Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 125-The Secret

After the birthday of Emperor Xueye, Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, Wuhun Palace suddenly announced the birthday of the Pope.

The whole process is going on closely. As the protagonist of this event, Pope Bibi Dong has become the most dazzling focus of the whole continent.

Including many small sects and families other than the seven major sects, many have come to the Wuhun Hall to congratulate them. The implication is to come with sincerity.

They all knew that the Spirit Hall had a very high status on the Douluo Continent, even surpassing the two empires to some extent.

The Star Luo Empire didn't say anything about this. The Heaven Dou Empire sent the four princes of the Empire as the pioneers of the mission and came to the Wuhun Hall to celebrate the Pope's life.

The so-called drunkard doesn't mean wine, these are all in Yun Hao's calculations.

He was originally needed to come here, to cooperate with Qian Renxue's foot in Tiandou, forcing Prince Xue Xing to push the avalanche out.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Yun Hao and Qian Renxue had planned for Xue Beng to come to Wuhun Hall.

On the day of the Pope’s birthday, many clan families from all regions of the mainland showed up. In addition to congratulating the Pope, they also wanted to see the Pope’s face.

I heard that the contemporary pope has a beautiful appearance, a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance, and he is still the youngest pope. The Wuhun Temple is so powerful now that it must be the absolute hegemon of the mainland in the future. If you don't show your heart, when will you wait?

"Your Majesty, everything is ready, please move out of the temple!"

Yueguan put one hand on her chest and bends over to salute.

He and Guimei rushed back to the Wuhun Hall early this morning, and by the way, they also attended the three sects of the Lower Four Sects from the Star Luo Empire.

"They're all here, right?" Bibi Dong stood up and walked down noblely with a crystal scepter in his hand, "What can the Xingluo royal family say?"

Bibi Dong is wearing a flame-like Dahongpao rock tea with shining red crystals inlaid on it. Seeing that the aura is much stronger.She stepped on the soft lotus steps and walked out of the Pope's Palace, and Yueguan, Guimei, and Dugu Bo followed at the same time.

Yueguan said respectfully:

"The Wind Sword Sect, the White Tiger Sect, the Fire Leopard Sect, and the Elephant Armor Sect are all here, and there is also..."

"Oh, who else?"

"Thunder Douluo Yu Yuanzhen, brought a pair of men and horses, and pressed a big car as a gift!"

"Yeah!" Bibi Dong nodded in satisfaction, "The old dragon seems to have figured it out clearly, and Haohao's strategy is still old."

"By the way, the Royal Family of the Xingluo Empire was silent, showing nothing..."

"Huh! Be silent, they just judge the time and the situation, they don't want to hit our rock with the egg, they are waiting for the opportunity..."

Did not continue to explore the Star Luo Empire, today is an important day, should be happy.

As soon as the door of the Pope’s Palace opened, there were bursts of cheers and congratulatory applause outside.

A wide red carpet was spread in front of the hall and stretched along the stairs to the end of the field of vision. Tables and chairs were placed below to entertain allies from all sides.

Bibi Dong also followed Yun Hao's suggestion to set up a banquet in front of the Pope's Hall to announce the power of Wuhun Hall to the people of the world.

Outside the Wuhun Hall, Wuhun City is also noisy with gongs and drums, and firecrackers blast!

The horns for welcoming guests were played like thunder, and the VIPs who were specially banned by the Pope’s Palace all walked out of the arranged rest area.

Among them, there are mainly five different teams. They are all the main guests on the Pope’s birthday. They come from the five major sects. Of course, there are also many visitors from the small sects closely behind them.

"Look, that's the patriarch of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, who actually came in person..."

Some people started talking.

"That's a super Douluo. I heard that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family has always been neutral, but I didn't expect it would be..."

"Hush! Be quiet, this is a good thing, isn't it? Since they have made a choice, then it proves that they have chosen Wuhun Hall!"


Yu Yuanzhen personally led the team, followed by six subordinates, pressing a car of congratulations, and marching towards the Wuhun Hall with great momentum.

What followed were the lower four sects of the seven major sects of the Douluo Continent, all of them at the elder brother level. Apart from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, who would dare to provoke them?

As soon as today passed, I am afraid that the whole world knows that the Wuhun Hall openly provokes the two empires, but the two empires have nothing to do with the Wuhun Hall.

A group of teams entered the Wuhun Hall under the leadership of the guard of Wuhun City.

The area of ​​the Wuhun Hall is the largest in the whole Wuhun City, and it does not affect so many people entering the Wuhun Hall together.

Yu Yuanzhen first came to the outside of the Pope’s Palace with a congratulatory gift. He presented the gift and achieved the best VIP seat.

Then there are the next four cases.

The first to come were two bodies that looked like a mountain. They were tall, big and muscular. The tallest one was three meters tall and was a middle-aged man. Next to him was a young man who was 2.5 meters tall. There is a delicate box in his hand.

"His Majesty, this is the most precious treasure of my elephant sect, the rare emerald mammoth diamond in the world, I wish the pope to stay young forever and increase his cultivation!"

The middle-aged man is the lord of the elephant sect, the celestial phenomenon is Hu Yanzhen, standing in front of people will give people huge pressure.The young man next to him is the young leader of the Elephant Sect and his grandson Hu Yanli.

"Sect Master Huyan has come all the way, why bother to bring such a valuable gift? Since I am an ally of my Wuhun Temple, I will take care of myself from now on, please take a seat!"

Hu Yanli presented the emerald mammoth diamond and sat next to Yu Yuanzhen with his grandfather Hu Yanzhen.

Next came an old man, with the spirit of a fairy style, followed by a man and a woman.

The old man respectfully and politely took out a surprising sword, "Your Majesty the Pope, this is the sword of the emperor that my Feng Jianzong spent a lot of money to ask the gods to build, I wish the Pope majestic world!"

"Impermanence Sovereign is polite, please take a seat!" Bibi Dong just said softly, making people feel her huge aura.

Sect Master Feng Wuchang of Fengjian Sect took his son Feng Qingyang and daughter Feng Qingxue into the VIP seats, opposite Yu Yuanzhen.

"Hahaha, today, on the birthday of His Majesty the Pope, the old man specially created a pope statue, carved from the finest crystal blue stone."

At this moment, an old man with long red hair in a flaming red robe came over. Behind him, a dozen strong men pushed a three-meter-high statue on a flat cart. Look at the stone statue, and Bibi East is generally no different.

Seeing such a precious gift, Bibi Dong said with satisfaction:

"Sect Master Lang is generous, the Pope remembers your heart."

This is Yan Lang, the Sect Master of Fire Leopard Sect, with a violent nature, and he can guess what he looks like.

When the gift was given, Yan Lang walked up to the first-class VIP seat and sat beside Feng Wuchang.

The two looked at each other and laughed, thinking they were polite!

Finally, it was the White Tiger Sect of the Lower Four Sects. A middle-aged man wearing a white robe came with his long brown hair neatly combed back, his eyes like stars.

Two men followed, holding a strange robe at the same time.

The middle-aged man bowed his hands and said:

"His Majesty the Pope, this is a star-glazed robe made of tiger skins from the 90,000-year-old star. I wish the Pope one step to reach the sky and shine like a star!"

The White Tiger Sect Master Ye Ruqing has a colder personality, and his words appear cold, but he still speaks with great momentum.

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