
Chapter 64: [Rabbit Run]

[Three more completed, the new week is coming, please support for recommended tickets! 】

Chapter 64 [Rabbit Run]

It has been three days since the last scout reconnaissance mission returned. In the three days, the 13th Cavalry Regiment has intensified its combat preparations, and a large number of materials and equipment have been transported to the station. Just last night, a cavalry of a Banner Regiment had already been deployed Leaving the barracks, they conducted a power search north according to the battle plan.

The Chinese army's large account has become more and more busy. In the past three days, a banner group and a banner group's generals have been in and out of the large account, the combat meeting has been intensified, all tasks have been assigned, and the security of the station has also increased. To the highest level.

However, these have nothing to do with Xia for the time being. He is lying in bed, still thinking about today ’s trial experience, and at the same time grasping the rest time, a short one-hour rest time, must fully restore physical strength.

Although he hasn't really been on the battlefield yet, the brief confrontation with the icefield hunters in Odin that time in the woods has allowed Charia to taste the cruel side of war.

He likes to stay in this place, and loves the new friends around him, whether it is Kevin, Cato, or the burly strong man Shalpa, he likes them, these guys are bold and straightforward, to people It's very direct, especially once they are accepted by them, they will be treated sincerely-these atmospheres are absolutely not found in Wildfire Town.

In the eighteenth year of Xiaxia, apart from this short adventure in Wildfire, he has never really had any friends, so he cherishes this feeling now.

But he also knows that this is the army! The army is going to fight! War is cruel!

So, he must practice his skills well.

He has been desperately practicing martial arts during the day and actively applied for patrol missions at night in order to seize the opportunity to practice his equestrian. And each time Xia patrols, he will take the time to ask the cavalry who patrols together to teach the cavalry assassination skills.

He is very clear that one of the simplest skills in the future may be his life-saving reliance-this is not how smart he is, but the vigilance that he has trained in fighting in the mountains and beasts since childhood.

The one-hour rest period passed quickly. Poor Dodorotti brought water, but Charya had no time to take a bath. He jumped up quickly, put on a magician, wiped a new armor, and rushed out. Tent ... The magician spit on his back fiercely, throwing the brush to the ground, and lying on Charlie's bed.

Oh god, bless this earthworm, let him fall off the horse while patrolling ...

Pious prayer in the heart of the magician.


He joined the patrol in accordance with the order. Xia Ya followed the team out of the station gate, and saw a horse team coming slowly in the distance. The front cavalry was under the banner of the Imperial Army, and the queue was cleared.

什么 "Who?" Xia asked his companions.

"It's the guy of the Sixth Corps ... I heard that they will come over the past two days. Hey ... rookie, you're very lucky, you have just caught up to the battle!" A veteran cavalry next to him smiled.

马 The oncoming horse team quickly changed its formation, and long-distance played the banner of friendly forces. The patrol team immediately gave way and allowed the horse team to pass through the road. Charlie and the cavalry of the patrol watched the army passing by on the side of the road. The number of this horse was not large, only a dozen or so, while the middle cavalry in fine armor guarded a general riding a red horse. The appearance of the guy-the general has a large waist and a round waist. Although he is wearing a full set of golden armor, instead of being clever, he looks bloated.

"That's General Ruhr of the Sixth Corps." A patrol cavalry next to him told Xia.

General? Charlie immediately compared this guy with General Adrik, and then a hint of scorn was born in her heart. This guy looks more like a cook ...

"He was a chef." Another cavalry whispered: "General Ruhr is a member of the Minas family. He used to be a chef of the Duke of Minas, but he did not know how to be appreciated by the Duke of Minas. Promoted. Alas ... The Duke of Minas is also a well-known commander of the empire, and he will see such a guy in his life. "

Obviously, the cavalry of the 13th Regiment seemed to disdain this General Ruhr.

Actually ... of course they have reason to despise this Ruhr general.

的 The tradition of the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment is "Go forward, or die!" In the history of the Legion's warfare, this iron army has never retreated back once.

But this general Ruhr has a special record in the Byzantine Empire: the troops he commanded have always had the least loss and the most complete at the end of each war!

