
Chapter 94: 【Crossbone Cold】

Chapter 94 of the Hunting Country

Chapter 14 【Bone Through】

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him. Hang him. Burn him. No. Tie him up. I'll smash him to death. I'm going to hang his body on the gate of the city for crows to eat His eyes ... "

Bonfred's eyes are red. Muscles on the face. Roared angrily at Adrik and Ruhr in the tent. The handsome face of this jazz man is scary and scary. A pair of eyes stared round. Grunting panting. The flesh of her cheeks turned sideways. Clenched his fists. There were red marks left on his wrists. Anxiously walking back and forth in the tent like a crazy dog.

"That bastard. That despicable inferior man. The **** trying to murder me. I want to kill him. I want him to die ..."

Seeing Adrik's complexion getting more and more impatient. The scar on his face was shaking. Ruhr next to his heart screamed. This little white face roared like this again. Only a posthumous general dared to pull his sword and split this guy on the spot.

The fat man hurried up and hugged the runaway Bonfret. Laughing loudly: "Jazz. Sir Bonfrede. I still have to clarify the anger ..." "What else is wrong?" Bonfreder screamed like a frightened girl: "That bastard. He dared to tie me up and put him in the vault. He dared to push me alone to the battlefield. This was murder. He wanted to kill me ... "

Aric snorted heavily. He stood up. Hand pressed on the hilt of the waist. This action immediately made Bonfret startled and he took a few steps back. Refers to Adrik and shouts: "You. What do you want to do. Adrik. Don't forget your identity. You are a soldier of the empire. I. I am an observation envoy. You. Your people dare to treat me.

Adrik resisted the urge to swing a sword. Don't look at this little white face. Striding out of the tent.

Ruhr came up and looked at Bonfrett's shoulder with a horrified face. But look at the smile on Ruhr's face. He seemed to rejuvenate immediately: "General Ruhr. You have to testify to me. These thirteenth Corps guys. They want to assassinate me. These inferiors. These **** are killing me ..."

Ruhr's smile was kind. The smile made Bonfret feel relieved.

"Well. Honorable Bonfrede. I suggest you don't yell like that. After all. We are still stationed in the Thirteenth Regiment." Ruhr seemed to be very kind to remind then he lowered his voice: "You see. You have been treated with some disrespect-oh. Please don't stare in a hurry. Well. I admit that this treatment is a very disgraceful offense to any aristocracy.

but. There is always a good side to Renqing. What do you say? "

"Okay. Good side?" Bonfret was furious. "General Ruhr. Are you also teasing me?"

"Of course not." Ruhr shook the bag vigorously and then he laughed: "As far as I know. You did go to the battlefield and face Odin's Hastings alone." "I was bound." Bonfrey As soon as the ringing of yesterday, the scene of yesterday's shaking of legs and incontinence on the spot. It made him feel inexplicable. The scream screamed, "That guy wants to kill me."

"Wait. Don't worry." The fat man smiled with a good temper: "I understand the anger you were tied to the battlefield. But. Think about it. Others don't know you were tied up. And ... whatever How to say. The thing at hand is: Lord Sir Bonfret on the battlefield has faced Ostin ’s Hastings battle and Hastings is wounded. ”

"That guy isn't me." Bonfret's voice was much lower.

"But others don't know it. It's Odin who don't know." He grinned fatly and cunningly: "Look. On the battle. Weighing Hastings alone. This is a great glory. And. This The purpose of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is to get you to the front line. "

He looked at Bonfred. Squeeze the voice extremely low: "So. The one who has to contend with Hastings. It is Bonfrede. And ... Bonfredt. That said. Tens of thousands of soldiers can hear it with their own ears."

Bonfret was tempted.

"So. That guy can't be killed for the time being." Ruhr smiled: "At least. Wait for this military merit to really fall on your head. Before that. He can be considered a witness. Moreover, "It's just a small soldier. After the big picture has been set. How do I fix him? Are you afraid he's flying?"


When Ruhr stepped out of the tent. Adrik is talking to several vice generals outside. Watching the fat man come out. Adrik sneered: "Coax that kid?"

