Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 179-Mass Production of Fixed Soul Guidance Device

It's just that Yueguan hasn't decided to drink that cup of Bloody Mary until now, Yun Hao himself has finished vomiting anyway.

Yueguan also didn't like this kind of extremely bloody things. It felt like it made people feel like vomiting when they smelled it, let alone having a drink.

"His Royal Highness Saint Child is still very familiar with this place, and he seems to know the layout here very well."

"Which one of the people here is not gambling with their lives, but the Pope roughly told me about the situation here..."

Yun Hao also felt very annoyed. He couldn't say that he had seen Douluo Continent, so he knew the story of Douluo Continent very well, right?

Moreover, I guess Yueguan would not believe it.

This kind of statement is obviously indistinguishable from bird language in this world, and they probably don't understand it.

"The shopkeeper, you can enter the City of Killing after drinking Bloody Mary?" Yun Hao strode Meteor to the counter of the tavern, staring intently at the owner of the tavern.

"Able to solve three cups of Bloody Mary in one breath means that your Excellency is qualified to enter the killing capital!" The shopkeeper also quickly explained that he was not shocked by Yun Hao's bloodthirsty killing just now, and he seemed to have experienced the darkest person. At least among a large group of people here, the identity of this shopkeeper is the most special.

Yun Hao still knew very well that he belonged to the reception of the Slaughter City, and naturally such things as slaughter were not uncommon.

Yun Hao dealt with the blood stains on his face a little, and said slowly:

"Only after passing the test can you leave the killing capital?"

"Yes, if you pass the test of the Slaughter King, you can leave, but this test is difficult, and it may not be possible for one in a thousand people to complete it!"

"I see, thanks!"

The so-called test of the King of Slaughter is the road to hell.

Yun Hao remembered that Tang San and Hu Liena had both passed the test together before successfully leaving the Killing City.

But it's not now to get inside, Yun Hao just came to see the situation.

In Yun Hao's memory, the King of Slaughter was Tang Chen, one of the three peerless Douluo in the world.

He founded the Clear Sky School and led the Clear Sky School to become the world's first peerless powerhouse.

It's a pity that when he was tested by the God of Asura, he was backlashed by his power and fell into a demon.

Only the purest light can save him.

Yun Hao took Qian Renxue with him because he had to be successful at one time.

The two of them used the martial arts fusion skill, and they could expel the dark magic power in Tang Chen's body and awaken his sleeping consciousness.

"Your Excellency is thinking about entering the killing capital, or is it to escape the pursuit of the outside world?" the shopkeeper asked curiously.

"You don't need to know this. I will come one day, but not now."

"No matter when, the door of the killing capital will always be open for you!"

Yun Hao didn't need to entangle him so deeply, he just nodded slightly and turned away.

Yueguan didn't drink that cup of Bloody Mary from beginning to end, mainly psychologically repelling the disgusting taste.

"Dignified Wuhun Hall elder, Title Douluo, dare not even drink human blood?" Yun Hao took the opportunity to vomit.

"His Royal Highness is joking. I have seen too much human blood, and I have experienced too many bloody scenes, but I have never tasted the blood of others with my mouth. I am more repulsive of this kind of thing!"

Yun Hao still smiled and said:

"It's okay. It's fine if you get used to it. Next time you come here, you can just drink three glasses to quench your thirst. You will definitely have a different experience.

After all, Yun Hao couldn't bear the smell of Bloody Mary himself, and finally he vomited it all out.

But Yueguan couldn't find the right time to complain, mainly because Yun Hao's identity was too special now.

It's too late to flatter him, how could he still do that kind of thing.

"When things on the Tiandou Empire are frozen, it's Clear Sky School's turn. Don't worry now."

"Clear Sky Sect is not so easy to control, what is the secret that His Royal Highness said?" Yueguan has always cared about the secret that can control Clear Sky Sect in City of Slaughter.

"Do you know Tang Chen?" Yun Hao asked immediately.

"Tang... Tang Chen?" Yueguan's pupils dilated, her expression amazed.

"Yes, Tang Chen is in the killing capital!"

"That's an existence stronger than Great Enshrinement, how can you control it?" As soon as Yueguan heard Tang Chen's name that made the soul master world frightened, he immediately thought of the Wuhun Hall enshrining Qian Daoliu.

The battle between the two peerless powerhouses is still fresh in my memory.

Although both Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu were peerless Douluo, Tang Chen's strength was still above Qian Daoliu.

"If it is really facing the enemy head-on, I am naturally not his opponent, but..." Yun Hao brewed for a while, "I have his handle in hand, and more things he always cares about, in exchange, He will definitely agree to let the Clear Sky School surrender to the control of the Spirit Hall."

"Something that can make Tang Chen surrender?"

"It should be a condition that Tang Chen can willingly use for the Spirit Hall, he cannot refuse!"

Yun Hao walked forward with a smile on his face, the spring breeze was so good that he could not see any worries at all.

Yueguan always felt weird, so quickly followed up and stopped talking.

The person Yun Hao became more and more incomprehensible.

But Yueguan still doesn't like to try to figure out other people's thoughts, so he wouldn't think too much about such things.

Sooner or later, the Wuhun Palace would come to Yun Hao's hands, there was no doubt about that.

The situation in the capital of killing was ascertained.

Back to the Wuhun Hall.

Yun Hao is about to start preparing for the mass production of the fixed installation soul guide.

Upon receiving the news from the Wuhun Hall, Lou Gao, the president of the Blacksmiths Association, brought several master-level blacksmiths and several association blacksmiths to the Wuhun Hall.

In order to be able to build a sophisticated and durable fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Device, Yun Hao's early preparations were done adequately.

"Welcome to Senior Lou Gao!" Yun Hao is still very happy that Lou Gao can come, and Bibi Dong also welcomes him.

"His Royal Highness Saint Child doesn't need to be more courteous. I'm just very interested in the fixed soul guide you mentioned. Since you need the help of my Blacksmith Association, we will definitely go all out.

"That's good!"

Yun Hao then took Lou Gao and others to see the ten basic fixed-installation soul guides he had built by himself.

AWM sniper cannon, Gatling machine gun, cannon, mini grenade, Cupid arrow crossbow, Qinglong Yanyue smashing knife, Zhangba shooting spear, Fangtian painted dragon halberd, King Kong invincible thunderbolt hammer, green red blasting sword, these are all martial arts The Soul Palace Army is specially designed and very practical.

Yun Hao personally showed Lou Gao and the others the power and usage of these ten basic fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Devices, which was eagerly affirmed by Lou Gao.

"These ten fixed-mounted soul guides need to be mass-produced, so they need to be built first. I will tell you the design drawings and manufacturing methods one by one..." Yun Hao stood in front of Bibi Dong , Said firmly.

"As for higher-level fixed-mounted soul guides, there is no way to mass-produce them. After these are completed, I will tell you the others. Don't worry, I will definitely let you come into contact with even more amazing fixed-mounted soul guides! "

"I heard the president say that the most powerful fixed-installed soul guide can kill Title Douluo in seconds. Is it true?" A grandmaster blacksmith asked.

"Your president is right, but I will personally participate in the creation of this level of Soul Guidance Device. You only need to assist me, because many of the processes involved are not even possible for you to complete. "Yun Hao explained.

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