Control the world from Douluo

106-Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena

The Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena was planning to revenge against humanity, but this time she happened to be met by herself, which gave her the plan to implement the plan in advance.

The first question Yun Hao must consider is how to arrange her?

It's impossible to just bring it back to the Martial Soul Palace, right?

But Gu Yuena was the co-master of souls and beasts, and she should be able to hide her aura, but it seemed a little inappropriate to bring a girl back halfway.

Conversely, I thought that after my cultivation reached level 50, I needed to condense my first soul core. I must come to the Star Dou Forest to find the elixir of more than 100,000 years, and this level of elixir is only in the core. The zone will be there, and it is inevitable to have to contact Gu Yuena and the others.

It's better to build a good relationship now and prepare for the future, it might be a good thing.

Yes, exactly.

Yun Hao wanted to show his sincerity very much, and said to Gu Yuena with a smile:

"Actually, if you still want to leave here and learn about human life, I will be your best guide. I can help you learn more about humans, and you don’t happen to want to search for information about the dragon god. Well, the best of both worlds!"

Almost forgot an important thing, the future rule of the Wuhun Palace would definitely threaten the survival of the spirit beast, and it was undoubtedly a hard-wasting collision.

Isn't it beautiful to hold the soul beast co-master now!

However, since Gu Yuena has transformed into a human form, most of the power of the Silver Dragon King itself will be sealed, and only when the level of cultivation is raised by human cultivation methods will the sealed Silver Dragon King's power be gradually lifted.

Gu Yuena walked to the edge of the lake, thoughtfully:

"Don't you want to ask me, why are you leaving here with you?"

"Why don't you ask, what am I going to do in the human world?"

These two consecutive questions were another test that Gu Yuena gave Yun Hao.

He does know the real answer to this question, but if he can't see through it, that's true wisdom.

He raised his head and tucked his abdomen, and replied in a magnificent manner:

"I think since you can order this forest king, the Titan Great Ape, your strength must be very strong. As for why you want to go to the human world... I think you want to experience a human Life, look at how human beings cultivate, right?"

Yun Hao acted like a good obedient child, ignorant, and the Titan Great Ape on the side felt that he had a special face when he mentioned it.

Gu Yuena lowered her head and smiled softly, and said:

"You are really interesting, not all humans are so boring and shameful, I am suddenly very interested in you now..."

Turned around, walked in front of Yun Hao again, kept turning around him, and looking up and down the handsome guy, his eyes flickered.

Yun Hao suddenly became a little nervous, didn't this Gu Yuena fall in love with herself at first sight?

If that is the case, then it is a great happiness in life. If not, then try to develop in that direction. Anyway, this girl is going to be settled.

"Tell me, why did you appear in the area of ​​the lake of life?" Gu Yuena asked suddenly, with a stern attitude, and Yun Hao could not tolerate half a lie.

Naturally, this kind of thing doesn't need to be circumstantial, just tell the truth directly.

"I came here to look for a suitable spirit ring. I was chased by the Dark Eye Cthulhu Tiger. I fled from a cliff to this point. I didn't know that I would offend the second person. I'm sorry!" Yun Hao clasped his fists and saluted with a sincere attitude.

"Oh?" Gu Yuena murmured with interest, "It's that guy who was expelled to the outer area, and still doesn't change his temper..."

The Dark Eye Cthulhu Tiger is an evil spirit beast with the ultimate darkness attribute. In order to improve his cultivation, he continued to kill the same kind and was expelled from the inner area by the Titan Great Ape.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing can also be encountered by Yun Hao, it seems that luck is sometimes not a good thing.

If the age of one's spirit ring can be directly added to one hundred thousand years, then the fourth spirit ability directly chooses the range-type power attack spirit ability, and the 30,000-year dark eye evil god tiger must also be his target.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Gu Yuena continued:

"Also, you went to my Star Dou Great Forest to hunt down the soul beasts, and you didn't seem to put us in your eyes?"

"Aren't many soul beasts also feed on humans, each taking what they need. There is nothing wrong with this, right?"

This must be theorized. Although humans and souls are incompatible with fire and water, the law of nature is the law of the weak, and no one has the right to change it.


When the Titan Great Ape heard Yun Hao's words, he was immediately angry and roared at him. The strong hurricane almost didn't blow Yun Hao away.

"Is mine wrong?" Yun Hao looked back at the Titan Great Ape, "I remember a long time ago, humans were food at the mercy of soul beasts, shouldn't humans be your food?"

"We are all products of nature. All living beings are equal. When life is threatened, we resolutely rise up to resist. This is out of our instinct. The weak and the strong eat the strong. This is the law of survival of nature. Human beings through their own efforts , It has developed into a pattern that can stand up against the spirit beasts, but has become the greedy and shameless people in your mouth. I disagree with this!"

"is it?"

"Hmm!" Yun Hao nodded firmly.

The air suddenly became quiet, and both sides fell silent, and there was nothing to say, because Gu Yuena was looking at Yun Hao with her sharp-edged eyes.

The Titan Great Ape felt the Lord's anger, and he dared not talk too much for a while.

But after a long time, Gu Yuena laughed loudly, as if she didn't explode because of Yun Hao's words.

"Why are you laughing? Is it mine?" Yun Hao asked.

"No, yours is right. Maybe this is indeed the most difficult racial generation gap between us and your humans, but humans should not affect us because of their own wars or territorial expansion. Although it does not represent all of them, If you are on one side, you have to bear the responsibilities and consequences of one side."

Gu Yuena smiled coldly and continued:

"I also hope to see peace in this world, without the smoke of war, and become a beautiful home..."

She suddenly looked at Yun Hao and asked:

"You tell me, do you think the same way?"

Yun Hao replied with a grin:

"Of course I am the same. Like you, I don't want any innocent lives to pass because of war."

"But this world is too realistic. There has never been a beautiful homeland, and there will never be everlasting peace. Any desire can affect a catastrophic battle, so the only solution is... One party has completely disappeared from this world!" Gu Yuena's tone was very solemn, with a Li Fei knife hidden in her heart, which could fly out at any time, horribly lethal.

This kind of consciousness of Gu Yuena was influenced by the Golden Dragon King, because the Golden Dragon King carried the body of the Dragon God, and had deep resentment towards the gods and people. The predecessor of the Silver Dragon King was also the Dragon God, with neural consciousness and the golden dragon. The king is implicated, so this is an inevitable result.

So Gu Yuena's attitude is the attitude of the Golden Dragon King, but Gu Yuena is easily affected by emotions and is more perceptual. This is what Yun Hao can use.

Yun Hao took a deep breath and said:

"Since you choose to leave with me, I will let you understand that there is always one achievable peace in your eyes."

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