"Ha. He is indeed a kid. A spoiled kid." The fat man pouted: "But this child is beside His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Well, the person by the pillow. Just a few words of coaxing. It doesn't cost us anything. "

Adrik sneered.

The fat man sighed: "I know you guy is very proud. These things. Let me do it anyway. Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, this runaway rabbit. And this sell. Mom's sell rabbit. There is no

do not. "

Adrik took a deep look at the fat man. Suddenly he went up and patted the fat man's shoulder. True color: "You are an excellent soldier. General Ruhr."

Then he sighed, "My boy. That boy's situation is a little bad."

Ruhr grinned and inhaled. Rubbed the patted shoulder. Watching Adrik leave. He suddenly called out behind him, "Hey. Adri."


"You." The fat man paused. Suddenly caught up. He lowered his voice and said, "Don't think you can't come out. He's that kid."

There was a gleam of light in Adrik's eyes. Stark: "You know what?"

Fat sighed: ", words. We are not much different in age. Things back then. Although I have never been before. But I always have ears. I have heard of them."

"Then please keep it secret." Adri immediately interrupted Ruhr severely: "Knowing these things guys are about to die. I don't know exactly what you know. How much but. No matter how much you know . Please rot these things in your stomach. This is not my request. It is my advice. "


Charlie sat in her tent. Sherpa and Cato have just left. Kevin's body has been buried. Close friends of Kevin in the Guards all cried.

But Charya alone. He never fell at a glance. Even when Sherpa and Cato were not assured that this guy ran to see him. Charya's expression remained calm. The man howling as if mad at the camp gate today is not him at all.

Charlie was sitting on the bed. Hand holding a piece of sackcloth. Wiping his fire fork over and over again. He rubbed so absorbed. Not even Adrik came in. Until Adrick stood before Charlie. Xia Ya suddenly looked up.

"Sit down." Adrik held down Char's shoulder. Looking at the belt entangled with Xia, "How is the injury?"

Charlie smiled, "Can't die."

Tu Yan's smile is still as generous and bold as usual. Even in his eyes. No trace of sadness could be seen. Adrik sighed. Looked at the fire fork in Ya's hand. His look changed slightly. Then he turned his head. Turning his eyes elsewhere: "You."

"I'm okay. Will" Xia Ya took the initiative in a relaxed tone.

"Huh?" Adrik was a little surprised.

"I'm really okay." Xia's tone was serious: "This is war. War always kills people. I understand the truth-only this time fell on Kevin. And next time. Maybe It ’s my turn. Things always happen. So. "

His tone was too calm. Calm and almost indifferent. Adrick frowned, "Do you really think so?"

"Really." Charlie looked calmly: "Today when I saw Kevin's death. I felt very angry. I even wanted to rush out of the camp with a weapon. Go and kill all the Odins. But Now. I'm not angry. "

Having said that. Charlie smiled. His smile was relaxed and pleasant. But there was an unusual indifference in his eyes. Let Adrik be wary.

"My adoptive father once told me a word-well. Although the old guy is not a good thing ~ ~, some of his words still make sense. He said: to things that can't be helped. Sadness or anger or mania. These are cowardly acts. "Charya exhaled. Seems to spit out the depression in the chest. He squinted and smiled: "So. I'm not without anger. It's not without sorrow-it's just that I won't let myself do that. I. Choose to do it."

"Do? What do you do?" Adrik stared at Charlie a little differently.

Charlie frowned. His expression was serious. The answer in his mouth was: "Kill. Kill Odin. This is my plan. I will step by step until they kill them one day."


"I know it's difficult." Charlie teased and laughed: "Well. As for the Dingren. Although they are large in number. But. I kill a little today. Tomorrow a little. Slow to kill. Kill until I can't kill. So far. There is something to do. It's better than wasting time on the Seal of the Seal of God to sorrow. "

Kill a little today. A little tomorrow. Kill till you can't kill.

Adrik took a deep breath. He was struck by the almost indifferent indifference in Charya's tone.

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