
Chapter 96: [Back to Wildfire Town]

As we ushered in a rare warm day in winter, the horseshoes trampled dry and firm. The warmth in the sun was lazy, and the surface of the armor showed a little warmth. The cavalry rode on the horse and enjoyed this rare Cozy time

As if, the atmosphere of war, the terrible killing that had been alive and death not long ago, was far away from them.

Charya was at the end of the queue. He was reluctant to follow the team, Cato was riding beside him, and the smuggler didn't know where to make a trick and made a bottle of ale. Here, in a small bottle, dozens of cavalry took turns taking a sip of wine into the stomach pouch, and the warm sunlight made the whole person bake from the inside to the outside.

When the bottle was in Charia's hand, there was only one last sip. He hesitated, and passed the bottle to Cato with a smile. Cato didn't shirk. He raised his neck and groaned and drank it. Mouth, with a glance at the front of the team: "You plan this way, ignore the guy?"

Charlie rolled her eyes and then shook her head: "Forget it, the general said, be kind to him. If he doesn't come to mess with me, I won't bother him."

There is a carriage in front of the queue. The carriage is not expensive. After all, just after a war, only a big cart for grain transportation was found in the barracks. After a simple modification, it became a Bonfredt's car. However, the jazz, who always enjoyed it, accepted it without saying a word. He jumped onto the carriage with the same degree of escape and hurried out, as if he didn't want to stay in the station of the 13th Corps for a second.

The jazz man put on luxurious clothes, and the gorgeous but fragile armor, even his attendants from the Imperial City raised their heads proudly again, all the way up. Gasp. Sir Bonfret has never been down since he got on the carriage, and he never showed up even when he stopped to rest on the way.

Charlie and Cato conjectured: Does this guy who sells even have to pee him into the carriage?

During this trip, Shalpa was accompanied by a brave man with an unhealed layer. In the last battle, he followed the two hundred cavalrymen in Cheyana to the city and was once again glorious. The medical officer in the army said that his injury could not be achieved within a month. Riding a horse ... Poor Shalpa was dismounted in the chaos and was shaved by the axe of the Odin ...

Fifty guard cavalry aboard ten obedience. Make up for a hundred-person horse team. Bonfret and his followers escorted slowly for a day. In the evening I came to Wildfire Town. They will rest here for a night before hurrying.

Returning to the wild soil town of Yehuozhen for a while was very emotional. The last time he left here was besieged by dozens of Empire Land soldiers. When running away. He even knocked the gate out of a big hole.

This time back. The Shing Mun cave was clearly made up. Before the war. Although Hastings did not really come to attack Wildfire Town, the town's garrison was panicked for a while. When the city gate was reinforced. Xia saw a large amount of wood piled up at the gate of the city.

The empire soldiers guarding the gates apparently relaxed many Buddha wars once they ended. These Byzantines can't wait to get home and plan to go home to those patrolling soldiers in the fire town lazily.

The streets remain deserted. Most of the shops never opened. But the tavern business is getting better again. Some mercenary warriors or adventurers dressed in different places also began to appear. It is said that these guys were threatened in Wildfire Town. Once volunteered to help defend the city. Although later did not really fight. But such a goodwill move won the trust of the garrison.

All in all. Wildfire Town is recovering. Wait for some days. After the Byzantines retreated. It will be restored to anarchic freedom again.

The largest building in the town is the mayor's house of Yehuo Town, but it is actually just a slightly larger yard and two rows of houses. Two two-story high posts are erected in front of the door. Now it is temporarily occupied by the Byzantine army and has become the garrison.

Bonfret and his party went directly to the garrison house, but Charya didn't want to live there. The garrison general here didn't have much friendship with him. Instead of fraternity, I'm afraid there were some of them. When it came to himself, he also fought a few whip for this defending general. That bald man ...

Sia sighed and ordered herself to stop thinking about it that way.

Xia sent people to the guard house to register, and took a group of brothers directly to the pub opened by Sofia's husband.

Totoro was mysteriously leading a group of puppets and ran out-the mind of the magician is not a secret. He took a new group of puppets to find a place from the brothers! All those gangsters who bullied him at the time, those robbed assholes, have to

Dare to bully the noble Lord Totoro and pay ...

