Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 116-The Devil

Yun Hao carefully looked at the guy in front of him. Although he was short, like a dinosaur, he looked cute and cute.

The whole body is mainly light yellow, with some flame patterns on his body, and a badge of courage on his forehead. These have all appeared outside the digital egg, and they have appeared on this guy again.

"Master, my name is Yagumon!" The guy's voice sounded so cute and sensible.

There are a pair of faint green eyes, as bright and transparent as two crystal balls, shining brightly, and a tail swaying constantly behind him, not to mention how cute.

This is Agumon, it is indeed Agumon!

Yun Hao confirmed the identity of this guy, his appearance and posture resembled a newly born Tyrannosaurus rex, which was the appearance of Agumon.

Agumon hopped on the table, lively and cute.

But this looks super low combat power, right?!

It must evolve to have high-intensity combat effectiveness.

This is just in the growth stage, with limited power.

"Master, my name is Agumon, and my name is Agumon!" Agumon said again with a milky voice.

Yun Hao smiled at it, and gently massaged its smooth head without any blemishes:

"Hey, you will be my pet from now on, and when you evolve, you will be my unique mount!"

Yagumon gently licked Yunhao's hand with his tongue, very cute and authentic:

"Agumon is willing to destroy any opponent for the master, and is willing to become the master's mount!"

The cute appearance really warms Yun Hao's heart. Although there is something missing in this setting, it looks pleasing to the eye as a whole, with a good personality and not annoying.

As Taiichi Iori’s valued partner, after the Agumon’s combat effectiveness has reached the ultimate body, it can be called the top powerhouse in Digimon.

You should know that there are not many Digimons in the ultimate body. Like the Four Kings of Darkness, they are all outstanding among the ultimate body. Digimon belonging to the eight emblems, their ultimate body is far superior to most of the ultimate body. Digimon.

It was also a surprise to get Agumon.

But the walking posture of this guy Yagumon was really dragging, completely out of the steps that the six relatives did not recognize!

The two long slender front paws spread out naturally, his feet swayed one after the other, his body swayed from the left to the right, and his hips twisted to his rhythm.

Suddenly I remembered a song: I am the brightest boy on this street, I must sway when I walk...

This song is very suitable for Agumon's walking posture, with his hands up and his butt twisted and twisted!

Yun Hao now wants to know how to evolve it.

"System, if Agumon evolves, do I need to buy some evolution in Lucky Mall?"

"Host, evolution does require an evolution card, which needs to be redeemed at Lucky Mall."

The system responded quickly.

"Then, how much lucky value does an evolution card need?"

"Host, an evolution card needs one million years of lucky value. It's a young man and the quality and effect are guaranteed. The host can exchange it with confidence!"

"Huh?" Yun Hao looked speechless, "You're still young, you are enough to make me laugh for a year, an evolution card costs one million, I only upgraded the lucky wheel, and only left More than half a million, where did one million come from?"

"Then wait until the lucky value is enough for one million, you can redeem it!" The system replied without emotion.

"One million, one million, another one million. Fortunately, it is not real money. If it is really so much money, I will keep picking up girls. It is not worth it for such a thing!"

"Agumon has a total of growth, evolution, maturity, ultimate body, and super divine body. Each evolution requires one million. If you want to directly evolve to super divine body, you need four million!" The system is complete. I didn't care about Yunhao's self-complaining, but continued to introduce the specific situation of Agumon.

"Why is there a super god body?"

In the original "Digimon", there is no super god body method, the highest is the ultimate body, and when you get to yourself, you can also create a super god day.

"Host, this system is set up like this, so this system cannot explain your illogical question."

"My words are very logical. I look at the problem from my own perspective."

"There is no logic, this system cannot explain it!"

"alright, you win!"

Seeing that Yun Hao did not continue to ask questions, the system continued:

"Agumon does not belong to the category of soul beasts, and does not have the setting of this world. It only needs to add enough energy to continue fighting. The energy supplement is to make the Agumon eat and drink and fight with strength. Simple, do you understand the host?"

Yun Hao nodded and said:

"This kind of problem is simple. It's not about replenishing enough physical strength, or I have to take care of its diet. This is no problem."

"For this reason, Agumon is now the host's unique thing, and the host can use it at will."

"Ok, I know!"

After understanding the situation of Agumon, Yun Hao stretched out his hand and hugged Agumon in front of him. There was a warm and kindness from his body, and Agumon had no defense against Yun Hao.

"Haohao, Haohao, look at what else we have to deal with in advance, we have already done it..."

At this moment, Hu Liena rushed in from the outside, holding a list in her hand, with many things densely written on it.

Agumon heard the sound, sniffed with a keen nose, and immediately broke free from Yun Hao's hand and stood in front of him:

"Master, heart, an enemy is approaching, I will beat the enemy away."

Hu Liena was walking over happily, and when he was about to speak something, Agumon rushed towards her.

She reacted quickly and quickly avoided the flutter with a flexible dodge.

"Type flame--"

Agumon opened the dinosaur's mouth, and a hot ball of fire condensed and sprayed directly at Hu Liena.

"Wow, so cute!"

Hu Liena was not angry, but stared at Agumon with affection.

Once again, he avoided the Agumon's attack, and immediately went forward and hugged it.

Agumon desperately tried to break free:

"Let go of me, you bad guy!"

Hu Liena looked at the Agumon, and said:

"This guy is so cute, so cute, I really like it!"

Holding Agumon and walking to Yun Hao, he asked curiously:

"Haohao, where did you find this soul beast? Can you give it to me? I really think it's so cute!"


"Let go of me, you bad guy, let me go!" Yagu Beast's milk sounded gruff, and in its heart it would only recognize Yunhao as a master.


Hu Liena looked at Yun Hao expectantly, and became very interested in Agumon.

Yun Hao could only shake his head to explain:

"This is not a soul beast, but a kind of alien beast. It was brought from us. It just hatched from the egg. It will only recognize me as a master. Even if I give it to you, it won't go with you. "

"That's it..." Hu Liena was a little lost and put Agumon on the table, "I thought it was a soul beast, I will definitely nurture it."

"If you like pets, I will try to find one for you. It must be cuter than this, how about?" Yun Hao immediately comforted Hu Liena.

"Really?" Hu Liena turned from sadness to joy in an instant, very excited.


"Great, thank you Haohao!"

Hu Liena Gao Xin calmed Yun Hao's arms at once and gave Yun Hao an affectionate hug.

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