Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 119-Four Killing Sword Ancestor Sword Dao Chenxin

Xueqinghe returned to the Prince's Palace all the way, relaxed and comfortable.

Today, there was a play in front of the palace, and Prince Xue Xing successfully forced Xue Beng to win the opportunity to go to the Wuhun Temple.

If the avalanche is even a bit awkward, the plan will not succeed.

"The radical method seems to work for some self-righteous guys!"

Designing Xue Beng to go to the Wuhun Temple was part of Xueqinghe's plan.

The news has passed back long ago, and I hope everything goes well.

He was lying on a soft and comfortable cushion with various fruits and delicacies beside him. When he was hungry or greedy, he reached out and threw some into his mouth, eating with a mouth full of oil, anyway, just enjoying a short and easy life.

Looking at Huaban in a daze, I gradually remembered a familiar and handsome face. I don’t know how long it will be before I see him again...

And just like the result of Xue Qinghe's design, it will be the Pope's birthday in a few moments, so Avalanche Second, which was entrusted by His Majesty the Emperor, set off early.

There is a titled Douluo from the Qibao Liuli Sect. The safety on the road is guaranteed. Of course, there is also some army arranged by Xueye and a birthday gift for the Pope.

Xue Beng sat on the carriage, and across from him sat an old man in spotless white clothes, with long silver hair neatly combed, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with extraordinary bearing!

But he was closing his eyes, feeling his mind was as calm as water, free from any interference from the outside world.

Xue Beng felt very boring, and there was no one to speak with him along the way.

In the palace, at least there are maids waiting for him. In the Royal Academy of Fighting, there are always flattering finishing behind their ass for fear of flattering.Now, there is no one else except a strong man with unfathomable strength.

Uncle is not by his side, really boring.

In order to amuse the boring time, Xue Beng boldly said to the old man opposite:

"Uncle Jian, I don't know what the Wuhun Palace is doing so aggressively..."

The old man known as Uncle Jian opened his eyes, his eyes filled with murderous air.

This is one of the elders of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, the ninety-fifth level Super Douluo, the sword Douluo Chenxin!

Known as Kendo Chenxin!

But because of his special martial arts spirit and his understanding of the profound meaning of the sword, he has reached a very high level, and he has the title of the Seven Killing Sword Ancestor.

Chen Xin comes from the three sects of the seven killing sects, and the inherited martial spirit is the seven killing sword with the strongest attack power, and the seven killing sword with the highest profundity, which can compete with the strongest weapon martial soul clear hammer.

Chen Xin looked at the avalanche with awe-inspiring temperament:

"Remember my words, when you arrive at the Hall of Martial Spirits, you cannot leave my protection range, let alone any words that go against the Pope's will. There is an unfathomable abyss. Once you set foot, you will always wake yourself up."

His eyes are very indifferent, as if he can't see anything around him, but he still gives people a feeling of self-respect!

This is the aura of the Seven Kills Sword Ancestor, just wait and see and feel a chill in his back.

"Is Uncle Jian also very afraid of Wuhun Hall?" Xue Beng asked curiously.

In this world, is there anyone who is not afraid of Wuhun Temple?

Even Hao Zong, who has been hidden from the world, did not dare to contend head-on with Wuhun Hall.

Chen Xin replied indifferently:

"The horror of the Spirit Hall is beyond your imagination. Their strength is unfathomable. No one party can spy on the power of the Spirit Hall."

"The Seven Killing Sect was easily wiped out of this world because it violated the will of the Spirit Hall. Although I am the only survivor, I sit in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect as an elder, but I am afraid of the next moment. Just killed the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect..."

When Chen Xin spoke, some pessimism gradually appeared on his face, but it was not very obvious.

"If I was involved in the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, my conscience would be disturbed and I would not be able to face Fengzhi!"

The Fengzhi in his mouth is naturally Ning Fengzhi, the supreme master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Sect, the strongest auxiliary soul saint in Douluo Continent today. The Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda with one hand has reached a level of superb power, but he cannot continue to break through to a higher level of Soul Douluo .

Xue Beng seemed to see the sadness in Chen Xin's heart, and then said:

"The Spirit Hall wants to be under hegemony. The first thing to deal with is the Star Luo Empire and our fighting empire. I'm really afraid that when that happens, the people can only be displaced, starved and perished due to the cruelty of the war. Together with the smoke of war, it is the people who suffer. !"

Chen Xin's cold and indifferent expression suddenly eased, and praised Xue Beng:

"You have the heart of a king, and a heart tied to it. Regardless of whether you can become the king of a country in the future, I believe you can be a good minister for the country and the people!"

"Power minister?"

"I actually don't want to be a king, let alone a power minister, but if it is for my uncle, for the things I care about and the people I want to protect, I still have to work in that direction."

Xue Beng didn't know why, he could actually make such an inspirational remark from his own mouth.

Chen Xin is a past person, he is not a royal noble, but is also a clan family, all the way to the present position, has already exhausted all his life.

I left because of my relatives, in order to chase their footsteps, in order to become stronger, I was immersed in a boring training career.

Over time, the state of mind has also been tempered, and gradually realized why they can reach such a realm beyond the reach of others, the state of mind is very important.

The Seven Kills Sect has become a thing of the past. When he heard the bad news about the remaining members of the Seven Kills Sect, his whole body collapsed for a while, and he wanted to make the Spirit Hall blood pay back, but it was a pity that one person was not strong enough to shake them. The other titled Douluo of the Upper Seven Treasures Liuli Sect couldn't do anything.

So I can only tolerate it and wait for the time to come.

"Uncle Jian should be very disappointed and sad when he lost the person who talked to him closest to him. I don't like bloody scenes the most." Xue Beng exclaimed.

"That's a must-go mental journey, and it's also a disaster for me. I'll be used to it..."

There is something that can make Seven Kills Sword Ancestor and Jian Dao Chenxin intolerable with a mind like Zhishui, then only the night when Wuhun Palace blood washes the Seven Kills Sect completely touches what he cares about most.

There is no Buddha in this world, there is no so-called empty door, and it is impossible to achieve absolute peace of mind. As a practitioner, you must want to become stronger. If you are a person, you must have thoughts. This is desire, and it can also be called...belief!

Chen Xin used her life experience to teach Xue Beng a good lesson. It also taught Xue Beng a lot of truths and made him understand that even a soul master is not happy.


Wuhun City!

Wuhun Hall, in the Pope Hall!

After Dugu Bo came back from Elephant Sect, he was summoned by Bibi Dong.

Yun Hao, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Yan, and the new Gu Yuena who came in were also there.

"There is news from the Dou Empire. The four princes of the Empire have come to my Wuhun Hall under the protection of Chenxin's sword." Bibi Dong said.

"His Majesty the Pope, don't worry, this was planned early in the morning, and the Hall of the Elders has also arranged four enshrines to entertain the Seven Kills Sword Ancestor. It is absolutely foolproof!" Yun Hao said.

Dugu Bo felt a panic in his heart when he heard that the four worshippers were going to deal with a Super Douluo.

The Hall of Spirits is indeed the Hall of Spirits, doing things so vigorously, drip-proof, and never give opponents any chance to breathe.

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