As soon as I walked into the tavern, I saw one eye standing behind the counter, still holding a dirty cloth to wipe the wine glass, Charya's face involuntarily smiled and greeted her first.

One-eyed saw Xia wearing a soft armor of the Byzantine Empire cavalry, began to be a little confused, and then a smile appeared on his face, still showing a yellow tooth, grinning and shouting: "Hey, who's here! This is not our little 鳖Well! Now he is a Byzantine officer! "

Charlie sat at the bar, patted the table, and laughed out loud: "One-eyed, you guy, don't think that you can fool with two good words. Last time I saved a bottle of good wine with you, are you Already drunk. "

After that, he slammed the table hard: "Brothers, find a place to sit by yourself. Here are some of the best ale in Wildfire Town. One-eyed old guy, give them ten barrels first. I will pay the bill! Ah, there is today. Everyone, I invite everyone for a drink! "

This last sentence made the drinkers in the restaurant laugh. These guys are indigenous people in Wildfire Town, and many Charya know them.

Xia Ya touched his pocket. At the beginning, there were still many gold coins left by Qi and Poor Worm. Although he was a native, he was also magnanimous when he had money. For such a scene of spending large sums of money, he did not know about dreaming How many times have I had a rare look today, and my heart is dark.

The cavalry are happy, anyway, it is not a war, the task of this trip is also simple, and the leader invites guests to drink. Where is the reason for rejection?

Within a short time, the throne of God Seal, the tavern was boiling, several large wooden barrels were removed, and the cavalry grabbed a cup and sipped. There were a lot of alcoholic people sitting in the tavern, and Charlie greeted each other. In addition to some old acquaintances, she also saw a few strange faces, probably adventurers who have only recently arrived.

Chatting casually, but hearing the conversation of several adventurers at a table, caught Charya's attention.

"It's a real **** now! I've seen the Odins in Wildfire, the Byzantines, the Landis, and the Freedom Leaders. Even dwarves have appeared a few days ago, but now I didn't expect even Goblin to form a caravan to run a business ... "

"Yeah, what can those things sell? Is it human flesh? Hahahaha ..."

Xia immediately noticed, he gathered together, put the wine glass on the other party's table, lifted it, squeezed out a position, and laughed: "What interesting thing did you say? Is there a goblin in our wildfire town? Anymore? "

He was surprised in his heart. Within a hundred miles, the only goblin was the Oaks in his own house. Could this Mrs. Princess not take good care of the house, but ran to Yehuo Town to confuse her?

Both adventurers wore leather armor and weapons, and looked sturdy. They looked at Xia and looked at the appearance of his officer and smiled politely. One of them said loudly: "Isn't it? The news came two days ago that Hastings retired and the town opened the city gate. But guess what? The first caravan that came was actually a goblin! Is it strange that you say? A dozen humans with seven or eight The big car was installed slowly and rigorously, without knowing what it was.

The accompanying goblins actually had more than a dozen goblins. Those green-skinned guys barked and wore ragged copper and iron, and the knives in their hands were rusted. I do n’t know if they dug from any grave from. "

A dozen goblins?

That being said ~ ~ is not Oaks.

Charya lost interest and he didn't care about these things. But I heard another adventurer continue: "There are even more exotic ones. Those goblins ran into the town, and they collided with a few mercenary students that day. Originally, those goblins were thin, everyone was waiting to see Joke, it turns out that the leading goblin is really powerful. A middle-level samurai was chopped on the ground with a few axes! It's alive, I've never seen it in my life, I haven't even heard of it. Where's the goblin. "

Charlie is interested ... can goblins be so powerful?

"Well, the most funny thing is that I heard that the goblin head seemed to have a bad temper. When he came in, he asked people if he had seen a beautiful goblin. He also said, and said ..." This guy After resisting the urge to laugh wildly, he finally laughed out loud: "Also said, his wife was lost, he came out to find his wife, do you say funny or not? Hahahahahaha ..."

(Six more! Six more in 24 hours, really tired out ...

Looking forward to your monthly pass! At this kind of moment, don't slap the monthly pass in your hand, just smash it up when you have it 俺 smashed all my strength! !!

To be continued, such as

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