Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 118-The Emperor's Family Cannot Help 3 More

The Four Prince Xue Beng has always left everyone's impression as an unlearned, dull prince.

He never had the desire to fight for power, he just wanted to live well, but his uncle insisted on letting him fight.

Xue Qinghe is the prince and the heir to the throne. From ancient times to the present, the imperial throne has always stood up for the throne. If you just fight for it, it will be a fratricidal situation. It is either alive or dead. So Xue Beng would rather be a day-to-day chic. The comfortable prince was unwilling to fight for his life.

Prince Xue Xing pinched him again:

"Can you be a little prosperous, can you give your deceased mother more anger, go!"

This time he had a tough tone, and he had to force him.

"I... well..."

But Uncle, Xue Beng had no choice but to step forward.

"Q...Qi to my father... my father, my sons and ministers are also willing to go to Wuhun City, as the prince of the empire, congratulate the Pope of Wuhun Temple on behalf of my father, so as to find out information!"

Although Xue Beng spoke a little fearful, his voice was loud.

The courtiers all cast surprised and strange glances.

When did the four princes have this kind of tolerance, and in the end I am still the four princes who can only eat, drink and have fun?

Xueye looked at the two sons, finally showing a fairly satisfied smile, stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, and then nodded gently.

"This is the kind of tolerance that my empire prince should have, and things need to be flexible and flexible!" Xue Ye praised: "If this is the case, then you go, Beng'er, and I will leave this burden to you. I hope you can do well. Complete this mission."

Xue Beng suddenly raised his head and looked at the Emperor Father in surprise and joy, with an incredible look in his eyes.

I finally got the appreciation of my father, and left such an important thing to myself, thinking that my father would always ignore him.

Although he was very reluctant to fight with the prince, blood was thicker than water, and he always hoped to be appreciated by his father. Even if it was just a nice compliment, it would motivate him.

Even if it's not for fighting for something, but just to be able to complete the task that the emperor has given him and get his approval, it will still be the happiest thing for him.

Then knelt down and bowed to the emperor:

"Thank you Father! Your son will definitely complete the task!"

And now that Xue Ye announced the result, Xue Qinghe didn't intend to grab it, and immediately bowed his hands and saluted.

It's just that no one noticed that the corners of Prince Xue Qinghe's mouth rose slightly, revealing an unfathomable weird smile.

As long as there is a solution to the matter, Xue Ye himself didn't want to grab the discussion on this issue.

When I think of Wuhun Palace, I get angry, but I choose to come at this time.

The spirit master power that occupies more than 80% of the Douluo Continent, he has the capital and strength to do so, but it hinders the interests and path of the empire and can only make him an enemy.

No matter how much he wanted to win over the Spirit Hall and deal with the Star Luo Empire before, he would definitely give up the idea of ​​digging his own grave.

The ambition of the Spirit Hall has been revealed, and through this so-called birthday of the Pope, the whole world can see the ambition of the Spirit Hall.

But afraid of the power of the Wuhun Temple, there will be many snobs who will choose to compromise.

Therefore, it is necessary to start the action as soon as possible, and must not let the Wuhun Palace dominate.

At this time, among the enemies and allies of the Star Luo Empire, Xueye was more likely to choose the latter.

There is an old saying that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. If it is really necessary to sign a truce contract with Xing Luo in order to deal with Wuhundian, it doesn't matter.

The thorn in the martial arts palace must be removed, otherwise it will only bring disaster to the Douluo mainland.

Xue Ye stood up and ordered:

"Beng'er definitely needs someone to protect him on this trip. He is also the fourth prince of the empire. The safety of life is the most important thing. Summon Ning Fengzhi, Sect Master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tiles, to see me!

"You all leave first!"

Xue Ye immediately turned around and left after the announcement, and today's affairs can be regarded as over.

Xue Qinghe walked out of the main hall, but he did not expect that Prince Xue Xing would quickly follow him with Xue Beng at this time.

"His Royal Highness must not be offended. Xue Beng is also his majesty's biological son. Naturally, he must share his worries and solve problems for his majesty. You are the future monarch, and Xue Beng will also assist you in the future, so you need to exercise him now."

When these words were said, other people would definitely think that he was pretending to be handsome, and would be very angry, but Xue Qinghe was very indifferent, and he didn't mean to compete with Xue Beng.

With the phrase "Xue Beng is also your majesty's biological son", you can figure out the prince's motives, but in order to prevent Xue Qinghe from guessing his true thoughts, he changed his meaning and language.

It's a pity that the Xue Qinghe in front of them is no longer the same Xue Qinghe back then, so these small actions will not affect him much.

Xue Qinghe smiled lightly and said:

"The fourth brother and I are brothers. As an older brother, I should let younger brother more. It's nothing."

"Also, the father and the emperor should be strong, and I also ask uncle to pay more attention to what I say in the future. If it is heard by people who are interested, I am afraid that it will be ruined. It is not good for you, me or the fourth brother."

These combos were words-by-word, each word deeply pierced Prince Xue Xing's heart, but in order to prevent Xue Qinghe from seeing his thoughts, he still forcibly held back.

Xue Qinghe saluted Prince Xue Xing as a respect for his elders, then turned around and left without looking back.


When Xue Qinghe was far away, Prince Xue Xing burst into anger, his eyes fixed on Xue Qinghe's back.

"Xue Beng, you can see, this prince has never put us in his eyes. You treat him stubbornly, but in exchange for his indifference and ignorance, so you must remember Uncle If you get back what should belong to you, Uncle will do his best to help you."

Xue Beng said in a gloomy tone:

"Uncle, I really don't want to fight, why do you always disrespect my ideas?"

Prince Xue Xing patted Xue Beng's forehead fiercely, and said:

"What do you know, you are the purest royal blood. That position can only be yours. Your father hasn't expressed anything, it means you still have a chance. Don't you want to be recognized by your father?"

"I think, of course I do, but..."

"No, but, born in the emperor’s house, you can only fight for a way out for yourself in this way. Don’t look at the prince’s kind words to you. If he does sit in that position one day in the future, you will be the first It's you and me, do you understand?"

"At the emperor’s house, most of the time it’s involuntary. Our war with him has already begun, and we can’t stop it. If you don’t stand up, even my old life will go in. You want me Die?"

Prince Xue Xing said heavily.

"No, I don't want to see that ending..."

Xue Beng said hurriedly.

"Then you can fight for me and believe in yourself, you have the strength to fight him."

"I... well, I... I try!"

"What do you mean by trying? You are so unassuming to answer. You must do it." Prince Xue Xing added.

"Okay, I can do it!" Xue Beng mustered up the courage to say this awkward sentence.

"It's almost the same!"

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