Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 126-The Secret

As the only sect in the next four sects that had a certain relationship with the Xingluo imperial family, he chose to unconditionally support the Wuhun Temple. This is Bibi Dong's most admired point.

"The Pope will accept the gift, please take your seat!"

Bibi Dong greeted.

"Thank the Pope!"

Ye Wuqing saluted again, and walked to the position next to Yan Lang with an aura and sat down. The two men who followed him were the two guardians Ye Tian and Ye Feng under his seat, both of whom were named in the White Tiger Sect. The strong.

The lower four of the seven major sects plus the upper three of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family have arrived, and there are many other sects below.

Today’s papal palace is full of friends!

Everyone who came here, even if they were allies of the Spirit Hall, were also friends of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong was very happy.

However, compared with the four sects and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Xue Beng, the four princes of the Heaven Dou Empire, was completely ignored.

The seat he was sitting on was still the second-class seat, which meant that this was Bibi Dong's arrangement and the meaning of Wuhun Hall.

You are the fourth prince in the Heaven Dou Empire, you have to follow my rules when you come to my Spirit Hall, it's that simple.

Xue Beng can only remain silent, daring not to speak.

Sword Douluo was not around, and he was even scared of his own personal safety.

"Today is the birthday of the Pope. I am very pleased that you have come here to congratulate you from a thousand miles away!"

Bibi Dong walked to the edge of the stairs and stood the scepter upright in front of him, with a majesty of being a king over the world.

"Everyone will happily enjoy today, eat and drink well, my Wuhun Hall will definitely entertain all my friends--"

The sound is very penetrating, as if shocking the clouds.

The situation here has almost been arranged, and Yun Hao and others have already prepared enough food.

Dozens of maids with flexible hands and feet were arranged to come to help. Everyone used a slightly larger dining trolley to put the various delicacies made by Yunhao on it.

When everything was ready, Yun Hao also made a special count, and then launched the kitchen after confirming that it was correct.

Hearing Hu Liena mention Yun Hao's cooking skills, Xie Yue and Yan also came to observe, from seasoning, side dishes, to various unique food preparations, they were dumbfounded.

Even every dish, Yun Hao had to let them taste it personally, thinking that the taste was up to the standard.

The two were also feasting, and praised Yun Hao for his cooking skills.

The point is that even Gu Yuena, who looked down on Yun Hao at the beginning, was deeply attracted by the food he made...

Now no matter how Yun Hao introduced or how amazing the food was, she was convinced.

Because it's so delicious, so delicious!

"Well, everyone should be careful when serving, and keep the dishes on the other table, I'll serve it myself!"

Yun Hao began to give instructions, and the maids were listening very carefully.

After the explanation, they cautiously pushed the dining car to the Papal Palace.

On the Pope’s birthday, he carried forward the spirit of leadership of the Wuhun Hall. The emperors of the two empires are now hiding in the corner and crying.

Not to mention whether they dare to send troops to attack the Wuhun Hall now, it is the fact that everyone knows how to bring happiness to the world in the name of the Pope.

The Wuhun Temple is powerful, but it treats the common people like its own friends. If the two empires rise up at this juncture, they will definitely end up unrighteously.

The spread of rumors by the common people is as fast as lightning, and the empire will eventually choose to give up because of such pressure.

Yun Hao personally pushed a cart of food, thinking repeatedly in his heart.

Thanks to Hu Liena's timely announcement of the Pope's death, she was able to arrange this important event clearly.

The time, the place and the people are in harmony, and neither is lost to Tian Dou and Xing Luo!

When this matter is over, when Tian Dou and Xing Luo are panicked and frightened, they are madly hoarding their power, and when they may meet on the battlefield in the future, they can overthrow the empire in one fell swoop and establish a commander that belongs only to the Wuhun Temple. system.

"If the Clear Sky Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect can be brought under, things will only become simpler..." Yun Hao thought.

"It's just... these two great sects want to come to hate the Spirit Hall, especially the Clear Sky School, what can be done?"

"It's delicious, Cortana, eat slowly..."


Thinking of any way to win over the Haotian Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Yun Hao's ears heard a burst of fine chewing sounds.

Look back.

Hey, I saw two "stealers"!

I saw that Hu Liena and Gu Yuena didn't know when they secretly grabbed the Hobashi hot dog sausage on the food delivery truck, chewing slowly and holding it in their mouths, their mouths full of oil.

Hu Liena noticed Yun Hao's eyes and immediately smiled embarrassedly:

"Haohao...I...this is it...this is so delicious, I can't hold back it for a while..."

Yun Hao shook his head helplessly, touched Hu Liena's head and said:

"Fools, don't you just show my superb cooking skills? I hope the Pope and the others can also taste the rare flavors of life."

It was the first time I cook so many delicacies, and I did it all at once, which Yun Hao himself felt incredible.At any rate, I have devoted time to study and study, and I feel that it has surpassed the accomplishments of Michelin's most senior chef.

Gu Yuena looked coldly at ordinary times, didn't talk much, but acted so positively in terms of eating.

Looking at her greedy mouth, it's strange and cute. For a while, I wanted to give her a bite to try her.

But the idea belongs to the idea, can't it be forced?

With Gu Yuena's temperament, she didn't cut herself off.

"too delicious……"

The two of them held a good Bashi hot dog sausage in one hand and tasted it affectionately, with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, Yun Hao suddenly remembered a well-known saying: If you want to control a woman's heart, you must first control a woman's stomach!

When the stomach is satisfied, the mouth is satisfied, and when the mouth is satisfied, the heart naturally comes in hand.

"I said you two can eat slowly, don't choke, it's okay now, you need to pay attention to your image in a while!" Yun Hao could not think about other things and hurriedly reminded the two of them.

Yan and Xieyue followed Hu Liena, swallowing continuously.

Once this woman was dazzled by the food, she completely forgot the people around her!

I want to eat, but I don't know how to speak.

"Hey, do you guys want to eat too?" Yun Hao noticed the expressions of Yan and Xieyue looking at the food and relieving their hunger, and was really indescribable.

If you want to eat, just say, there are no outsiders here, so why are such gentlemen doing?

When asked by Yun Hao, Hu Liena noticed that there were two people behind him, and quickly picked up two hot dog sausages and handed them to them.

"Brother, Xiao Yan, I'm sorry, I was all here just now, I forgot you all..."

"If you want to eat, you can eat it for a while when you get to the place, but don't behave indecently like this..."


Yan and Xieyue nodded vigorously, and directly took the Hobashi hot dog from Hu Liena's hand and gobbled them up to enjoy them.

Hu Liena turned around and continued to eat, constantly eating.

Gu Yuena eats the most food, and she eats the most of a plate of hot dog sausages.

Yun Hao pushed the car and walked ahead, and the four of them followed behind, eating very deliciously.

A total of five plates of Hao Ba Shi hot dog sausages were made, one plate of ten sticks, and they ate three whole plates. Fortunately, there were other gourmet sausages.

Unexpectedly, this Gu Yuena stealing her mouth was so powerful, yes, yes!

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