Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 117-The Secret

Agumon saw Hu Liena's excessive closeness to the director, and directly bit her on her clothes and tore her away.

"Agumon, she is a friend, don't be rude!" Yun Hao hurriedly stopped Agumon.

If it were to tear it down again, Hu Liena's clothes would have to be pulled out by it, which would be really embarrassing.

Agumon is very obedient and obedient. Hearing that the owner is like this, it no longer becomes hostile to Hu Liena.

However, Hu Liena is still very interested in Agumon. Its cute and cute appearance is very cute. I really want to have such a pet.

"By the way, Nana, what did you do just now?" Yun Hao raised his head and looked at Hu Liena, his hand still calming Yagumon's emotions.

Hu Liena passed the list in her hand to Yun Hao, read it carefully, and spoke softly and authentically:

"You have handled everything you asked us to do, and some material lists have been prepared. What else do you need to prepare?"

"Has Yueguan and Guimei come back?"

"Not yet. The two elders are still on the Star Luo Empire side. They won't be able to come back temporarily. I'm afraid they will have to wait until the teacher's birthday to come back."

"What about Dugu Bo, he hasn't come back yet?" Yun Hao continued to ask.

Hu Liena shook her head:

"I haven't seen him anyway, I probably haven't come back yet!"

Dugu Bo has gone to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, and this trip will certainly not be so smooth.

I don't know if that dragon will detain Dugu Bo there, the level ninety-fifth level is equal to the level ninety-two, that is completely crushed.Even if Dugu Bo knew how to use poison, it wouldn't have the slightest effect in front of Thunder Douluo Yuyuanzhen.

Yun Hao thought for a moment, and said to Hu Liena:

"That's it for the time being, no need to prepare anything, and then when Dugu Bo returns, you ask him to go to Elephant Sect again and tell him the time of the Pope’s birthday. The Star Luo Empire will also send the news to Yueguan and Guimei, The news also told Fengjian Sect, White Tiger Sect, and Fire Leopard Sect that on the Pope’s birthday, the sect masters of the four sects I want to be next must be present..."

Hu Liena nodded seriously and promised:

"I see, this time the teacher's birthday must be made big!"

"Yes, the Emperor Dou Empire’s birthday is a national celebration. My Spirit Hall is also a support point that can balance the power of the two empires, and I should have this right and strength to do so."

With this Pope’s birthday, he told his followers the power of Wuhun Hall.

There are seven major sects in the whole continent. Except for the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, the upper three sects have a chance to win, the other two are probably unlikely, but the lower four have always been connected with Qi and have a deep relationship with Wuhun Palace. So the next four sects are under the control of Wuhun Hall.

In terms of mastering the power of the five sects of the seven major sects, together with the powerful soul master power system of the Wuhun Hall itself, it has taken over 80% of the power of the soul masters in the entire continent, and the remaining two sects are mainly concentrated in Hao Zong and Hao Zong. The Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, the Star Luo Empire imperial family also possessed three powerful inheritance martial arts, but they were still far behind the Martial Arts Hall.

Of course, Yun Hao will not forget the existence of Tang San. The establishment of Tang Sect will be the most powerful weapon of the Dou Empire on the battlefield, so he monopolized most of the resources for the foundation of Tang Sect in advance. Even if Tang San let Tang Sect be established, There is not enough capital to go to the battlefield.

With the Tang Sect hidden weapon alone, it can't match the upgraded version of the fixed makeup soul guide.

According to Yun Hao's thoughts and ideas, Hu Liena prepared everything properly, only waiting for the arrival of the Pope's birthday.


At this time, Dou Empire!

Inside the main hall of the Palace of Us!

Summoned by Emperor Xueye, the princes, princes, and officials of the empire, including Prince Xuexing of the Empire, the four princes of the Empire Xue Beng, and the prince Xue Qinghe of the Empire stood solemnly in front of the hall, waiting for Emperor Xue Ye to speak.

The atmosphere of the entire hall was terribly quiet for a while, and no one dared to speak.

Xue Ye wore a blue-and-white emperor's dragon robe, a crown on his head, and a scepter in his palm. He sat at the top of the hall with a solemn expression, looking back and forth among the courtiers. They all lowered their heads and did not look at Xue Ye's distortion to the extreme. s face.

"Yeah, what's the situation?" Xue Ye finally spoke with a heavy tone.

"The Hall of Souls really doesn't put the two empires of Wudou and Xingluo in its eyes. It is performing such a one-man show in the stalls where the spirit masters of the two empires were once lacking!"

"Back to your Majesty!" Prince Xue Xing stood up.


"The birthday of the Pope in the Wuhun Temple is nothing. The key is to throw an olive branch to all soul masters on the day of the Pope's birthday, and let the people live in the name of the Pope, helping the poor and helping the poor. This does not put oneself in a right position, naked. Demonstrating to Dou and Xing Luo, this kind of behavior is tantamount to wanting to rebel!"

Prince Xue Xing's words made sense, making Xue Ye nodded in satisfaction.

After hearing this, the other courtiers all had the courage to speak up. Every angle was similar and different, but they were all reprimands and accusations of Wuhundian's behavior.

There is only one person who has remained silent, and that is Xue Qinghe, the prince of the empire, the future successor to the imperial throne.

Xueye looked at Xueqinghe and asked:

"Qinghe, what do you think?"

As the prince of the empire, letting him participate in political conspiracy is also training him.

Xue Qinghe looked up at his "father" and replied:

"The practice of the Spirit Hall is indeed too ostentatious, and it is a provocation to the two empires, but the children believe that this behavior is not a rebellion. After all, the Spirit Hall does not belong to any party and is independent of the powerful forces of the two empires. ."

"We should wait and see the changes. For the time being, we can't act rashly. I think there must be other reasons for Wuhun Hall to do this."

"His Royal Highness is like this, should he let his Wuhun Palace behave unscrupulously?" Prince Xue Xing quickly retorted.

Xue Qinghe asked calmly:

"Then, according to the imperial uncle, we will start attacking the Spirit Hall with cakes now. You must know that the Hall of Spirits possesses more than 80% of the spirit master power of the entire continent. How can military power alone overthrow them?"

Prince Xue Xing frowned and joked slightly:

"His Royal Highness is the Crown Prince of the Dou Empire. We shouldn't use the enemy's aspirations to destroy our fighting prestige. I think no matter how strong the spirit masters in the Wuhun Hall are, they cannot compete with the strength of our millions of elite troops!"

"Then you are going to fight?"

"War, of course, we must fight, just find the right time!"

When the two argued, Xue Ye directly shot the case and glared at everyone.

"You disappointed me too much. I asked you to discuss countermeasures, not to quarrel."

As the prince of a country, what I dislike most is hearing my own bite. Prince Xue Xing's mind Xueye is very clear, but I only blame the unbelievable fourth child. What are you fighting with the prince?

After a while, the ministers sighed and held their breath, not daring to add more, for fear that the emperor Longyan would be furious.

However, Xue Qinghe stepped forward directly and offered himself:

"I would like to ask my father, my sons and ministers are willing to go to Wuhun City, by exploring the truth and truth for the Pope's birthday, I hope that my father will be allowed!

Upon hearing what Xue Qinghe said, Prince Xue Xing immediately pulled the Fourth Prince Xue Beng who was standing next to him stupidly.

Xue Beng was shocked, and shook his head at Prince Xue Xing reluctantly.

Prince Xue Xing approached him immediately and whispered:

"If you don't take the initiative now, how can you fight him? Can you show some courage and determination that the prince should have?"

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