Once seated, it's time to order.

The waiter can certainly tell who is the master and who is the guest between Horitake and Tanjiro.

So she very brightly handed the menu to Horidaku, and then handed another copy of the same menu to Tanjiro:

"Two guests, this is the menu, please look at it."

Horitake flipped through the menu familiarly.

Tanjiro had never experienced this kind of battle before, and opened the menu a little nervously.

After turning the menu, Tanjiro regretted it.

This menu is also too exquisite, right?

Not only are the dishes vividly drawn on each page, but the details of these dishes are also noted under the screen of these dishes.

Details include the name of the dish, the price, the approximate method of preparation, the source, and even the source.

Tanjiro feels that this is not a menu, but an encyclopedia of a certain cuisine.

Flipping through it casually, Tanjiro found something even more stressful.

On this menu, the price of each dish is quite high.

Ordering one or two on this menu is equivalent to the price of a good meal in an ordinary restaurant outside, and the consumption standards here are too high!

Although he knew that it was Horigaku's seniors who invited him, seeing such a high consumption standard, Tanjiro still felt a pain in his flesh.

What does this menu make him order? He couldn't order.

So Tanjiro smiled bitterly and said to Horigaku:

"Senior Horigaku, I really don't know how to order, it's up to you, I'll listen to you."

Apparently Tanjiro was a little timid.

Seeing this, Horitake did not embarrass him, so he nodded, opened the menu to the waiter, pointed to this and that place on the menu

, and kept saying: "Since your house is a sukiyaki restaurant, it must be mainly to eat sukiyaki."

Well, let's start with a large portion of sukiyaki.

Don't see that there are only two or three of us, but we eat a lot of food, and we can definitely eat a large portion of sukiyaki.

The specifications in Sukiyaki should also be the best, and the variety of dishes should be the largest.

Especially the beef in this is the best quality beef for me.

One plate is definitely not enough, first serve two plates of moisturizing pot, and then come two plates to solve the gluttony, and then we will talk about it later.

In addition to Sukiyaki ....

Well, I see that your tempura is also okay, so let's fry a few as you like and use it as a side dish.

Are there mackerel at this time? If there are two, the kind that should be charcoal-grilled, try to maintain the original taste of mackerel, so that it is delicious.

Seafood words... I still like shellfish.

So here it is, try your wine-steamed clams.

The shrimp in the seafood is also good, so let's have another dish of your braised red shrimp.

Oh, I didn't expect there to be a burning bird.

You have a lot of tricks in your store.

Since there are roast birds that cannot be eaten, then there are two skewers of various roasted birds.

As for drinks....

This little brother of mine is not yet an adult, and drinking is obviously not suitable, so give him a glass of juice.

After eating, we still have to meet important people, so I don't drink anymore, let's have a cup of oolong tea.

By the way, juice and oolong tea should be chilled.

That's it, that's it! Horitake

nodded a lot, listening to the Tanjiro sitting in front of him breaking out in a cold sweat, is it really okay to order so much?

Listening to Horidaku spilling the dishes, the more Horitake ordered, the bigger the waiter's smile, and at the end, the waiter's face was already smiling.

After Horitake finished ordering, the waiter quickly took the menu, smiled very respectfully, and said:

"Okay, okay, I've written it all down, please wait a moment."

After that, the waiter withdrew, and closed the door of the private room when he exited.

After the waiter left, Tanjiro couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on his head:

"Horigaku-senpai, is it really okay to order so much?"

"It's okay, it's okay.

To do our business, we must eat and drink well, and consume enough energy, so that we can work harder to kill ghosts, so that we have a foundation for strengthening our strength.

What's more, Tanjiro, you rarely come to Tokyo once, of course, let you eat something good.

"But... This is also too expensive.

"Say what? There is no breaking between us.

You've just joined the Ghost Slayer Squad and haven't saved much on your salary.

But I've been in the Ghost Slayer for a long time, and I'm still a pillar, and I've saved quite a bit of my salary.

Money is such a thing, if it is not spent, it is a pile of waste paper, it is useless, and money can only be called money if it is spent!

Tanjiro, you don't have to feel sorry for me, just eat a good meal! "

What else can Tanjiro say? I could only accept it with a wry smile.

The efficiency of the serving of this restaurant was not bad, and it didn't take long to start serving.

The first to go, of course, is Sukiyaki.

The first thing that came was a flat-bottomed iron pot with a fire burning underneath the iron pot, and along with this iron pot came a variety of vegetables and meats from the suki pot.

The other dishes were fine, but Suki Nabe needed the help of waiters at first.

It was still the waiter at the beginning, but I saw this waiter smooth the hem of the kimono, kneel respectfully at the table, and help Horitake and Tanjiro make sukiyaki.

First, a layer of prepared sukiyaki sauce is poured over a hot iron pan.

As soon as it was poured, the sauce in this iron pot boiled due to the high temperature.

The waiter rolled up his sleeves, picked up fresh beef with clean chopsticks, put the beef in an iron pot, and cooked it in a special sauce.

Because the beef is very fresh and cut very thin and tender, the beef changes color immediately when it enters the pot and cooks quickly.

But this is just the beginning, and it is not time to eat.

Two whole plates of fresh beef are put into the pot, and as the waiter gently stirs with chopsticks, a large amount of beef changes color and cooks.

The waiter dials the cooked beef to a corner of the pot.

At this time, the pot was already fragrant, and the air was full of the delicious smell of beef.

This is because the two plates of beef have been moistened, so that the juice in this iron pot is filled with the umami of beef.

The next step is to put the dishes.

The waiter picks up greens, tofu, mushrooms, chicken meatballs, etc. in turn, and puts these dishes into the suki pot.

It is worth mentioning that these dishes in turn occupy part of the corner of the suki pot, and together with the beef that has already been cooked in the sushi pot, these things fill the entire suki pot.

When all the dishes are done, pour enough soup sauce over the pot.

Finally, the Suki-bu pot is covered with a wooden lid and simmered over low heat.

After doing all this, the waiter got up and bowed again:

"It takes about three or four minutes to simmer before you can eat."

After speaking, the waiter respectfully withdrew.

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