Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 147-The Secret

The blazing sun finally pushed away the clouds and mist, and the real sunlight shining on the earth was also found in this forest.

"Look, am I right? A miracle will happen where I am!"

It was just near noon, and the hot sun also gave the earth a sun bath.

A trace of heating began to appear in the originally cool air, and a bit of strange fragrance floated into Gu Yuena's nose.

Her eyes flashed golden light, and she looked towards the direction of the cliff.

The aura grew stronger and stronger, but although Yun Hao didn't smell it, he began to sense the magical energy fluctuations.

"Do you still think I'm joking now?" Yun Hao said teasingly.

"Don't be too happy, just in case it is not!" Gu Yuena still refused to give up, just not believe it.

"Okay, let's go and see if it will be a must-see for tomorrow!"

When the blazing sun is in the air, the flowers smile at me!

The flowers and trees here are extraordinarily luxuriant and bright, and there must be some truth to it.

If there are not enough nutrients, how can it grow to this level.

Walking towards the cliff with the wind, Yun Hao can gradually smell the unique fragrance of Tomorrow's Absolute Flower. It will not make people intoxicated, nor obsessed, let alone nostalgic, but it will make people feel comfortable and refreshing!

Standing at the mouth of the cliff, the two glanced down at the same time, and their eyes flashed with golden light.

On the half wall of the mountain cliffs, there are countless aquamarine vines entwined with verdant verdant, and at the center of the vines surround their noble "Her Majesty"!

The golden flower stems are gleaming with gold, the emerald leaves are full of green, and the silver petals are even more silvery. The only light yellow stamen in the center simply embellishes the beauty of the whole flower. This is a beautiful and elegant landscape.

"It's just a must-see for tomorrow, am I right?" Yun Hao said triumphantly.

At this time, Gu Yuena had to admit that the flower that was exactly the same as Yun Hao's earlier description was the Guangming Absolute Flower in his mouth.

Gu Yuena nodded and said:

"I'm afraid this flower has the effect of nearly half a million years of spiritual material, and it will grow in such a place. No wonder I haven't seen it..."

"You wait for me here, I'll pick it!"

Yun Hao spread out the golden dragon wings, took off into the air, and came to the half wall of the cliff.

Staying in front of Guangmingmorning Absolute Flower, you can feel the vigorous heat radiated from Guangmingmorning Absolute Flower. At this time, it is in full bloom, and at the same time, it will continue to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to nourish its own spiritual veins. This kind of fairy material is comparable to Lovesick is heartbroken.

It is very particular when picking it. It cannot be uprooted and must be taken away with a part of the soil below.

Take out the dagger he was carrying and start digging on the mountain wall.

The cliff wall is relatively hard, and it took Yun Hao a lot of effort to pull it out together with the soil where it was rooted.

Back to the top, Yun Hao gave Gu Yuena Zai Guang Tomorrow Absolute Flower to take a closer look.

"A spirit material of this level can help the soul beast grow its cultivation for tens of thousands of years. You have no luck!" Gu Yuena also envied Yun Hao's luck, and let him meet whatever good things are. It's a weird thing here.

"Go, start to condense the soul core now!"

To take the Guangming Absolute Flower away from the place of growth, it must be used as soon as possible. The fertile nourishing soil can only last for a certain period of time. The medicinal effect of outdated spiritual materials will begin to decrease, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Yun Hao didn't want to just waste such a great opportunity.

In addition to helping the soul master store more soul power, the soul core will also bring great benefits to the soul master himself, so soul cores that fit their own martial soul attributes are the most important.

This light Tomorrow Absolute Flower is just like that, and can help Yun Hao condense the first light soul core!

Because of the characteristics of the attributes, the Bright Soul Core must be only suitable for Yun Hao.

The two came to the lake of life. The Titan Great Ape has been guarding here. The shadow of the lake has never appeared, but Yun Hao knows that it is the big tomorrow green bull python. It is relatively withdrawn by nature, except for Er Ming and Xiao Wu walking with it. Closer, Gu Yuena was the co-master of the soul beast.

"My lord, when you came back at this point, did you notice the strangeness of the Golden Dragon King?" asked the Titan Great Ape.

"No, I brought Yunhao to condense the soul core, there is nothing else for the time being!" Gu Yuena responded calmly.

"By the way, You Ji and Brigitte seem to have found something rare. Di Tian suddenly retreats to practice. Those two guys' mouths are very tight. We can't detect anything..."

"Oh?" Gu Yuena's eyebrows twitched, "I'll go for a walk myself, you two will take care of him for me!"


Yun Hao has been condensing soul nuclei, and the whole person is completely immersed in the mood, even Gu Yuena is gone.

The soul core is to use the effect of the immortal spirit material to continuously absorb the essence of heaven and earth energy and transform it into its own strength, condense a soul core, and then integrate all the soul power in the body into it, fix the context of the soul core, and at the same time in the soul In the process of nuclear condensation, the body is always open, and the energy of heaven and earth will continue to flow in like a fountain, and the body will feel severely swollen at all times.

With energy flooding his body and oppressing the nerves, Yun Hao would feel very uncomfortable, but if he wants to condense the bright soul core, he can only bear it.

The Golden Dragon Wing evolved last time, and it can still survive this time. Yun Hao believes that he has no problem.

The Light Tomorrow Absolute Flower is sucked into the body by Yun Hao, and it turns into energy to gather at the pubic area to attract the heaven and earth energy into the body. Yun Hao uses his soul power to stabilize the Guang Tomorrow Absolute Flower energy, and his body will begin to bear it for a long time. Destruction and oppression.

The sky green bull python quietly exposed half of its head from the lake, a pair of thick horns like two steel diamonds, and a pair of breathtaking blue eyes.

"This human being will have the breath of the Dragon God. The Lord wants to use him to find the memory fragments and information about the Dragon God..."

Sky Green Bull Python said.

"Does the ghost know that a human being has the breath of the spirit beast god hidden in his body, is it possible that he is a descendant of the dragon god?"

Because if it were a human, then there was only the possibility of a soul beast transforming into a human, but Yun Hao couldn't feel the aura of a soul beast.

It's just that Gu Yuena said that he did, and the sky green bull python and the giant giant ape could only be so sure.

"Why does the Lord help him condense the soul core? This is to strengthen the enemy who helps us..."

"it's not true!"

Suddenly, Gu Yuena didn't know when she would be back, and was slowly walking to the shore of the lake of life.

"In the past few years of living in the human world, I have actually realized a lot of things and learned some new things. Perhaps war can't solve everything, and the pain and regret caused by war are irreparable..."

"What do you mean by the Lord?"

"I don't know, let's take a look again. I want to see how Yun Hao wants to change the world. This is what he said personally. I find it very interesting. I want to witness that day!"

While Gu Yuena spoke, there was a charming and warm smile on her face, which made the Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Great Ape also feel astonished.

It is rare to see such a smile on the Lord's face, and she has never seen her smile for a human.

"I helped him condense his first light soul core, just to make him stronger, so that he has enough capital to say that. Isn't it more interesting?"

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