
Chapter 95: [Hell task]

Chapter 95 of the Hunting Kingdom

Chapter 95 [See Ghost Affairs]

The Odin's disappearance is without warning.

It was almost within a day of the Seal of the Seal of God. The camp that was besieged outside was already empty. People in the past shouted. Those arrogant roars that never stop. That huge bonfire that can be lit at night. All disappeared.

Standing on the lookout. Watch the Odin army platoon leaving. Walking in the last Odin army. Those rude Odins. Even arrogantly jumping off horses and reindeer. Standing in the wilderness. Take off your pants in the direction of standing and pee. The arrogant growl shouted.

These scenes. Let the Byzantine soldiers behind the wall feel a deep humiliation.

But no matter how shameful. They can only be forced to face reality: this war. They lost.

To cope with Odin's entry this time. The Byzantine Empire sent five regular corps. This is already one of the regular forces of the Byzantine Empire.

but. The second ninth soldier was completely defeated by a beautiful roundabout raid by Hastings. Waiting for their fate can only be rebuilding. The meritorious iron army. The Thirteenth Corps lost more than half of their main combat power. Socia, the leader of a banner group, was killed. A flag group official was injured (Silver Butler.) Anyway. Take the example of troop loss. The Byzantines lost.

The most embarrassing thing is. The Thirteenth Regiment did not even have the opportunity to wield their mighty fighting power. They were first drawn north by Kokoran's forces. Then when the old nest was copied, he was forced to return. Strong fighting power. Time was spent on running back and forth. The soldiers' physical strength was not consumed in the battle against the enemy. But it was consumed by the marching back and forth ...

Whatever. No loss. This war was for the Byzantine Empire. The most important combat objective has been achieved: to defend the enemy from the country.

After all, the Austrians did not really set foot on the territorial war of the Byzantine Empire. Began in Wildfire. It also ends in Wildfire.

but. The initiative was in the hands of the Odins. They did not further expand the results. It's not that they can't but it seems ... think so.

Consumed the strength of the two and a half regiments of the Byzantines. Already enough for the Odins to go home with the singing of glory.

One of the episodes is different from what Charya had previously guessed. Hastings didn't occupy Wildfire Town at all!

From scratch. The commander-in-chief of the Austrian Army did not even assign a small team to go to Wildfire Town! It seemed that from the beginning he had no intention of driving the Third Corps to a dead end! Or. From the beginning. There was no plan to fight with the 13th soldier at all.

Knowing the news. Charlie was silent for a moment. Then laughed and cursed. There was no trace of discouragement.

He is Hastings. The best Odin people. What am I? Just a small soldier. It's no surprise that he can't guess his intention.


The Odin retreated for three days. The three-day-old scouts were scattered after a careful search. It was determined that Odin really returned. The news was that General Adrik was gloomy. But let the fat man Lu Chang take a breath.

Just as Adrik was angered by the humiliating defeat of the defeat. The fat man has joyfully ordered his troops to pack and salute and prepare to go home.

For Xia Ya, he experienced the end of the first war, although neither side of the war was his home country. However, this war has wiped heavily on the life track of Tu Yuan. He became the first friend of his life in this war. Then I lost my first friend. Because of combat bravery and outstanding performance, Adrik has promoted Xia as a captain-this is the highest rank of junior officers in the Byzantine monarchy. According to the establishment of the Byzantine Cavalry. Ten people form a team. The five teams are one ride. Ten cavalry is a battalion. Five camps are one flag. Five flags are a regiment.

Charlie is a captain. Already a junior officer who could lead fifty cavalry-in fact. For most of the civilians of the Teijin. This step. It is already the highest limit that life can reach.

No one questioned the appointment. After all, Charya's performance on the battlefield is obvious to all. Whether it's the courageous courage that you show when you stay. Still on the battlefield hurt Hasting's sturdy. The thirteenth regiment of the Metropolis admired everyone-especially the troops who eventually took two hundred miscellaneous cavalry out of the city and rushed into the enemy group to meet the back of the palace. Show fearless courage. Even more frustrating.

Adek was extremely appreciative of Charlie. Raised captain for Charlie. It wasn't delegating him to the combat forces below. It's ... a pro barracks!

Take the special position of the pro barracks. Each guard can have a dedicated obedience. Then count it down. Fifty cavalry led by Xia Ya. Also added are fifty concubines. And most of the followers also have certain combat capabilities. So the people under his hands reached a hundred! Fighting power doubled!

Uh ... of course. If every concubine is like Dodoro. I am afraid that the combat effectiveness will not only be doubled. I'm afraid it will be reduced because of a bunch of rice straw bales ...

As commander of a corps. Adrik guards the establishment of a battalion. The highest rank in the guard camp is the captain of the guard-but Xia is suspicious. As if since he came to the Thirteenth Corps. Adrik's position as guard was always vacant.

Once upon a time. Both bald male Kevin played the role of guard. Performs the duties of the head guard. But bald guy Kevin. It is just a long ride.

Xia quietly asked the others in the guard camp. But now everyone else has avoided talking about the topic. Occasionally, he was asked a lot. Only to smile bitterly. Whispered to tell him: This is a taboo in the guard camp. General Adrik ordered that no one talk about this topic.

A name that I heard several times passed into Char's ear again:

Via ... the word is said. Is the former head of the guard camp. But this person. What are you doing there now? Ya didn't know.

Once Shalpa drank too much and said casually: It is said that Via is a very powerful guy. He is in the entire Thirteen Corps. The only strong man who dared to slap the table with General Adrik.

