me. There were more than a dozen soldiers gathered on the sidelines, the most whistle blowing was the cunning Cato, he clapped his hands and laughed: "Good Charya! Good job!" Cato then faced The companions around him smiled and stretched out their hands: "Give money to money! Hurry up, don't let the account go!"

A bunch of relatives laughed and scolded out more or less copper and silver coins.

"Kevin, haven't you had breakfast! Playing softly! I've lost money again!"

"Xia, you **** is not a human! You must record the money I lost! Haha! Next time you start your army, you have to invite everyone to drink!"

This trial has been going on for three days.

During the last scout reconnaissance operation, Charlie showed strong fighting power, which made Kevin quite admired. The two lived in a tent again. When they had time to practice martial arts, Kevin discovered Charlie. A major flaw of this: When this guy fights, he completely relies on strong strength and super physical fitness to bully people, and when it comes to martial arts, he is simply-messy!

Of course, this mess does not mean that Xia ’s martial arts are too bad-on the contrary, his attacking methods are very powerful, especially when a set of "wood-cutting axe" is deployed, which cannot be resisted by Kevin's good strength. The move is simply weird and unpredictable. It is obviously an axe of slashing and killing, but Xia Ya casts a ghost! With Kevin having reached the strength of a middle-ranked samurai, Shaya's axe could not be blocked.

Even Xia Ya was stupid, but she also understood that the old man's set of "killing thousands of troops" is definitely a very powerful axe.

But compared to Char ’s attacking tricks, his defensive ability is simply terrible!

This is not to blame him, because the old guy did not teach his martial arts systematically at all when he was alive-the set of slaying Qianjun was still integrated into the daily chopping of wood, thorns, coals, and other debris. As for defense martial arts, Xia has never practiced at all!

In the past, when confronting the enemy, he relied on his strong physical fitness and the rapid response that he trained in fighting with the beasts in the mountains and forests. However, this is only limited to his instinctive reaction after all, but he has not learned systematically. Defensive moves.

He can only attack and not defend, so he can't survive on the battlefield for a long time-Kevin doesn't know that Xia has a super physique strengthened by dragon blood. However, even if the physical strength strengthened by dragon blood is not almighty, at least when you meet an opponent who will fight in the middle level, you can break Charya ’s physical defense!

Therefore, the short board of defensive skills has become the biggest flaw of Xia. When he meets an ordinary opponent, he can still deal with it. If he encounters a strong enemy, he will be in trouble. At least Charya knew very well that if she had encountered the Dark Night Forest last time, if it was not because of the magic crystal left by the old guy suddenly, she would have become a pile of dead bones on the wildfire.

Kevin enthusiastically began to teach Charya some basic combat skills, especially focusing on training Charya's defense tricks. When they are practicing each other, they do not need fighting spirit and real strength, they just practice the moves.

At the beginning, if Xia did not use that strange power, she would be shot down by Kevin a maximum of two or three times, and the vital part of her body would soon be hit. On the first day, Xia was taught a terrible lesson, and he was beaten up by Kevin. This made the two soldiers watching the other guards watching and laughing during the duel— —Because from beginning to end, it is almost a unilateral abuse of Xia.

鳖 The soil owl did not sleep nearly all night that night. In his mind, he repeatedly thought about the offensive tricks that Kevin played during the day and the defense skills he explained to himself. Until daybreak, after Kevin woke up, he saw the comrade sitting in the bed with red eyes in a daze.

The next day's trial, Xia has made great progress. Under Kevin's attack, he persisted for more than ten strokes before being hit. This situation immediately attracted other trained relatives. Everyone immediately scrambled to ask to serve as referees, and the rest made a bet on how long this rookie could persist under Kevin's offense.

Although being teased by everyone, Xia is very clear that these teases are well-meaning, full of the kind of ridicule between comrades-in-arms, and this is also a good signal: at least it means that he has started to be accepted by this group.

After the scouting operation returned, Kevin did not conceal the fact that Charlie had saved his life, and this straight-headed bald man also expressed his identity with Charlie, with Kay, who was quite prestigious in the Guard. With the help of Wen, Xia was quickly accepted by his relatives, and he was also very generous. Such a character is still very popular in the military environment.

The next day's trial, in the last round of trials, Charlie not only blocked Kevin's entire offense, but also hit Kevin once during the counterattack. Although not the key, for everyone, This is already amazing progress-everyone realizes that this kid really has a set!

The trial on the third day attracted more people, and even later, some of the more skilled guys in the relatives began to volunteer with Kevin to feed Charlie--in Cato's words, it was Go up and abuse this rookie for free.

"You are too nervous, you pay too much attention to the steps under your feet and forget the movements on your hands. You must turn these into your instincts. If you deliberately think about them, then you will inevitably slow down." Kevin is very serious about his experience.

"Okay, Kevin, you must have not defeated Char ’s weapon within the prescribed number of times, and became angry and shameful, hahahaha!" The tallest man next to him grinned broadly.

"Shalpa, shut up for Lao Tzu." Kevin cursed with a smile: "If you have the ability, you and Xia Bibi!"

"I? I don't do it! I don't have a hobby for brutal fighting." The strong man touched his chin-this guy is called Shalpa, and he is also a member of the pro-team force. Before Xia arrived, He was recognized as the first Hercules in the Guards, but the night before he had a fair wrestling with Charlie, and Charlie almost broke a few bones, so he was convinced ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ than strength, he seems to be a human being less than that monster.

Twenty-three days later, Xia and most of the relatives were familiar. There is naturally the credit of Kevin in this.


Although brute force cannot be used, Xia is still half-tired after the end of the daily trials. His sweat drenches his clothes, and the whole person seems to be taken out of the water.

I watched the soil go back to the tent, and Dodoro's heart was defamated: I hope he was beaten up with his bag. I thought so, but a respectful smile quickly greeted me: "Master Xia, you are back ..."

Xia Xia threw the wooden axe directly to Kevin. Although it was wooden, the huge axe almost knocked Dodoro down. He barely hugged the axe and followed Xia.

"Go to the water, I want to take a bath ... And, did the horse feed? I'll patrol tonight ... Don't forget to wipe my armor clean." Charlie threw herself on the bed, so tired I feel my bones are falling apart.

Totoro trot out with a low eyebrow, but his face immediately became uneven, grabbed a brush placed in the corner, and ran to remove a heavy set of light riding armor, carefully cleaning the dust on it , Then carefully apply lubricating grease to the joints of the armor. The poor magician was covered in oil and dust, with a gray face and a curly face, cursing his own unfair destiny.


[There is a third change at 12 o'clock tonight! !! In order to impact the weekly list of next week, everyone is welcome to prepare tickets to join the contest! There are essences to send.

In addition, these two chapters are a stepping stone, a necessary transition, and the exciting content will soon begin ~~]



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