Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 146-The Secret

The Star Dou Forest has always maintained a sense of mystery. This primitive jungle contains many unknown mysteries.On the surface, there is no difference from the general forest, but the area is vast, but humans know too little about it, and even the soul and beast co-owner does not know when it was born.

Walking in the dense jungle, the big branches are luxuriant, and the land is green. The sun shines on this forest, giving it warmth and warmth.

Yun Hao looked left and right, his eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what he was looking for.

Gu Yuena kept pestering him, nagging endlessly on the side.

"Do you say it or not, if you don't say it, I won't help you..."

Gu Yuena herself rarely said so many things at once, and she still chased a person forever, but Yun Hao didn't say it at all.

Really annoying!


Angrily, Gu Yuena grabbed Yun Hao's hand, and pulled him forward of her.

The corner of Yun Hao's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sly smile with a tricky trick.

The body didn't use any force, letting Gu Yuena pull herself, and then her body pretended to be pulled by an external force and quickly turned around and threw Gu Yuena to the ground. The two mouths were actually so close together.

Gu Yuena's pupils dilated, her heart panicked, her mind was blank, she was stunned by such a sudden direct stimulation.

Yun Hao would stop when he tasted the sweetness, pretending that he was forcibly dragged by Gu Yuena, and he also looked terrified.

But my inner thoughts are really sweet!

" go away..." Gu Yuena opened Yun Hao with a palm.


This palm Gu Yuena was very hard and hit Yun Hao's chest, causing him to feel tightness in his chest and shortness of breath, clutching his chest and pretending to be painful.

" you okay?" Gu Yuena hurried over to check, "I...sorry, I...I didn't mean..."

"Xiao Na, you are too violent, but you took the initiative to pull me, I haven't reacted yet..."

"I just resisted instinctively, sorry..."

Gu Yuena looked a little guilty, with a solemn expression on her face.

"It's okay, I forgive you, don't be so rude to me in the future, remember to be gentle!"

Seizing the opportunity, Yun Hao had a clever idea, comforted Gu Yuena and pulled her up.

Gu Yuena finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Yun Hao okay, but there was still no problem.

"Well, let's continue to search for spiritual materials!"

"There are many more than one hundred thousand years old in the Lake of Life, even a few 300 thousand years old, what kind of spiritual material are you looking for?"

"What I'm looking for is the perfect flower tomorrow, that's the best for me."

"Tomorrow will be a must-have?" Gu Yuena hesitated.

Never heard of this kind of spiritual material, no one in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest knew better than her, and had never heard of this kind of spiritual material.

Yun Hao walked forward quickly, Gu Yuena didn't think about it anymore, just subconsciously touched her mouth, and soon revealed a smile that was not a smile.

I don't know why, the moment Yun Hao kissed her just now broke through her psychological defenses, but now that I think about it, I don't think it was his fault.

Isn't it... Is this what humans call like?

If you like someone, you will have a heartbeat and a heartbeat...

Looking at Yun Hao's back, Gu Yuena gently placed her hand with nowhere to rest on her chest.


The heartbeat was indeed faster than usual, and then touched his cheeks, and there was a slight warm feeling.

Is your heart moved?!

Not likely to?

How could I be moved by a human being, this is unreasonable...

Walking silently behind Yun Hao, his heart was messed up, unspeakably uncomfortable.

This won’t be what humans say...fawn bumps, because it feels for someone...

Oh my God!!!

"Xiao Na, you go faster, so slow?" Yun Hao looked back at Gu Yuena and found that she was a little absent-minded.

"Oh... here..." Gu Yuena still pretended to be calm in order not to be seen by Yun Hao.

At this time, you must be calm, and you must not mess around.

Accompanied by Gu Yuena, the spirit beasts in the core area of ​​the forest did not dare to approach or attack Yun Hao directly.

In front of the soul beast co-master, they didn't dare to put a fart, let alone do it.

"Tomorrow Absolute Flower is a spiritual material with the ultimate bright attribute, equivalent to the top existence in the plant soul beast. It is best to use it to condense the soul core, and it is mainly suitable for my martial soul!" While talking.

"What will the Jue Flower look like tomorrow?" Gu Yuena was very curious, what kind of spiritual material it was.

"The flower stems are light golden, the leaves are emerald green, the flowers are like the other shore flowers, silvery white, and the stamens are light yellow. The whole will emit a delicate fragrance, and it will continuously release heat. The surrounding plants will be affected by the heat. Nourishment, usually grows in relatively remote corners..."

"There is such a spiritual material, I have never seen it."

I have never seen this kind of spiritual material in the core area. I really don't know if there will be any.

"That's natural, because the Absolute Flower of Tomorrow will only open when the sun is in the sky. On rainy days and at night, it will be budding and will fall into a deep sleep period. Therefore, the blooming period of the Absolute Flower of Tomorrow will be shorter and it will be difficult to see. !"

"It's a strange spiritual material, I really want to see its magic!"

The two searched several times within a distance of less than 100 meters from the lake of life, but they never found it.

The sun is still hidden in the clouds, it is really hard to find without the blazing sun.

However, as long as you are a certain distance from the light tomorrow, you can perceive a special energy fluctuation, and the air will carry its unique fragrance. Only those with strong mental perception and sensitive nose can easily detect it.

Gu Yuena is much stronger on your own in this respect. After all, in addition to the strong perception of animals, their noses are also very sensitive, and they can even smell the breath from far away.

I searched carefully in a large circle, and repeatedly searched in small areas one by one, and determined that I did not go to other places.

This is a very time-consuming and energy-consuming task. It feels even more tiring than playing games with girls. At least it will not make people feel happy and satisfied, and it will take a lot of energy to find.

"I think what you said would be an unnecessary thing for tomorrow's absolute flowers. I have lived here for so long and I don't know there is such a thing!"

Because after searching for too long and without any clue, Gu Yuena thought Yun Hao must have remembered it wrong. Tomorrow Absolute Flower simply did not exist.

"I said that if there is one, there must be one. You have to believe that the emperor who has been added by luck, we will definitely find it!" Yun Hao said hurriedly.

"Oh Huang? What kind of bird language is it, I really convinced you..."

"Always spit out some magical words from your mouth..."

"You don't know the Emperor, but I'm very lucky. Whatever I say is what I say. There is nothing that can't be done with me!"

"Is it that magical?" Gu Yuena was used to Yun Hao's bragging look, she was so cute and smiled, she still had doubts in her heart.

"Really short-sighted!"

Yun Hao ignored her and concentrated on doing his own things.

The two have been looking for a cliff near the place where the vegetation is exceptionally lush, but they still haven't seen the shadow of the bright tomorrow.

However, just when they were about to turn around and leave to go to other areas, a blazing sun shone from the clouds...

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