Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 178 - Killing and Darkness

Yueguan is still very interesting.

He knows that Yun Hao is a holy son, and will be the ruler of the spirit hall in the future, and his talents will not lose to the pope today, so he still wants to get closer to Yun Hao so that his position in the spirit hall will be better in the future. high.

Yun Hao gave him the Qirong Tongtianju to help him break through the Super Douluo barrier. This month's pass is still unforgettable for a lifetime, and Yun Hao can be considered his benefactor to some extent.

Therefore, Yueguan only wanted to assist this new ruler in the future.

"Elder Yueguan, don't flatter, the Spirit Hall will still need your power in the future. Don't worry, the Spirit Hall will be more brilliant in my hands. Naturally, your benefits will be indispensable when I say anything. Whatever you do, don’t have to talk so much nonsense."

"Yes, yes, what His Royal Highness said yes!"

As the saint son of Wuhun Hall, Yun Hao has a noble status, and Yueguan will respect him even as an elder.

Because Yueguan’s cultivation base can only be regarded as an ordinary elder in the Elder Hall, and has not reached the level of worship elders.

"The rules of the Slaughter City should be very special. After entering, you must pass the test before you can leave, otherwise you can only stay there for a lifetime!"

The memory of Yueguan is longer, and it took a lot of time for the Pope to experience the capital of killing.

Yun Hao is very clear about the situation in the Slaughter City, and did not care about Yueguan’s words:

"I'm just going to investigate the situation, and I certainly won't set foot in the real capital of killing easily before I am ready!"

Yueguan knew that Yun Hao was a very prudent person.

No matter what he did, Yun Hao had to know how certain he was.

Even if it is a simple matter, after all, even a small matter may be involved.

"Controlling the Clear Sky School, the Star Luo Empire will have no helpers, and for the remaining Tian Dou Empire, I think we will soon take the lead!" Yun Hao is very confident in the plan, and has not revealed his whereabouts in Qian Renxue. Under the premise of, the Heaven Dou Empire will definitely be held firmly in the hands. This is just a matter of timing.

The moment the contest ended, Qian Renxue and the four princes of the empire began their actions.

As long as Qian Renxue succeeds to the Datong in good faith, and then signs a contract with Wuhundian to maintain world peace and development, and reach an agreement on regulations, Tiandou Empire will also be part of Wuhundian's control by then.

And what Yun Hao wanted to see was not just the Heaven Dou Empire, but the Spirit Hall wanted to rule everything, including but not limited to the Heaven Dou Empire.

Yun Hao and Yueguan left the Star Dou Forest and went all the way to the south of the mainland.

Bibi Dong told him this road is the only way to the killing capital.

The Slaughter City is in a very special place, and the way to enter the main city of Slaughter City is also very special.

Avoid crowded places as much as possible along the way.

The further the road goes to the south, the fewer people can be seen.

Staying on the road for half a month.

Even in the back, there is basically no figure in sight, and there is a strange smell everywhere here.

Gradually some misty smoke appeared in the air, and Yun Hao and Yueguan continued to advance.

After walking about 500 meters, they came to a small town.

The town didn't look big, but as soon as he stepped in, Yun Hao felt the atmosphere around him a little strange.He couldn't tell why, but he always felt a special chill in the people around him.

Yun Hao and Yueguan came to a pub in the town and walked in.

The air in the tavern was very muddy, and Yun Hao immediately noticed that all the decorations here turned out to be black.Although it was daytime outside, when I walked into it, I felt cold and dark.

At this time, about 30% of the time was sitting in the tavern. Although the air here was muddy, few people spoke, so it seemed very quiet.

The arrival of the two attracted a lot of attention, but most of them were just a glimpse, and they passed away from them.

Yun Hao found a place in the corner and sat down with Yueguan.A waiter with an indifferent expression in black came over.

"What do you want?"

Yun Hao said coldly: "Bring me two cups of Bloody Mary."

The waiter's face changed slightly, "Are you sure?" Yun Hao's cold eyes swept away, and he dared not say anything, and turned his head.

After a while, two cups of turbidity were brought up by the waiter.The liquid was dark red with a strong fishy smell, which was pungent like blood.

Yun Hao frowned, but still calmly took up a glass and drank it.

"This is human blood?" Yueguan was still a little surprised.

Because he is also here for the first time.

He usually loves beauty and he doesn't like this kind of bloody things, even if he has to face the bloody scene, he has no choice but to endure it.

"You are a titled Douluo who has experienced wind and rain," Yun Hao whispered as he approached, "Can you still be frightened by this thing?"


However, as soon as Yun Hao finished speaking, he turned to the other side and threw up.

The first time he drank human blood, Yun Hao's stomach felt uncomfortable, so this situation occurred.

The violent vomiting broke the calm of the tavern and also attracted the eyes of all the guests in the tavern, and laughter sounded.

"Where does this young child come from? Go home, this is not where you should be."

"A cup of Bloody Mary vomits you like that, still wanting to get in?"

"Haha, it's probably not weaned yet!"

All kinds of dirty sounds sounded in the tavern, and those people seemed to have found a catharsis in their depression, slamming Yun Hao frantically.

Yun Hao spat out the bloody Mary that he had just drunk, but failed to completely erase the bloody smell.

He looked around with cold eyes and stood up at the same time.

Yueguan was entangled whether to drink the cup of blood, and saw the divine sword of light condensed in Yun Hao's hand.

"Just laugh, take advantage of your limited life!"

He stepped forward and walked to a table surrounded by five or six middle-aged men recently.

No one who comes here has no way to die. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to himself.

He mentioned the Light Divine Sword, his eyes full of murderous aura.

The ridicule stopped abruptly, and the eyes of those guests watching Yun Hao became weird.

"You should be fortunate to meet me and help you out!" Yun Hao said disdainfully.

"I will kill you first!"

Before Yun Hao took the first shot, a scrawny middle-aged man pulled out a bull-pointed knife and pierced it from a very tricky angle.

The position of the knife can be drilled directly through Yun Hao's rib gap, and the rib can be broken directly.

However, the man thought that the timing of his shot was right and he would surely succeed, but unfortunately he thought too much.

Yun Hao gave him a cold look, his body moved sideways dexterously at the same time, cleverly avoiding the knife, and the Divine Sword of Light had penetrated into the opponent's body very accurately, and the tip of the sword broke through the person's back , With bright red blood.

The whole process was just a blink of an eye, and it was completed in an instant.

A life was so easily ended by Yun Hao.

But it was not over yet, none of those who laughed at him could escape his palm, and became the souls of his sword.

The smell of blood in the tavern has become stronger!

When the waiter saw Yun Hao's sudden move, he hurriedly hid in fright.

"In such a dark place, if you do not master the essentials of killing, and are not rational and bold enough, you can only be slaughtered by others and become a killing tool for others!"

Yun Hao whispered a few words softly before retracting the Light Divine Sword.

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