Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 115-The Secret

Could it be that the inside of this Digimon... is Agumon?

The magic of the magic!

Unexpectedly, one day, I will meet my childhood idol in this way.

Yun Hao’s favorites are Taiyi Iori and Yagumon, they both possess male chauvinism, they have passion, the courage to face difficulties and not yield, and the courage to challenge all inequalities!

"Digimon" carries the best time of Yun Hao's childhood, and suddenly feels a little.

But since I got a Digi Egg, I must hatch it to see what the real Agumon looks like.

"System, how does this digital egg hatch?" Yun Hao asked.

Mainly, he is not a giant dinosaur, like this one about the size of a dinosaur egg, who can sit on it and hatch?

The sweet voice of the system sounded again:

"The cooling time of this high-quality digital egg is forty-eight hours. If the host needs to start the incubation now, it will successfully hatch by itself in two days!"

Yun Hao thought for a while, felt that the time was too long, and then asked:

"Then I want to successfully incubate now, do I need to spend lucky points again?"

"Yes, it takes ten thousand for every hour of reduction!"

"What?" Yun Hao's face suddenly darkened, "Why don't you grab it, 10,000 yuan an hour, and forty-eight hours I need 480,000 yuan, is it so cheating?"

"If the host thinks it's expensive, then you can only wait for the normal 48 hours!"

The system said.

"I'll just wait. The moment the egg is hatched requires me to be so lucky. I think it is better to hatch it normally. It is not good if it has a brain hemorrhage in early birth..."

Yun Hao had found an excuse that he couldn't believe it, and he had let go of the idea of ​​incubating before.

After handling his own affairs, Yun Hao went to the Papal Palace to find Bibi Dong.

It will be her birthday soon, and the arrangements must be properly arranged.

Gu Yuena told Yun Hao that she wanted to fuse something so that people should not disturb her.So you don’t have to guess, Gu Yuena is trying to find a way to make her soul core reach the level of Yin and Yang dual soul core, and she also has the Silver Dragon King Dragon core, making her soul power several times more than others. .

When he reached the soul king cultivation base, he could also find a way to condense the first soul core.

When I arrived at the Pope’s Palace, I saw Bibi Dong, who was trying to refine the remaining energy of the Ninth Grade Ganoderma.

She is now the 95th-level pinnacle Super Douluo, and the gains from the Ninth-Rank Ganoderma lucidum to her are relatively small, but it can promote the increase of the strength of the martial arts.

Bibi Dong is a twin spirit. Her spirits are the top insect-type Death Spider King and Soul Eater Spider King. Insect spirit beasts are rare. If she wants to have both of them at the same time, they are both top-notch. Alone.

Seeing Bibi Dong and no one else here, Yun Hao said ambiguously:

"Xiaodong, your birthday is coming soon, don't you want to have a grand birthday?"

Bibi Dong took his breath away, opened his eyes, and said with a smile:

"I never do these boring things. In the past, Nana would make some exquisite gifts for me. Other than that, I don't think there is any need to waste time."

"Hey, it's different. You are the Pope today. This time you must celebrate your birthday, and everyone knows it!"

Yun Hao walked up to Bibi Dong and kissed her on the forehead, turning the noble and glamorous domineering female pope into a meek little woman in an instant, nestling in Yun Hao's arms.

"What do you think?" As if getting along for a long time, Bibi Dong had a better understanding of Yun Hao's mind.

"Yueguan and Guimei went to handle that matter, right? It coincides with your birthday. Why not use the name of the Pope, so that people in the world can know that Wuhun Temple is the place where they can live and work in peace, isn't it good?" Yun Hao explained.

This is why he wants Bibi Dong to have such a birthday, just to show the world.

If you should give some guy a face, then you just have to slap them directly on his face. Forgive them for not daring to act rashly.

Bibi Dong smiled softly and said softly:

"If that's the case, then listen to you, do whatever you want, and I support your decision!"

"Hey, as the saying goes, behind a successful man, there is always a powerful woman, Xiaodong, you are the shining star in my night sky!"

"Hmph, I know to say these love words, but... I suddenly fell in love with this kind of mental security, thank you!"

"Even if it is mentally, then you are the woman I love, and I will never let anyone bully you again!"

Yun Hao's hand began to touch Bibi Dong unconsciously, with a peachy smile on his face.

He explained the arrangements and arrangements for his birthday clearly, and Bibi Dong unconditionally supported him.

Just after the birth of Emperor Tiandou Empire, the Pope's grace will be very effective.

Acting must be realistic so that opponents can't figure out routines.

"By the way, I will cook myself and make a table of delicious food for your birthday party, do you like it?" Yun Hao asked affectionately.

Bibi Dong was surprised:

"You...can you still cook?"

Yun Hao replied triumphantly:

"That's natural, you can call me Chef Yun and promise to let you eat and think about it, haha!"

"Just blow it up, anyway, I hope it's not a dark dish."

" come, I believe Brother's cooking skills will surprise you!"

"Well, don't make me tremble!"

"Can't you say something nice to encourage your mate?"

"Wow, Xianggong is amazing, Xianggong you are the best!"

Bibi Dong suddenly smiled and clapped his hands in applause. The scene was once embarrassing to the extreme.


Okay, Yun Hao always felt that there was a strange rush.

But seeing Bibi Dong so happy, Yun Hao felt very heartwarming.

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, there was really too little time to see Bibi Dong like this.Bibi Dong himself knew that only by staying with Yun Hao now would he feel happy and happy.

Two days later.

It's time for the Digi Egg to hatch. After forty-eight hours of waiting, you can finally see the appearance of Agumon.

Taking out the Digit Egg and putting it on the table, Yun Hao stayed quietly watching.


From time to time, there were several knocking sounds from the egg, indicating that the contents inside had already been alive and were already moving.

Gradually, the flame patterns on the surface of the digital egg began to glow and heat, just like real flames began to burn, and the sun shining pattern of the badge of courage was shining, like a night pearl in the dark, radiant.

"It's coming out, it's coming out!" Yun Hao was excited.


An obvious crack appeared in the Digi Egg, and a unique breath of life was emitted from it.

A faint halo squeezed out from the crack, and Yun Hao stared intently.

Then there was another crack, and when there were obvious cracks in the crack, there was another...

Until the surface of the Digital Egg was full of cracks, the solar flares of the badge of courage actually moved, sliding on the surface like a living thing, and then got in through the cracks.

Immediately afterwards, those flame patterns also poured into the Digi Egg from the cracks one after another.

After a few seconds, the egg cracked!

The eggshells fell off one by one, and a small body almost two feet tall came out from the inside.

"Really Agumon?"

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