Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 105-Conditional Deal with the Silver Dragon King

Yun Hao knew that Gu Yuena must be testing herself, and this question was also testing herself.

He showed an imperceptible smile and said:

"This is what I was born with. I suddenly awakened the day I was awakened from the spirit of martial arts."

"I named it the Golden Dragon Wing, which can take me to the sky and make me feel comfortable and at ease."

"Is that so?" Gu Yuena walked to Yun Hao, poking out her head and carefully studying his facial expressions, "I...think..."

It feels very uncomfortable to be watched so all the time, those eyes that seem to be able to see through people's hearts, like a poisonous thorn swaying in front of them.

"I think you shouldn't lie to me. From your eyes, I see sincerity."


He sighed inwardly.

Fortunately, I still behaved very sincerely, at least not pretending to hide myself.

"Master, do you want to kill this person?" The Titan Great Ape suddenly asked.

Yun Hao really wanted to give him a roll of eyes to experience it, he was not friendly at all.

No one said anything, what's so arrogant about you?

Gu Yuena stroked her long silver hair and smiled:

"He has the breath of the Dragon God on his body, and he cannot be killed for the time being. I want to figure out why you have the breath of the Dragon God?"

The Titan Great Ape said in surprise:

"He has the breath of Lord Dragon God, how is this possible?"

Gu Yuena said very confidently:

"My feeling can't be wrong, the problem lies in the golden dragon wing, I have to study it carefully..."

The Titan Great Ape and Gu Yuena began to chat endlessly. They kept talking about the Dragon God and Dragon God, and Yun Hao was left to suffer the pain of being ignored.

But he still couldn't help asking:

"What Dragon God are you talking about? What Dragon God breath is in me?"

Of course Yun Hao knew what Dragon God was, but he pretended not to know anything.

The Dragon God is the god of all soul beasts. There was a battle of Haojie in the God Realm. After the Dragon God was expelled from the God Realm, he split into the Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King to avoid being chased by the God Realm, and hid in the Star Dou Great Forest. .

The Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King possess some of the power of the Dragon God, but without the consciousness and memory of the Dragon God, Gu Yuena in front of them is the Silver Dragon King.

The dragon god also has nine sons, the golden dragon king, the mountain dragon king, the emerald dragon king, the sacred dragon king, the fire dragon king, the ice dragon king [water dragon king], the wind dragon king, the earth dragon king, and the star dragon king. With the fall of the dragon god, they split into golden dragons. The whereabouts of the king and the silver dragon king and the nine dragons are unknown. Except for the fire dragon king and the water dragon king, which fell into the sunset forest and turned into one of the three major cornucopias, the other dragons are missing.

Yun Hao knows this for the first time, but the others are not known, because the original work has not explained it at all.

Gu Yuena said coldly:

"Maybe you have the blood of the Dragon God on your body, otherwise, how could you have the Golden Dragon Wing that contains the breath of the Dragon God?"

The Titan Great Ape echoed:

"What the Lord said is reasonable, otherwise he won't let him live to the present."

This Titan Great Ape’s brain is showing up, can you speak well?

Yun Hao said he was unable to complain about him, mainly in the mood to accompany him to waste his precious time.

But isn't the Dragon God bloodline they are talking about nonsense?

Lao Tzu's Golden Dragon Wings are obtained from the system. What shit is your dragon god?

And how come I have the blood of the Dragon God, this is simply nonsense.

"That, actually..." In order not to kill time here, Yun Hao still boldly said: "Actually, I still have something urgent to deal with. Can you let me leave here first?"


Gu Yuena and the Titan Great Ape said in unison.

It looks like eating people, as for?

"No, I'm really in a hurry, can't I come back to you after I've handled it?" Yun Hao insisted.

"Who knows that you won't be able to come back after leaving, I don't have any spare time to catch you all over the world!" Gu Yuena said disdainfully.

"But the point is that I really don't know any Dragon God, and I don't have any Dragon God bloodline."

"But if you don't have the blood of the Dragon God, I can't let you go, and even kill you?" Gu Yuena said teasingly.


"The Lord said it is reasonable!" Titan Great Ape also hurriedly followed.

Yun Hao really gave him a fierce look this time, and then quickly recovered his emotions.

I must find a way quickly, I can’t stay here all the time...


Yun Hao immediately said:

"Unless you kill me, I must leave here!"

"Anyway, if you want to inquire about Dragon God through me, you must accept my terms, otherwise I won't have any cooperation even if I die today."

Sometimes playing lai is also a strategy. How can the other party want to be alive so that he can kill him?

Since you want to find information about Dragon God, then you have to exchange terms with me.

Feeling the threat, Gu Yuena immediately became unhappy:

"You are threatening me, so you are not afraid that I will kill you now?"

"You don't need to do it. I can't leave anyway. It's a big deal, but you have lost a great opportunity to find the trace of the Dragon God."

Standing in a position that the other party does not know, grasping the psychological motives, and then achieving your own goals through psychological games, this is a heart attack!

The art of attacking the heart is created by the great strategy master Gui Guzi. He can detect the opponent's motives through details, find the entry point through motives, and hit the weakest place of the opponent directly to reach the highest state of thinking, insight, and psychological game!

Here the silver dragon king Gu Yuena instinctively has a huge interest in the dragon god, because she is the division of the dragon god, that is the source of her power, where the heart lies, and the subconscious mind will be very concerned about the dragon god, see When it comes to things related to the Dragon God, you will definitely figure it out.

Mastering Gu Yuena's motives, weave a giant net of the soul according to this track, trapping her heart, when she is in trouble.

It can be said that Yun Hao is also fighting with himself, it is hard to say whether he will succeed or fail.

But soon there was an answer. Gu Yuena did not regenerate energy, but said euphemistically:

"You can leave here, but... I want to go with you, how about?"


"You want... you want to be with me?"

It is not just that Yun Hao is unclear, but the Titan Great Ape is even more astonished.

Gu Yuena said coldly:

"It's rare and weird. This was originally part of my plan, but if you lead the way, it will be more convenient for me to act. If you want to leave here, this is the condition I proposed."

Before Yun Hao could answer, she continued:

"You are in my hands now, in my territory, so I can only make the conditions, you can only choose to accept or reject, but there is only one result, you are imprisoned here for life until you help me explore the mystery of the Dragon God or .....dead!"

Why is there a feeling of deja vu in such a situation? It seems that he has threatened Dugu Bo like this.

This is really a causal cycle!

In the end, he still has to experience such a thing himself, and Yun Hao expressed his exhaustion.

"How about, do you have the answer in your mind?"

"Master, you are leaving here now. What if the Golden Dragon King appears?" The Titan Great Ape asked worriedly.

"He can't come for the time being, he is repairing the core, it will take a long time."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yun Hao always felt that the conditional deal with Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena made him feel more pressure.

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