In the Thirteen Corps. Dare to slap a table and stare at General Adrik? This statement made Charya very skeptical. As Charya knows. Almost any order from the thirteenth regiment to General Adrik was unconditionally obeyed. Adrik's prestige in this army could not be increased-let's say it. Even if there is a big fire pit ahead. Pointing at Adrik

A "jump"! Then tens of thousands of soldiers in the 13th Corps will jump forward without even using their body to fill the pit!

Even the thirteenth corps was acquiesced by General Soderia to General Adrik. It was also a little respect for Adrik, a little captain. How dare you scold the general? !!


Remaining repaired for a few days, the Seal of the Throne. General Adrik met with Charlie several times during this period. Charya's great credit this time has made it clear that there must be a credit for Charya in the military newspaper. As for rewards. Only after the final decision above.

But there is one: single Hastings on the battlefield and hurt them-this credit. It didn't fall on Charlie's head. after all. By name. At that time, Hastings was "Master of the First Class Jazz Bonfred".

Charya has no interest in this credit. Accepted this seemingly unfair decision very easily.

Use the words behind the soil: accept this credit. It's the same as Hastings! Where is this credit? It is clearly a **** pot. Whoever carries who died!

However, several of Shaya's requests Derek readily agreed. Including the transfer of Shalpa and Cato to the ride where Charlie is. Sherpa was originally the position of deputy captain. This brave big man came over to give the deputy to Xia Adam. As for Cato ... his arrival. Let everyone know that the fifty cavalry who had originally been transferred to His Majesty were happy. After the arrival of the smugglers in the army, Shaya the rider. Want to do something like contraband. Naturally it is much more convenient.

Charya had another request. That is, a person named Soyte LleaTeR was transferred to his own name as the second obedient. Although Xia Ya is just a small rider. Having two puppets is never overstatement. Contrary to the custom in the army. But Adrik still approved without hesitation.

because. This is called Souter's home. It is the obedience of Kevin Bald. After Kevin died. Soyt should have been discharged home. Or enter the auxiliary barracks to work as craftsman or groom. But Xia deliberately brought this person into his own hands.

Soyt is a groom. Will do some simple blacksmith work. It is a man with a wooden clog and Kong Wu. Can ride horses. Not too weak. Even learned a little cavalry combat skills taught in the army. It's a pity that he was a bit sluggish by nature. Whatever you say or do. It's half a beat slower than others. So I can't go any further in my post.

The response is slower. The thought is: If everyone listens to a joke together. The joke is over. Everyone laughed. Soyatt's complexion remained calm. And after a long time. Everyone else started talking about other topics. This guy suddenly laughed. The same ... if you punch him. He will also look at you indifferently. And then for half an hour. Then he suddenly screams and hurts.

And one of the important reasons why Ya got him under him was Soyet. Is Kevin's hometown.

The arrival of Soyt. Dodoro was a little excited. The noble magician thought with joy. Finally, he can get rid of the humble career of slavery. This new guy looks stupid. Take your own smart head. Don't you just turn this guy around?

But soon. The magician himself is tragedy ...

Soyt works hard and honestly. The same job. He can scrub the horse clean. Whether it's a horseshoe or a patched armor weapon. He can do the job. And it's fast and good.

As the saying goes. Not afraid of not knowing the goods. I'm afraid of comparing goods.

Dodoro was originally under Charlie's men. Although the work is a little slower, a bit rough, a bit lazy, and eat a bit more. But Xia Yajue was still sober. But after Soyet came. Such a comparison. The magician's extra waste is obvious ... As a result, the poor Dodo Luo-Tian has to be scolded by the soil lord because of his inefficient work.

On the third day. Soit took the initiative to find Dodoro. And he made a suggestion: "Divide me one-third of your wages. I can do things intentionally slower later."

Totoro's indignation is inexplicable! !! He whispered it but thought about it. Compare this guy's expression of loyalty to old solid wood. Look at your treacherous appearance ... Think about it with your heels. Can guess where others will believe!

Unwilling to contribute one third of his wages. The magician was sad.

"Damn! Who the **** is that !!!"


After a few days of trimming. The new Captain Xia Leiming was called to General Adrik's account. Accepted a mission. Send a detailed military report to the theater military.

At the same time, it is active in combat. An empire "eagle medal" that Xia will live. After returning to the theater military. He can also personally honor the commander in chief of the theater. and. You can also receive a generous bounty.

This is a good job and makes no danger. You can get both fame and fortune.

But beyond this task. There is an additional small task.

Xia will go south with his fifteen pro cavalry. They will **** a noble adult back along the way. Just return him to the theater military headquarters to complete the task. And this escorted baby guy ~ ~ is ...

It was this time on the battlefield. To single out Odin Valkyrie Hastings. And the new empires who hit hard with their own power. Noble Empire First Class Jazz. Lord Bonfret ...

Hear this command. Xia stopped completely.

He stared at General Dirk carefully. From each other's serious expression. Determined that the General was not kidding.

But ... let me **** Bonfer's little white face?

Is there anything wrong? The entire 13th Corps went up and down. Who doesn't know that I got big with that little white-faced beam!

Hesitated for a long time. Charya faced. With a wry smile: "That ... General. I dare ask. You ... um. You ..."

"Fart fast!" Adrik cursed with a smile.

"Hmm ... are you sure. Are you really suggesting that ... take the opportunity to kill that old boy?"


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