Because the General Ruhr seems to have a very special talent: he can always foresee or sense the imminent danger, and then ... lead the troops to withdraw quickly before the danger comes!

Attention, it is evacuation, not escape! Because this guy will never lead the team out of combat in violation of military orders, because then he will be punished by military law. What makes General Ruhr special is that he can always find a way to survive in the most dangerous situations, and withdraw safely from his men.

I was once in a war. At that time, General Ruhr was only the banner officer of a banner group, leading the army as a vanguard, because the enemy's sudden invasion and detours went directly to the rear and the assault attacked the main force behind. Ruhr's army was trapped in the enemy-occupied area.

As a result, His Excellency Ruhr showed his ability to admire all the Byzantine generals: he took 2,000 subordinates, surrounded by more than 40,000 enemy forces, and stumbled into the complex terrain. Found a gap and ran all the way out of the enemy occupied area!

Except for a few soldiers who sprained their feet as they ran away, he was intact! !!

If it is not a miracle, such a command can be regarded as a masterpiece of art!

General Jair was in the army for thirty years. He had never fought a tough battle, but his troops could always complete tasks such as side response or circuitous, etc. His troops moved forward quickly and backed up even more scary!

Moreover, he also set a convincing record among all the Byzantine generals: his army had once confronted the recognized first mammoth on the mainland, and the army of Hastings, the war **** of the Odin Empire, had faced off!

Hasting is recognized as the first general in the mainland and the proudest **** of war among the Odin empire! The Byzantine Empire always faced the Odin Empire's war with each other. However, in the face of Hastings' army, they always lost more or less, and even the 13th Cavalry Regiment of the Iron Army suffered great losses.

But this General Ruhr is different ...

About six years ago, the war broke out between the two countries. At that time Ruhr had just been promoted to general and commanded the strength of a regiment. Unfortunately, his army encountered the Hastings regiment on the battlefield.

He received a military order that he must hold Hasting's army for at least two days!

The general Ruhr began to send a man with a bold spirit to send a battle book to Hastings. The battle books were full of rhetoric. About Hastings was going to a frontal battle on the battlefield! Zhan writes very politely, and also shows that although he knows that he is not an opponent of Hastings, but ...

"Defend the dignity of the warriors and the glory of the imperial soldiers, our army will swear to fight a dead war and use blood to write the integrity of a Byzantine soldier!"

"I can fight with Your Excellency, even though I die!"

Alas—these are the original words of that war book! !!

Seeing such a knight-like opponent, Hasting was pleased in his heart, and he agreed to such a request with a heroic and heroic attitude. He also sent someone to write a highly respected war written reply.

As a result, when Hastings was ready for a decisive battle two days later, he led his troops to the camp of Ruhr, only to find that someone had already gone to camp!

It turned out that after receiving the written reply from Hastings, the General Ruhr left all the heavy materials and ordnance logistics that night ~ ~ and ran away with the horses all night.

I waited until Hastings was furious to lead people to kill, Ruhr's men and horses were already two hundred miles away ...

Although he lost all his ordnance and heavy weight, Ruhr did not get punished by the military because he successfully delayed Hastings for two days.

Hasting made an evaluation of this despicable opponent: Of all Byzantine generals, this Ruhr is the most despicable and cunning, he is just a fox ... no! The fox is bolder than him, he is just a rabbit! A rabbit running fast!

From then on, General Ruhr got a nickname-"Rabbit Run"!

Another interesting thing is ... The eloquent war book that Ruhr originally wrote to Hastings was torn into pieces by him when he found him, but later the Odin After calming down, the warrior re-adhesived the war books and kept them with him to remind himself that he should never be proud of encountering enemies in the future.

This practice spread, and also added a lot of fame to General Ruhr from the side.


Watching Ruhr's men and horses pass, after Charlie heard the glorious past of the rabbit general from the cavalry's mouth, unlike the cavalry, he looked at the horses in the distance without the slightest disdain, but instead revealed Come a little thoughtful and admired.

(This fat man is definitely not a simple coward ...)


[Three more complete! It's already a new week, so please recommend it! Friends who like this book, please leave your valuable recommendation tickets, let's put "hunting country" to the top of the list together! !! !! 】




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